2.5 Archimedes' Principle 2021

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A huge ship is
made of steel Weight of stone in air, W1 = …………..
plates that weigh
tens of thousands Weight of stone in water ,W2 = ……………
of tonnes. How (a) Compare W1 and W2 .
does such a
heavy ship float ……………………………………………………
whereas a block .
of steel sinks?
(b) What conclusion can you make about the
Activity 1 weight in water?
Aim: To discuss the buoyant force on an object
immersed in a liquid ……………………………………………………
1. Fill full a container
with water. Push an 3. A cylindrical object is
empty mineral water completely immersed
bottle into the water in water.
(a) Do you feel any force (a) Compare the depth of
when the bottle is top face, h1 and
pushed downward? bottom face, h2
State the direction of
the force. ………………………………

……………………………………………………………… (b) Pressure at the top

face is P1 and
(b) When you push the bottle deeper, what pressure at the bottom face is P2. Compare P1
happen to the: and P2. Give reason to your answer.
(i) the force?
………………………………............ ………………………………………………………………

(ii) Volume of water displaced? ………………………………………………………………

Compare the force on the top surface with the
(iii) State the relationship between the force on the bottom surface on the cylinder
buoyant force acted on the bottle and the caused by liquid pressure.
volume of water displaced.
What is the direction of the resultant force acting
(iv) What will happen to the bottle when you on the cylinder as a result of the difference in
release your hand? liquid pressure?

……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………

2. Tie a piece of stone with a string and hang it Name the resultant force produced.
on the hook of a spring balance. Measure and
record the weight of the stone in air. Immerse ………………………………………………………………
the stone into a beaker of water. Measure and
record the weight of the stone. Bouyant Force
1. What will happen to the water level when
an object is put into the water?


2. An object will ………………… a liquid

Derived the formula for buoyant force: when it is immersed in the liquid.

Notes: height of cylinder, h = h2 – h1

Volume cylinder, V = Ah = volume of water displaced
Density of liquid, ρ Liquid pressure = ρgh

Pressure on the top

surface, P1

Volume / cm3
Volume of water without apple
Force acting on the
top surface, F1 Volume of water + apple

Volume of displaced water

Pressure on the Force on the bottom Volume of apple immersed in

bottom surface, P2 surface, F2 water



Resultant force, F (upwards) ………………………………………………………………

Bouyant force and the lost of weight

When an object is immersed into water, two

The object will experience a lost in weight due to

buoyant force. The weight of object in water is
lighter than its actual weight in air
The resultant force is the buoyant force, FB
Bouyant force = weight of object – weight of object
In air (actual) in water

State Archimedes Principle

An object in water will displace water.
Volume of liquid = volume of the immersed part
displaced of the object

Activity 2
Aim: Relation-ship between the volume of the object
immersed and the volume of the liquid displaced
Weight of plasticine in air / N

Weight of plasticine in water / N

Loss in weight of the object , /

Buoyant force / N

Weight of stone in air Mass of empty beaker / kg

Weight of stone in water Mass of beaker + displace

water / kg
‘Lost’ of weight Mass of water displaced / kg

Bouyant force Weight of water displaced/ N

Activity 3 1. From the analysis of data, what is the
Aim: To determine the relationship between the relationship between
weight of water displaced and buoyant force (a) the apparent loss in weight of the
plasticine and buoyant force?
Apparatus: Slotted weight, Eureka can, beaker,
spring balance, electronic balance, ………………………………………………………………
retort stand, wooden block
Material: Water (b) The apparent loss in weight of the
plasticine and the weight of water
Procedure displaced?


(c) The weight of water displaced and

buoyant force?


What is the conclusion from this experiment?



Object in Object Object

the air submerge in displaces
liquid liquid
1. Pour water slowly into a eureka can until it
flows out from the spout.
2. Weight an empty beaker and place it under
the spout of the eureka can
3. Suspend a ball of plasticine at the hook of a
spring balance by a string and weigh it in air.
4. Lower the plasticine into the eureka can until
the plasticine is completely immersed in
water. Record the reading of the spring
5. When there is no more water flowing out from Object
experiences Buoyant force
the spout, weight the beaker and water acts on an
displaced. apparent loss
in weight object
2. An apple is floating stationary in water.

