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1. Getting Started
1.1. Running Python Interpreter
Python comes with an interactive interpreter. When you type  python  in your shell
or command prompt, the python interpreter becomes active with a  >>>  prompt
and waits for your commands.

$ python
Python 3.7.4 (v3.7.4:e09359112e, Jul 8 2019, 14:54:52)
[Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Now you can type any valid python expression at the prompt. python reads the
typed expression, evaluates it and prints the result.

>>> 42
>>> 4 + 2
Problem 1: Open a new Python interpreter and use it to find the value of  2 + 3 .

1.2. Running Python Scripts

Open your text editor, type the following text and save it as .

print("hello, world!")
And run this program by calling  python . Make sure you change to the
directory where you saved the file before doing it.

$ python
hello, world!

1.3. Datatypes
Python has support for all basic datatypes and also have very powerful
compound datatypes.

Python has integers.

>>> 1 + 2
Python is pretty good at handling very large numbers as well. For example, let us
try to compute 2 raises to the power of 1000.

>>> 2 ** 1000
That is a pretty big numbers, isn’t it? Can you count how many digits it has?

Python has floating point numbers.

>>> 1.2 + 2.3

Python has strings.

>>> "hello world"

'hello world'
>>> print("hello world")
hello world
String can be enclosed either in single quotes or double quotes. Both are exactly
the same. In Python, strings are very versatile and it very easy to work with them.

>>> 'hello' + 'world'


>>> "hello" * 3

>>> print("=" * 40)

The built-in function  len  is used to find the length of a string.

>>> len('helloworld')
Python supports multi-line strings too. They are enclosed in three double quotes
or three single quotes.
text = """This is a multi-line string.
Line 2
Line 3
and the text may have "quotes" too.
>>> print(text)
This is a multi-line string.
Line 2
Line 3
and the text may have "quotes" too.
Python supports the usual escape codes.  \n  indicates new line,  \t  indicates a tab

>>> print "a\nb\nc"

Python has lists. Lists are one of the most useful data types Python.

>>> x = ["a", "b", "c"]

>>> x
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> len(x)
>>> x[1]
Python has another datatype called tuple for representing fixed width records.
Tuples behave just like lists, but they are immutable.

>>> point = (2, 3)

>>> point
(2, 3)
When writing tuples, the parenthesis can be omitted most of the times.

>>> point = 2, 3
>>> point
(2, 3)
It is also possible to assign a tuple multiple values at once:

>>> yellow = (255, 255, 0)

>>> r, g, b = yellow
>>> print(r, g, b)
255 255 0
Python has a  dictionary  datatype for representing name-value pairs.

>>> person = {"name": "Alice", "email": ""}

>>> person['name']
>>> person['email']
Python has a  set  datatype too. A set is an unordered collection of elements.

>>> x = {1, 2, 3, 2, 1}
>>> x
{1, 2, 3}
Python has a  boolean  type. It has two special values  True  and  False  to represent
truth and false.

Finally, Python has a special type called  None  to represent nothing.

>>> x = None
>>> print(x)
Now you know most of the common data structures of Python. While they look
very simple, mastering them takes a bit of practice. Make sure you go through all
the examples and the practice problems in the subsequent sections.

1.4. Variables
You’ve already seen variables in the previous section. Let us look at them closely

In Python, variables don’t have a type. They are just placeholders which can hold
any type of values.

>>> x = 5
>>> x
>>> x = 'hello'
>>> x
It is important to notice the difference between variables and strings. Often new
programmers get tricked by this. Can you spot any error in the following

name = “Alice” print(“name”)

1.5. Functions
Python has many built-in functions. The  print  is the most commonly used built-in
>>> print('hello')
>>> print('hello', 1, 2, 3)
hello 1 2 3
We’ve also see the  len  function in the previous sections. The  len  function
computes the length of a string, list or other collections.

>>> len("hello")
>>> len(['a', 'b', 'c'])
One important thing about Python is that it doesn’t allow operations on
incompatible data types. For example:

>>> 5 + "2"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
That is because it is not possible to add a number to a string. We need to either
convert  5  into a string or  "2"` into a number. The built-in function ``int  converts a
string into a number and the  str  function converts any value into a string.

>>> int("5")
>>> str(5)
>>> 5 + int("2")
>>> str(5) + "2"
1.5.1. Example: Counting the number of digits in a

Let us write a program to compute number of digits in a number. Let us look at

some numbers first.

>>> 12345
>>> 2 ** 100
>>> 2 ** 1000
We can combile the previously mentioned built-in functions to solve this.

>>> len(str(12345))
>>> len(str(2 ** 100))
>>> len(str(2 * 1000))

1.6. Writing Custom Functions

Just like a value can be associated with a name, a piece of logic can also be
associated with a name by defining a function.

>>> def square(x):

... return x * x
>>> square(5)
The body of the function is indented. Indentation is the Python’s way of grouping

The  ...  is the secondary prompt, which the Python interpreter uses to denote
that it is expecting some more input.

The functions can be used in any expressions.

>>> square(2) + square(3)

>>> square(square(3))
Existing functions can be used in creating new functions.

>>> def sum_of_squares(x, y):

... return square(x) + square(y)
>>> sum_of_squares(2, 3)
Functions are just like other values, they can assigned, passed as arguments to
other functions etc.

>>> f = square
>>> f(4)

>>> def fxy(f, x, y):

... return f(x) + f(y)
>>> fxy(square, 2, 3)
It is important to understand, the scope of the variables used in functions.
Lets look at an example.

x = 0
y = 0
def incr(x):
y = x + 1
return y
print x, y
Variables assigned in a function, including the arguments are called the local
variables to the function. The variables defined in the top-level are called global

Changing the values of  x  and  y  inside the function  incr  won’t effect the values of
global  x  and  y .

But, we can use the values of the global variables.

pi = 3.14
def area(r):
return pi * r * r
When Python sees use of a variable not defined locally, it tries to find a global
variable with that name.

However, you have to explicitly declare a variable as  global  to modify it.

numcalls = 0
def square(x):
global numcalls
numcalls = numcalls + 1
return x * x
Problem 2: How many multiplications are performed when each of the following
lines of code is executed?

print square(5)
print square(2*5)
Problem 3: What will be the output of the following program?

x = 1
def f():
return x
print x
print f()
Problem 4: What will be the output of the following program?
x = 1
def f():
x = 2
return x
print x
print f()
print x
Problem 5: What will be the output of the following program?

x = 1
def f():
y = x
x = 2
return x + y
print x
print f()
print x
Problem 6: What will be the output of the following program?

x = 2
def f(a):
x = a * a
return x
y = f(3)
print x, y
Functions can be called with keyword arguments.

>>> def difference(x, y):

... return x - y
>>> difference(5, 2)
>>> difference(x=5, y=2)
>>> difference(5, y=2)
>>> difference(y=2, x=5)
And some arguments can have default values.

>>> def increment(x, amount=1):

... return x + amount
>>> increment(10)
>>> increment(10, 5)
>>> increment(10, amount=2)
There is another way of creating functions, using the  lambda  operator.

>>> cube = lambda x: x ** 3

>>> fxy(cube, 2, 3)
>>> fxy(lambda x: x ** 3, 2, 3)
Notice that unlike function defination, lambda doesn’t need a  return . The body of
the  lambda  is a single expression.

The  lambda  operator becomes handy when writing small functions to be passed
as arguments etc. We’ll see more of it as we get into solving more serious

Python provides some useful built-in functions.

>>> min(2, 3)
>>> max(3, 4)
The built-in function  len  computes length of a string.

>>> len("helloworld")
The built-in function  int  converts string to ingeter and built-in
function  str  converts integers and other type of objects to strings.

>>> int("50")
>>> str(123)
Problem 7: Write a function  count_digits  to find number of digits in the given

>>> count_digits(5)
>>> count_digits(12345)
Methods are special kind of functions that work on an object.

For example,  upper  is a method available on string objects.

>>> x = "hello"
>>> print x.upper()
As already mentioned, methods are also functions. They can be assigned to
other variables can be called separately.

>>> f = x.upper
>>> f()
Problem 8: Write a function istrcmp to compare two strings, ignoring the case.

>>> istrcmp('python', 'Python')

>>> istrcmp('LaTeX', 'Latex')
>>> istrcmp('a', 'b')

1.7. Conditional Expressions

Python provides various operators for comparing values. The result of a
comparison is a boolean value, either  True  or  False .

>>> 2 < 3
>>> 2 > 3
Here is the list of available conditional operators.

