2.5 Archimedes' Principle 2021
2.5 Archimedes' Principle 2021
2.5 Archimedes' Principle 2021
A huge ship is
made of steel Weight of stone in air, W1 = …………..
plates that weigh
tens of thousands Weight of stone in water ,W2 = ……………
of tonnes. How (a) Compare W1 and W2 .
does such a
heavy ship float ……………………………………………………
whereas a block .
of steel sinks?
(b) What conclusion can you make about the
Activity 1 weight in water?
Aim: To discuss the buoyant force on an object
immersed in a liquid ……………………………………………………
1. Fill full a container
with water. Push an 3. A cylindrical object is
empty mineral water completely immersed
bottle into the water in water.
(a) Do you feel any force (a) Compare the depth of
when the bottle is top face, h1 and
pushed downward? bottom face, h2
State the direction of
the force. ………………………………
……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
2. Tie a piece of stone with a string and hang it Name the resultant force produced.
on the hook of a spring balance. Measure and
record the weight of the stone in air. Immerse ………………………………………………………………
the stone into a beaker of water. Measure and
record the weight of the stone. Bouyant Force
1. What will happen to the water level when
an object is put into the water?
Volume / cm3
Volume of water without apple
Force acting on the
top surface, F1 Volume of water + apple
Activity 2
Aim: Relation-ship between the volume of the object
immersed and the volume of the liquid displaced
Weight of plasticine in air / N
Activity 3 1. From the analysis of data, what is the
Aim: To determine the relationship between the relationship between
weight of water displaced and buoyant force (a) the apparent loss in weight of the
plasticine and buoyant force?
Apparatus: Slotted weight, Eureka can, beaker,
spring balance, electronic balance, ………………………………………………………………
retort stand, wooden block
Material: Water (b) The apparent loss in weight of the
plasticine and the weight of water
Procedure displaced?
Activity 4
Aim: Relationship between the equilibrium of
forces and the state of floatation of an object
in a fluid Mass of apple = ………… Weight of apple =
1. These objects are floating stationary.
(a) What are two forces acting on the object?
Do this activity.
From Archimedes’s
Principle, write an
equation for buoyant
Write an equation for
buoyant force, FB in
terms of mass of water
displaced,m and (c) A fisherman finds that his boat is at different
gravitational levels in the sea and in the river although th
acceleration, g. boat carries the same load.
Write an equation for
buoyant force, FB ,
volume of water
displaced, V and
acceleration, g. (m=ƿV)
Write an equation for
buoyant force, FB in
terms of actual weight
figure 1 figure 2
of object in air, Wactual
and apperant weight of
object in water, Wapparent
Compare the buoyant force acted on the boat in
Write an equation for sea water and river water.
buoyant force, FB when 1.
an object is floating ………………………………………………………………
stationary on the
surface of water. 2. Compare the level of the boat.
Activity 5 Compare the density of sea water and river water.
Aim: Application of Archimedes’ Principle
1. A floating ship
Compare the volumes of water displaced by the
……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………… 2. Submarine
……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
How does the volume of air in the test tube
change when the test tube moves up from the ………………………………………………………………
base of the bottle to the surface of the water?
……………………………………………………………… 3. Hydrometer
. What is the function of a hydrometer?
What is the function of lead shots placed in the
glass bulb?
Why does the size of the air-filled glas bulb is
A hot air balloon of mass 100 kg is floating in a
stationary position in the air. What is the buoyant
force of the balloon?
Question 3
A small boat with weight of 900 N is floating still
on river water.
(a) What is the buoyant force on the boat?
Question 4
A glass tube of mass ………………………………………………………………
0.012 kg with uniform Why the fishing rod bends more when the fish is
diameter and cross- above the surface of water?
sectional area 4 x 10-4
m2 , and it is filled with ………………………………………………………………
lead shots so that it is
made vertical in a ………………………………………………………………
beaker containing
water. Question 7
[Density of water = 1000 kg m-3 ] A hot air ballon has a volume of 2080 m3 and
contains hot air balloon of mass 1900 kg. What is
Determine the weight of extra load that can be carried so that
(a) Volume of water displaced the balloon will float stationary in air of density
1.3 kgm-3
(d) The mass of lead shots in the glass tube TUTORIAL 2.5
1. A load hung from a
spring balance is
slowly submerged
in water until it is
Question 5
What will happen to the spring balance
A sifar
B decreases until zero
C remains unchanged
D decreases until reaches a constant value
What is the maximum load can be carried by
2. A metal block has a volume 0.002 m3 is the boat to ensure the boat does not
immersed in water. If the density of water is overload? [The density of water = 1000 kgm-
1000 kg m-3, what is the buoyant force 3
experienced by the metal block? A. 2.0 X 103 Kg
A 40N B 30N B. 3.8 X 103 Kg
C 20N D 10N C. 4.0 X 103 Kg
D. 4.2 X 103 Kg
3. The figure shows four spheres , P, Q, R and S
floating on water.
6. A metal block has a volume 0.5 m3 is tied to a
string. The block is immersed in water.
[Density of the metal block = 8 x 103 kg m-3,
Density of water = 1 x 103 kg m-3 ]
10. Two identical test tubes, P and Q, The Plimsoll line is marked based on
containing ball bearings X and Y. All the ball A. Pascal’s Principle
bearings have the same size but different B. Bernoulli’s Principle
densities. C. Archimedes Principle
D. Principle of Conservation of Momentum
(a) Name one force that is acting on the log. (ii) the volume of the sea water displaced.
[2 marks]
[1 markah]
(b) Give one reason why the log floats. (c) When water is filled into the ballast tank, the
submarine submerges into the sea. Give one
……………………………………………………………… reason why the submarine submerged.
[1 markah]
(c) The mass of the log is 1 200 kg and the
density of river water is 1 000 kg m-3. ......................................................................................
Calculate the volume of water displaced [1 mark]
by the log.
[2 markah] 5. Section C
Diagram 9.1 shows a hot-air balloon floating
stationary in the air during afternoon. Diagram
9.2 shows the position of the same hot air balloon
floating stationary in the air during early morning.
[1 markah]
7. Section C
Diagram 9.4 shows a hydrometer which is used to
measure density of a liquid.
Their weights are balanced by the buoyant force.
(a) What is the meaning of weight? [1