1st Xinghai Prize International Choir Championships 2012: 08th To 14th November 2012 Guangzhou/Canton, China

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1st Xinghai Prize International Choir

Championships 2012
08th to 14th November 2012
Guangzhou/Canton, China

- Guangzhou International Open Competition -

Result Category 1 - Children´s Choirs I
Name of the group Conductor Country Points Medal CW CP SP
Panyu Xing Hai Childrens’
Qin Choir Qin Wei China 23,87 GOLD IV
Raduga Zinai Zinaida Kuleshova Russia 23,63 GOLD IV
Guang Dong ShunWu
De LSmall Note Children Wu Li Ya China 22,38 GOLD II
The China Southern
NICE Children's Art Chen Guiyan China 21,37 GOLD I
The Lark Choir of Pinglang
Yang Primary School Yang Wen Yu China 19,67 SILVER X
Shiqi No.1 PrimaryQiao
School Sunny Angel Qiao Ye China 19,22 SILVER IX
Choir of Zhongshan
Tiberias Children'sDedd
Choir Deddy Agustinus Indonesia 18,58 SILVER IX
Qian Jiang Star Children's
Guiy Chorus of Guiyang Li China 18,43 SILVER VIII
Children's Palace
Foshan City Children's
Pan Choir Pan Xianghui China 18,18 SILVER VIII
Guang Dong ShunLiu
DeHBida Children's Choirs Liu Hong China 17,20 SILVER VII
Rassvet Vladivostok
Galin Galina Potopyak Russia 16,38 SILVER VI
Little White PigeonChi
Chorus Chi Wenfang China 14,65 SILVER V
Lian Zhi Liu Xiang Li
Ge Choir of Li Geng Hua China 13,32 SILVER III
Xincheng Primary School
The Children’s Choir
Zhonof Pearl River Piano Art Zhong Lihong China 9,28 BRONZE IX
Children's Choir ofWei
Christ Church Shamien Wei Liang China 7,98 BRONZE VIII
Adorote Choir Heru Heru Kuswantoro Indonesia 6,67 BRONZE VII
Voice of Children Peng Peng Guanwen China 0,00 SUCCESSFUL

CW = Category Winner CP = Conductor Prize SP = Special Prize

The choir has qualified to perform at the following INTERKULTUR major Events within the next 5 years:
Q I = World Choir Games–The Champions Competition; World Choir Championships–The Champions Round;
Grand Prix of Choral Music
Q II =
World Choir Games–The Champions Competition; World Choir Championships–The Champions Round

Ruhberg 1
35463 Fernwald (Frankfurt/Main) Germany
1st Xinghai Prize International Choir
Championships 2012
08th to 14th November 2012
Guangzhou/Canton, China

- Guangzhou International Open Competition -

Result Category 2 - Children´s Choirs II
Name of the group Conductor Country Points Medal CW CP SP
Temasek Chorale Dariu Darius Lim Kian Siong Singapore 23,68 GOLD IV
Muntinlupa Science
R School Children's Ivy Rose Casiguran-Puri Philippines 23,27 GOLD III
Guangzhou Little Petrel
Diao Children's Choir Diao Zhijun China 23,05 GOLD III
Spensix Choir (PSPritta
SMP Negeri 6 Surabaya) Pritta Kartika Ariestyawati Indonesia 22,43 GOLD II
Gita Swara Nassa,Moha
School of Nasional I Mohammad Charles Indonesia 22,13 GOLD II
Bishop Hall JubileeNg
M Choir Ng Man Fai China/Hongkong 21,45 GOLD I
Guangzhou TianheSu
Y Chorus Su Yanhui China 21,18 GOLD I
Cita Hati Behemoth
Voices Ece Palentina Marpaung Indonesia 20,60 GOLD I
Kuo Chuan Presbyterian
Ngia Secondary School Ngian Ping Singapore 18,18 SILVER VIII
Guangzhou TianheZhan
Boys' Choir Zhang Xujun China 17,45 SILVER VII
Panyu Nancun Middle
Li MiSchool Choir Li Min China 17,37 SILVER VII
Choir of Guangzhou
Yucai Experimental Guang Shumei China 16,50 SILVER VII
Sabah Tshung Tsin
Secondary School Yun-Kang Chong & Shui- Malaysia 16,03 SILVER VI
Sunflower Choir Yun Wong