 ==  equal to
 !=  not equal to

 <  less than

 >  greater than

 <=  less than or equal to

 >=  greater than or equal to

It is even possible to combine these operators.

>>> x = 5
>>> 2 < x < 10
>>> 2 < 3 < 4 < 5 < 6
The conditional operators work even on strings - the ordering being the lexical

>>> "python" > "perl"

>>> "python" > "java"
There are few logical operators to combine boolean values.

 a and b  is  True  only if both  a  and  b  are True.

 a or b  is True if either  a  or  b  is True.
 not a  is True only if  a  is False.
>>> True and True
>>> True and False
>>> 2 < 3 and 5 < 4
>>> 2 < 3 or 5 < 4
Problem 9: What will be output of the following program?

print 2 < 3 and 3 > 1

print 2 < 3 or 3 > 1
print 2 < 3 or not 3 > 1
print 2 < 3 and not 3 > 1
Problem 10: What will be output of the following program?

x = 4
y = 5
p = x < y or x < z
The  if  statement is used to execute a piece of code only when a boolean
expression is true.

>>> x = 42
>>> if x % 2 == 0: print('even')
In this example,  print('even')  is executed only when  x % 2 == 0  is  True .

The code associated with  if  can be written as a separate indented block of code,
which is often the case when there is more than one statement to be executed.

>>> if x % 2 == 0:
... print('even')
The  if  statement can have optional  else  clause, which is executed when the
boolean expression is  False .

>>> x = 3
>>> if x % 2 == 0:
... print('even')
... else:
... print('odd')
The  if  statement can have optional  elif  clauses when there are more conditions
to be checked. The  elif  keyword is short for  else if , and is useful to avoid
excessive indentation.

>>> x = 42
>>> if x < 10:
... print('one digit number')
... elif x < 100:
... print('two digit number')
... else:
... print('big number')
two digit number
Problem 11: What happens when the following code is executed? Will it give any
error? Explain the reasons.

x = 2
if x == 2:
Problem 12: What happens the following code is executed? Will it give any
error? Explain the reasons.

x = 2
if x == 2:
x +

1.8. Lists
Lists are one of the great datastructures in Python. We are going to learn a little
bit about lists now. Basic knowledge of lists is requrired to be able to solve some
problems that we want to solve in this chapter.

Here is a list of numbers.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
And here is a list of strings.

>>> x = ["hello", "world"]

List can be heterogeneous. Here is a list containings integers, strings and
another list.
>>> x = [1, 2, "hello", "world", ["another", "list"]]
The built-in function  len  works for lists as well.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> len(x)
The  []  operator is used to access individual elements of a list.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> x[1]
>>> x[1] = 4
>>> x[1]
The first element is indexed with  0 , second with  1  and so on.

We’ll learn more about lists in the next chapter.

1.9. Modules
Modules are libraries in Python. Python ships with many standard library

A module can be imported using the  import  statement.

Lets look at  time  module for example:

>>> import time

>>> time.asctime()
'Tue Sep 11 21:42:06 2012'
The  asctime  function from the  time  module returns the current time of the system
as a string.

The  sys  module provides access to the list of arguments passed to the program,
among the other things.

The  sys.argv  variable contains the list of arguments passed to the program. As a
convention, the first element of that list is the name of the program.

Lets look at the following program  that prints the first argument passed to
import sys
Lets try running it.

$ python hello

$ python hello world
There are many more interesting modules in the standard library. We’ll learn
more about them in the coming chapters.

Problem 13: Write a program  that takes 2 numbers as command line

arguments and prints its sum.

$ python 3 5
$ python 2 9
2. Working with Data
2.1. Lists
We’ve already seen quick introduction to lists in the previous chapter.

>>> [1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> ["hello", "world"]
["hello", "world"]
>>> [0, 1.5, "hello"]
[0, 1.5, "hello"]
>>> [0, 1.5, "hello"]
[0, 1.5, "hello"]
A List can contain another list as member.

>>> a = [1, 2]
>>> b = [1.5, 2, a]
>>> b
[1.5, 2, [1, 2]]
The built-in function  range  can be used to create a sequence of consequetive

The range function returns a specical range object that behaves like a list. To get
a real list from it, you can use the list function.

>>> x = range(1, 4)
>>> x
range(1, 4)
>>> x[0]
>>> len(x)
The built-in function  len  can be used to find the length of a list.

>>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> len(a)
The  +  and  *  operators work even on lists.

>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> b = [4, 5]
>>> a + b
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> b * 3
[4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5]
List can be indexed to get individual entries. Value of index can go from 0 to
(length of list - 1).

>>> x = [1, 2]
>>> x[0]
>>> x[1]
When a wrong index is used, python gives an error.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> x[6]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
IndexError: list index out of range
Negative indices can be used to index the list from right.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> x[-1]
>>> x [-2]
We can use list slicing to get part of a list.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> x[0:2]
[1, 2]
>>> x[1:4]
[2, 3, 4]
Even negative indices can be used in slicing. For example, the following
examples strips the last element from the list.

>>> x[0:-1]
[1, 2, 3]
Slice indices have useful defaults; an omitted first index defaults to zero, an
omitted second index defaults to the size of the list being sliced.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> a[:2]
[1, 2]
>>> a[2:]
[3, 4]
>>> a[:]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
An optional third index can be used to specify the increment, which defaults to 1.
>>> x = range(10)
>>> x
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> x[0:6:2]
[0, 2, 4]
We can reverse a list, just by providing -1 for increment.

>>> x[::-1]
[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
List members can be modified by assignment.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> x[1] = 5
>>> x
[1, 5, 3, 4]
Presence of a key in a list can be tested using  in  operator.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> 2 in x
>>> 10 in x
Values can be appended to a list by calling  append  method on list. A method is
just like a function, but it is associated with an object and can access that object
when it is called. We will learn more about methods when we study classes.

>>> a = [1, 2]
>>> a.append(3)
>>> a
[1, 2, 3]
Problem 1: What will be the output of the following program?

x = [0, 1, [2]]
x[2][0] = 3
x[2] = 2

2.1.1. The for Statement

Python provides  for  statement to iterate over a list. A  for  statement executes the
specified block of code for every element in a list.

for x in [1, 2, 3, 4]:


for i in range(10):
print(i, i*i, i*i*i)
The built-in function  zip  takes two lists and returns list of pairs.

>>> zip(["a", "b", "c"], [1, 2, 3])

[('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)]
It is handy when we want to iterate over two lists together.

names = ["a", "b", "c"]

values = [1, 2, 3]
for name, value in zip(names, values):
print(name, value)
Problem 2: Python has a built-in function  sum  to find sum of all elements of a list.
Provide an implementation for  sum .

>>> sum([1, 2, 3])

>>> 6
Problem 3: What happens when the above  sum  function is called with a list of
strings? Can you make your  sum  function work for a list of strings as well.

>>> sum(["hello", "world"])

>>> sum(["aa", "bb", "cc"])
Problem 4: Implement a function  product , to compute product of a list of

>>> product([1, 2, 3])

Problem 5: Write a function  factorial  to compute factorial of a number. Can you
use the  product  function defined in the previous example to compute factorial?

>>> factorial(4)
Problem 6: Write a function  reverse  to reverse a list. Can you do this without
using list slicing?

>>> reverse([1, 2, 3, 4])

[4, 3, 2, 1]
>>> reverse(reverse([1, 2, 3, 4]))
[1, 2, 3, 4]
Problem 7: Python has built-in functions  min  and  max  to compute minimum and
maximum of a given list. Provide an implementation for these functions. What
happens when you call your  min  and  max  functions with a list of strings?
Problem 8: Cumulative sum of a list  [a, b, c, ...]  is defined
as  [a, a+b, a+b+c, ...] . Write a function  cumulative_sum  to compute cumulative sum
of a list. Does your implementation work for a list of strings?

>>> cumulative_sum([1, 2, 3, 4])

[1, 3, 6, 10]
>>> cumulative_sum([4, 3, 2, 1])
[4, 7, 9, 10]
Problem 9: Write a function  cumulative_product  to compute cumulative product of
a list of numbers.

>>> cumulative_product([1, 2, 3, 4])

[1, 2, 6, 24]
>>> cumulative_product([4, 3, 2, 1])
[4, 12, 24, 24]
Problem 10: Write a function unique to find all the unique elements of a list.

>>> unique([1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 5])

[1, 2, 3, 5]
Problem 11: Write a function dups to find all duplicates in the list.

