MCom Syllabus
MCom Syllabus
MCom Syllabus
M.Com. Syllabi
Scheme of Examination
Effective from July 2010 Session
Max. Marks 2000
M.Com. I Semester
M.Com. II Semester
I-201 Indirect Taxes 100
I-202 Corporate Financial Accounting 100
I-203 Marketing Management 100
I-204 Corporate Laws 100
I-205 Filing of Returns - Practical 100
Total 500
M.Com. IV Semester
I-401 Human Resource Management 100
I-402 Operations Research 100
I-403 Marketing Research 100
I-404 Dessertation 100
I-405 Viva-Voce 100
Total 500
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Marking Scheme:
1. Qualifying course is meant for non-commerce students at U.G. level. Only pass marks will
be sufficient. This paper will be completely external.
2. In every paper, except qualifying corse, 50% marking will be internal and 50% external.
The allocation of internal marks will be (i) Class Room Quiz – 15 Marks. There will be 5
quiz of 5 marks each and out of them best 3 will be selected for inclusion in the final marks
(ii) Internal Test I- 10 Marks (out of unit I and II only), (iii) Class Test II – 15 Marks (Out
of unit III, IV and V only), (iv) Seminar – 10 Marks.
3. For Practical Examination there will be one internal and one external examiner. Lab for
practical to be provided by the college.
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M.Com. – I Semester
Learning Objectives
To help students understand
1. the conceptual framework of management and organisational behaviour.
2. the motivational techniques
3. leadership traits and theories
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UNIT - IV Computation of Total Income and Tax Payable, Rebate and Relief 10
and different kinds of Returns.
UNIT - V Wealth Tax : Computation of net wealth, assets, deemed assets, assets 10
exempt from tax, valuation of assets
Total 50
Recommended Books :
V.K. Singhania & Kapil Singhania, Direct Taxes : Law & Practice, Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Girish Ahuja & Ravi Gutpa, Professional Approach to Direct Taxes Law and Practice with Tax
Planning, Bharat Law House.
Dinkar Pagare, Law and Practice of Income Tax, Sultan Chand & Sons.
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Learning Objectives:
To make the students learn the tools of:
1. Decision making
2. Research and
3. Forecasting and Planning and teaching the
4. Practical Use of Statistics.
UNIT - IV Analysis of Variance: One way and Two Way Classification, Design 10
of Experiment.
Total 50
Recommended Books:
1. Fundamentals of Statistics: D.N. Elhance & Veena Elhance, Kitab Mahal, Allahabad.
2. Croxton, Cowden and Klien, Applied General Statistics, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
3. Gupta S.C., & Kapoor V.K., Fundamentals of Applied Statistics, S.Chand & Sons.
4. Statistical Analysis, Dr. K. C. Goel and Dr. A. K. Garg. Swati Parkashan, Meerut
5. Statistical Analysis, K. N. Nagar, Meenakshi Parkashan Meerut.
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Learning Objectives:
UNIT - III Modern Information Technology: basic Ideas of local Area Networks 10
(LAN) and Wide Area Networks (WAN); E-mail; Internet technologies,
access devices, Concept of a World Wide Web and Internet Browsing;
Total 50
Recommended Books:
1. Date, C.J, An Introduction to Databese Systems, Addison Wesley, Massachusetts.
2. Dienes, Sheila S, Microsoft Office, Professional for Windows 95; Instant Reference; BPB
Publication, Delhi
3. Mansfield, Ron, The Compact Guide to Microsoft office; BPB Publication, Delhi
4. Norton, Peter, Working with IBM-PC, BPB Publication, Delhi
5. O’Brain, J.A, Management information System, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
6. Ullman, J.O, Principles of Database Systems, Galgotia Publication, New Delhi
7. Kenter J., Management Oriented MIS, Prentice Hall of India.
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The Practical examination will be based on the contents of course I – 104. Internal examination will
be conducted by the teacher teaching course I – 104. The external examination will be of 1 Hour
duration to be conducted in shifts based on the availability of computers in the college. The
computers with internet facility will be provided by the college.
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M.Com. – II Semester
Level of Knowledge : Working knowledge
Learning Objectives :
To provide the student knowledge about
1. the concept of indirect taxes
2. valuation of goods for the purpose of excise duty
3. CENVAT and
4. custom duties.