Activity 4
Aim: Relationship between the equilibrium of
forces and the state of floatation of an object
in a fluid Mass of apple = ………… Weight of apple =
1. These objects are floating stationary.
(a) What are two forces acting on the object?


(b) What is the relationship between the two


……………………………………………………………… Mass of an empty beaker / kg

Mass of an empty beaker +

water / kg
Mass of the water displaced /kg

Weight of the water displaced /


Compare the weight of apple and the weght of

water displaced.


State a requirement so that

an object can float stationary
in water.


3. Complete the table to determine the state of

floatation of an object in a fluid
Compare Direction Balanced What
buoyant of or will
force and Resultant unbalance happen
weight of force d to
object force object?
force =
weight of
force <
weight of
(a) State the condition for a ship to float in sea
force >
weight of
Relation-ship between buoyant force, density and
volume of fluid displaced (b) Explain why a boat made of steel will float in
water, but a block of steel will sink.





Do this activity.
From Archimedes’s
Principle, write an
equation for buoyant
Write an equation for
buoyant force, FB in
terms of mass of water
displaced,m and (c) A fisherman finds that his boat is at different
gravitational levels in the sea and in the river although th
acceleration, g. boat carries the same load.
Write an equation for
buoyant force, FB ,
volume of water
displaced, V and
acceleration, g. (m=ƿV)
Write an equation for
buoyant force, FB in
terms of actual weight
figure 1 figure 2
of object in air, Wactual
and apperant weight of
object in water, Wapparent
Compare the buoyant force acted on the boat in
Write an equation for sea water and river water.
buoyant force, FB when 1.
an object is floating ………………………………………………………………
stationary on the
surface of water. 2. Compare the level of the boat.

Activity 5 Compare the density of sea water and river water.
Aim: Application of Archimedes’ Principle
1. A floating ship
Compare the volumes of water displaced by the

……………………………………………………………… When the ship at Klang Port is loaded until the

lines at T sails through Klang River will pass the
Relate the volume of water displaced and the line at TF.
density of the water to explain why a boat
submerged deeper in the river. ………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………… If the boat sails to England during winter, the level

of sea river in England pass the line W. Mengapa?
(d) If extra weight is put into the boat, why will
the boat float further in the water? ………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………… 2. Submarine

……………………………………………………………… Aim: Construct a Cartesian diver to show the

working principle of ballast tanks in a submarine

Apparatus: 1.5 litre plastic bottle, test tube

Material: masking tape, water and food colouring

(e) What is the purpose of Plimsoll line mark on a




(a) Fill the test tube with water until it is ¾ full.

Invert the test tube and quickly put it inside
the plastic bottle. It should float on the
surface of the water.
(b) Observe the level of water in the test tube.
(c) Squeeze the lower part of the bottle so that
the test tube sinks slowly to the base of the
bottle. Observe the level of water in the test
(d) Slowly release the pressure on the bottle so
that the test tube moves up again to the
surface of the water. Observe the change in
Why the lines are at different level? the level of water in the test tube.
……………………………………………………………… Compare the level of water in the test tube when
the test tube is floating on the surface, H1 and
……………………………………………………………… when it sinks to the base of the bottle, H2
……………………………………………………………… Explain how a submarine on the surface
. submerges and then raise up.

Compare the volume of water in the test tube ………………………………………………………………

when it is floating on the surface, V1 and when it
sinks to the base of the bottle, V2 ………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………
How does the volume of air in the test tube
change when the test tube moves up from the ………………………………………………………………
base of the bottle to the surface of the water?

……………………………………………………………… 3. Hydrometer

Explain the movement of the test tube by applying

Archimedes’ principle.


. What is the function of a hydrometer?

What is the function of lead shots placed in the
glass bulb?
Why does the size of the air-filled glas bulb is


Why the glass stem is thin and long?