>>> dups([1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 5])

[1, 2]
Problem 12: Write a function group(list, size) that take a list and splits into
smaller lists of given size.

>>> group([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 3)

[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
>>> group([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 4)
[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9]]
2.1.2. Sorting Lists

The  sort  method sorts a list in place.

>>> a = [2, 10, 4, 3, 7]

>>> a.sort()
>>> a
[2, 3, 4, 7 10]
The built-in function  sorted  returns a new sorted list without modifying the source

>>> a = [4, 3, 5, 9, 2]
>>> sorted(a)
[2, 3, 4, 5, 9]
>>> a
[4, 3, 5, 9, 2]
The behavior of  sort  method and  sorted  function is exactly same except that
sorted returns a new list instead of modifying the given list.

The  sort  method works even when the list has different types of objects and even

>>> a = ["hello", 1, "world", 45, 2]

>>> a.sort()
>>> a
[1, 2, 45, 'hello', 'world']
>>> a = [[2, 3], [1, 6]]
>>> a.sort()
>>> a
[[1, 6], [2, 3]]
We can optionally specify a function as sort key.

>>> a = [[2, 3], [4, 6], [6, 1]]

>>> a.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
>>> a
[[6, 1], [2, 3], [4 6]]
This sorts all the elements of the list based on the value of second element of
each entry.

Problem 13: Write a function  lensort  to sort a list of strings based on length.

>>> lensort(['python', 'perl', 'java', 'c', 'haskell', 'ruby'])

['c', 'perl', 'java', 'ruby', 'python', 'haskell']
Problem 14: Improve the unique function written in previous problems to take an
optional key function as argument and use the return value of the key function to
check for uniqueness.

>>> unique(["python", "java", "Python", "Java"], key=lambda s: s.lower())

["python", "java"]

2.2. Tuples
Tuple is a sequence type just like  list , but it is immutable. A tuple consists of a
number of values separated by commas.

>>> a = (1, 2, 3)
>>> a[0]
The enclosing braces are optional.
>>> a = 1, 2, 3
>>> a[0]
The built-in function  len  and slicing works on tuples too.

>>> len(a)
>>> a[1:]
2, 3
Since parenthesis are also used for grouping, tuples with a single value are
represented with an additional comma.

>>> a = (1)
>> a
>>> b = (1,)
>>> b
>>> b[0]

2.3. Sets
Sets are unordered collection of unique elements.

>>> x = set([3, 1, 2, 1])

set([1, 2, 3])
Python 2.7 introduced a new way of writing sets.

>>> x = {3, 1, 2, 1}
set([1, 2, 3])
New elements can be added to a set using the  add  method.

>>> x = set([1, 2, 3])

>>> x.add(4)
>>> x
set([1, 2, 3, 4])
Just like lists, the existance of an element can be checked using the  in  operator.
However, this operation is faster in sets compared to lists.

>>> x = set([1, 2, 3])

>>> 1 in x
>>> 5 in x
Problem 15: Reimplement the unique function implemented in the earlier
examples using sets.
2.4. Strings
Strings also behave like lists in many ways. Length of a string can be found using
built-in function  len .

>>> len("abrakadabra")
Indexing and slicing on strings behave similar to that of lists.

>>> a = "helloworld"
>>> a[1]
>>> a[-2]
>>> a[1:5]
>>> a[:5]
>>> a[5:]
>>> a[-2:]
>>> a[:-2]
>>> a[::-1]
The  in  operator can be used to check if a string is present in another string.

>>> 'hell' in 'hello'

>>> 'full' in 'hello'
>>> 'el' in 'hello'
There are many useful methods on strings.

The  split  method splits a string using a delimiter. If no delimiter is specified, it

uses any whitespace char as delimiter.

>>> "hello world".split()

['hello', 'world']
>>> "a,b,c".split(',')
['a', 'b', 'c']
The  join  method joins a list of strings.

>>> " ".join(['hello', 'world'])

'hello world'
>>> ','.join(['a', 'b', 'c'])
The  strip  method returns a copy of the given string with leading and trailing
whitespace removed. Optionally a string can be passed as argument to remove
characters from that string instead of whitespace.

>>> ' hello world\n'.strip()

'hello world'
>>> 'abcdefgh'.strip('abdh')
Python supports formatting values into strings. Although this can include very
complicated expressions, the most basic usage is to insert values into a string
with the %s placeholder.

>>> a = 'hello'
>>> b = 'python'
>>> "%s %s" % (a, b)
'hello python'
>>> 'Chapter %d: %s' % (2, 'Data Structures')
'Chapter 2: Data Structures'
Problem 16: Write a function  extsort  to sort a list of files based on extension.

>>> extsort(['a.c', '', '', 'bar.txt', 'foo.txt', 'x.c'])

['a.c', 'x.c', '', '', 'bar.txt', 'foo.txt']

2.5. Working With Files

Python provides a built-in function  open  to open a file, which returns a file object.

f = open('foo.txt', 'r') # open a file in read mode

f = open('foo.txt', 'w') # open a file in write mode
f = open('foo.txt', 'a') # open a file in append mode
The second argument to  open  is optional, which defaults to  'r'  when not

Unix does not distinguish binary files from text files but windows does. On
windows  'rb' ,  'wb' ,  'ab'  should be used to open a binary file in read, write and
append mode respectively.

Easiest way to read contents of a file is by using the  read  method.

>>> open('foo.txt').read()
'first line\nsecond line\nlast line\n'
Contents of a file can be read line-wise using  readline  and  readlines  methods.
The  readline  method returns empty string when there is nothing more to read in a

>>> open('foo.txt').readlines()
['first line\n', 'second line\n', 'last line\n']
>>> f = open('foo.txt')
>>> f.readline()
'first line\n'
>>> f.readline()
'second line\n'
>>> f.readline()
'last line\n'
>>> f.readline()
The  write  method is used to write data to a file opened in write or append mode.

>>> f = open('foo.txt', 'w')

>>> f.write('a\nb\nc')
>>> f.close()

>>>'foo.txt', 'a')

>>> f.write('d\n')
>>> f.close()
The  writelines  method is convenient to use when the data is available as a list of

>>> f = open('foo.txt')
>>> f.writelines(['a\n', 'b\n', 'c\n'])
>>> f.close()
2.5.1. Example: Word Count

Lets try to compute the number of characters, words and lines in a file.

Number of characters in a file is same as the length of its contents.

def charcount(filename):
return len(open(filename).read())
Number of words in a file can be found by splitting the contents of the file.

def wordcount(filename):
return len(open(filename).read().split())
Number of lines in a file can be found from  readlines  method.

def linecount(filename):
return len(open(filename).readlines())
Problem 17: Write a program  to print lines of a file in reverse order.
$ cat she.txt
She sells seashells on the seashore;
The shells that she sells are seashells I'm sure.
So if she sells seashells on the seashore,
I'm sure that the shells are seashore shells.

$ python she.txt

I'm sure that the shells are seashore shells.
So if she sells seashells on the seashore,
The shells that she sells are seashells I'm sure.
She sells seashells on the seashore;
Problem 18: Write a program to print each line of a file in reverse order.

Problem 19: Implement unix commands  head  and  tail .

The  head  and  tail  commands take a file as argument and prints its first and last
10 lines of the file respectively.

Problem 20: Implement unix command  grep . The  grep  command takes a string
and a file as arguments and prints all lines in the file which contain the specified

$ python she.txt sure

The shells that she sells are seashells I'm sure.
I'm sure that the shells are seashore shells.
Problem 21: Write a program that takes filename and width as
aruguments and wraps the lines longer than width.

$ python she.txt 30

I'm sure that the shells are s
eashore shells.
So if she sells seashells on t
he seashore,
The shells that she sells are
seashells I'm sure.
She sells seashells on the sea
Problem 22: The above wrap program is not so nice because it is breaking the
line at middle of any word. Can you write a new program that works
like, but breaks the line only at the word boundaries?

$ python she.txt 30

I'm sure that the shells are
seashore shells.
So if she sells seashells on
the seashore,
The shells that she sells are
seashells I'm sure.
She sells seashells on the
Problem 23: Write a program to center align all lines in the given

$ python she.txt

I'm sure that the shells are seashore shells.
So if she sells seashells on the seashore,
The shells that she sells are seashells I'm sure.
She sells seashells on the seashore;

2.6. List Comprehensions

List Comprehensions provide a concise way of creating lists. Many times a
complex task can be modelled in a single line.

Here are some simple examples for transforming a list.

