Supervisor Recognition Form
Supervisor Recognition Form
Supervisor Recognition Form
APPLICATION FOR SUPERVISOR RECOGNITION FOR Ph.D./M.S.(By Research) PROGRAMME Completed application with enclosures should be submitted before 30, April or 31, October to process in May and November respectively.
(OR) The applicant with Ph.D. Degree shall have a minimum of two publications to his/ her credit in refereed impact factor journals as listed in Annexure I of Anna University website within a period of three years preceding his/her date of application. 1. Name (in Block Letters) 2. Designation 3. Department and Office with Pin code : : Address :
6. Details of Qualification as given below (Starting from UG Degree) % of Marks and Class Obtaine d
Sl. No .
Year of Passin g
Branch / Specialization
1. 2.
3. 4. 7. Professional Experience (Starting from the present Employment): Sl. No . 1. 2. 3. 4. University/College/R&D Organization/ Industry Period Designation From To Total Year s
: : YES/ NO
10. List of publications with author(s), title of the paper, journal name, volume, page, year as a separate Annexure. Reprints of at least two recent publications in refereed Impact Factor Journals as listed in Annexure I of Anna University website are mandatory. Attach the page proof from Annexure I where journal is listed 11. Details of recognition of your Organization by Anna University for conducting Research
(Give the Ref. No.)
Recommended/Forwarded 2
Date : Place : Signature of Head of the Institution / Head of the Dept./Director of the Centre
seal) (Name with
Encl: 1. Photo copies of Ph.D., Master Degree and Undergraduate Degree Certificates. 2. Photo copies of two recent reprints shall necessarily be enclosed. If not, such applications will be summarily rejected. 3. Proof for the Institute Recognition (If applicable).
Note: 1. The applicant working outside Anna University Department/Centre should forward their application through Head of the Institution/Head of the Organization. 2. The applications will be processed only if the enclosures mentioned above are properly attached.