SummitofKings Book
SummitofKings Book
SummitofKings Book
Written and Created by Brandon Dixon
Copyright © 2019 by Swordsfall Studios LLC.
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be
reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express
written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quota-
tions in a book review. Printed in the United States of America
Regardless of how well you place at The Summit, just the act of re-
ceiving an invite is considered a prestigious honor. The worldwide
Jalen organization, The Sixteen, keeps track of the millions of word-
sages around Tikor. When the list goes out, the people listen. So, after
spending months powering through the tales, speeches, and record-
ings of current Jalens, the Hot List is formed. The tournament set.
Over 10,000 people flock to the private beach, Boogie Cove, and the
town that surrounds it, South Onyx, to witness the awesome battle.
The partially secluded vista is the perfect backdrop for the lyrical bat-
tle. Owned by the reclusive Grandmaster Jalen, Flayshe, it serves as a
gorgeous backdrop for the lyrical tournament.
The rules are simple. One on One, Jalen vs Jalen, Winner Takes All.
Each Jalen takes there turn delivering the most crowd thrilling rap
possible while the other patiently watches, careful to maintain a neu-
tral face. They each vie for the roar of the crowd and the growing look
of defeat on their foes face. Each summit battle lasts for three rounds
with the winner being the best out of two.
◊ Talent Dice (d8) – One of the main dice used. It ◊ Difficulty Dice (d8) – Every action comes at some
represents the skill or stat that best displays your cost, challenge or complexity. Some difficulties are
talent in something. Think of the Talent Dice as not always the same, a mountain it a mountain after all.
just any action but trying to do something above the Others are variable and based on the situation.
normal. Not improbable, just not the standard.
◊ Disaster Dice (d12) – In life there are difficult actions
◊ Knack Dice (d12) – A talent is learned, but some and then REALLY dangerous actions. This can be because
things are innate. Something a person is just GOOD what your doing is extra difficult by default. Mount Everest
at. Knack is a representation of when your natural is more than just a mountain for instance.
talent is amplified by your learned skills in life. *An upgraded version of the Difficulty Dice.
*An upgraded version of the Talent Dice.
◊ Complication Dice (d6) – Just as much as life some-
◊ Luck Dice (d6) – Sometimes it’s not about your talent times delivers luck, it delivers misfortune as well. It
or your Knack at something. It’s just about pure utter comes in the way of a hindrance to the situation that
luck. Either luck set up through previous actions or can’t be foreseen. Tikor’s weather itself is often
capitalizing on the fault of others. a complication.
dvantages can be used in several ways. The most isadvantages can be resolved in several different
common and simple way is to use an effect from ways. There are a few staples of what makes a
one of the ones listed below. Think of them as Disadvantage, however. The first and most im-
generic or default options. Some of the Jalens in Sum- portant is that it cannot negate or overcome the success
mit of Kings have special Advantages that they can use. of an action.
There’s also a third option. If you’re playing with a GM, or
in agreement with the other player, you may make your A Disadvantage is always about the unpleasant conse-
own Advantages. quences of an action and not the actual action itself. Let’s
say your Jalen is laying out a sweet Opening Line during
EXAMPLE ADVANTAGES the second round of a battle. You roll their Dice Pool come
out with 1 Success, No Failures, No Advantages, and One
◊ Spend 1 Advantage to add a Luck die to an Allies Disadvantage. Since your successes exceed your failures
next roll it means its a success! Huzzah!
◊ Spend 2 Advantages to figure out a Strength or
Fear of a target But you have that One Disadvantage left. No matter
◊ Spend 2 Advantages to add a Luck die to your what, your Opening Line hit because you succeeded.
next roll The Disadvantage would be a negative result due to the
◊ Spend 3 Advantages to figure out the Motivation action. So, what negatives come from delivering a bris-
of a target tling Opening Line? Maybe the adrenaline of the success
drained your energy a bit extra (You lose 2 Ether). Maybe
you slipped up during your delivery. Not enough to mess it
up, but enough to give your opponent some fuel for their
rebuttal (Opponent gains One (1) Additional Luck on their
action against you).
he Knack(d12) and Disaster(d12) dice add an additional wrin-
kle to the game if the player rolls a Critical (12) on them. If you
roll a critical on the Knack dice, then you receive a Divine Fa-
vour. If you roll a critical on the Disaster dice than you receive a Crisis.
