Konnikova The Limits of Friendship
Konnikova The Limits of Friendship
Konnikova The Limits of Friendship
TAGS community, culture, identity, medio, social media, psychology, relotionships, science
ond technology, soclal change
CONNECTIONS: Appiah, Duhigg, Epstein, Friedman, Pollon, Restok, Rosin
2. What do you think makes a good friend? List the qualities of close friendship. As you
read, consider the effect of social media on friendship.
3. What's the role of biology in social organization? Examine closely those places where
Konnikova draws from the research of Robin Dunbar and others. Does biology deter-
mine society?
Maria Konnikova
fifteen. At the opposite end. the companies formed battalions that rangedfrom five
hundred and fifty to eight hundred, and even larger regiments.
Dunbar then decided to go beyond the existing evidence and into experimental
methods. In one early study, the first empirical demonstration of the Dunbar number
in action, he and the Durham University anthropologist Russell Hill examined the des-
tinations of Christmas cards sent from households all over the UK-a socially perva-
sive practice, Dunbar explained to me, carried out by most typical households.a Dunbar
and Hill had each household list its Christmas card recipients and rate them on several
scales. "When you looked at the pattern, there was a sense that there were distinct
subgroups in there,f'Dunbar said. If you considered the number of people in each send-
ing household and each recipient household, each individual's network was composed
of about a hundred and fifty people. And within that network, people fell into circles
of relative closeness-family, friends, neighbors, and work colleagues. Those circles
conformed to Dunbar's breakdown.
As constant use of social media has become the new normal, however, people
have started challenging the continued relevance of Dunbar's number: Isn't it easier
to have more friends when we have Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to help us to
cultivate and maintain them? Some, like the University of California, Berheley, profes-
sor Morten Hansen, have pointed out that social media has facilitated more effective
collaborations. Our real-world friends tend to know the same people that we do, but,
in the online world, we can expand our networks strategically, leading to better busi-
ness outcomes. Yet. when researchers tried to determine whether virtual networks
increase our strong ties as well as our weak ones (the ones that Hansen had focused
on), they found that, for now, the essential Dunbar number, a hundred and fifty, has
remained constant. When Bruno Gonqalves and his colleagues at Indiana University
at Bloomington looked at whether Twitter had changed the number of relationships
that users could maintain over a six-month period, they found that, despite the relative
ease of Twitter connections as opposed to face-to-face ones, the individuals that they
followed could only manage between one and two hundred stable connections. When
the Michigan State University researcher Nicole Ellison surveyed a random sample of
undergraduates about their Facebook use, she found, that while their median number
ofFacebook friends was three hundred, they only counted an average ofseventy-five
as actual friends.s
There's no question, Dunbar agrees, that networks like Facebook are changing the
nature of human interaction. "What Facebook does and why it's been so successful in
so many ways is it allows you to keep track of people who would otherwise effectively
disappear," he said. But one of the things that keeps face-to-face friendships strong is
the nature of shared experience: you Iaugh together; you dance together; you gape
at the hot-dog eaters on Coney Island together.6 We do have a social-media equiva-
lent-sharing, liking, knowing that all of your friends have looked at the same cat
video on YouTube as you did-but it lacks the synchronicity of shared experienqe: It's
like a comedy that you watch by yourself: you won't laugh as loudly or as often, even if
you're fully aware that all your friends think it's hysterical. We've seen the same movie,
but we can't bond over it in the same way.
With social media, we can easily keep up with the lives and interests of far more
than a hundred and fifty people. But without investing the face-to-face time, we lack
3I8,, Maria Konnikova
ter, though considered safe, involves injecting a person with a radioactive tracer-they
pain thresh-
first looked at endorphin release indirectly. In one study, they examined
water (in a lab), or how
olds: how lorrg . p".ron could keep her hand in a bucket
of ice
present (back against the wall'
Iong she could maintain a sitting position with no chair
your flooded with endor-
legs bent at a ninety degree u.rgl") i.t th" field.s when
body is
you could before, so pain tolerance
ptiirrr, you're able to wilhstand pain for longer than
used as a proxy for endorphin levels. The longer you can stand the pain' the
is often
found that a shared ex-
more endorptrins Lave Ueen released into your system. They
perience of laughter-a synchronous, face-to-face experience-prior
to immersion,
in natural setting
be it in the lab (watching a neutral or funny movie with others)
or a
enabled people to hold
(theatre performance, ui th. 2008 Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
longer than they d previ-
their hands in ice or maintain the chair position significantly
ously been able to.