>>> a = range(10)
>>> a
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> [x for x in a]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> [x*x for x in a]
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
>>> [x+1 for x in a]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
It is also possible to filter a list using  if  inside a list comprehension.

>>> a = range(10)
>>> [x for x in a if x % 2 == 0]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
>>> [x*x for x in a if x%2 == 0]
[0, 4, 8, 36, 64]
It is possible to iterate over multiple lists using the built-in function  zip .

>>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> b = [2, 3, 5, 7]
>>> zip(a, b)
[(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 5), (4, 7)]
>>> [x+y for x, y in zip(a, b)]
[3, 5, 8, 11]
we can use multiple  for  clauses in single list comprehension.

>>> [(x, y) for x in range(5) for y in range(5) if (x+y)%2 == 0]

[(0, 0), (0, 2), (0, 4), (1, 1), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 2), (2, 4), (3, 1), (3, 3), (4,
0), (4, 2), (4, 4)]

>>> [(x, y) for x in range(5) for y in range(5) if (x+y)%2 == 0 and x != y]

[(0, 2), (0, 4), (1, 3), (2, 0), (2, 4), (3, 1), (4, 0), (4, 2)]

>>> [(x, y) for x in range(5) for y in range(x) if (x+y)%2 == 0]

[(2, 0), (3, 1), (4, 0), (4, 2)]
The following example finds all Pythagorean triplets using numbers below
25.  (x, y, z)  is a called pythagorean triplet if  x*x + y*y == z*z .

>>> n = 25
>>> [(x, y, z) for x in range(1, n) for y in range(x, n) for z in range(y, n) if x*x +
y*y == z*z]
[(3, 4, 5), (5, 12, 13), (6, 8, 10), (8, 15, 17), (9, 12, 15), (12, 16, 20)]
Problem 24: Provide an implementation for  zip  function using list

>>> zip([1, 2, 3], ["a", "b", "c"])

[(1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c")]
Problem 25: Python provides a built-in function  map  that applies a function to each
element of a list. Provide an implementation for  map  using list comprehensions.

>>> def square(x): return x * x

>>> map(square, range(5))
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
Problem 26: Python provides a built-in function  filter(f, a)  that returns items of
the list  a  for which  f(item)  returns true. Provide an implementation
for  filter  using list comprehensions.

>>> def even(x): return x %2 == 0

>>> filter(even, range(10))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
Problem 27: Write a function  triplets  that takes a number  n  as argument and
returns a list of triplets such that sum of first two elements of the triplet equals the
third element using numbers below n. Please note
that  (a, b, c)  and  (b, a, c)  represent same triplet.

>>> triplets(5)
[(1, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 4), (2, 2, 4)]
Problem 28: Write a function  enumerate  that takes a list and returns a list of tuples
containing  (index,item)  for each item in the list.

>>> enumerate(["a", "b", "c"])

[(0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c")]
>>> for index, value in enumerate(["a", "b", "c"]):
... print(index, value)
0 a
1 b
2 c
Problem 29: Write a function  array  to create an 2-dimensional array. The function
should take both dimensions as arguments. Value of each element can be
initialized to None:

>>> a = array(2, 3)
>>> a
[[None, None, None], [None, None, None]]
>>> a[0][0] = 5
[[5, None, None], [None, None, None]]
Problem 30: Write a python function  parse_csv  to parse csv (comma separated
values) files.

>>> print(open('a.csv').read())
>>> parse_csv('a.csv')
[['a', 'b', 'c'], ['1', '2', '3'], ['2', '3', '4'], ['3', '4', '5']]
Problem 31: Generalize the above implementation of csv parser to support any
delimiter and comments.

>>> print(open('a.txt').read())
# elements are separated by ! and comment indicator is #
>>> parse('a.txt', '!', '#')
[['a', 'b', 'c'], ['1', '2', '3'], ['2', '3', '4'], ['3', '4', '5']]
Problem 32: Write a function  mutate  to compute all words generated by a single
mutation on a given word. A mutation is defined as inserting a character, deleting
a character, replacing a character, or swapping 2 consecutive characters in a
string. For simplicity consider only letters from  a  to  z .

>>> words = mutate('hello')

>>> 'helo' in words
>>> 'cello' in words
>>> 'helol' in words
Problem 33: Write a function  nearly_equal  to test whether two strings are nearly
equal. Two strings  a  and  b  are nearly equal when  a  can be generated by a single
mutation on  b .

>>> nearly_equal('python', 'perl')

>>> nearly_equal('perl', 'pearl')
>>> nearly_equal('python', 'jython')
>>> nearly_equal('man', 'woman')

2.7. Dictionaries
Dictionaries are like lists, but they can be indexed with non integer keys also.
Unlike lists, dictionaries are not ordered.

>>> a = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}

>>> a['x']
>>> a['z']
>>> b = {}
>>> b['x'] = 2
>>> b[2] = 'foo'
>>> b[(1, 2)] = 3
>>> b
{(1, 2): 3, 'x': 2, 2: 'foo'}
The  del  keyword can be used to delete an item from a dictionary.

>>> a = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}

>>> del a['x']
>>> a
{'y': 2, 'z': 3}
The  keys  method returns all keys in a dictionary, the  values  method returns all
values in a dictionary and  items  method returns all key-value pairs in a dictionary.

>>> a.keys()
['x', 'y', 'z']
>>> a.values()
[1, 2, 3]
>>> a.items()
[('x', 1), ('y', 2), ('z', 3)]
The  for  statement can be used to iterate over a dictionary.

>>> for key in a: print(key)

>>> for key, value in a.items(): print(key, value)
x 1
y 2
z 3
Presence of a key in a dictionary can be tested using  in  operator
or  has_key  method.
>>> 'x' in a
>>> 'p' in a
>>> a.has_key('x')
>>> a.has_key('p')
Other useful methods on dictionaries are  get  and  setdefault .

>>> d = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}

>>> d.get('x', 5)
>>> d.get('p', 5)
>>> d.setdefault('x', 0)
>>> d
{'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}
>>> d.setdefault('p', 0)
>>> d
{'y': 2, 'x': 1, 'z': 3, 'p': 0}
Dictionaries can be used in string formatting to specify named parameters.

>>> 'hello %(name)s' % {'name': 'python'}

'hello python'
>>> 'Chapter %(index)d: %(name)s' % {'index': 2, 'name': 'Data Structures'}
'Chapter 2: Data Structures'
2.7.1. Example: Word Frequency

Suppose we want to find number of occurrences of each word in a file. Dictionary

can be used to store the number of occurrences for each word.

Lets first write a function to count frequency of words, given a list of words.

def word_frequency(words):
"""Returns frequency of each word given a list of words.

>>> word_frequency(['a', 'b', 'a'])

{'a': 2, 'b': 1}
frequency = {}
for w in words:
frequency[w] = frequency.get(w, 0) + 1
return frequency
Getting words from a file is very trivial.

def read_words(filename):
return open(filename).read().split()
We can combine these two functions to find frequency of all words in a file.
def main(filename):
frequency = word_frequency(read_words(filename))
for word, count in frequency.items():
print(word, count)

if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
Problem 34: Improve the above program to print the words in the descending
order of the number of occurrences.

Problem 35: Write a program to count frequency of characters in a given file.

Can you use character frequency to tell whether the given file is a Python
program file, C program file or a text file?

Problem 36: Write a program to find anagrams in a given list of words. Two

words are called anagrams if one word can be formed by rearranging letters of
another. For example 'eat', 'ate' and 'tea' are anagrams.

>>> anagrams(['eat', 'ate', 'done', 'tea', 'soup', 'node'])

[['eat', 'ate', 'tea], ['done', 'node'], ['soup']]
Problem 37: Write a function  valuesort  to sort values of a dictionary based on the

>>> valuesort({'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'a': 3})

[3, 1, 2]
Problem 38: Write a function  invertdict  to interchange keys and values in a
dictionary. For simplicity, assume that all values are unique.

>>> invertdict({'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3})

{1: 'x', 2: 'y', 3: 'z'}
2.7.2. Understanding Python Execution Environment

Python stores the variables we use as a dictionary. The  globals()  function returns
all the globals variables in the current environment.

>>> globals()
{'__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, '__name__': '__main__', '__doc__':
>>> x = 1
>>> globals()
{'__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, '__name__': '__main__', '__doc__':
None, 'x': 1}
>>> x = 2
>>> globals()
{'__builtins__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, '__name__': '__main__', '__doc__':
None, 'x': 2}
>>> globals()['x'] = 3
>>> x
Just like  globals  python also provides a function  locals  which gives all the local
variables in a function.