Crisis – A Crisis is the ultimate failure. In fact, it’s worse than a Failure,
it’s a catastrophe. Much like Divine Favour but flipped, a Crisis acts
as both a Failure and super Disadvantage. The effects of a Crisis can
only be negated by rolling a Divine Favour.
he way Jalens use the Word of Power is different than many others.
It follows a rhythm and flow that’s always been musical in na-
ture. This makes their delivery smooth and melodic; it also
means that a Jalen just can’t jump to a certain cipher or bar. You have
it to make it flow so you can hit those crucial parts.
◊ Passive – These abilities are innate to the Jalen and persist with-
out any need for activation. Whether the source is magical or
physical, the mental/physical output is so minimal that they are
active no matter what.
hen your opponent rolls an Advantage or Disadvantage
you may have the opportunity to do something about this
with certain moves labeled Exploit and Seize.
The first and most used is Exploits. When your opponent rolls
a disadvantage on an action against you or in your vicinity,
you can use an Exploit. These techniques allow the Jalen to
capitalize on their opponent’s mistakes and, well, Exploit it.
The flip of this is Seizing. While these moves are rarer, some-
times your opponent’s success is also your own. When an
opponent rolls an Advantage against you or in your vicinity
you can use Seize. These techniques may strengthen your
character or potentially allow them to escape a situation.
la King cracked her neck. Sorting the rhymes in Ela’s Opening Line is successful with some potentially
their head. Fingers flexed. She looks across the tasty extras. Right now, she has a few options. Ela can ei-
stage at Reggie Savage and launches an Opening ther end her turn right there, apply the success as dam-
Line (Tier 1 Technique) using a mix of their Aura (Stat 4) and age and use the Advantages in some thematic way. But
Performance (Skill 3) as a Jalen. Opening Line has a mechanic on success “If successful,
the Jalen may immediately add a cipher. One per level”.
While talent at the mic is no small deal it’s Ela’s Aura that Ela King’s Opening Line is at Rank 2.
really takes over as the main part of her Opening Line
(Aura is the primary stat, add four (4)d8) and enhanced by Since she was successful, she can keep her turn going
her smooth rap delivery (Performance is the Secondary by applying two ciphers! Ela knows how to do a Forceful
Stat, so three of the d8’s are upgraded to d12’s.) Cipher and Mournful Cipher, so she decides to use each
one once. She only has Forceful Cipher at a Rank 1, so that
However, there are other things at play as well. The adds one (1) additional Success to the total. Mournful Ci-
pressure was enormous at the finals of the Summit. pher though, she has at Rank 2, so that adds two (2) Dis-
(Add 2 Difficulty Dice for standard difficulty). Her oppo- advantages to her opponents next roll.
nent Reggie was no slouch on the mic and is infamous
for tearing about rival verses. His verbal defense is not Reggie grimaces.
to be underestimated (Add 2 Complication Dice from
Reggie’s Defense rating) Opening Line and its effects are done. Ela now has 2 Suc-
cesses and 3 Advantages to resolve. She can spend her
The Opening Line ends with one last word from Ela. What Advantages in many ways. Find the opponents Fear, add a
are the results? Luck Die to your next roll, or you can use a Finisher Tech-
nique if you have one.
The five dice that make up the Positive Dice Pool are
rolled, and the results are tallied. The rolls on the Talent Ela wants to bring the pain and wants to use a Finisher,
d8 is (4), and the Knack d12 is (5, 10, 8). The Results are The Hook (Tier 3 Technique) and put some real hurting
One Advantage, a Success with Advantage, Two Ad- on Reggie’s pride. It costs 3 Advantages to use, and she
vantages, and Two Successes. has the technique at Rank 2, which means she’ll do dou-
ble damage at half the Armor Rating.
