7 Musts of A Real Estate Newsletter
7 Musts of A Real Estate Newsletter
7 Musts of A Real Estate Newsletter
That Generates Leads &
Taken from: Real Estate Spice
"7 Musts Of A Real Estate Newsletter That Generates Leads"
Here you'll find easy reference material and suggestions to help you take off
strong with your own Real Estate Newsletter.
If you've hired a company in which to create and send email newsletters for you,
make sure they're doing this correctly or you'll waste your money.
A Professional Real Estate Newsletter done the right way is one of the best
ways to separate yourself from other agents. You can also use information
within an email platform to identify potential sellers and buyers.
To Your Success!
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1) Make Your Realtor® Newsletters Visually Appealing
Great images and photos are the number one way to grab people's attention in the real
estate business. Photos tell a story and appeal to people.
Use attractive photos throughout your Real Estate Newsletter. Use a newsletter platform
that’s designed for visuals and photographs within your newsletter.
The Constant Contact Platform is specifically designed to get through Email Service
Providers. Many emails don't get through if there are visuals or too many photos.
If you do use the 2 Month Free TRIAL be sure to use this link and we will upload the Mobile
Optimize Realtor® Newsletter Template FREE TO You. This took years to develop. It's
yours free. Once you get started with Constant Contact email your username (password too
for a faster response time).
Your subject lines make a difference on your open rate. There are many ways to create
catchy subject lines which will help with your open rates.
Add timely information such as current interest rates for new purchases or refinances.
You can include catchy homeowner tips.
Using benefit-driven subject lines and curiosity subject lines help your open rates.
3) Include Interesting & Helpful Info That Aren't Just Listings
There are many ways to create an interesting Realtor® newsletter your sphere will
look forward to.
Include information about your community. Highlight local events and businesses in
Have helpful information to homeowners. Know your demographic and include
information of interest to them.
Having a well rounded, professional real estate newsletter will improve your open
rates. Your SOI will look forward to your monthly newsletter!
Having calls to action in your Realtor® newsletter is an absolute must. There are
many ways to include calls to action in them.
Using strong calls to action is one of the key elements in an effective real estate
newsletter that gets you leads and referrals.
In the pivotal and ground breaking book "Don't Make Me Think" it lays the foundation
for effective layouts and influencing human behavior. This is how billion dollar
Amazon built it's empire.
When you're on Amazon, they make it super simple to find, click and buy exactly what
you'd like. There isn't any difficult in finding and buying what you need on Amazon.
Put your phone number at the top of your neweltter and make it LARGE. Don't make
them think or work to find it. I suggest including this at the top of your Realtor®
Newsletter. Include your business contact information on your newsletter.
6) Make Your Newsletter Scannable and Easy To Read
Don't make your newsletter difficult to read. It needs to be easy to read on desktops and on
mobile devices.
Make reading less of a chore and more enjoyable. Ensure it's scannable so people can find
what's of interest to them quickly.
More than 41% of people read their emails on their phone. That statistics is increasing too.
If your Realtor Newsletter displays incorrectly on a mobile device it's likely to be deleted within 3
Included in the newsletter course is a professional real estate TEMPLATE. This has been
refined through the years. This is also the template you receive if you start your account with
Constant Contact using the link in the resource section at the beginning of this guide and/or your
start the Real Estate Spice Newsletter Course.
Additional Notes & Ideas