>>> def f(a, b): print(locals())

>>> f(1, 2)
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}
One more example:

>>> def f(name):

... return "Hello %(name)s!" % locals()
>>> f("Guido")
Hello Guido!

3. Modules
Modules are reusable libraries of code in Python. Python comes with many
standard library modules.

A module is imported using the import statement.

>>> import time

>>> print(time.asctime())
'Fri Mar 30 12:59:21 2012'
In this example, we’ve imported the time module and called the asctime function
from that module, which returns current time as a string.

There is also another way to use the import statement.

>>> from time import asctime

>>> asctime()
'Fri Mar 30 13:01:37 2012'
Here were imported just the asctime function from the time module.

The pydoc command provides help on any module or a function.

$ pydoc time
Help on module time:
time - This module provides various functions to manipulate time values.

$ pydoc time.asctime
Help on built-in function asctime in time:

time.asctime = asctime(...)
asctime([tuple]) -> string
On Windows, the pydoc command is not available. The work-around is to use,
the built-in help function.

>>> help('time')
Help on module time:

time - This module provides various functions to manipulate time values.
Writing our own modules is very simple.

For example, create a file called with the following content.

def square(x):
return x * x

def cube(x):
return x * x * x
Now open Python interterter:

>>> import num

>>> num.square(3)
>>> num.cube(3)
Thats all we’ve written a python library.

Try pydoc num (pydoc.bat numbers on Windows) to see documentation for this

numbers modules. It won’t have any documentation as we haven’t providied
anything yet.

In Python, it is possible to associate documentation for each module, function

using docstrings. Docstrings are strings written at the top of the module or at the
beginning of a function.

Lets try to document our num module by changing the contents of

"""The num module provides utilties to work on numbers.

Current it provides square and cube.


def square(x):
"""Computes square of a number."""
return x * x

def cube(x):
"""Computes cube of a number."""
return x * x
The pydoc command will now show us the doumentation nicely formatted.

Help on module num:

num - The num module provides utilties to work on numbers.


Current it provides square and cube.

Computes cube of a number.

Computes square of a number.
Under the hood, python stores the documentation as a special field
called __doc__.

>>> import os
>>> print(os.getcwd.__doc__)
getcwd() -> path

Return a string representing the current working directory.

3.1. Standard Library

Python comes with many standard library modules. Lets look at some of the most
commonly used ones.

3.1.1. os module

The os and os.path modules provides functionality to work with files, directories


Problem 1: Write a program to list all files in the given directory.

Problem 2: Write a program to count number of files for each
extension in the given directory. The program should take a directory name as
argument and print count and extension for each available file extension.

$ python src/

14 py
4 txt
1 csv
Problem 3: Write a program to list all the files in the given directory along with
their length and last modification time. The output should contain one line for
each file containing filename, length and modification date separated by tabs.

Hint: see help for  os.stat .

Problem 4: Write a program to print directory tree. The program should take path
of a directory as argument and print all the files in it recursively as a tree.

$ python foo

|-- a.txt
|-- b.txt
|-- code
| |--
| |--
| |-- docs
| | |-- a.txt
| | \-- b.txt
| \--
\-- z.txt
3.1.2. urllib module

The urllib module provides functionality to download webpages.

>>> from urllib.request import urlopen

>>> response = urlopen("")
>>> print(response.headers)
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 09:24:55 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)
Last-Modified: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 08:42:25 GMT
ETag: "105800d-4b7b-4bc71d1db9e40"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 19323
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
X-Pad: avoid browser bug

>>> response.header['Content-Type']
>>> content =
Problem 5: Write a program to download a given URL. The program
should accept a URL as argument, download it and save it with the basename of
the URL. If the URL ends with a /, consider the basename as index.html.

$ python

saving as interpreter.html.

$ python

saving as index.html.
3.1.3. re module

Problem 6: Write a program that takes a URL as argument,

downloads the html from web and print it after stripping html tags.

$ python index.html

The Python interpreter is usually installed as /usr/local/bin/python on
those machines where it is available; putting /usr/local/bin in your
Problem 7: Write a function make_slug that takes a name converts it into a slug.
A slug is a string where spaces and special characters are replaced by a hyphen,
typically used to create blog post URL from post title. It should also make sure
there are no more than one hyphen in any place and there are no hyphens at the
biginning and end of the slug.

>>> make_slug("hello world")

>>> make_slug("hello world!")
>>> make_slug(" --hello- world--")
Problem 8: Write a program that takes URL of a webpage as argument
and prints all the URLs linked from that webpage.

Problem 9: Write a regular expression to validate a phone number.

3.1.4. json module

Problem 10: Write a program to print the external IP address of the

machine. Use the response from  and read the IP address
from there. The program should print only the IP address and nothing else.
3.1.5. zipfile module

The zipfile module provides interface to read and write zip files.

Here are some examples to demonstate the power of zipfile module.

The following example prints names of all the files in a zip archive.

import zipfile
z = zipfile.ZipFile("")
for name in z.namelist():
The following example prints each file in the zip archive.

import zipfile
z = zipfile.ZipFile("")
for name in z.namelist():
print("FILE:", name)
Problem 11: Write a python program to create a zip file. The program
should take name of zip file as first argument and files to add as rest of the

$ python file1.txt file2.txt

Problem 12: Write a program to implement the functionality of pydoc.
The program should take the module name as argument and print documentation
for the module and each of the functions defined in that module.

$ python os
Help on module os:


os - OS routines for Mac, NT, or Posix depending on what system we're on.




 The dir function to get all entries of a module

 The inspect.isfunction function can be used to test if given object is a
 x.__doc__ gives the docstring for x.
 The __import__ function can be used to import a module by name
3.2. Installing third-party modules
PyPI, The Python Package Index maintains the list of Python packages available.
The third-party module developers usually register at PyPI and uploads their
packages there.

The standard way to installing a python module is using pip or easy_install. Pip is

more modern and perferred.

Lets start with installing easy_install.

 Download the easy_install install script

 Run it using Python.
That will install  easy_install , the script used to install third-party python packages.

Before installing new packages, lets understand how to manage virtual

environments for installing python packages.

Earlier the only way of installing python packages was system wide. When used
this way, packages installed for one project can conflict with other and create
trouble. So people invented a way to create isolated Python environment to
install packages. This tool is called virtualenv.

To install  virtualenv :

$ easy_install virtualenv

Installing virtualenv also installs the pip command, a better replace

for easy_install.

Once it is installed, create a new virtual env by running the  virtualenv  command.
$ virtualenv testenv
Now to switch to that env.


$ source testenv/bin/activate
On Windows:

> testenv\Scripts\activate
Now the virtualenv testenv is activated.

Now all the packages installed will be limited to this virtualenv. Lets try to install a
third-party package.

$ pip install tablib

This installs a third-party library called  tablib .

The  tablib  library is a small little library to work with tabular data and write csv
and Excel files.

Here is a simple example.

# create a dataset
data = tablib.Dataset()

# Add rows
data.append(["A", 1])
data.append(["B", 2])
data.append(["C", 3])

# save as csv
with open('test.csv', 'wb') as f:

# save as Excel
with open('test.xls', 'wb') as f:

# save as Excel 07+

with open('test.xlsx', 'wb') as f:
It is even possible to create multi-sheet excel files.

sheet1 = tablib.Dataset()
sheet1.append(["A1", 1])
sheet1.append(["A2", 2])
sheet2 = tablib.Dataset()
sheet2.append(["B1", 1])
sheet2.append(["B2", 2])

book = tablib.Databook([data1, data2])

with open('book.xlsx', 'wb') as f:
Problem 13: Write a program  that reads a csv file and exports it as
Excel file. The prigram should take two arguments. The name of the csv file to
read as first argument and the name of the Excel file to write as the second

Problem 14: Create a new virtualenv and install BeautifulSoup. BeautifulSoup is

very good library for parsing HTML. Try using it to extract all HTML links from a

Read the BeautifulSoup documentation to get started.

4. Object Oriented Programming

4.1. State
Suppose we want to model a bank account with support
for  deposit  and  withdraw  operations. One way to do that is by using global state as
shown in the following example.

balance = 0

def deposit(amount):
global balance
balance += amount
return balance

def withdraw(amount):
global balance
balance -= amount
return balance
The above example is good enough only if we want to have just a single account.
Things start getting complicated if want to model multiple accounts.
We can solve the problem by making the state local, probably by using a
dictionary to store the state.

def make_account():
return {'balance': 0}

def deposit(account, amount):

account['balance'] += amount
return account['balance']

def withdraw(account, amount):

account['balance'] -= amount
return account['balance']
With this it is possible to work with multiple accounts at the same time.