All together that’s 3 Successes and 4 Advantages.
The 2 Successes become 4 now. Her Advantages were all
The four dice that make up the Negative Dice Pool are spent on the one Finisher. With that, her options are done
rolled, and the results are tallied. The rolls on the Diffi- and it’s time to apply the damage. Reggie Savage has an
culty d8 (3, 6) and the Complication d6 (2, 4). The Re- Armor Rating of 2. With the effects of the Hook, this is
sults are Failure, Failure with Disadvantage, Nothing now a 1. That means Reggie is only able to absorb 1 point
and a Disadvantage. of damage from her fire verse, taking the other 3 straight
to his Pride pool
Tallied up that’s 2 Failures and 1 Disadvantage. That leaves
you with a total of 1 Success and 3 Advantages.
hile there will be some prebuilt characters to TECHNIQUES
play as, you also have the option to create your Techniques are the moves within a school of Hekan. In
own Jalen! It’s pretty straightforward and are di- Summit of Kings, we’re working with the Techniques under
vided into the following; the Word of Power, the special Jalen developed Hekan.
1. Allocate Stat Points Tier 0 Techniques are FREE. They are considered the base
essentials you must learn or possess to even be that pro-
2. Choose Skills fession. In Summit of Kings the two main one’s Power of
Spoken Word and Life’s Rhythm, represent the things
3. Pick Techniques that define them. Power of Spoken Word is the essential
building block of Jalens. Use it as a tool for roleplay!
4. Tally Pride and Ether
Cost: Similar to Skills. 5 times the rank you’re buying. If
Creating a Jalen is that simple. Below is a brief overview of the Technique has ranks than you’ll pay that Tier price
the three parts you’ll be spending your experience points multiple times. (A Tier 3 Technique costs 15 experience
on. Don’t feel like creating your own? No worries, the next points per rank. Three ranks of a Technique would cost
section will have some prebuilt characters for you to use. you 45 points total.)
s with most things with life, it sometimes comes down to more
than just skill and Hekan techniques. The parts of you that
keep going are just as important. Your Motivation, the thing
that drives you to do what you do. Your Strengths, the things that put
you a step above the rest. And of course, your Fears, the things you
try to outrun. In Swordsfall these are elements that can help you grow
but also be the source of your undoing. No one knows how to exploit
these better than a Jalen.
4 3 3 3
Skills: Techniques:
Charm (Aura)3 Opening Line 3
Composure (Aura) - Bold Cipher 2
Deception (Cunning)- Forceful Cipher 1
Negotiation (Aura) - The Chopper 2
Performance (Aura) 4 Dramatic Preamble
Street Smarts (Cunning) - R.E.S.P.EC.T2
Survival (Cunning) - The Hook 2
You Dropped This
Verbal Imprint
Stage Fright.
here are 6 Character Stats to Swordsfall; Vigor, Agil- CUNNING
ity, Cunning, Logic, Aura, and Determination. The Cunning stat is the measurement of mental quick-
However, we’ll only be using both Mind and Soul ness and the first of the two mental Character stats. Cun-
stats; Cunning, Logic, Aura, and Determination. Jalens are ning is all about how nimble the mind is. From battlefield
a mental Profession, they operate with their words and tactics to the perfect plan to sneaking a piece of fruit,
not fists. For The Summit of Kings, it’s only about the skill both are examples of Cunning. When it comes to using
of your Word and your ability to play to onlookers. the mind to quickly form and execute a plan, Cunning is
the stat.
