Learning Log 2
Learning Log 2
Learning Log 2
Day 2- February 23, You Will Never Believe what happened.- Ron
1. “For humor. For clarifying our view of the world. For asserting our
2. “we shape the events in our life so they have a plot, characters,
conflict, and some sort of resolution.”
3. Explain this quote: “If telling stories makes us human, reading stories
seems to put us in touch with our humanity.” That quote is basically
saying that we need stories to relate to life. Reading other peoples
stories makes us human and allows us to focus on life and its
purpose. It is just like a form of communication and it is essential to
human life.
2. Simple: Keep it concise and get to the point instead of going off track
and losing the audience's attention.
Unexpected: An element of surprise gives the audience laughs and
hooks them to the story.
Concrete: Using descriptive words to describe a feeling without just
saying how you feel. It makes the audience more included and does not
give it away.
Credible: Take advantage of sources and get as much credibility as you
can for proof and for background information.
Emotional: People remember how they feel and you want to give them
emotions that will last and what the people will remember about your story.
Story-based: Have a plot to follow so there is change in emotion and
thoughts to keep the audience interested.
Day 6- March 10, “Story as Rhetorical: We Can’t Escape the Story No Matter
How Hard We Try” - Ron Christiansen
1. “I have much anecdotal evidence that students choose to write
stories when given a chance.” This is ironic because it shows that
students will write good stories when they have a choice, instead of
being forced.
2. “Rhetoric is a code word for rigorous.” This is ironic because rhetoric
is used for many things and this is saying it is just another way to say
3. “story is the method by which we understand the world and our place
in it.” This is ironic because it explains that when telling a story we
can truly use it to establish a place in the world for oneself and know
where you belong.
4. A story is an argument because it is establishing one's beliefs and
views of the world. This is arguing because someone else can have a
completely different point of view of the world or a specific scenario
and the story will tell it the way that another person sees things.
Day 7- March 15, “The Narrative Effect: Story As the Forward Frame” Lisa
1. How is a story underlying all understanding:
-writers create new worlds
-stories create an argument of what reality is
-the narrative effect in writing
-gives empathy and different types of feelings
-rhetorical appeal to make the reader question
2. “stories also help readers understand why and under what conditions
the story matters. This, by the way, is true of most kinds of writing
that matter to readers” This formultes my memoir/profile to remind
me to make the story matter and be important so the reader can
understand what i am saying and what difference i am bringing to the