>>> a = make_account()
>>> b = make_account()
>>> deposit(a, 100)
>>> deposit(b, 50)
>>> withdraw(b, 10)
>>> withdraw(a, 10)

4.2. Classes and Objects

class BankAccount:
def __init__(self):
self.balance = 0

def withdraw(self, amount):

self.balance -= amount
return self.balance

def deposit(self, amount):

self.balance += amount
return self.balance

>>> a = BankAccount()
>>> b = BankAccount()
>>> a.deposit(100)
>>> b.deposit(50)
>>> b.withdraw(10)
>>> a.withdraw(10)

4.3. Inheritance
Let us try to create a little more sophisticated account type where the account
holder has to maintain a pre-determined minimum balance.
class MinimumBalanceAccount(BankAccount):
def __init__(self, minimum_balance):
self.minimum_balance = minimum_balance

def withdraw(self, amount):

if self.balance - amount < self.minimum_balance:
print('Sorry, minimum balance must be maintained.')
BankAccount.withdraw(self, amount)
Problem 1: What will the output of the following program.

class A:
def f(self):
return self.g()

def g(self):
return 'A'

class B(A):
def g(self):
return 'B'

a = A()
b = B()
print(a.f(), b.f())
print(a.g(), b.g())
Example: Drawing Shapes

class Canvas:
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height = [[' '] * width for i in range(height)]

def setpixel(self, row, col):[row][col] = '*'

def getpixel(self, row, col):


def display(self):
print("\n".join(["".join(row) for row in]))

class Shape:
def paint(self, canvas): pass

class Rectangle(Shape):
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h

def hline(self, x, y, w):


def vline(self, x, y, h):


def paint(self, canvas):

hline(self.x, self.y, self.w)
hline(self.x, self.y + self.h, self.w)
vline(self.x, self.y, self.h)
vline(self.x + self.w, self.y, self.h)

class Square(Rectangle):
def __init__(self, x, y, size):
Rectangle.__init__(self, x, y, size, size)

class CompoundShape(Shape):
def __init__(self, shapes):
self.shapes = shapes

def paint(self, canvas):

for s in self.shapes:

4.4. Special Class Methods

In Python, a class can implement certain operations that are invoked by special
syntax (such as arithmetic operations or subscripting and slicing) by defining
methods with special names. This is Python’s approach to operator overloading,
allowing classes to define their own behavior with respect to language operators.

For example, the  +  operator invokes  __add__  method.

>>> a, b = 1, 2
>>> a + b
>>> a.__add__(b)
Just like  __add__  is called for  +  operator,  __sub__ ,  __mul__  and  __div__  methods are
called for  - ,  * , and  /  operators.

Example: Rational Numbers

Suppose we want to do arithmetic with rational numbers. We want to be able to

add, subtract, multiply, and divide them and to test whether two rational numbers
are equal.

We can add, subtract, multiply, divide, and test equality by using the following

n1/d1 + n2/d2 = (n1*d2 + n2*d1)/(d1*d2)

n1/d1 - n2/d2 = (n1*d2 - n2*d1)/(d1*d2)
n1/d1 * n2/d2 = (n1*n2)/(d1*d2)
(n1/d1) / (n2/d2) = (n1*d2)/(d1*n2)

n1/d1 == n2/d2 if and only if n1*d2 == n2*d1

Lets write the rational number class.

class RationalNumber:
Rational Numbers with support for arthmetic operations.

>>> a = RationalNumber(1, 2)
>>> b = RationalNumber(1, 3)
>>> a + b
>>> a - b
>>> a * b
>>> a/b
def __init__(self, numerator, denominator=1):
self.n = numerator
self.d = denominator

def __add__(self, other):

if not isinstance(other, RationalNumber):
other = RationalNumber(other)

n = self.n * other.d + self.d * other.n

d = self.d * other.d
return RationalNumber(n, d)

def __sub__(self, other):

if not isinstance(other, RationalNumber):
other = RationalNumber(other)

n1, d1 = self.n, self.d

n2, d2 = other.n, other.d
return RationalNumber(n1*d2 - n2*d1, d1*d2)

def __mul__(self, other):

if not isinstance(other, RationalNumber):
other = RationalNumber(other)

n1, d1 = self.n, self.d

n2, d2 = other.n, other.d
return RationalNumber(n1*n2, d1*d2)

def __div__(self, other):

if not isinstance(other, RationalNumber):
other = RationalNumber(other)

n1, d1 = self.n, self.d

n2, d2 = other.n, other.d
return RationalNumber(n1*d2, d1*n2)

def __str__(self):
return "%s/%s" % (self.n, self.d)
__repr__ = __str__

4.5. Errors and Exceptions

We’ve already seen exceptions in various places. Python gives  NameError  when
we try to use a variable that is not defined.

>>> foo
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'foo' is not defined
try adding a string to an integer:

>>> "foo" + 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
try dividing a number by 0:

>>> 2/0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero
or, try opening a file that is not there:

>>> open("not-there.txt")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'not-there.txt'
Python raises exception in case errors. We can write programs to handle such
errors. We too can raise exceptions when an error case in encountered.

Exceptions are handled by using the try-except statements.

def main():
filename = sys.argv[1]
for row in parse_csv(filename):
print row
except IOError:
print("The given file doesn't exist: ", filename, file=sys.stderr)
This above example prints an error message and exits with an error status when
an IOError is encountered.

The except statement can be written in multiple ways:

# catch all exceptions

# catch just one exception

except IOError:

# catch one exception, but provide the exception object

except IOError as e:

# catch more than one exception

except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
It is possible to have more than one except statements with one try.

except IOError as e:
print("Unable to open the file (%s): %s" % (str(e), filename), file=sys.stderr)
except FormatError as e:
print("File is badly formatted (%s): %s" % (str(e), filename), file=sys.stderr)
The try statement can have an optional else clause, which is executed only if no
exception is raised in the try-block.

except IOError as e:
print("Unable to open the file (%s): %s" % (str(e), filename), file=sys.stderr)
print("successfully opened the file", filename)
There can be an optional else clause with a try statement, which is executed
irrespective of whether or not exception has occured.

except IOError as e:
print("Unable to open the file (%s): %s" % (str(e), filename), file=sys.stderr)
Exception is raised using the raised keyword.

raise Exception("error message")

All the exceptions are extended from the built-in Exception class.

class ParseError(Exception):


Problem 2: What will be the output of the following program?

print "a"
print "b"
print "c"
print "d"
Problem 3: What will be the output of the following program?

raise Exception("doom")
Problem 4: What will be the output of the following program?

def f():

5. Iterators & Generators
5.1. Iterators
We use  for  statement for looping over a list.

>>> for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]:

... print(i)
If we use it with a string, it loops over its characters.

>>> for c in "python":

... print(c)
If we use it with a dictionary, it loops over its keys.

>>> for k in {"x": 1, "y": 2}:

... print(k)
If we use it with a file, it loops over lines of the file.

>>> for line in open("a.txt"):

... print(line, end="")
first line
second line
So there are many types of objects which can be used with a for loop. These are
called iterable objects.

There are many functions which consume these iterables.

>>> ",".join(["a", "b", "c"])

>>> ",".join({"x": 1, "y": 2})
>>> list("python")
['p', 'y', 't', 'h', 'o', 'n']
>>> list({"x": 1, "y": 2})
['y', 'x']
5.1.1. The Iteration Protocol

The built-in function  iter  takes an iterable object and returns an iterator.

>>> x = iter([1, 2, 3])

>>> x
<listiterator object at 0x1004ca850>
>>> next(x)
>>> next(x)
>>> next(x)
>>> next(x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
Each time we call the  next  method on the iterator gives us the next element. If
there are no more elements, it raises a StopIteration.

Iterators are implemented as classes. Here is an iterator that works like built-
in  range  function.
class yrange:
def __init__(self, n):
self.i = 0
self.n = n

def __iter__(self):
return self

def __next__(self):
if self.i < self.n:
i = self.i
self.i += 1
return i
raise StopIteration()
The  __iter__  method is what makes an object iterable. Behind the scenes,
the iter function calls  __iter__  method on the given object.

The return value of  __iter__  is an iterator. It should have a  __next__  method and
raise  StopIteration  when there are no more elements.