The Aura stat represents one’s ability to naturally entice Characters with high Cunning stats may not be book
others. The way someone can walk into a room and seem smart, but their ability to think on the spot gives them
like they belong. The ability to start up a conversation with the illusion of temporary genius. The biggest difference
a total stranger and have them feel like they’ve known between it and the other mind stat, Logic, are the tools at
you their whole life. In the animal world, this can range hand. Cunning requires no previous knowledge of the sit-
from the way a Peacock can mesmerize with its dance or uation or object. You instead rely on the innate ability to
the heart-melting antics of the family pet. When some- make things work given what you have at hand. In many
one has high Aura, the attention naturally drifts toward ways Cunning is being “smart” without preparation.
them. And if it doesn’t, they know exactly how to catch it.
Characters with high Aura stats are not just the life of the The Determination stat represents one’s mental strength
party, they ARE the party. Where they go, others follow. and discipline. This can form in many ways; from the way
Only the strongest of wills can resist their orbit. They may an individual is able to weather a verbal berating to the
not be obsessed with the characters, but even they find will to finish the last few feet of a mountain climb. When
themselves sucked into their orbit. it comes to the mental strength to keep going or remain
calm, its Determination driving it. This also plays out in
LOGIC mental situations, those with willpower are less likely to
The Logic stat is the measurement of intelligence, knowl- fall for a ruse. As well, often being the one to impose their
edge and formal schooling. This represents a tangible mental will on others.
amount of knowledge and the ability to use it in situa-
tions. Not only does this represent the genius student A character with high Determination will seem
who can recite equations at will, but also the ability to uti- to have nerves of steel no matter how perilous the situ-
lize the environment at will. When a Lion carefully steers ation. The find the inner steel to keep going even when
its prey toward an awaiting lioness from his pride, it is a things are dire. They don’t bend, they don’t fold, they per-
stroke of intellect. severe. This doesn’t mean the character is without fear, it
just means they don’t let it stop them.
Logic doesn’t require the ability to speak. Intellect is in the
mind and merely shown through its output. High Intellect
characters are capable of intricate plans that have multi-
ple factors taken into account. The term “book smart” is
often associated with Logic, and while that’s true it’s more
than just that. It’s not just that they have the knowledge of
the book in their head, it’s the character’s ability to use it.
The Logic is when they take a concept or technique from
the book and apply it in the real world.
T he truth is a complicated affair, either speaking it
or not. Sometimes you need to be able to lie and lie
well. Deception is to lie to someone and have them
believe it. It’s the skill of deflecting the truth all while
seeming innocent. It’s the ability to be Cunning
with a purpose. Sometimes it’s active,
sometimes it’s passive. Either way, the
truth is obscured.
Somethings aren’t given so easily.
It requires the finessing of words
to find an agreement between the
parties. To negotiate is a version of
charming, but in a focused way. And
ideally amicable to both parties.
Some art can’t just be seen, it has to be acted out. It has
to be seen or heard; it has to be felt with your body.
Performance is the ability to use an implement
to create art that be experience with one of the
senses. This can be singing, dancing, spoken
word and more. As long as it’s done live and
using the body it’s a performance.
POWER OF SPOKEN WORD Sometimes you have to brag and let them know what
Tier: 0 you’re about. A Bold Cipher is a prewritten lyric with a
Type: Passive wild boastful claim. A Jalen should never wait for others
Ranks: 1 to tell them they’re the greatest. They already know.
The basic Hekan that defines Jalen, the very ability for Mechanics: Add 1(one) Advantage per level of Bold Cipher
words to carry force and weight. Through this power, Ja- if Opening Line is successful.
len can understand and speak any language. This allows
them to be understood by any culture, person or animal. FORCEFUL CIPHER
Now, whether the receiver responds and/or resonates Tier: 1
with the Jalen is another matter. But the message is al- Type: Transition
ways received loud and clear. Ranks: 1
Mechanics: Any spoken word of the Jalen may be consid- A Jalen can’t always play nice. A Forceful Cipher gives
ered a weapon during an attack and/or action. them something to worry about. Sometimes it’s a direct
threat. And sometimes it’s just reminding their opponent
LIFE’S RHYTHM that actions have consequences.