Result Category 3 - Youth Choirs of Equal Voices

Name of the group Conductor Country Points Medal CW CP SP
South China Normal
Y Female Choir Su Yanhui China 23,67 GOLD IV
South China Female
Choir of Xinghai Liao Yuan China 22,42 GOLD II
Conservatory of Music
PSM Satya Dharma
Gita FH UNDIP Alfonso Andika Wiratma Indonesia 21,02 GOLD I
Choir Troupe of Experimental
Ligan Senior High Ligang Zhu China 18,72 SILVER IX
School, Zhongshan
Guangdong ConghuaHandNo.6 Middle School Handong Tian China 16,82 SILVER VII
Rhine Waterfront Choir
Rosy Chorus Lu Z Lu Zheng Qiang China 15,23 SILVER V

CW = Category Winner CP = Conductor Prize SP = Special Prize

The choir has qualified to perform at the following INTERKULTUR major Events within the next 5 years:
Q I = World Choir Games–The Champions Competition; World Choir Championships–The Champions Round;
Grand Prix of Choral Music
Q II =
World Choir Games–The Champions Competition; World Choir Championships–The Champions Round

Ruhberg 1
35463 Fernwald (Frankfurt/Main) Germany
1st Xinghai Prize International Choir
Championships 2012
08th to 14th November 2012
Guangzhou/Canton, China

- Guangzhou International Open Competition -

Result Category 4 - Mixed Youth Choirs
Name of the group Conductor Country Points Medal CW CP SP
Muntinlupa Science
R School Chorale Ivy Rose Casiguran-Puri Philippines 24,78 GOLD V
Exodia Youth ChoirGodli Godlief Soumokil Indonesia 24,07 GOLD IV
Gita Swara Nassa Moha
Indonesian Youth Choir Mohammad Charles Indonesia 21,65 GOLD II
Sixers Voice ChoirPritta Pritta Kartika Ariestyawati Indonesia 20,92 GOLD I
SCAU New Voice Le Li Le Li China 19,00 SILVER IX
Xinghai Further Education
Lu Z College Festival Lu Zhenqiang China 17,98 SILVER VIII
Enharmonic Singers
SMAN 1 Pandaan Supriyanto Harmanie Indonesia 17,75 SILVER VIII
Zhong Yuan High School
Yihui Choir Yihui Zhang China 16,78 SILVER VII
Guangdong Zhaoqing
Li De
Middle School Chorus Li Debao China 13,40 SILVER III
Student's Mixed Choir
He Kof Zhongshan He Kai China 11,90 SILVER II
Overseas Middle School

Result Category 5 - Female Choirs

Name of the group Conductor Country Points Medal CW CP SP
Whispers Female Choir
Wan Wang Jun China 22,47 GOLD II
The Nansha Mangrove
Lee Choir Lee Zhenhua China 18,42 SILVER VIII
Spring Chorus of Futian
Li Yu Labour Union Li Yue China 16,93 SILVER VII
GuangDong KangYi
QunWomen's Choir Qun Deng China 16,90 SILVER VII
Hong Hong Female
Chorus Weiping Xi China 16,75 SILVER VII
Shantou Federation
Qiao Sheng Choir Yingwei Liu China 16,35 SILVER VI
Xiehe Female Chorus
Lu Z Lu Zhenqiang China 14,25 SILVER IV
Bailing Choir Ling Ling Jiang China 12,52 SILVER III
Shanxi Girls' ChoirZhan Zhang Dehe China 9,25 BRONZE IX

Result Category 6 - Male Choirs

Name of the group Conductor Country Points Medal CW CP SP
Guangdong University
Liangof Technology Male Liang Wei China 18,75 SILVER IX
Students Choir
Red Badge Choir Zhou Zhou Zhengsong China 16,37 SILVER VI

CW = Category Winner CP = Conductor Prize SP = Special Prize

The choir has qualified to perform at the following INTERKULTUR major Events within the next 5 years:
Q I = World Choir Games–The Champions Competition; World Choir Championships–The Champions Round;
Grand Prix of Choral Music
Q II =
World Choir Games–The Champions Competition; World Choir Championships–The Champions Round

Ruhberg 1
35463 Fernwald (Frankfurt/Main) Germany
1st Xinghai Prize International Choir
Championships 2012
08th to 14th November 2012
Guangzhou/Canton, China

