AM Detection With Automatic Gain Control: C M H D D
AM Detection With Automatic Gain Control: C M H D D
AM Detection With Automatic Gain Control: C M H D D
A simple AM demodulator is a diode envelope detector. It can be implemented by a simple diode envelope
detector to eliminate the negative half of the carrier envelope followed by a simple RC filter to remove the high
frequency carrier. The result will be the low frequency envelope which is the demodulated message. A point
contact diode with low junction capacitance is used in the circuit as it is has to rectify high frequency carrier. It
offers low impedence at high frequency. The RC elements connected after the diode acts as a filter. It acts as a
lowpass filter which eliminates high frequency carrier at the same time it retains the low frequency message
signal.Thus the output of the filter contains the low fequency modulating signalwith a dc offset. The dc offset
voltage is proportional to the strength of the modulated signal received by the receiver in a transmission
reception system, which inturn is proportional to the strength(amplitude) of the carrier. This dc value may be
used for automatic gain control(AGC) of intermediate frequency(IF) amplifier stages. The Automatic gain
control compensates for minor variations in the received RF signal level. The AGC circuit automatically
increases the receiver gain for weak RF input levels and automatically decreases the receiver gain when strong
RF signal is received.
Simple AGC: It is implemented in the form of a circuit which extracts the dc offset voltage which is present
along with the demodulated message. This volatge is fed as degenerative or negative feedback to the control the
gain of superheterodyne receivers.
Delayed AGC: In simple AGC circuits even if the signal level received is low, the AGC circuit operates and the
overall gain of the receiver gets reduced. To avoid this situation, a delayed AGC circuit is used. In this case
AGC bias voltage is not applied to amplifiers, until signal strength has reached a predetermined level after
which AGC bias is applied like simple AGC.
After the positive envelope detector, a properly designed low pass filter is added
to filter out the high frequency carrier and to retain the low frequency modulating
signal. This signal contains a dc level also which can be used for automatic
Gain Control (AGC) for the IF amplifier stages of a superhetrodyne receiver.
Let the carrier frequency be fc = 455 kHz and maximum modulating signal
frequency be fm = 10 kHz
Inorder to design a lowpass filter with upper cutoff frequency 10 kHz,
fH =
10 kHz =
Select Cd = 0:001_F. Then Rd = 16:1kΩ. Choose Rd = 15kΩ or 22kΩ
standard resistor values.
Make a _ filter (for better performance) using these Rd and Cd values. This
completes the envelope detector part.
AGC Circuit: The AGC lowpass filter Ra and Ca is seected in such a way
as to eliminate full ac from the output and get a pure dc AGC voltage. Hence
assuming a cutoff frequency of 10 Hz to eliminte the fluctuations,
10Hz =
Assuming Ca = 1_F, we get Ra = 22kΩ
The actual modulating signal can be obtained by filtering out the dc components
using a high value caacitance like 10_F.
Circuit Diagram
The detector circuit with simple AGC is shown in Figure. 4.1.