Tier: 0
Type: Passive Mechanics: Add 1(one) Success per level of Forceful Cipher
Ranks: 1 if Opening Line is successful.
The flow and rhythm are in every Jalen and everybody can MOURNFUL CIPHER
feel the beat. Jalen’s have an uncanny to always find the Tier: 1
meat or melody something. You’ll never find a Jalen off- Type: Transition
beat unless they want to. Ranks: 1
Mechanics: Any allies nearby who hear a Jalen use a Nothing hits harder than a personal story woven into a
Power of Spoken Word technique gain One (1) Luck die to rhyme. A Mournful Cipher is a piece of the Jalen’s past or
their rolls when within hearing range. history. Something haunting yet moving. Even the target
feels moved the Jalen’s story.
THE CHOPPER Mechanics: The Jalen can mimic the sound of anything
Tier: 2 that is capable of the human mouth. The Difficulty is re-
Type: Buff duced by one for any Jalen Techniques used during it.
Ranks: 2
Cost: 2 Ether
Tier 3
The Jalen enters a slight trance increasing their words per
minute at an incredible rate. INSPIRATIONAL VERSE
Tier: 3
Mechanics: Add 1 Success and 2 Advantages for each Type: Transition
round Chopper is activate. However, any opponent gains 1 Ranks: 1
Success for any actions against the Jalen. Cost: 1 Ether
DRAMATIC PREAMBLE A verse that gets the crowd and onlookers hyped. Allies
Tier: 2 within hearing range are inspired.
Type: Opener
Ranks: 1 Mechanics: All Ally players within hearing range gains 2
Luck die to their next roll.
Opening move for Freestylin. A small but powerful
pre-opening to get the crowd into the moment. At the THE HOOK
beginning of an encounter, the Jalen lays out a dramatic Tier: 3
opening act, stunning the target and engrossing the crowd. Type: Finisher
Ranks: 2
Mechanics: If successful, add two (2) successes to the Cost: 3 Advantage
next Opening Line. On success, if there is at least one Ad-
vantage, the Jalen may immediately use Opening Line. The hardest hitting move a Jalen can deliver. Every story
Only useable once per Encounter. has its peak, and for a wordsmith, it’s always gonna be
The Hook.
Tier: 2 Mechanics: At Rank 1 the amount of successes delivered
Type: Finisher is doubled. At Rank 2, The Hook ignores half the oppo-
Ranks: 3 nent’s Armor Rating, rounded up. At Rank 3 the oppo-
Cost: 2 Advantage nent’s Armor Rating is ignored.
When it’s all said and done and the last bar has been
spent, it’s the respect of the crowd that fuels the Jalen.
Pushing them for an Encore despite the weariness.
Mechanics: An Additional One Cipher per level may be Mechanics: Roll one (1) d6. The result is the amount of
used. Stacks with the increased ciphers from Opening Line. Pride regained. May be used a number of times per en-
counter per rank.
Type: Exploit Tier: 4
Ranks: 1 Type: Finisher
Cost: 2 Enemy Disadvantages Ranks: 5
Cost: 4 Advantages
A verse that gets the crowd riled up and, in the mood, to act.
For the next turn, any onlookers feel the anger of the Jalen. Powerful Jalens can do more than just inspire an individu-
al, they can leave a lasting impression on a specific target.
Mechanics: The target(s) gain Two (2) Failures on their
next defensive action. Mechanics: If successful, the Jalen is able to give the
target a one-word command that must be obeyed. Each
YOU DROPPED THIS rank adds an additional word to the command.
Tier: 3
Type: Exploit
Ranks: 1 Tier 5
Cost: 3 Enemy Disadvantages
Their mistake is always a Jalen’s fortune. There are few Tier: 5
things a songbird loves to do more than point out when a Type: Passive
foe has dropped a line. Not content to just let it slide, the Ranks: 1
Jalen repeats their bungled line. But better. Much better.