Aim: To use a hydrometer to determine the

density of various liquids.
A submarine can sail on the sea surface and Apparatus: Hydrometer and three 1000 ml
under the sea. What is the function of ballast measuring cylinder
tank? Material: Distilled water, alcohol, sea water

……………………………………………………………… (a) Fill three measuring cylinders with distilled

water, alcohol and sea water.
……………………………………………………………… (b) Immerse the hydrometer slowly into the
distilled water. Record the reading of the
hydrometer when it is stationary
(c) Repeat for alcohol and sea water. Give reason why the size of the balloon is big.

Type of liquid Density / g cm-3 ………………………………………………………………

Distilled water
Sea water
Compare the buoyant force and the weight of air


What will happen to the ballon if:

 Buoyant force is larger than the weight of the


 Buoyant force equal the total weight of the

Compare the buoyant force in liquid A and liquid
B. Give reason for your answer.
Activity 6
Aim: Solving problems involving Archimedes’
Principle and Buoyancy
What will happens to the hydrometer when it is
Question 1
put in the liquid of lesser density?
An object is hung from
a spring.
(a) What is the
buoyant force on
the object in
Compare the density of liquid A and liquid B.
(b) What is the weight
of water displaced?
4. A hot air-balloon
Name two forces acted on
the balloon.
(c) Determine the volume of water displaced.
[density of water = 1000 kgm-3]


Compare the density of air

in the ballon and air outside.
(d) What is the volume of the object?
Question 2
A stone weights 2.5 N. When it is fully submerged
Give two methods that have to be done to the air
in a liquid, its apparent weight is 2.2 N.
inside the balloon to ensure the balloon rise up.
Calculate the density of liquid if its volume
displaced by the stone is 25 cm3 (25 x 10-6 m3).

A hot air balloon of mass 100 kg is floating in a
stationary position in the air. What is the buoyant
force of the balloon?

Question 3
A small boat with weight of 900 N is floating still
on river water.
(a) What is the buoyant force on the boat?

(b) What is the weight of water displaced? Question 6

(c) Calculate the volume of water displaced by

the boat. [density of river water = 1000 kg m-3
and g = 9.81 m s-2]

Explain why it is easier for the fisherman to pull

the weak fish when it is still in water.

Question 4
A glass tube of mass ………………………………………………………………
0.012 kg with uniform Why the fishing rod bends more when the fish is
diameter and cross- above the surface of water?
sectional area 4 x 10-4
m2 , and it is filled with ………………………………………………………………
lead shots so that it is
made vertical in a ………………………………………………………………
beaker containing
water. Question 7
[Density of water = 1000 kg m-3 ] A hot air ballon has a volume of 2080 m3 and
contains hot air balloon of mass 1900 kg. What is
Determine the weight of extra load that can be carried so that
(a) Volume of water displaced the balloon will float stationary in air of density
1.3 kgm-3

(b) Weight of water displaced

(c) buoyant force

(d) The mass of lead shots in the glass tube TUTORIAL 2.5
1. A load hung from a
spring balance is
slowly submerged
in water until it is
Question 5
What will happen to the spring balance
A sifar
B decreases until zero
C remains unchanged
D decreases until reaches a constant value
What is the maximum load can be carried by
2. A metal block has a volume 0.002 m3 is the boat to ensure the boat does not
immersed in water. If the density of water is overload? [The density of water = 1000 kgm-
1000 kg m-3, what is the buoyant force 3
experienced by the metal block? A. 2.0 X 103 Kg
A 40N B 30N B. 3.8 X 103 Kg
C 20N D 10N C. 4.0 X 103 Kg
D. 4.2 X 103 Kg
3. The figure shows four spheres , P, Q, R and S
floating on water.
6. A metal block has a volume 0.5 m3 is tied to a
string. The block is immersed in water.
[Density of the metal block = 8 x 103 kg m-3,
Density of water = 1 x 103 kg m-3 ]

Which comparison is correct about the

density of spheres P,Q,R and S?
A. P > Q > R > S What is the tension, Q of the string?
B. S > Q > R > P A 3.0 x 104 N B 3.5 x 104 N
C. P > R > Q > S 4
C 4.0 x 10 N D 4.5 x 104N
D. Q > R > P >S

4. The figure shows a boy on a float.

7. Diagram below shows iceberg floating on

the surface of the sea.