Lets try it out:

>>> y = yrange(3)
>>> next(y)
>>> next(y)
>>> next(y)
>>> next(y)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 14, in __next__
Many built-in functions accept iterators as arguments.

>>> list(yrange(5))
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> sum(yrange(5))
In the above case, both the iterable and iterator are the same object. Notice that
the  __iter__  method returned  self . It need not be the case always.

class zrange:
def __init__(self, n):
self.n = n

def __iter__(self):
return zrange_iter(self.n)

class zrange_iter:
def __init__(self, n):
self.i = 0
self.n = n

def __iter__(self):
# Iterators are iterables too.
# Adding this functions to make them so.
return self

def __next__(self):
if self.i < self.n:
i = self.i
self.i += 1
return i
raise StopIteration()
If both iteratable and iterator are the same object, it is consumed in a single

>>> y = yrange(5)
>>> list(y)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list(y)
>>> z = zrange(5)
>>> list(z)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list(z)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Problem 1: Write an iterator class  reverse_iter , that takes a list and iterates it
from the reverse direction. ::

>>> it = reverse_iter([1, 2, 3, 4])

>>> next(it)
>>> next(it)
>>> next(it)
>>> next(it)
>>> next(it)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

5.2. Generators
Generators simplifies creation of iterators. A generator is a function that produces
a sequence of results instead of a single value.

def yrange(n):
i = 0
while i < n:
yield i
i += 1
Each time the  yield  statement is executed the function generates a new value.

>>> y = yrange(3)
>>> y
<generator object yrange at 0x401f30>
>>> next(y)
>>> next(y)
>>> next(y)
>>> next(y)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
So a generator is also an iterator. You don’t have to worry about the iterator

The word “generator” is confusingly used to mean both the function that
generates and what it generates. In this chapter, I’ll use the word “generator” to
mean the genearted object and “generator function” to mean the function that
generates it.

Can you think about how it is working internally?

When a generator function is called, it returns a generator object without even

beginning execution of the function. When  next  method is called for the first time,
the function starts executing until it reaches  yield  statement. The yielded value is
returned by the  next  call.

The following example demonstrates the interplay between  yield  and call
to  __next__  method on generator object.

>>> def foo():

... print("begin")
... for i in range(3):
... print("before yield", i)
... yield i
... print("after yield", i)
... print("end")
>>> f = foo()
>>> next(f)
before yield 0
>>> next(f)
after yield 0
before yield 1
>>> next(f)
after yield 1
before yield 2
>>> next(f)
after yield 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
Lets see an example:

def integers():
"""Infinite sequence of integers."""
i = 1
while True:
yield i
i = i + 1

def squares():
for i in integers():
yield i * i

def take(n, seq):

"""Returns first n values from the given sequence."""
seq = iter(seq)
result = []
for i in range(n):
except StopIteration:
return result

print(take(5, squares())) # prints [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

5.3. Generator Expressions

Generator Expressions are generator version of list comprehensions. They look
like list comprehensions, but returns a generator back instead of a list.

>>> a = (x*x for x in range(10))

>>> a
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x401f08>
>>> sum(a)
We can use the generator expressions as arguments to various functions that
consume iterators.
>>> sum((x*x for x in range(10)))
When there is only one argument to the calling function, the parenthesis around
generator expression can be omitted.

>>> sum(x*x for x in range(10))

Another fun example:

Lets say we want to find first 10 (or any n) pythogorian triplets. A

triplet  (x, y, z)  is called pythogorian triplet if  x*x + y*y == z*z .

It is easy to solve this problem if we know till what value of z to test for. But we
want to find first n pythogorian triplets.

>>> pyt = ((x, y, z) for z in integers() for y in range(1, z) for x in range(1, y) if

x*x + y*y == z*z)
>>> take(10, pyt)
[(3, 4, 5), (6, 8, 10), (5, 12, 13), (9, 12, 15), (8, 15, 17), (12, 16, 20), (15, 20,
25), (7, 24, 25), (10, 24, 26), (20, 21, 29)]
5.3.1. Example: Reading multiple files

Lets say we want to write a program that takes a list of filenames as arguments
and prints contents of all those files, like  cat  command in unix.

The traditional way to implement it is:

def cat(filenames):
for f in filenames:
for line in open(f):
print(line, end="")
Now, lets say we want to print only the line which has a particular substring,
like  grep  command in unix.

def grep(pattern, filenames):

for f in filenames:
for line in open(f):
if pattern in line:
print(line, end="")
Both these programs have lot of code in common. It is hard to move the common
part to a function. But with generators makes it possible to do it.

def readfiles(filenames):
for f in filenames:
for line in open(f):
yield line

def grep(pattern, lines):

return (line for line in lines if pattern in line)

def printlines(lines):
for line in lines:
print(line, end="")

def main(pattern, filenames):

lines = readfiles(filenames)
lines = grep(pattern, lines)
The code is much simpler now with each function doing one small thing. We can
move all these functions into a separate module and reuse it in other programs.

Problem 2: Write a program that takes one or more filenames as arguments and
prints all the lines which are longer than 40 characters.

Problem 3: Write a function  findfiles  that recursively descends the directory tree
for the specified directory and generates paths of all the files in the tree.

Problem 4: Write a function to compute the number of python files (.py

extension) in a specified directory recursively.

Problem 5: Write a function to compute the total number of lines of code in all
python files in the specified directory recursively.

Problem 6: Write a function to compute the total number of lines of code,

ignoring empty and comment lines, in all python files in the specified directory

Problem 7: Write a program , that takes an integer  n  and a filename as

command line arguments and splits the file into multiple small files with each
having  n  lines.

5.4. Itertools
he itertools module in the standard library provides lot of intersting tools to work
with iterators.
Lets look at some of the interesting functions.

chain – chains multiple iterators together.

>>> it1 = iter([1, 2, 3])

>>> it2 = iter([4, 5, 6])
>>> itertools.chain(it1, it2)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
izip – iterable version of zip

>>> for x, y in itertools.izip(["a", "b", "c"], [1, 2, 3]):

... print(x, y)
a 1
b 2
c 3
Problem 8: Write a function  peep , that takes an iterator as argument and returns
the first element and an equivalant iterator.

>>> it = iter(range(5))
>>> x, it1 = peep(it)
>>> print(x, list(it1))
0 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Problem 9: The built-in function  enumerate  takes an iteratable and returns an
iterator over pairs (index, value) for each value in the source.

>>> list(enumerate(["a", "b", "c"])

[(0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c")]
>>> for i, c in enumerate(["a", "b", "c"]):
... print(i, c)
0 a
1 b
2 c
Write a function  my_enumerate  that works like  enumerate .

Problem 10: Implement a function  izip  that works like  itertools.izip .

6. Functional Programming
6.1. Recursion
Defining solution of a problem in terms of the same problem, typically of smaller
size, is called recursion. Recursion makes it possible to express solution of a
problem very concisely and elegantly.

A function is called recursive if it makes call to itself. Typically, a recursive

function will have a terminating condition and one or more recursive calls to itself.

6.1.1. Example: Computing Exponent

Mathematically we can define exponent of a number in terms of its smaller


def exp(x, n):

Computes the result of x raised to the power of n.

>>> exp(2, 3)
>>> exp(3, 2)
if n == 0:
return 1
return x * exp(x, n-1)
Lets look at the execution pattern.

exp(2, 4)
+-- 2 * exp(2, 3)
| +-- 2 * exp(2, 2)
| | +-- 2 * exp(2, 1)
| | | +-- 2 * exp(2, 0)
| | | | +-- 1
| | | +-- 2 * 1
| | | +-- 2
| | +-- 2 * 2
| | +-- 4
| +-- 2 * 4
| +-- 8
+-- 2 * 8
+-- 16
Number of calls to the above  exp  function is proportional to size of the problem,
which is  n  here.

We can compute exponent in fewer steps if we use successive squaring.

def fast_exp(x, n):

if n == 0:
return 1
elif n % 2 == 0:
return fast_exp(x*x, n/2))
return x * fast_exp(x, n-1)
Lets look at the execution pattern now.

fast_exp(2, 10)
+-- fast_exp(4, 5) # 2 * 2
| +-- 4 * fast_exp(4, 4)
| | +-- fast_exp(16, 2) # 4 * 4
| | | +-- fast_exp(256, 1) # 16 * 16
| | | | +-- 256 * fast_exp(256, 0)
| | | | +-- 1
| | | | +-- 256 * 1
| | | | +-- 256
| | | +-- 256
| | +-- 256
| +-- 4 * 256
| +-- 1024
+-- 1024
Problem 1: Implement a function  product  to multiply 2 numbers recursively
using  +  and  -  operators only.
6.1.2. Example: Flatten a list

Supposed you have a nested list and want to flatten it.

def flatten_list(a, result=None):

"""Flattens a nested list.