UNIT - IV CENVAT : Final products eligible for CENVAT, Quantum and Mode 10
of Availment of CENVAT Credit, Removal of inputs and capital goods,
CENVAT on Capital Goods.
UNIT - V Customs Act : Nature of custom duty, type of custom duty, valuation 10
for custom duty, procedure for import and export, exemptions,
remission, demand, recovery and refunds in customs
Total 50
Recommended Books:
V.S. Datey, Indirect Taxes : Law and Practice, Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Ravi Puliani & Mahesh Puliani, Indirect Tax Laws, Bharat Law House.
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Level of Knowledge : Expert
Learning Objectives :
The objective of this course is to expose students to advanced accounting issues and
practices such as maintenance of company accounts, valuation of goodwill and shares, and
handling accounting adjustments.
Total 50
Recommended Books :
Gupta, R.L.: Advanced Financial Accounting, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.
Maheshwari, S.N.: Advanced Accountancy – Vol. II, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Monga, J.R.: Advanced Financial Accounting, Mayoor Paperbacks, Noida.
Shukla, M.C. and T.S. Grewal : Advanced Accountancy, Sultan Chand & Co., New Delhi.
Jain & Narang, Financial Accounting, Kalyani Publishers.
K.C. Goel and A.K. Garg, Corporate Financial Accounting, Swati Prakashan
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The objective of this course is to facilitate understanding of the conceptual framework of marketing
and its applications in decision making under various environmental constraints.
UNIT - III Pricing Decisions: Factors affecting price determination; Pricing policies 10
and strategies; Discounts and rebates.
Recommended Books :
Kotlar, Phillip and Gary Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
Kotler, Phillip, Marketing Management – Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control,
Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
Ramasswamy, V.S. and Namakumari, S. : Marketing Management, MacMillan India, New Delhi.
Marchand & B. Vardharajan, An Introduction to Marketing, Vikas Publishing House, Delhi.
Stanton, William J., and Charles Futrell: Fundamentals of Marketing; McGraw Hill Publishing Co.,
New York.
Still, Richard R., Edward W, Cundiff and Norman A.P., Govoni : Sales Management : Decisions,
Strategies and Cases, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
Dr. C.N. Sontakki, Marketing Management, Kalyani Publications, New Delhi.
Mohd. Amantulla, Principles of Modern Marketing, Kalyani Publications, New Delhi.
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Learning Objectives :
To be able to analyze and apply various provisions of the Companies Act, the SEBI Act, The
FEMA, The Competition Act, the Prevention of Money Laundering Act as also to develop ability
to interpret statutes, deeds and documents.
Recommended Books:
G.K. Kapoor, Corporate Laws and Secretarial Practice, Sultan Chand & Sons.
A.K. Majumdar & G.K. Kapoor, Company Law, Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd.
N.D. Kapoor, Corporate Law and Secretarial Practice, Sultan Chand & Sons.
Bare Acts.
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Filing with ROC :
Approval Services (Headquarters)
Application to Central Government for not providing depreciation Form 23AAC Form 23AAC
Form for filing application for giving loan, providing security or guarantee in
Form 24AB Form 24AB
connection with a loan
Form of application to the Central Government for obtaining prior consent for
Form 24B Form 24B
holding of any office or place of profit in the company by certain persons
Form of application for approval for declaration of dividend out of reserves Form Form
Form of application for removal of disqualification of directors Form DD-C Form DD-C
Form for filing application to Regional Director Form 24A Form 24A
Application for striking off the name of company under the Easy Exit Scheme
Form EES, 2010 Form EES, 2010
(EES), 2010
Change Services
Application form for availability or change of a name Form 1A Form 1A
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Return of alteration in the charter, statute or memorandum and articles of
association, address of the registered or principal office and directors and Form 49 Form 49
secretary of a foreign company
Charge Management
Particulars for creation or modification of charges (other than those related to debentures Form 8 Form 8
Company Registration
Declaration of compliance with the provisions of section 149(i)(a), (b) and (c)
Form 19 Form 19
of the Companies Act,1956
Statement of amounts credited to investor education and protection fund Form 1 Form 1
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Registration of resolution(s) and agreement(s) Form 23 Form 23
Form of annual return of a foreign company having a share capital Form Form
Form for filing cost audit report and other documents with the Central
Form Form
Informational Services
Form of return to be filed with the Registrar Form 22B Form 22B
Notice of address at which books of account are maintained Form 23AA Form 23AA
Investor Services
Form for filing complaint(s) against the company Investor Complaint Form Complaint
Form of application for removal of disqualification of directors Form DD-C Form DD-C
Particulars of annual return for the company not having share capital Form 21A Form 21A
Form for filing balance sheet and other documents with the Registrar Form 23AC Form 23AC
Form for filing Profit and Loss account and other documents with the
Form 23ACA Form 23ACA
Form for submission of compliance certificate with the Registrar Form 66 Form 66
Form 67 (Addendum)
Form for filing addendum for rectification of defects or incompleteness Form 67 (Add.) Form 67(Add.)