- Guangzhou International Open Competition -

Result Category 7 - Mixed Choirs
Name of the group Conductor Country Points Medal CW CP SP
Mercu Buana University
Agus Choir Agus Yuwono Indonesia 24,20 GOLD IV
Guangzhou Workers'
GuanPearl River Piano Choir Guang Hui Chen China 22,60 GOLD III
Teachers' Choir ofSu
Y City Xiangzhou Su Yanhui China 22,27 GOLD II
Teachers Choir of Guan
Guangzhou Panyu Guang Hui Chen China 21,47 GOLD I
The Chorus of Ronggui
Tao Tao Wen Hua China 21,40 GOLD I
Guangzhou PanyuWen
Shilou Choir Wenhua Tao China 20,80 GOLD I
The London School
of Public Relations Choir Giovanni Tomasowa Indonesia 20,68 GOLD I
Chancheng DistrictJiang
Chorus Salon Jiang Lu`an China 20,58 GOLD I
Yichang Three Gorges
Sun Wind Chorus Sun Yu China 19,23 SILVER IX
China Yangtze Power
SunCo.ltd Staff Choir Sun Yu China 18,88 SILVER IX
Chengdu Teachers'
Choir Ming Ai China 18,20 SILVER VIII
Vajra Gita Nusantara
PaulChoir Paulus Yoedianto H. Indonesia 17,65 SILVER VIII
Hong Hong ChorusWeipi
Guangzhou Weiping Xi China 17,38 SILVER VII
Autumn Whispers Wan
Choir Wang Jun China 15,82 SILVER VI
Xiehe Alumni Chorus
Lu Z Lu Zhenqiang China 15,75 SILVER VI
The Guangzhou Health
Zhi J Bureau Choir Zhi Jun Diao China 15,72 SILVER VI
Guangdong University
Liangof Technology Liang Wei China 14,42 SILVER IV
Students Choir
Art Choir of Federation
Keweof Trade Union in Kewei Wang China 14,28 SILVER IV
Shaoguan City
The Gotrust Olympic
ChenLove Choir of Chen Jingfan China 13,48 SILVER III
Shenzhen Yuan Ling
ZhuStreet Double Ninth Zhu Qian Lin China 13,40 SILVER III
Guangzhou SportsMin
L Veteran Choir Ai Min Li China 12,68 SILVER III
The Guangdong Guang
Kewe Ya Middle School Kewei Wang China 9,88 BRONZE X
Alumni Choir
The Guangdong Kangyi
Zhan Chorus Zhang Bin China 9,30 BRONZE IX
Hua Xing Choir Society
Li Yin Li Ying Lin Singapore 9,03 BRONZE IX
The Chorus of Zhangzhou
Lin Z University for the Lin Zhenrong China 7,92 BRONZE VIII

CW = Category Winner CP = Conductor Prize SP = Special Prize

The choir has qualified to perform at the following INTERKULTUR major Events within the next 5 years:
Q I = World Choir Games–The Champions Competition; World Choir Championships–The Champions Round;
Grand Prix of Choral Music
Q II =
World Choir Games–The Champions Competition; World Choir Championships–The Champions Round

Ruhberg 1
35463 Fernwald (Frankfurt/Main) Germany
1st Xinghai Prize International Choir
Championships 2012
08th to 14th November 2012
Guangzhou/Canton, China

- Guangzhou International Open Competition -

Result Category 8 - Chamber Choirs and Vocal Ensembles of Equal Voices
Name of the group Conductor Country Points Medal CW CP SP
Spring Plum Chorus
Li Yu Li Yue China 20,75 GOLD I
Guangzhou Chinese
Li Zh
Hero Choir Li Zhen Hua China 20,70 GOLD I
August Rush Xu Qi Xu Qiongwu China 18,67 SILVER IX
Guangdong ForeignZhuo
Economic and Trade Zhuo Yin China 18,23 SILVER VIII
Auspicious Art Troupe
Guangzhou Da Tong
WenPhilharmonic Female Wenhua Tao China 18,22 SILVER VIII
Chamber Choir
The Male Choir of Jingy
Guangdong University of Jingyi Wang China 16,93 SILVER VII

Result Category 9 - Mixed Chamber Choirs and Vocal Ensembles

Name of the group Conductor Country Points Medal CW CP SP
The Bangkok Voices
Kittip Kittiporn Tantrarungroj Thailand 22,35 GOLD II
Tarlac State University
Eric Chamber Choir Eric Robert M. Santos Philippines 22,33 GOLD II
The Feitian Singers
of ASEE, BUAA Cheng Wang China 13,20 SILVER III
Joy of Music ChoirWu F Wu Fan China 6,87 BRONZE VII

