U1w5 Vocab
U1w5 Vocab
U1w5 Vocab
Grade: Fifth
CCSS. ELA.L.5.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
All students will be able to identify the meanings of the 8 vocabulary words in our story this
week. Students will be able to use their knowledge of the words to create an image of the word
that other students can identify. Students will be able to use their knowledge of the words to
determine which word another student is drawing.
Essential concepts:
In order to achieve these goals, the students will need to understand the meanings of the
words. The students will need to have background knowledge of the words in the definition in
order to make clear sense of the meaning of the word.
Materials: Computer/iPad
Class description:
- Anticipatory set (2 min): I will begin this lesson by telling students that we are going to
play a Draw That GimKit which is something they have been really enjoying lately. I will
tell the class to think back to the vocabulary words we talked about the first two days so
that they can draw the best picture or guess the fastest.
- Teaching the objective (5 min): I will review the vocabulary words. Students have
already been introduced to the words and written out the definition, so we will practice
using the words in a sentence. I will go over the definition of the word first. Then, we
will put together a sentence with the vocabulary word together. My hope is that this will
get students thinking about applications of the word, so when they go to draw a picture
of it, they will be able to picture the word.
- Guided Practice (15 min): We will join the GimKit together and I will review the rules for
the game. The expectation is that students will not yell out the answer once they figure
it out. I will also go over how random guesses cause you to lose points, so you have to
be smart about your guesses. I will remind them that they need to create an original
drawing if the word has been drawn before, or we will have to end the game early and
they will lose their opportunity to draw. I will tell the student that our winner will
receive Dojo points, which eventually earn them a class reward. I will select students to
draw. The selected student will get to pick one vocabulary word from a list of three, and
then draw it for the class. Students get to guess the word, and the faster they guess it,
the more points they earn. I will walk around the room helping students at first but will
gradually stop helping them. Once all 16 students have drawn, I will end the game and
reveal our winner.
- Closure and summarize (5 min): Together we will review the vocabulary words and their
definitions. I’ll allow students to come up with their own sentences for the vocab words
(similar to our warm-up). I will give Dojo points to any students who create their own
- Assessment: After the students leave, I can use GimKit in order to determine which
students have an understanding of the words and which students need to continue
working on them. We will use these results to reteach to any students who need extra