Which of the relationship between the

physical quantities in the above situation is
A. Weight of water displaced = weight of
the boy + weight of the float
B. Weight of water displaced > weight of
the boy + weight of the float
C. Volume of water displaced = volume of
Which of the following statements is correct?
the boy + volume of the float
A. Weight of iceberg = Weight of sea water
D. Volume of water displaced > volume of
the boy + volume of the float
B. Volume of iceberg =Volume of sea water
C. Density of iceberg = Density of sea water
5. A boat has a safety limit line L. The
volume of the boat under the line L is 4 m3.
The mass of the boat is 200 kg.
8. Diagram 9 shows to show the relationship between buoyant
the readings of a force and weight?
balance and a Sink Moves upwards
spring balance.
What happens to A Buoyant force < Buoyant force >
the reading of the weight weight
compression B Buoyant force > Buoyant force =
balance and the weight weight
reading of the C Buoyant force = Buoyant force >
spring balance weight weight
when the load is D Buoyant force < Buoyant force =
immersed in the weight weight
12. Diagram 13 shows a log floating on the
surface of water. (2014)
Compression balance Spring balance
A Decreases Increases
B Increases Decreases
C Decreases Decreases
D Increases Increases

9. Diagram 12 shows an airship floating at a Which statement is correct?

constant height. A. Buoyant force = weight
B. Buoyant force > Weight
C. Density of log > Density of water
D. Density of log = Density of water

13. Diagram 11 showss a Plimsoll line marked on

the side of a ship. The plimsoll is used as a
The buoyant force exerted on the airship is reference line to prevent overloading. (2015)
equal to
A. the mass of the airship
B. the weight of the airship
C. the density of the airship
D. the volume of air displaced by the

10. Two identical test tubes, P and Q, The Plimsoll line is marked based on
containing ball bearings X and Y. All the ball A. Pascal’s Principle
bearings have the same size but different B. Bernoulli’s Principle
densities. C. Archimedes Principle
D. Principle of Conservation of Momentum

14. Diagram 8 shows two identical ships

floating in a river and in a sea.

The buoyant force on the test tube P and Q

are FP and FQ, respectively. Which
comparison is correct? Why does the ship sink deeper in the river
A. FP = FQ water compared to the sea water?
B. FP > FQ A. Density of the ship < density of the river
C. FP < FQ water
B. Density of the ship > density of the river
11. A rubber ball is dropped into the water. water
The ball sinks and moves upward after C. Density of river water < density of the sea
reaching a certain depth. Which pair is correct water
D. Density of the ship in the river > density of weight of an empty beaker and the weight of a
the ship in the sea beaker filled with water respectively. The
beakes are identical.
1. Figure(a), Figure(b) and Figure(c) show a
spring balance supporting a metal block K in
three situations.

Diagram 5.1 Diagram 5.2

(a) (b) (c)
(a) What is the meaning of weight?
(a) Compare the readings of the spring balance
in Figure(a) and Figure(b)
[1 m]

……………………………………………………………… (b) (i) What is the difference between the spring

[1 m] balance reading in Diagram 5.1 and Diagram
(b) Name three forces that act on K when it 5.2?
partially or totally in water.
……………..N [1 m]
(ii) Name the force that is represented by
……………………………………………………………… the reading in 5(b)(i).
[2 m]
(c) State and explain the relationship [1 m]
between the forces in (b). (c)(i) What is the reading of the compression
balance in Diagram 5.2?
[1 m]
(ii) Name the physical quantity that is
[2 m]
represented by the reading in 5(c)(i)
(d) Name the principle involved in (c)
[1 m]
[1 m]
(d)(i) Relate the answers in 5(b)(ii) and 5(c)(ii).
(e)(i) What will happen to the reading of the
spring balance in Figure (c) if the water is
replaced with salt solution?
[1 m]
(ii) Name the physics principle involved in
these situations.
(ii) Give one reason for your answer. [1 m]

