June 15, 2012 Do 54, S. 2012 - Policy Guidelines On The Implementation of Alternative Delivery Modes (Adms)
June 15, 2012 Do 54, S. 2012 - Policy Guidelines On The Implementation of Alternative Delivery Modes (Adms)
June 15, 2012 Do 54, S. 2012 - Policy Guidelines On The Implementation of Alternative Delivery Modes (Adms)
DO 54, s. 2012
To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
1. With nearly three (3) years remaining for the Department of Education (DepEd)
to meet its commitment to the Education For All (EFA) as set by the United
Alternative Delivery Modes (ADMs) which aim to primarily address the problems
educational system through Article XIV which provides that the State shall:
a. protect and promote the right of every citizen to quality education at all levels
and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all;
properly utilize the appropriated funds under the General Appropriations Act
education services within the frame of the formal education system shall be
As stated
equitably accessible to all and lay the foundation for life long learning and service for the
common good.
The ADMs in formal basic education are implemented to improve certain performance
indicators in order to achieve the 2015 targets of Education For All (EFA) and the
The ADMs address the learning needs of the marginalized pupils and those learners at
risk of dropping out in order to help them overcome social and economic constraints in
their schooling.
The ADMs both at the elementary and secondary Levels include the following:
I. Elementary Level
Currently designed to
2.Utilization of community school as a laboratory for learning aside from the classroom
i.e. half of the class stays with the teacher while the other half stays with the teacher-
4.2.Classroom Teachers