Introduction To The Structure and The Structural Role of Elements in Glasses
Introduction To The Structure and The Structural Role of Elements in Glasses
Introduction To The Structure and The Structural Role of Elements in Glasses
In principle almost any substance can be made into a glass by cooling it from
the liquid state if cooled sufficiently fast to prevent crystallization. In practice,
however, it seems useful to make some classification scheme.
No theories able to predict which materials are able to form a glass, and under
what conditions
From glass to crystal -Nucleation, growth and phase separation: from research to
applications (2017)
D.R. Neuville, L. Cornier, D. Caurant, L. Montagne
Several models encompass most of the relevant aspects which are known to lead
to glass formation:
Several models encompass most of the relevant aspects which are known to lead
to glass formation:
the cation / anion ratio determines how many anions can be packed around
a given cation, i.e. the coordination number of the compound. Most crystals
with a cation / anion radius ratio of 0.2 to 0.4 have a co-ordination number
(CN) of 4 with anions at the corners of a tetrahedron
tetrahedral arrangement of oxygen ions around a cation M necessary
for glass formation
assumed the oxide is purely ionic (not strictly correct as many glass-forming
oxides have covalent character, e.g. SiO2)
condition is fulfilled in the case of SiO2, B2O3, P2O5, GeO2 and BeF2
Several models encompass most of the relevant aspects which are known to lead
to glass formation:
Basic postulates:
- interatomic forces similar in glass and corresponding crystal
- glass is in a slightly higher energy state
- nearest neighbor coordination polyhedra similar in glass and crystal
- nature of interatomic bonds similar in glass and corresponding crystal
Zachariasen, W.H., The atomic arrangement in glass. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 54 (1932) 3841
Zachariasen’s rules for glass formation
1. Each oxygen atom is linked (bonded) to no
more than two glass-forming cations (e.g. Si4+);
2. Oxygen coordination number (CN) around
glass-forming cation is small: 3 or 4;
3. Cation polyhedra share corners, not edges or
4. The polyhedral structural units form a 3-D
continuous random network in which every
polyhedron shares at least 3 corners with its
A2O3, AO2, and A2O5 oxides met the above rules => good glass former
c-SiO2 a-SiO2
STEM images
B2O3 not composed primarily of CRN’s (continuous random network) of individual BO4
and BO3 units. These small units form structural grouping such as boroxol, diborate …
that exist in the crystalline compounds of the particular borate system. These larger
(but sill quite small) units are then connected randomly to each other to form the glass
Intermediate between the micro-crystallite and the CRN models
Þ Gerald Lelong
Medium range order – inhomogeneities in glasses
Þ Network modifier
Qn species
n = number of bridging oxygens by tetrahedra
Multicomponent oxide glasses
Random network
Terminal oxygen
Bridging oxygen
Y = NBO/T = Nbre d’O pontant par tétraèdre (Y=6-200/p with p the mol% of
former at
Modifier at high PbO
low PbO content
former at
Modifier at high PbO
low PbO content
- predicts the existence of the main oxide glass formers (SiO2, GeO2, B2O3, P2O5,
...) and glass modifiers (Na2O, CaO, ...)
- suggests the existence of bridging oxygen (BO) and non-bridging oxygen
(NBO) species
Structural approach to glass formation
Several models encompass most of the relevant aspects which are known to lead to glass
• inorganic compounds, e.g. SiO2, B2O3, where the A-O bonds are partly
covalent and partly ionic
• Elements (S, Se) having chain structures with covalent bonds within the chain
and van der Waal’s forces between the chains
• organic compounds containing large molecules with covalent bonds within
the molecule and van der Waal’s forces between them
the electronegativity of the cations, of which the oxides are glass-forming, fall
within a certain range between 1.90 and 2.20
Mixed bond :
Si-O : ionic character of ~45%
Similar for other network formers
Be-F : 75% ionic character but BeF2 form a glass
Ge-Se : 12% ionic character but GeS2 form a glass
As-S : 5% ionic character but As2S3 form a glass
Mixed bond :
Si-O : ionic character of ~45%
Similar for other network formers
Be-F : 75% ionic character but BeF2 form a glass
Ge-Se : 12% ionic character but GeS2 form a glass
As-S : 5% ionic character but As2S3 form a glass
Several models encompass most of the relevant aspects which are known to lead
to glass formation:
The basic idea behind this model is that, when a melt is quenched to form a
glass, the stronger the M-O bonds, the more difficult are the structural
rearrangements necessary for crystallization and, hence, the easier is glass
Al2O3 satisfied Zachariasen’s criteria but Al2O3 does not form a glass
Ed = 317-402 kcals
Þ Louis Hennet
Limitations of Sun’s criteria
Network former
- Can form a glass network alone
- Strong directional bonding
- Example: Si4+, B3+, P5+, Ge4+, As3+, Be2+, with CN of 3 or 4
Network modifier
- Break the linkages between network formers
- More ionic bonding
- Example: Na+, K+, Ca2+, Ba2+, with CN ≥ 6
Several models encompass most of the relevant aspects which are known to lead
to glass formation:
Fs = ZC / (rc + ra)2 Fs = ZC / a2
Fs = ZC / a2
High field strength (for C it is 2.4) => covalent bonds, difficulty to form a glass
Intermediate field strength (1-2) => mixed bonds, can form glasses
To form a single stable crystalline compound normally requires ∆Fs > 0.3
As ∆Fs increases, so does the number of possible stable compounds, and the
tendency to form a glass. For a binary system, glass formation is likely for ∆Fs
> 1.33
SiO2–B2O3 melts solidify as glasses at any proportion (with some region of
SiO2–P2O5 and B2O3–P2O5 melts solidify to crystalline solids for most
proportions, or upon rapid quenching, form phase-separated glasses
Small difference in field strength : tendency for the division of the O2- ions
between the two competing cations => formation of immiscible glasses
Several models encompass most of the relevant aspects which are known to lead
to glass formation:
Ex :
<m>As2Se3 = 2.4
<m>SiO2 = 2.67
Topological constraints hypothesis
Þ Matthieu Micoulaut
Structure of chalcogenide glasses
a-S 3s23p4
a-Se 4s24p4
a-Te 5s25p4
Se Se
Rebuilding of end-of-chain defect
Structure of chalcogenide glasses
a-S 3s23p4
a-Se 4s24p4
a-Te 5s25p4
Structure of chalcogenide glasses
➪ GeS4 units
GeS4 tetrahedra linking S chains
S Ge
chains, All Ge are in 4-fold
➪ GeS4 are ➪
rings coordination (iso- Tetrahedra can shares
connecting chains
structural to a-Si) corners and edges≠silicates
Glass GeSe 2
Structure of chalcogenide glasses
•Modifiers ?
Þ Annie Pradel
Þ Bruno Bureau
Þ Eugene Bychkov
Notion of network former applicable
to all kind of glasses ?
Most compact configuration for spheres which are all identical in a 3D-space
(cfc, hc)
Þ compacity 0.74
Compacity is the ratio between the volume of particules within the cell and the
volume of the cell. It is the degree of filling of the space
cfc, hc C=0.74
cc C=0.68
Structure of metallic glasses
Granular medium
Sand pile or peas
Metal (Fe,Ni,Al,Cr,Pd)
Metalloids (P,Si,B,Ge)
Miracle, Nature Materials 2004 Þ Lindsey Greer
Yavari, Nature Materials 2005
Sheng et al, Nature 2006
Yavari, Nature 2006
Structure of metallic glasses
•Random Network
Continuous random network ® ioni-covalent glasses SiO2
Modified random network ® ioni-covalent glasses Na2O-SiO2