Part 2 Grade 9 Edumate Conducting Patterns
Part 2 Grade 9 Edumate Conducting Patterns
Part 2 Grade 9 Edumate Conducting Patterns
Grade 9
A-hanging by a thread
The teacher will first introduce the song "Loose Tooth" and make it first as an echo song for the student to be
familiar with it.
After everybody is comfortable with it, body percussions will be added on some of the words: 2 claps for loose
tooth; tapping of lap for "wiggly jiggly", and snap for the words "thread" and "head."
Then the class will be playing the different percussion instruments that they are holding, one instrument per beat
until everybody is done.
Then the body percussions will be replaced for by the percussion instruments, ask the students to identify which
percussion should replace for which body percussion, and then sing the song with the percussion instruments.
For the last time, sing the song with body percussion and then followed immediately by the song with
percussion instruments.
Then the teacher will ask the students what to identify the musical elements highlighted in the activity.
Then the teacher will discuss the different elements of rhythm: beat, duration, and time signature.
Then he will show the students the table of notes and show how the "Loose Tooth" is made up of notes with
different duration.
Then he will introduce the conducting patterns by showing a video clip of an 8-year old conducting an orchestra.
Then individually, the students will be assigned the different patterns.
With the use of a flashcard, the teacher then asks them individually to conduct a particular pattern.
The class will then be divided into pairs and each pair will be asked to answer together, helping each other, the
given seatwork.
The teacher then distributes a seatwork sheet where that asks them to:
1. Divide the given group of notes according to the given time signature
The students will be given 10 excerpts of famous songs (with different ranges from easy to difficult, and with
different patterns).
They will choose one (1) and will be given enough time to practice reading its lyrics while conducting it, making
sure that the words are said at the right beat.
If two or more persons liked the same song, they may practice together, but they will have to perform solo.
Individual Performance (10 minutes)
After the allotted time for practice, they will be called one by one to read and conduct the patterns of the song,
those who can sing the excerpts of the song may also do so.
The teacher will review with the class the conducting patterns for two-four, three-four, four-four, and six-
eigth time signatures.
Then the students will be divided into two groups (male and female).
The teacher will flash on the screen the notation of "Hello Vietnam," and have its playback.
The teacher will demonstrate how to conduct with the audio of the song, making sure that the lyrics are
sung on the right beat.
The task of the students is to conduct with the first minute of the song using four-four conducting
The audio file will be played several times during the practice to give them time to master the timing of the
G - Performance (5 minutes)
Each group will then perform while the other group watches them.
The students will be given 20 minutes to finish this activity which is all about rhythm and its features.
Trying to feel the accent the song, they will be able to identify the specific pattern or time signature of
different sounds.
Conducting while singing is very good way of integrating the minute details discussed about rhythm.