……………………………………………………………… (e) What happens to the spring balance reading

[1 m] in Diagram 5.2 when the metal block is
immersed deeper into the water?
2. Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 show a spring
balance supporting a metal block in two ………………………………………………………
situations. The metal blocks are identical. [1 m]
The compression balance in Diagram 5.1 and
in Diagram 5.2 show the readings of the
3. Diagram shows a log floats at the surface of
river water. Calculate;
(i) the buoyant force acted on the submarine.
[2 marks]

(a) Name one force that is acting on the log. (ii) the volume of the sea water displaced.
[2 marks]
[1 markah]

(b) Give one reason why the log floats. (c) When water is filled into the ballast tank, the
submarine submerges into the sea. Give one
……………………………………………………………… reason why the submarine submerged.
[1 markah]
(c) The mass of the log is 1 200 kg and the
density of river water is 1 000 kg m-3. ......................................................................................
Calculate the volume of water displaced [1 mark]
by the log.
[2 markah] 5. Section C
Diagram 9.1 shows a hot-air balloon floating
stationary in the air during afternoon. Diagram
9.2 shows the position of the same hot air balloon
floating stationary in the air during early morning.

(d) What happens to the volume of water

displaced when the log floats in sea

[1 markah]

4. Diagram 3 shows a submarine floating

stationary on the surface of the sea.

(a) (i) What is the meaning of density? [1

Diagram 3
(ii) Observe Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2.
(a) State the principle that enable the submarine
Compare the height of the balloon, the
to float.
density of the air and the temperature of the
air outside the balloon. Relate the
temperature of the air with the density of the
air outside the balloon to make a deduction
on the relationship between the buoyant
force and the temperature.
[5 marks]

(b) Diagram 9.3 shows a boy is holding balloon

(b) The mass of the submarine is 1.5 x 107 kg
filled with gas.
[Density of sea water = 1.03 x 103 kg m-3]
(iii) Name the physics principle involved.
[1 mark]

(c) Diagram 9.2 shows what happens when a

wooden block is held above the water
surface and then released into the water.

Diagram 9.3 Diagram 9.4

When the wooden block is released, it falls into
Explain why the balloons rise up when the boy the water and goes completely under the water
releases them. surface. Then it moves upwards and floats on the
[4 marks] water surface.
Using the concept of buoyant force, explain why
(c) Diagram 9.4 shows a gas balloon used for an the wooden block moves upwards and then floats
advertisement. Suggest and explain how to on the water surface.
produce a balloon that is able to float for a few [3 marks]
days effectively, based on the the following
aspects: (d) The State Forestry Department is going to
(i) The gas used in the balloon organize a raft competition. As a team
(ii) The material used for the balloon leader, you are required to give some
(iii)The size of the balloon suggestions to design a raft which can
accommodate 15 participants and be able to
move quickly in water.
6. Section C Using your knowledge of motion, forces and
Diagram 9.1 shows a boy and his father sitting on properties of materials, state and explain the
two identical beach balls, A and B, respectively. suggestions, based on the following
(i) The shape of the raft
(ii) The material used for the raft
(iii) The size of the raft
(iv) The design of the raft.
[10 marks]

7. Section C
Diagram 9.4 shows a hydrometer which is used to
measure density of a liquid.
Their weights are balanced by the buoyant force.
(a) What is the meaning of weight? [1

(b) (i) Using Diagram 9.1, compare the weight of

the boy and his father, the volume of the
water displaced and the buoyant force
acted on both of them. [3

(ii) State the relationship between the

buoyant force and: You are required to modify the design in Diagram
 The volume of water displaced 9.4 so that the hydrometer is more sensitive and
 The weight of water displaced [2 can measure wider range of liquid’s density.
State and explain the modifications based on the
following aspects:
(i) Length of the stem
(ii) Material of the hydrometer
(iii) Diameter of the stem
(iv) Size of the bulb
(v) Number of lead shots
[10 marks]

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