Result Category 10 - Pop, Jazz, Gospel

Name of the group Conductor Country Points Medal CW CP SP
Carmen manet Prim Primož Kerštanj Slovenia 25,45 GOLD V
The Bangkok Voices
Kittip Kittiporn Tantrarungroj Thailand 23,25 GOLD III
Tianhe Jazz Choir Beno Benoit Stasiaczyk China 21,40 GOLD I
The London School
of Public Relations Choir Giovanni Tomasowa Indonesia 21,10 GOLD I
The A-capella Vocal
Band of GuangDong Jingyi Wang China 20,85 GOLD I
University of Technology
Guangdong Peizheng
ZhanCollege Student Art Zhang Xujun China 20,75 GOLD I
Gema Taman Khatulistiwa
Charl Charlota Eriet Koloay Indonesia 17,95 SILVER VIII
Guangzhou Baroque
Choir Johann Ho China 17,45 SILVER VII
Ilgwando Baegyang
Choir Soon Ock Park Republic of 15,60 SILVER VI
Panyu Donghuan Animation
Li Mi Chorus Li Min China 15,45 SILVER V
Guangdong University
Lu Zof Business Studies Lu Zhengqiang China 14,00 SILVER IV
Toy Captain Zhou Zhou Zhengsong China 13,40 SILVER III
Sunflower Alumni Singers
Yun- Yun-Kang Chong Malaysia 9,20 BRONZE IX

CW = Category Winner CP = Conductor Prize SP = Special Prize

The choir has qualified to perform at the following INTERKULTUR major Events within the next 5 years:
Q I = World Choir Games–The Champions Competition; World Choir Championships–The Champions Round;
Grand Prix of Choral Music
Q II =
World Choir Games–The Champions Competition; World Choir Championships–The Champions Round

Ruhberg 1
35463 Fernwald (Frankfurt/Main) Germany
1st Xinghai Prize International Choir
Championships 2012
08th to 14th November 2012
Guangzhou/Canton, China

- Guangzhou International Open Competition -

Result Category 11 - Folklore
Name of the group Conductor Country Points Medal CW CP SP
Mercu Buana University
Agus Choir Agus Yuwono Indonesia 23,10 GOLD III
Girls Choir Canzone
Ulrik Ulrika Grauberg & Karin Estonia 22,70 GOLD III
Tiberias Children'sDedd
Choir Deddy Agustinus Indonesia 22,70 GOLD III
Baiyun Ladies Chorus
Xianz Xianzhi Zhou China 22,60 GOLD III
The London School
of Public Relations Choir Giovanni Tomasowa Indonesia 22,25 GOLD II
Tarlac State University
Eric Chamber Choir Eric Robert M. Santos Philippines 22,05 GOLD II
Exodia Youth ChoirWillia William Bill Mailoa Indonesia 21,80 GOLD II
Enharmonic Singers
SMAN 1 Pandaan Supriyanto Harmanie Indonesia 21,70 GOLD II
Gema Taman Khatulistiwa
Charl Charlota Eriet Koloay Indonesia 20,60 GOLD I
Yuehai Zhiqing Choir
Zhan Zhang Bin China 19,50 SILVER X
PSM Satya Dharma
Gita FH UNDIP Alfonso Andika Wiratma Indonesia 17,65 SILVER VIII
Tehilah Choir Halmahera
Lyan Lyana Ingrid Lamidya Indonesia 17,65 SILVER VIII
Guangdong Conghua Hand Women and Children Handong Tian China 14,00 SILVER IV
Activity Centre Liuxi Flowers Choir
Zhong Yuan High School
Yihui Choir Yihui Zhang China 13,35 SILVER III
Red Leaves Chorus
of Zui Yi Hao Me China 13,20 SILVER III
Private Hualian University
Zhou Choir Zhou Zhengsong China 12,95 SILVER III
Sabah Tshung Tsin
Secondary School Yun-Kang Chong & Shui- Malaysia 9,75 BRONZE X
Sunflower Choir Yun Wong