how endorphins
Next, in an ongoing study, Dunbar and his colleagues loohed at
procedure that lets you look
were activated in tlie Urain airectty, through PET scans, a
saw the same
at how different.neural receptors uptake endorphins. The researchers
demonstrated with hu-
thing that happened with monkeys, and that had earlier been
The Limits of Friendship 239
mans that were viewing positive emotional stimuli: when subjects in the scanner were
lightly touched, their bodies released endorphins.e "We were nervous we wouldn't find
anything because the touch was so light," Dunbar said. 'Astonishingly, we saw a phe-
nomenal response." In fact, this makes a great deal of sense and answers a lot of long-
standing questions about our sensory receptors, he explained. Our shin has a set of
neurons, common to all mammals, that respond to light stroking, but not to any other
kind of touch. Unlike other touch receptors, which operate on a Ioop-you touch a hot
stove, the nerves fire a signal to the brain, the brain registers pain and fires a signal
back for you to withdraw your hand-these receptors are one-way. They talk to the
brain, but the brain doesn't communicate back. "We think that's what they exist for, to
trigger endorphin responses as a consequence of grooming," Dunbar said. Until social
media can replicate that touch, it can't fully replicate social bonding.
But, the truth is, no one really knows how relevant the Dunbar number will re-
main in a world increasingly dominated by virtual interactions. The brain is incredibly
plastic, and, from past researchlo on social interaction, we hnow that early childhood
experience is crucial in developing those parts of the brain that are largely dedicated
to social interaction, empathy, and other interpersonal concerns.lr Deprive a child of
interaction and touch early on, and those areas won't develop fully. Envelop her in a
huge family or friend group, with plenty of holding and shared experience, and those
areas grow bigger. So what happens if you're raised from a young age to see virtual
interactions as akin to physical ones? "This is the big imponderable," Dunbar said. "We
haven't yet seen an entire generation that's grown up with things like Facebook go
through adulthood yet." Dunbar himself doesn't have a firm opinion one way or the
other about whether virtual social networks will prove wonderful for friendships or
ultimately diminish the number of satisfying interactions one has. "I don't think we
have enough evidence to argue either way," he said.
One concern, though, is that some social skills may not develop as effectively when
so many interactions exist online. We learn how we are and aren't supposed to act by
observing others and then having opportunities to act out our observations ourselves.
We aren't born with full social awareness, and Dunbar fears that too much virtual
interaction may subvert that education. "In the sandpit of life, when somebody kicks
sand in your face, you can't get out of the sandpit. You have to deal with it, learn, com-
promise," he said. "On the internet, you can pull the plug and walk away. There's no
forcing mechanism that makes us have to learn." If you spend most of your time online,
you may not get enough in-person group experience to learn how to properly interact
on a large scale-a fear that, some early evidence suggests, may be materializing.l2
"It's quite conceivable that we might end up less social in the future, which would be a
disaster because we need to be more social-our world has become so large," Dunbar
said. The more our virtual friends replace our face-to-face ones, in fact, the more our
Dunbar number may shrink.
1. MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, s.v. "Machiavellian Intelligence Hypothesis," by
Andrew Whiten, http://ai.ato.ms/MITECS/Entry/whiten.html.
2. R. I. M. Dunbar, "Coevolution of Neocortical Size, Group Size and Language in Hu-
mans," B ehav ioral and. Brain S cienc e s 1 6 ( 1 9 9 3) : 681,-7 3 5.
Maria Konnikova
3. W.-X. Zhou et al., "Discrete Hierarchical Organization of Social Group Sizes," Proceed-
272 (2OO5): 439-44'
ings of the Royal Society B
4. R. A.-Hilt and R. I. M. Dunbar, "social Network Size in Humans," Human Nature L4,
no. 1(2003): 53-72.
5. Nicole S. Eliison et al., "Connection Strategies: Social Capital Implications of Facebook-
Enabled communication Practices ," New Media society 13 (2011): 873-92.
