TNSCST-Student Project Scheme2
TNSCST-Student Project Scheme2
TNSCST-Student Project Scheme2
Student Project Scheme
Submitted by:
This is to certify that Mr V .Madhanagopal.,R. Arunkumar.R is a bonafide final year student of P.G.
Science / U.G. Engineering / P.G. professional courses of our college and it is also certified that two
copies of utilization certificate and final report along with seminar paper will be sent to the Council
after completion of the project by the end of April 2014.
It is often desirable to control the motor speed, usually for reasons process
control for such variables as flow or pressure. Such applications as fans and
pumps often have varying output requirements, and control of the motor
speed is more efficient than mechanically limiting the process output with
such devices as throttling valves or dampers. The reason for this is due to the
fact that for centrifugally-based processes (such as fans and centrifugally-
based pumps), the following relationships exist (1) torque α rpm 2 (2) power α
So, for these types of processes the torque required to turn them is
proportional to the square of the speed. But, the power required to turn them
is proportional to the cube of the speed, and this is what makes motor speed
control economically attractive. To further this argument, consider the energy
wasted when mechanical means such as the throttling valves or dampers are
used to control a process which is being driven from a motor running at full
speed. It is clear that motor speed control can be used to save energy by
reducing wasted energy used to mechanically control the process.
By varying the frequency, the motor speed may be varied so long as the
motor is equipped to dissipate the heat at reduced speeds. Unlike soft-
starting, specialized definite-purpose inverter-rated motor designs are
preferred since reduced-speed operation can cause thermal issues and over
speed operation can result in safety issues. Further, pulse-width modulated
(PWM) drive outputs can cause repetitive voltage overshoots referred to as
ringing, which can reduce the life expectancy of a general-purpose motor.
Various designs exist for adjustable-speed drives, however for low voltage
drives the most prevalent is the voltage-source pulse-width modulated design.
As its name implies, the output is pulse-width modulated to reduce the output
harmonic and noise content. The AC input to the drive is typically a diode
rectifier. A conventional simplified circuit topology for a voltage-source PWM
drive is given in fig.1.
In the proposed topology the matrix converters are employed for converting
the frequency in single stage unlike the two stage conventional method. Since
these are microcontroller based drives they can interface with the automation
infrastructure without any difficulty. The block diagram of the proposed topology
is shown in fig.2.
2. Objectives:
Project significance/relevance:
Since the power of the motor is directly proportional to the cube of the
speed a small change in speed can contribute a significant amount of
energy to be saved.
The wireless control of motor speed is more efficient and less complex
than any other methods available currently.
Also by engaging the remote speed control the motor can be controlled
promptly from the monitoring area without facing any difficulty in
hazardous location like nuclear power plant.
3. Methodology:
To collect and study the required materials relevant to the project work.
To analyze the drawbacks of the conventional methods and try to
eliminate them with a new technique.
To design and develop the model of a PIC Micro controlled converter to
vary the speed of ac motor instantly by a selective actuation of the
switching sequence with a remote controller.
4. Work Plan:
Stage3: Finally the desired output has to be derived for better performance
5. Budget:
3.0 3000/-
TOTAL 9500/-