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Filing with Tax Authorities :
Returns of Income of different persons e.g. ITR 1 to 8,
TDS Return,
Service Tax Returns,
Sales Tax Returns - VAT Returns.
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Learning Objectives :
The objective of this course is to acquaint students with the accounting concepts, tools and
techniques for managerial decisions.
Recommended Books:
Anthony, Robert, Management Accounting, Tarapore-wala, Mumbai.
Homgran, C.T., Gray L. Sundem, and William O. Stratton, Introduction to Management
Accounting, Prentice Hall, Delhi.
Lall, B.M., and I.C. Jain, Cost Accounting : Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, Delhi.
Pandey, I.M., Management Accounting, Vani Publication, Delhi.
A.K. Garg, Management Accounting, Swati Prakashan.
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Learning Objectives :
The objective of this course is to help students to understand the conceptual framework or financial
management, and its applications under various environmental constraints.
Total 50
Recommended Books:
Chandra, Prasanna : Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.
Pandey, I.M., Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Rustagi, R.P., Financial Management, Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi.
Van Home, J.C. and J.M. Wachowicz Jr.: Fundamentals of Financial Management, Prentice Hall
A.K. Garg, Financial Management, Swati Prakashan
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Learning Objectives :
The objective of this course is to enhance decision making abilities of students in situations of
uncertainty in a dynamic business environment.
UNIT - IV Tools for Strategic Analysis and Choice : McKinsey’s 7-S Model, 10
Creating new Market Space, The Emerging Theory of Manufacturing,
Michael Porter’s Model for Industry Analysis, Boston Consulting Group
(BCG) Approach, General Electric Model, Profit Impact of Market
Strategy Model (PIMS), Game Theory, Delphi Method, Strategy
Implementation, Decision Making.
Total 50
Recommended Books :
Bhattachary, S.K. and N. Venkataramin, Managing Business Enterprises : Strategies, Structure and
Systems, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
Budhiraja, S.B. and M.B. Athreya, Cases in Strategic Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Coulter, Mary K, Strategic Management in Action, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
David, Fred R., Strategic management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Michal, E. Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Macmillan, New Delhi.
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Learning Objectives :
The objective of this paper is to help students understand various issues in security analysis &
Portfolio Management.
(60 Minutes)
UNIT - I Investments: Nature and scope of investment analysis, elements of 10
investment, avenues of investment, approaches to investment analysis;
Concpt of return and risk : Security return and risk analysis, measurement
of return and risk. Financial Assets – Types and their characteristics,
sources of financial information.
UNIT - II Security Markets : Public Issue – SEBI guidelines on public issue, size 10
of issue, pricing of issue, promoters’ contribution, appointment of
merchant bankers, underwriters, broker, registrar and managers, bankers
and allotment of shares. Secondary Market – Role, importance, type of
brokers, trading mechanism, listing of securities in stock exchanges,
screen based trading; Depository – role and need;
UNIT - III Portfolio Analysis: Estimating rate of return and standard deviation of 10
portfolio. Effect of combining the securities; Markowitz Risk-return
optimisation; Single Index Model or Market Model; Portfolio total risk,
portfolio market risk and unique risk.