CW = Category Winner CP = Conductor Prize SP = Special Prize

The choir has qualified to perform at the following INTERKULTUR major Events within the next 5 years:
Q I = World Choir Games–The Champions Competition; World Choir Championships–The Champions Round;
Grand Prix of Choral Music
Q II =
World Choir Games–The Champions Competition; World Choir Championships–The Champions Round

Ruhberg 1
35463 Fernwald (Frankfurt/Main) Germany
1st Xinghai Prize International Choir
Championships 2012
08th to 14th November 2012
Guangzhou/Canton, China
- Xinghai Prize International Choir Competition -
Result Category 1 - Children´s Choirs
Name of the group Conductor Country Diploma
Hamilton Children´s
Choir Zimfira Poloz Canada GRAND PRIX WINNER

Guangzhou Little Petrel

Diao Children's Choir Diao Zhijun China PLATINUM NOMINATION

Temasek Chorale Dariu Darius Lim Kian Siong Singapore GOLDEN NOMINATION

Dong Feng Dong Road

Li Na Primary School Choir Li Na Ma China GOLDEN NOMINATION

Paduan Suara Anak

Surabaya Mozes Petta Indonesia GOLDEN NOMINATION

Mandragora Elen Elena Umanskaya Russia GOLDEN NOMINATION

Panyu Xing Hai Childrens’


Calasiao Children'sGilbe
Chorus Gilbert Allan N. Dispo & Leo Philippines GOLDEN NOMINATION
Jun N. Hugo

Raduga Zinai Zinaida Kuleshova Russia SUCCESSFULLY PARTICIPATED

Muntinlupa Science
R School Children's Choir Ivy Rose Casiguran-Puri Philippines SUCCESSFULLY PARTICIPATED

Result Category 2 - Youth Choirs

Name of the group Conductor Country Diploma
South China Normal
Y Female Choir Su Yanhui China PLATINUM NOMINATION

Muntinlupa Science
R School Chorale Ivy Rose Casiguran-Puri Philippines PLATINUM NOMINATION

Exodia Youth ChoirGodli Godlief Soumokil Indonesia PLATINUM NOMINATION

Muzikalno Khorovaya
Shkola Radost Tatiana Zhdanova Russia PLATINUM NOMINATION

Methodist College Sanj

Choir Sanjeev Jayaratnam Sri Lanka PLATINUM NOMINATION

Xinghai Conservatory
of Music Choir Viktoriya Vakulishyna China SUCCESSFULLY PARTICIPATED

Youth Choir "Preobrajhenie"


Result Category 3 - Female Choirs

Name of the group Conductor Country Diploma
Cantus Tove Tove Ramlo-Ystad Norway GRAND PRIX WINNER

Carmen manet Prim Primož Kerštanj Slovenia PLATINUM NOMINATION

Minjona Rom Romans Vanags Latvia PLATINUM NOMINATION

Ondrášek Czech Choir

Josef Josef Zajíček Czech Republic PLATINUM NOMINATION

Pfälzische Kurrende
Carol Carola Bischoff Germany GOLDEN NOMINATION

4x4 Frauenchor der

Pädagogischen Hochschule HD Heike Kiefner-Jesatko Germany GOLDEN NOMINATION

Ruhberg 1
35463 Fernwald (Frankfurt/Main) (Germany)
1st Xinghai Prize International Choir
Championships 2012
08th to 14th November 2012
Guangzhou/Canton, China
- Xinghai Prize International Choir Competition -
Result Category 4 - Male Choirs
Name of the group Conductor Country Diploma
Xinghai Conservatory
WanOf Music Vocal Department - “Xing Sheng” Wang Jun China GRAND PRIX WINNER

Tianjin Good Brothers

JinyaQuartet Jinyan Zhao China GOLDEN NOMINATION

Result Category 5 - Mixed Choirs

Name of the group Conductor Country Diploma
Novo Concertante Arwin
Manila Arwin Tan Philippines GRAND PRIX WINNER

Lalá Vocalensemble Austria PLATINUM NOMINATION

Student Choir of Belarus

Iness State Academy of Music Inessa Bodyako Belarus PLATINUM NOMINATION

Mt. San Antonio College

Bruc Chamber Singers Bruce Rogers USA PLATINUM NOMINATION

CantAnima - Landesjugendchor
Fran Steiermark Franz M. Herzog & Nataliya Austria PLATINUM NOMINATION

