UA2 Urea Dosing System
UA2 Urea Dosing System
UA2 Urea Dosing System
Supply Unit.
The urea supply unit is a high-accuracy unit for
injecting urea into the exhaust aftertreatment system.
A control module calculates the exact dosing rate of
urea based on various engine conditions, and the urea
mixes with air from the vehicle's compressed-air system.
Aftertreatment Control Module.
Atomized urea is then sent through the injector into the
The Aftertreatment Control Module translates
exhaust system upstream of the SCR catalyst.
datalink-commanded dosing rates into supply
module inputs to accurately deliver the required
dosing quantities. The independent aftertreatment
control module can also be used to control
other engineered components in the engine or
aftertreatment system.
How It Works.
Why Cummins Emission
The UA2 Urea Dosing System is a reductant delivery
system that accurately injects a 32.5 percent solution
of urea in water – also known as Diesel Exhaust Innovative Design And Improved Reliability.
Fluid (DEF) or AdBlue® – into the exhaust stream.
Leveraging our expertise in system design and
When exposed to heat from the exhaust, the urea
integration, this patented design reduces the likelihood
decomposes into ammonia. The ammonia reacts
of deposit formation in the SCR system. The reduction
with the SCR catalyst, converting NOx in the exhaust
in droplet size by up to 60 percent significantly improves
stream into harmless nitrogen and water. To ensure
performance and maximize the environmental benefits
of the system, Cummins employs advanced control Easier Vehicle Integration.
The supply unit has been designed for easy integration
UA2 Urea Dosing System Specifications. on top of the urea storage tank or on the chassis,
minimizing engineering and validation expenses.
Vehicle Application Commercial On-Highway