They say some Jalens have skills that transcend what a
Mechanics: The player may do the same move as their normal human is capable of…
opponent one time. Remove one (1) Disadvantage from
the Dice Pool result. Mechanics: Add One (1) Character Stat permanently to
the Jalen. A Character Stat can only have a maximum of
Five (5) points.
Tier 4
Tier: 4 Type: Passive
Type: Active Ranks: 1
Ranks: 2
Cost: 4 Ether Not everyone can operate under the bright lights or the
peering eyes of thousands of people.
The Jalen locks eyes with a target and projects their Word
directly into their mind. Whatever story or image the Ja- Mechanics: The negative effects of Mournful Cipher and
len is speaking is played out like a vivid memory. Insulting Cipher last for the duration of the battle. For the
target to shake off their Stage Fright they must roll and
Mechanics: Whatever details the Jalen is capable of ar- spend Three (3) Advantages on an action to shake off the
ticulating is felt by the target. Anything from smell, taste, effects. Stackable up to your current ranks in Aura.
hearing to touch.
4 3 4 3
Skills: Techniques:
Charm (Aura) 3 Opening Line 3
Composure (Aura) 3 Bold Cipher 2
Deception (Cunning) - Forceful Cipher 2
Negotiation (Aura) 2 The Chopper 2
Performance (Aura) 4 Dramatic Preamble 2
Street Smarts (Cunning) 3 R.E.S.P.EC.T2
Survival (Cunning) - The Hook 2 “Dreams become reality when
You Dropped This we put our minds to it.”
Verbal Imprint 2
Stage Fright.
Specialty – The Storyteller
Profile – Considered one of the pioneers of the modern age of Jalen.
Helped transfer the profession from simply an oral historian to the force it
is now. A staple at the Summit, though he mainly performs for fun now.
3 4 3 3
Skills: Techniques:
Charm (Aura) 2 Opening Line 2
Composure (Aura) 4 Bold Cipher 2
Deception (Cunning) 1 Forceful Cipher 1
Negotiation (Aura) 1 Insulting Cipher 2
Performance (Aura) 3 The Chopper 1
Street Smarts (Cunning) 1 Dramatic Preamble
Survival (Cunning) - R.E.S.P.EC.T2
“Power to the Movement, Sound Effects 1
not the Buzz” The Hook 2
You Dropped This
Verbal Imprint 3
Stage Fright.
“ If you wanna be
Profile – Alongside a host of others, Flayshe is one of the founding
members of the current age of Jalens. Along with some of the other
a true DJ,
Grandmasters, They enter the Summit for fun and to show the new
generation what it’s all about.
So, Battle.”
Skills: Techniques:
Charm (Aura) 2 Opening Line 4
Composure (Aura) 3 Bold Cipher 2
Deception (Cunning) 1 Forceful Cipher 1
Negotiation (Aura) - Insulting Cipher 3
Performance (Aura) 3 Dramatic Preamble
Street Smarts (Cunning) 2 R.E.S.P.E.C.T3
Survival (Cunning) - Inspirational Verse
The Hook 2
Speed and Flow 2
You Dropped This
Pride Before Glory 2
Stage Fright
Specialty – Hard Delivery
Profile– Considered by many to be one of the new dominating
voices of Tikor, Kay-Mic is known for finding the most hard-hitting
stories around Tikor. While some Jalens stick to the area they were
born, Kay-Mic has used the Power of Word to highlight some of the
dangers that lurk for the lower class of citizens.
