The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan
Assignment No. 4
Branches of Morphology
Morphology operates on affixes which are the core of inflectional and derivational
morphology. Affixes can be of three kinds: Prefixes are affixes that are added
initially to a root, or that precede it; Infixes are affixes added within a root; and
Suffixes are affixes that follow the stem or the root. When a suffix so occurs in a
word as not to allow any other suffix to follow it, it is called an inflectional suffix,
as when we add the suffix “ness’ to the root ‘kind’, we get the word ‘kindness’
which cannot take on another suffix. But when a suffix can be followed by some
other suffix (s), it is called a derivational suffix. For example, the suffix My’, added
to the root ‘kind’, may be followed by another suffix “ness’, and we have the word
‘kindliness’ which contains a derivational suffix Mi’ followed by another suffix
‘ness’. Prefixes may also be both ‘inflectional’ and ‘derivational’. For example, the
prefix ‘dis’ in ‘discount’ cannot take on another prefix, and is thus ‘inflectional’.
But the prefix ‘pre’ in ‘pre-meditated’ can take on another prefix ‘un’ so as to
form the word ‘unpremeditated’, and thus it is ‘derivational’. They help in forming
a new word.
Inflection Derivation
mail carrier
dog house
fireplug (a regional word for 'fire hydrant')
fire hydrant
dry run
cup holder
pick-up truck
1)advertisement – ad.
2)alligator – gator.
3)examination – exam.
4)gasoline – gas.
5)gymnasium – gym.
6)influenza – flu.
7)laboratory – lab.
8)mathematics – math.
9)memorandum – memo
10)photograph – photo