Pro Musica Chamber


Guangzhou HuaduLiao
District Chorus Liao Yuan China PLATINUM NOMINATION

Guangzhou Choir Zhan Zhang Bin China PLATINUM NOMINATION

Vox Angelica ChoirHerm Hermantika Sinapa Indonesia PLATINUM NOMINATION

Shenzhen Musician
Association Chorus Guang Hui Chen China GOLDEN NOMINATION

Oscars Motettkör Pär Pär Olofsson Sweden GOLDEN NOMINATION

Diponegoro University
SetyChoir Setyo Watjoso & Jerry Indonesia GOLDEN NOMINATION
Franklin Bode

Mercu Buana University

Agus Choir Agus Yuwono Indonesia GOLDEN NOMINATION

Si Chuan Xinghai Choir


Hong Kong City Youth

Man Choir Man Kin Ping China/Hongkong SUCCESSFULLY PARTICIPATED

Talaud Serafim Choir

Mand Mandelson Roni Tamaroba Indonesia SUCCESSFULLY PARTICIPATED

Rafflesia ChamberMaka
Singers Makarios Karo Sekali Indonesia SUCCESSFULLY PARTICIPATED

Ruhberg 1
35463 Fernwald (Frankfurt/Main) (Germany)
1st Xinghai Prize International Choir
Championships 2012
08th to 14th November 2012
Guangzhou/Canton, China
- Xinghai Prize International Choir Competition -
Result Category 6 - Pop, Jazz, Gospel
Name of the group Conductor Country Diploma
Lalá Vocalensemble Austria GRAND PRIX WINNER

Mt. San Antonio College

Bruc Singcopation Bruce Rogers USA PLATINUM NOMINATION

Carmen manet Prim Primož Kerštanj Slovenia PLATINUM NOMINATION

The Bangkok Voices

Kittip Kittiporn Tantrarungroj Thailand PLATINUM NOMINATION

Ball State University

Singers Alan Alder & Thomas USA PLATINUM NOMINATION

Xinghai Conservatory
of Music Pop Choir Viktoriya Vakulishyna China PLATINUM NOMINATION

Diponegoro University
SetyChoir Setyo Watjoso & Lutfia Indonesia GOLDEN NOMINATION

Paduan Suara Mahasiswa

Ansh Universitas Hasanuddin Anshari Sanusi Indonesia GOLDEN NOMINATION

Youth Choir "Preobrajhenie"

Mikh Mikhail Slavkin Russia GOLDEN NOMINATION

Singspiration Øiste Øistein Buen Norway GOLDEN NOMINATION

Result Category 7 - Folklore

Name of the group Conductor Country Diploma
Student Choir of Belarus
Iness State Academy of Music Inessa Bodyako Belarus GRAND PRIX WINNER

Lalá Vocalensemble Austria PLATINUM NOMINATION

Mt. San Antonio College

Bruc Chamber Singers Bruce Rogers USA PLATINUM NOMINATION

Paduan Suara Mahasiswa

Ansh Universitas Hasanuddin Anshari Sanusi Indonesia PLATINUM NOMINATION

Cantus Tove Tove Ramlo-Ystad Norway PLATINUM NOMINATION

Novo Concertante Arwin

Manila Arwin Tan Philippines PLATINUM NOMINATION

Ondrášek Czech Choir

Josef Josef Zajíček Czech Republic PLATINUM NOMINATION

Diponegoro University
SetyChoir Setyo Watjoso & Jerry Indonesia PLATINUM NOMINATION
Franklin Bode

Mercu Buana University

Agus Choir Agus Yuwono Indonesia PLATINUM NOMINATION

Xinghai Chorus of Tao

Panyu Guangzhou Tao Wenhua China PLATINUM NOMINATION

Youth Choir "Preobrajhenie"

Mikh Mikhail Slavkin Russia PLATINUM NOMINATION

Coro San Benildo Lore Lorenzo C. Gealogo Philippines PLATINUM NOMINATION

Calasiao Children'sGilbe
Chorus Gilbert Allan N. Dispo & Leo Philippines GOLDEN NOMINATION
Jun N. Hugo

Luogang District Xiangxue

Yuan Women's Chorus Yuan Liao China GOLDEN NOMINATION

Hunan Zhiqing Art Wan


Oscars Motettkör Pär Pär Olofsson Sweden GOLDEN NOMINATION

Ruhberg 1
35463 Fernwald (Frankfurt/Main) (Germany)

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