Le Health8 q2 W3-4-Daa
Le Health8 q2 W3-4-Daa
Le Health8 q2 W3-4-Daa
Learning Task 3:
For this activity, list down the different maternal health concerns during
pregnancy. Write an explanation why they experience those concerns.
Write your answers in your answer sheet.
D. Assimilation Learning Task 6:
When women are pregnant, they need to be very conscious of what they
take, drink and the activities they engage in because it may harm the child
they are carrying. The following is a list of actions performed during
pregnancy. If the action mentioned is something that a pregnant woman
should avoid, put (X). If the activity is something that would be good for a
pregnant woman, put a (/). Copy and answer the given in your answer
Learning Task 7:
Identify the different maternal-health concerns of a woman and the ways
on how to cope with those health concerns. Give a specific example and
use a graphic organizer to present your output. Write your explanation at
the back of the paper. Use a short bond paper for this activity.
Learning Task 8:
In a bond paper, make a poster that shows the role of the father and
mother during the period of pregnancy. Write a short explanation for your
output at the back of paper.
Focus Questions
1. What are the pregnancy- related problems in the story?
2. What could have prevented the situation and the poor health condition
of the child?
3. What government agencies could have helped Alisa during her
4. Are you in favor of teenage pregnancy? Support your answer.
5. What are the effects of early pregnancy?
6. When is the right age to get pregnant? Justify your answer.
7. What should you do if someone in your family got pregnant at your age?
8. Which do you prefer, unplanned or planned pregnancy and why?
9. What insights and realization did you gain from the story?