- Curtis D. Hardin and Terri D. Conley, 'A inRelational
6. Approach to Cognition: Shared
Cognition," in Cognitive Social Psy-
Experience and Relationship Affirmation Social
ed' Gordon
chology: ThePrincetonSympisium ontheLegacy and Future of SocialCognition,
B. MJJkowitz (Mahwah, Ny, Lu1a,."o"" Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2001),
iThe Social Role of Touch in Humans and Primates: Behavioural Func-
7. R. I. Dunbar,
tion and Neurobiological Mechanisms," Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 34,
no.2 (2010): 260-68.
g. R. I. [i. Dunbar et al., "social Laughter Is Correlated with an Elevated Pain
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279 (2012):1161-67'
s. M. l. roe"pp et al., "ividencelor Endogenous Opioid Release in the Amygdala during
Positive Emotion," Neurolmage 44, no. 1 (2009): 252-56'
10. fack p. Shonkoff and Deborah A. Phillips, eds., From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Sci-
'ence Press, 2000)'
of Early ChitdhoodDevelopment(Washington, DC: National Academy
Development," CurrentDirections in
11. Charles A,\elson, "Neural Plasticity and Human
Psychologicalscience 8, no.2 (1999): 42-45'
12. Ailmee Ll Drolet and Michael W. Morris, "Rapport in Conflict Resolution:
for How Face-to-Face Contact Fosters Mutual Cooperation in Mixed-Motive Conflicts,"
lournal of Experimental Social Psychology 36,
no. 1 (2000): 26-50; Mitzi M. Montova-
weiss et al., "Getting It Together: Temporal coordination and conflict Management in
Global virtuat Teams," Academy of Managementlournal44, no. 6 (2001): L25l-62.
Exploring Context
1. Examine your list of friends on Facebook or another social media or online
site. How many of them are "real" friends? Try applying the rule of three to your list of
friends. Does your experience confirm or challenge Konnikova's argument?
2" After you've examined your list of friends from Question 1 of Exploring Context,
p.r" ihut list to the numbers you keep in your phone. Does the number of people you
phone reflect friendships than your
call relate to the Dunbar number? Does your closer
social media Presence?
3. Use a Web search engine to lookfor images of the Dunbar number. How do these visual
representations help explain the concept?
2. Konnikova discusses brain research to support her exploration of friendships and social
media. ln 'Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome of Our Era" (p. 373), Richard Restak
also looks at the relationship between our behaviors and our brain. Synthesize the
work of these two authors to consider the ways technology is changing our brains. How
might "modern nerves" change our ability to relate to people in person? could the rule
of three mitigate our fragmented attention? You might also want to use your work from
Question 3 of Questions for Critical Reading.
3" Given the ways in which connections can proliferate on social media, what are the risks
of maintaining these connections? Consider the ways in which Konnikova's argument
might help explain the phenomenon of sexting, as explained by Hanna Rosin in ,,Why
Kids Sext" (p. 388). ls it easier to share photographs of others when they are not a part
of your close circleT Work with your definitions of the terms from Konnikova's essay
from Question 1 of Questions for Critical Reading.
Language Matters
1. Most often Konnikova spells out numbers, though occasionally she uses numerals
instead. Using a grammar handbook or other reference resource, review the rules for
writing numbers. when should they be spelled out, and when should numerals be
used? Apply your findings to Konnikova's text. Does she follow these rules? How can
you bring these insights to your own writing?
2. Quotations should always be integrated fluidly. Locate three instances where Kon-
nikova includes quotations. What strategies does she use to integrate quotations into
her own sentences? How can you apply these techniques to your own writing?
3. Editors often use correction symbols; your instructor might use them as well. Design
symbols to represent some common errors you make. How are design and meaning
related? Would your symbols make immediate sense to someone else?
2. Robin Dunbar's research focuses on the relationship between the social and the bio-
logical. Write a paper in which you evaluate the ways in which culture is determined by
biology. Are we limited by our biological impulses or can we transcend them? You may
find your work from Question 3 of Questions for Critical Reading useful.
3. How does technology influence social and biological evolution? Write a paper in which
you use Konnikova's work to consider the ways in which technology is affecting our
development. Draw from your work in Question 3 of euestions for Critical Reading in
making your response.