Real Ap Biology Syllabus
Real Ap Biology Syllabus
Real Ap Biology Syllabus
2019- 2020
Chelsea Elkins
864-472-2836, ext 4275
Chapman High School Room 303
Course Overview
The AP Biology course is designed to be the equivalent of a college-level introductory biology
course. The intent of the course is to expose students to higher-level biological principles,
concepts, and skills and allow them the opportunity to apply their knowledge to real-life applications. The first semester
will be Biology 2 Honors and the second semester will be AP Biology. Students will engage in the full curriculum over
both semesters. We will have an overarching ACT focus to help students master standardized testing and culture.
By structuring the course around the big four ideas, enduring understandings, and science practices I will assist students
in developing an appreciation for the study of life and help them identify and understand unifying principles within a
diverse biological world.In the revised AP Biology course, the teacher serves as the facilitator while the students develop
as independent thinkers and learners, especially through laboratory investigations. The process of inquiry in science and
developing critical thinking skills is the most important part of this course. At the end of the course, students will have an
awareness of the integration of other science in the study of biology, understand how the species to which we belong is
similar to, yet different from, other species, and be knowledgeable and responsible citizens in understanding biological
issues that could possibly impact their lives.
Classroom Policies
1. Prompt, Prepared and Present
2. Productive and Involved
3. Respectful
4. Responsible
Student’s grades for the 1st and 2nd quarters will be Student’s semester averages will be
calculated as follows: determined as follows:
Q1 Average 40%
Major Grades 50% Q2 Average 40%
- Tests, Projects, Lab Reports Exam 20%
Minor Grades 50% (total)
- Labs & Classwork 30%
- Quizzes 20%
Absences/Tardy Policy
This class will move at a rigorous pace and when students are absent they will miss work. You must have a pass if you are
late to class otherwise you will be counted as tardy. The tardy policy is included below:
First offense: Warning 3rd-5th tardy: After School detention hall
Second offense: Detention 6th-8th tardy: In School suspension
Third offense: Office Referral and Parent Conference 9th tardy: Out of School Suspension
1. Pencils
2. Textbook
3. Chromebook
4. Binder
Homework Policy
Homework will be assigned periodically, and students are expected to complete all assignments. Homework assignments
will be graded. We will complete the majority of homework will be completed as a part of Mastering Biology that is an
online component that supports the textbook.
Science Practices
A practice is a way to coordinate knowledge and skills in order to accomplish a goal
or task. The science practices enable students to establish lines of evidence and use
them to develop and refine testable explanations and predictions of natural
phenomena. These science practices capture important aspects of the work that
scientists engage in, at the level of competence expected of AP Biology students.
Midterm 1 12/13
10 AP Review
11 Extra Labs/Projects
As a student, I promise to do my best to uphold the high standards of achievement that are expected of me and to follow
the course requirements and expectations.
_________________________ _______________________
I have read and discussed with my child the information provided in this packet regarding classroom expectations,
behavioral expectations, and safety rules.
________________________ __________________________
As the teacher I will strive to do my best to teach my students in an engaging, challenging, and inquisitive nature. I
promise to be supportive, reassuring, patient, humorous, and a good listener. Additionally, I promise to notify parents of
any problems as they arise, as well as positive news about the students as often as I can.