4 4 3 3
Skills: Techniques:
Charm (Aura) 2 Opening Line 4
Composure (Aura) 4 Bold Cipher 3
Deception (Cunning) 1 Forceful Cipher 2
Negotiation (Aura) 1 Insulting Cipher 2
Performance (Aura) 3 The Chopper 1 “Kill your masters”
Street Smarts (Cunning) 2 Dramatic Preamble
Survival (Cunning) - R.E.S.P.E.C.T1
The Hook 2
You Dropped This
Verbal Imprint 2
Stage Fright
The Final Word (Cunning)
“Rock on
elevate themself but others around them as well.
my mellow! ”
3 4 3 4
Skills: Techniques:
Charm (Aura) 3 Opening Line 2
Composure (Aura) 3 Bold Cipher 2
Deception (Cunning) 1 Forceful Cipher 1
Negotiation (Aura) 1 Insulting Cipher 2
Performance (Aura) 4 The Chopper 1
Street Smarts (Cunning) 2 Dramatic Preamble
Survival (Cunning) - R.E.S.P.E.C.T2
Sound Effects 1
The Hook 2
KB You Dropped This
Specialty – Lyrical Combomaster Verbal Imprint 3
Profile – KB is one of the youngest of the top Jalens at the Summit. Pride Before Glory 1
Their masterful command of a lyrical flow that’s a story unto itself, The Final Word (Determination)
shows that the young KB is on their way to being one of the greats.
Capable of weaving a story or a beat that inspires the neighborhood,
KB is part of a new gen of Jalens emerging.
4 3 4 4
in a dark room,
Negotiation (Aura) 1 Insulting Cipher 2
Performance (Aura) 3 Mournful Cipher 1
Street Smarts (Cunning) 3 Dramatic Preamble
would you
Survival (Cunning) - R.E.S.P.E.C.T1
Inspirational Verse
The Hook 2
trust it? ”
Speed and Flow 1
You Dropped This
Time to Riot
Look Into My Eyes and Tell Me 2
The Final Word (Aura).
Winning: Two ways to win. When one of the participants in the battle
runs out of Pride or Ether. If either participant still has Pride or Ether
left after the fifth round, then the one with most Crowd Support wins.
Crowd Support: Each time a Jalen rolls a Divine Favour (12 on the Knack
d12) they receive a point of Crowd Support.
Team Battles
Entry: While not an official part of The Summit, teams of Jalens are
just as common as solo performers. Team Battles are open to any Ja-
len, unlike the main tournament.
Bracket: This bracket for The Summit of Kings is not an official bracket
like the regular 1v1s.
Winning: Two ways to win. When one of the participants in the battle
runs out of Pride or Ether. If either participant still has Pride or Ether
left after the third round, then the one with most Crowd Support wins.
Crowd Support: Each time a Jalen rolls a Divine Favour (12 on the Knack
d12) they receive a point of Crowd Support.
Your bracket can be any size, as long as it can be laid out to do a proper
amount of matches. It also depends on if you only want the players
in the tournament, or at least playing at the table. There is nothing
wrong with a 2 or 4 player tournament that represents the grandfi-
nals for example.
You can also do a longer 16 person bracket and have NPC’s in the
matchs! The goal to see which one of the players gets the furthest.
Either way, there’s plenty of tournament shapes out there, feel free to
pick the one that best suits your table!
eyond beautiful. Those are the words that everyone says when
they see the gorgeous secluded cove. The Legendary Grand-
master Jalen, Flayshe, owns the entire cove and surrounding
land. While most would retire to a remote Isle beach, the pioneer saw
something else. A place of retreat not for them, but for Jalen’s as a
whole. The way Flayshe likes to tell the story is that the idea came to
them while gazing at the waterfall that streamed over the side of one
of the cove cliffs.
This was where the best in the world could come to show off. A neu-
tral land to all, owned by a Jalen who understands them. And so, the
first Summit of Kings was born. In Flayshe’s backyard.
small bustling city nestled between the cove and a small
shelf cliff that separates the area from the main part of The
Isle. South Onyx started off as just a small refuge of people
who came for the first Summit and well, never left. Attracted by the
beauty and serenity of the area, they simply camped there, building a
small network of shanties.
When people arrived for the second Summit of Kings many were sur-
prised to find this small arrangement of makeshift homes. At the end
of the second Summit the number of people that stayed behind tri-
pled. By the time the third summit came around, it had already be-
come a small town.