UNIT - IV Capital Market Theory : Capital market line, security market line, risk 10
free lending and borrowings; Factor models: Arbitrage pricing theory,
two factor and multi factor models; Principle of arbitrage, arbitrage
Total 50
Recommended Books :
Amling: Fundamentals of Investment Analysis, Prentice Hall, International Edition.
Bhalla : Investment Analysis, S. Chand & Co. Delhi.
Chandratre, K.R.: Capial issue, SEBI & Listing, Bharat Publishing House, New Delhi.
Donal, E. Fisher and Ronald J. Jorden: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall,
New Delhi.
Gupta, L.C.: Sotck Exchange Trading in India; Society for Capital Market Research and
Development, Delhi.
Machi Raju, H.R.: Merchant Banking: Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi.
Sharpe, William F., Gordon J Alexander and J.V. Bally: Investments, Prentice Hall of India, New
Persanna Chandra, Financial Management, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
I.M. Pandey, Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, Delhi.
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Lease Deed,
Gift Deed,
Partnership Deed,
Power of Attorney,
Reporting – press release,
AGM & EGM Agenda,
Minutes of Board of Director and Shareholders meeting,
Précis & letter writing.
Note : The concerned teachers should teach and discuss the above in their classroom
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Learning Objectives :
To provide through knowledge of principles and practice of human resource management necessary
for management of business entities.
(60 Minutes)
UNIT - I Introduction : Nature, significance, scope and status, concepts; human 10
resource management functions and objectives, new direction in human
resource management.
Human Resource Planning and Procurement : Meaning, objectives
and significance; steps in human resource planning, forecasts-demand
analysis; quantitative and qualitative aspects of human resource
planning; job analysis and job description, recruitment and selection –
process and policies, interviewing, induction and placement; staffing;
career planning; succession planning.
UNIT - II Human Resource Training and Development : Identification of 10
training needs-qualitative and quantitative; training curriculum
planning, choice of training methodologies; training facilities and
equipments; in-service training; outside training; re-training; advanced
training; designing training programmes; employee counseling;
executive development programmes; evaluation of training and
development programmes; career planning and career development;
promotion, transfer and demotion.
UNIT - III Compensation Management : Nature of employee benefits – statutory 10
and customary; wage plans and policies; profit sharing and incentive
plans; compensation package and terminal benefits; impact of
compensation and employees benefit and organisational effectiveness;
employee benefit programmes.
UNIT - IV Performance Appraisal : Nature, objectives, limitations-various 10
method – personnel records, personnel audit, human resource
accounting job evaluation.
UNIT - V Human Resource Organisation : Line and staff relationship, 10
organisation of human resource department, styles, communication –
human resource productivity, moral and motivation, creating conductive
work environment.
Total 50
Recommended Books:
Bernardin H. John, Human Resource Management An Experimental Approach, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co Ltd
C.B. Mamoria, S.V. Gankar, Personnel Management, Himalaya Publishing House
Cynthia D. Fisher, Lyle F. Schoenfeldt and James B. Shaw, Human Resource Management, All
India Publishers & Distributors.
Edwin. B. Flippo, Personnel Management,
Michale Porter, HRM and Human Relations,
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Total 50
Recommended Books:
1. V. K. Kapoor, Sultan Chand & Sons
2. A. K. Garg, Operations Research, Swati Parkashan
3. Kothari C.R., An Introduction to Operation Research, Vikas Publishing House.
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Learning Objectives :
The purpose of this paper is to enable students learn the process, tools and techniques of marketing
Recommended Books :
Beri, G.C. : Marketing Research, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
Boyd, H.W., Ralph Westfall and S.F. Starsh: Marketing Research : Text and Cases, Richard D.
Irwin, Boston.
Chisntall, Peter M.: The Essence of Marketing Research, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
Churchill, Gilbert A.: Basic Marketing Research, Dryden Press, Boston.
Davis, J.J.: Advertising Research, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
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Learning Objectives :
This course develops managerial perspective to economic fundamentals as aids to decision making
under given environmental operations.
Recommended Books :
Baumol, William J. : Economic Theory and Operations Analysis, Prentice Hall, London
Dean, Joel: Managerial Economic, Prentice Hall, Delhi.
Chopra, O.P.: Managerial Economics, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.
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