>>> flatten_list([ [1, 2, [3, 4] ], [5, 6], 7])

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
if result is None:
result = []

for x in a:
if isinstance(x, list):
flatten_list(x, result)

return result
Problem 2: Write a function  flatten_dict  to flatten a nested dictionary by joining
the keys with  .  character.

>>> flatten_dict({'a': 1, 'b': {'x': 2, 'y': 3}, 'c': 4})

{'a': 1, 'b.x': 2, 'b.y': 3, 'c': 4}
Problem 3: Write a function  unflatten_dict  to do reverse of  flatten_dict .

>>> unflatten_dict({'a': 1, 'b.x': 2, 'b.y': 3, 'c': 4})

{'a': 1, 'b': {'x': 2, 'y': 3}, 'c': 4}
Problem 4: Write a function  treemap  to map a function over nested list.

>>> treemap(lambda x: x*x, [1, 2, [3, 4, [5]]])

[1, 4, [9, 16, [25]]]
Problem 5: Write a function  tree_reverse  to reverse elements of a nested-list

>>> tree_reverse([[1, 2], [3, [4, 5]], 6])

[6, [[5, 4], 3], [2, 1]]

6.1.3. Example: JSON Encode

Lets look at more commonly used example of serializing a python datastructure

into JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
Here is an example of JSON record.

"name": "Advanced Python Training",
"date": "October 13, 2012",
"completed": false,
"instructor": {
"name": "Anand Chitipothu",
"website": ""
"participants": [
"name": "Participant 1",
"email": ""
"name": "Participant 2",
"email": ""
It looks very much like Python dictionaries and lists. There are some differences
though. Strings are always enclosed in double quotes, booleans are represented
as  true  and  false .

The standard library module json provides functionality to work in JSON. Lets try

to implement it now as it is very good example of use of recursion.

For simplicity, lets assume that strings will not have any special characters and
can have space, tab and newline characters.

def json_encode(data):
if isinstance(data, bool):
if data:
return "true"
return "false"
elif isinstance(data, (int, float)):
return str(data)
elif isinstance(data, str):
return '"' + escape_string(data) + '"'
elif isinstance(data, list):
return "[" + ", ".join(json_encode(d) for d in data) + "]"
raise TypeError("%s is not JSON serializable" % repr(data))

def escape_string(s):
"""Escapes double-quote, tab and new line characters in a string."""
s = s.replace('"', '\\"')
s = s.replace("\t", "\\t")
s = s.replace("\n", "\\n")
return s
This handles booleans, integers, strings, floats and lists, but doesn’t handle
dictionaries yet. That is left an exercise to the readers.

If you notice the block of code that is handling lists, we are

calling json_encode recursively for each element of the list, that is required
because each element can be of any type, even a list or a dictionary.

Problem 6: Complete the above implementation of  json_encode  by handling the
case of dictionaries.

Problem 7: Implement a program  that takes a directory as argument

and prints all the files in that directory recursively as a tree.

Hint: Use  os.listdir  and  os.path.isdir  funtions.

$ python foo/

|-- a.txt
|-- b.txt
|-- bar/
| |-- p.txt
| `-- q.txt
`-- c.txt
Problem 8: Write a function  count_change  to count the number of ways to change
any given amount. Available coins are also passed as argument to the function.

>>> count_change(10, [1, 5])

>>> count_change(10, [1, 2])
>>> count_change(100, [1, 5, 10, 25, 50])
Problem 9: Write a function  permute  to compute all possible permutations of
elements of a given list.

>>> permute([1, 2, 3])

[[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2], [2, 1, 3], [2, 3, 1], [3, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1]]

6.2. Higher Order Functions & Decorators

In Python, functions are first-class objects. They can be passed as arguments to
other functions and a new functions can be returned from a function call.
6.2.1. Example: Tracing Function Calls

For example, consider the following  fib  function.

def fib(n):
if n is 0 or n is 1:
return 1
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
Suppose we want to trace all the calls to the  fib  function. We can write a higher
order function to return a new function, which prints whenever  fib  function is

def trace(f):
def g(x):
print(f.__name__, x)
value = f(x)
print('return', repr(value))
return value
return g

fib = trace(fib)
This produces the following output.

fib 3
fib 2
fib 1
return 1
fib 0
return 1
return 2
fib 1
return 1
return 3
Noticed that the trick here is at  fib = trace(fib) . We have replaced the
function  fib  with a new function, so whenever that function is called recursively, it
is the our new function, which prints the trace before calling the orginal function.

To make the output more readable, let us indent the function calls.

def trace(f):
f.indent = 0
def g(x):
print('| ' * f.indent + '|--', f.__name__, x)
f.indent += 1
value = f(x)
print('| ' * f.indent + '|--', 'return', repr(value))
f.indent -= 1
return value
return g

fib = trace(fib)
This produces the following output.

$ python
|-- fib 4
| |-- fib 3
| | |-- fib 2
| | | |-- fib 1
| | | | |-- return 1
| | | |-- fib 0
| | | | |-- return 1
| | | |-- return 2
| | |-- fib 1
| | | |-- return 1
| | |-- return 3
| |-- fib 2
| | |-- fib 1
| | | |-- return 1
| | |-- fib 0
| | | |-- return 1
| | |-- return 2
| |-- return 5
This pattern is so useful that python has special syntax for specifying this

def fib(n):
It is equivalant of adding  fib = trace(fib)  after the function definition.

6.2.2. Example: Memoize

In the above example, it is clear that number of function calls are growing
exponentially with the size of input and there is lot of redundant computation that
is done.

Suppose we want to get rid of the redundant computation by caching the result
of  fib  when it is called for the first time and reuse it when it is needed next time.
Doing this is very popular in functional programming world and it is called  memoize .

def memoize(f):
cache = {}
def g(x):
if x not in cache:
cache[x] = f(x)
return cache[x]
return g

fib = trace(fib)
fib = memoize(fib)
If you notice, after  memoize , growth of  fib  has become linear.

|-- fib 4
| |-- fib 3
| | |-- fib 2
| | | |-- fib 1
| | | | |-- return 1
| | | |-- fib 0
| | | | |-- return 1
| | | |-- return 2
| | |-- return 3
| |-- return 5
Problem 10: Write a function  profile , which takes a function as argument and
returns a new function, which behaves exactly similar to the given function,
except that it prints the time consumed in executing it.

>>> fib = profile(fib)

>>> fib(20)
time taken: 0.1 sec
Problem 11: Write a function  vectorize  which takes a function  f  and return a new
function, which takes a list as argument and calls  f  for every element and returns
the result as a list.

>>> def square(x): return x * x

>>> f = vectorize(square)
>>> f([1, 2, 3])
[1, 4, 9]
>>> g = vectorize(len)
>>> g(["hello", "world"])
[5, 5]
>>> g([[1, 2], [2, 3, 4]])
[2, 3]
6.2.3. Example: unixcommand decorator

Many unix commands have a typical pattern. They accept multiple filenames as
arguments, does some processing and prints the lines back. Some examples of
such commands are  cat  and  grep .

def unixcommand(f):
def g(filenames):
printlines(out for line in readlines(filenames)
for out in f(line))
return g
Lets see how to use it.

def cat(line):
yield line

def lowercase(line):
yield line.lower()

6.3. exec & eval

Python privides the whole interpreter as a built-in function. You can pass a string
and ask it is execute that piece of code at run time.

For example:

>>> exec("x = 1")

>>> x
By default  exec  works in the current environment, so it updated the globals in the
above example. It is also possible to specify an environment to  exec .

>>> env = {'a' : 42}

>>> exec('x = a+1', env)
>>> print(env['x'])
It is also possible to create functions or classes dynamically using  exec , though it
is usually not a good idea.

>>> code = 'def add_%d(x): return x + %d'

>>> for i in range(1, 5):
... exec(code % (i, i))
>>> add_1(3)
>>> add_3(3)
eval  is like  exec  but it takes an expression and returns its value.

>>> eval("2+3")
>>> a = 2
>>> eval("a * a")
>>> env = {'x' : 42}
>>> eval('x+1', env)

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