The small city of South Onyx sustains itself through tourism and the
various opportunities that spring up from the Summit and the talent
it brings. Not just in Jalens, but in the people that circle around it. Mu-
sicians, emerging Jalens, eagle-eyed business people, plenty of peo-
ple spent there time around Onyx. Each looking for something.
And well, everyone has to eat. Be clothed and housed. Road trips to the
Onyx are a must just to get hard to find live versions of Summit per-
formances of the past. With hands in many pots, South Onyx is a tes-
tament to the hunger and hustling that go along with the Jalen spirit.
here’re more than just lyrical battles at The Summit
of Kings. When the best of the best gather together Roller-skating
it naturally brings in people of all walks life and a
number of activities. It’s become a stable for young as- Few things are as leisure as gliding around the rink with
piring Jalen’s to come to the Summit to watch. Or to vie skates. The first rinks were set up randomly by bored at-
for their inclusion in the next year’s Summit. It’s not just tendees during the third official Summit of Kings. A group
Jalen’s at the Summit, professionals of all sorts come to of people banded together and flattened a piece of one
watch the tournament or support the growing festival area and used Hekan to polish then smooth. This home-
around it. There’s a ton of fun to have between the end of made rink not only became a staple of The Summit of
the tournament activities for the day and the end of the Kings but sparked the other social side part of the event.
night. Everything from social gathers, to dancing, skating
and of course, partying.
Social Gatherings
Breakdancing If you’re a young or rising Jalen, there’s no better oppor-
tunity to network than The Summit. While they are the
Where there is music there’s dancing and Jalens find word of the people, there are many nuances to the Pro-
themselves around the best of Tikor’s music. Song and fession. And having a mentor can go a wrong way.
dance have always gone together in Tikor and that’s nev-
er more evident than at The Summit. Between rounds,
dancers, amateur and renowned, flood the stage showing The Cookout
off their moves. At night you can find some of the special-
ized dancers nicknamed, breakers, doing flips and gliding The greatest barbeque around. Invite only. Were you in-
around the outer grounds of the Summit. vited? Food from around the world is brought in by the
best cooks you could imagine. Some of them are even Ja-
lens. It’s a time to talk, a time to network, and a time to
Drinking relax. Don’t get your invite revoked. You’ll regret it.
You can’t have a party with drinks. And during the deep-
est hours of the Summit, drinking is what they do. Spirts The Beach
and beers from around the world are brought in. Some
for sale to the public, and some set aside exclusively for It wouldn’t be The Isle without doing something at the
some of the biggest names. beach. And the Summit of King is exception. When it
comes to sun and fun, Jalen’s know how to throw down.
Being the Voice of the People means more than activism.
Sometimes its telling the crowd to live it up a bit. A pick-
up game of Beach Volleyball usually does the trick.
It’s was a heavy influence on me growing up, common among any 90’s
black kid. Yet growing up, it seemed like no one respected it outside
of the community. And when it was it was always through a cleansed
and monochromatic lens. When you move over to gaming it, well, dis-
appears. You can find a glitz and glamour version of just about every
musical variety. All but the one I had grown up around as a kid.
That’s why each of The Elite Jalens is based on a real rapper. Many will
say, “Psh, I don’t care.”, but that’s exactly WHY I hide the easter eggs of
origin in them. Just as rock stars and such have been immortalized in
games, so too should rappers. The personalities that have guided the
music should have a place in the halls of gaming.
Anyway, I hope that some of you were able to find a piece of history in
this game for you. For others, I hope it’s the first time you try to free-
style rap. I’m sure in the end almost all will find a fun game within, but
I’m banking you’ll be seeing just a little more.
◊ Ela King – Queen Latifah
◊ Reggie Savage – Ronald Savage (Zulu Nation)
◊ Flayshe – Grandmaster Flash
◊ Kay Mic – Killer Mike
◊ Herc – DJ Kool Herc
◊ KB – Kendrick Lamar