Activity 14 - Community Action Plan
Activity 14 - Community Action Plan
Activity 14 - Community Action Plan
Part I.
Answer the following questions.
1. What is a community action project?
Cover letter
From the Mayor or community leader
Purpose of the action plan and how it was developed
Community Profile
Characteristics of the municipality , identified problems and needs
Community Action Plan
Actions to be taken , schedule and the division of tasks
Where to go for financial support, get advice, educational material
Contact list of key group , government departments and others supporting
This is what the organization wishes to achieve from the community
Objectives are what behavior you need members to perform in order to
achieve this goal
The strategy includes the emotions you will amplify in order to influence
people to perform this behavior
Tactics are the specific action steps you will execute to amplify these
A plan (or action plan) identifies who is going to execute those tactics, what
is required to execute those tactics, and when those tactics will be executed
This is the process of measuring what happened, analyzing why it
happened, and making continuous improvements
Financial resources are usually necessary to develop and carry out a
community action plan for sanitation and water management.
Strong participation of the local community regarding sanitation and water issues
By implementing community action plans, the solution for problems comes from the
community itself and hence considers primarily their needs and priorities
Guarantees that all relevant groups participate in the activities, particularly the
women and other community groups that are often forgotten
Guarantees the acceptance and support of the solution by the local community
Requires time and resources to integrate all the relevant stakeholders in the process
Finding consensus among all the community members can take ages or might be
Community action plans are not going to be developed without strongly motivated
and encouraged local community members
Part II. Complete the table below. Make a comprehensive action plan in your
community using the format below.