2 Prenatal Craniofacial Growth 1 2
2 Prenatal Craniofacial Growth 1 2
2 Prenatal Craniofacial Growth 1 2
understanding of how
insight into how normal
congenital deformities occur
variations in facial structure
when normal facial
development goes awry.
Lateral drawing of the disarticulated
craniofacial bones
green blue
Prenatal Development
Formation of Formation of
Morula Blastocyst
Ovum (fertilization – 14 days)
• Fertilization takes place when the sperm and ovum form the zygote
Formation of Morula
The zygote continue to multiply to form the Morula at day 3
The morula stage starts when the cell number reaches 16 cells
Formation of Blastocyst
Divided into
3 stages
Syncytiotrophoblast is
• a single multinucleated outer cell
• it erodes and invades the endometrium and its vessels to
establish maternal blood circulation to the developing
Epiblast: formed of
columnar cells
Primitive yolk sac
Embryonic layers
From the
Ectoderm •Epithelial covering
the or skin.
following •Enamel of the teeth.
tissues are •Nervous system.
From the
Endoderm, •Pharynx
the following •Stomach
tissues are
derived •Intestines
lining of the : •Lungs
Neural crest cells (NCC)
• The Neural crest cells are a group of
cells derived from ectoderm .
Externally by
Internally by
Each arch consists of
A central cartilage rod
• derived from cranial neural crest
A muscular component
• The muscle cells are formed from mesoderm
• the fascia and tendons from neural crest cells
A vascular component
• Which includes blood vessels
a nervous element
• which includes sensory and special motor fibers from a
cranial nerve
• They supply the mucosa and muscle of that arch
Development of the Face
The major
this takes place in a
development of the
series of
facial region occurs
between the4th
coordinated &
and 8th
embryonic weeks
Development of the Face
The face begins to develop at the 4th week IUL.
From the 1st brachial arch the
following processes begin to
neural crest
Prenatal Development of the CB and Calvaria
The development of the CB and calvaria goes
through 3 major phases:
The appearance of a
mesenchymal anlage
The appearance of a mesenchymal anlage
• in the 4th embryonic week
Development of the
• The mesenchyme that surrounds the developing brain
skull starts forms a capsule.
Anterior to
the pituitary •the neural
gland is crest
derived from
Posterior to
the pituitary •paraxial
gland is mesenchyme
derived from
This ectomeningeal mesenchyme will
eventually produce 3 areas
The neurocranium • which surrounds and protects the brain
or desmocranium • It is mainly ossified by intramembranous ossification
The ossification
• more than 110 ossification centres that appear
process is in the embryonic cartilaginous human skull.
Fetal Phase
Formation of
mesenchymal Ossification Calcification
Formation of
mesenchymal cells by a • EMT is a process by which
process termed epithelial cells become
epithelial-mesenchymal mesenchymal cell
transformation (EMT)
All bones of the skull pass • development of the cranial
Formation of first through a bones begins with condensation
mesenchymal precondensation phase. of mesenchymal cells
Within the first 4 weeks
• unsegmented paraxial
of IUL, the fetal head has mesoderm
mesenchyme originating
• cranial neural crest cells
from 2 sources
The viscerocranium is derived exclusively
from neural crest mesenchyme.
The neural crest • Frontal
provides the • Sphenoid
mesenchyme • squamous temporal bones
forming the • facial bone
Lacrimal Nasal Palatine Zygomatic
nasal Mandible Maxilla (2) Vomer
bones (2) bones (2) bones (2) bones (2)
concha (2)
Inferior Nasal Conchae
Ossification • Endochondral.
Ossifies by
• Intramembranous ossification.
Articulates with
• the frontal process of the
maxilla, orbital plate of the
ethmoid bone, the frontal
bone, and the inferior nasal
Nasal Bones
Ossifies by
• Intramembranous ossification.
• the bridge the nose.
Articulates with
• the nasal bone of the opposite side,
the nasal portion of the frontal
bone, the frontal process of the
maxilla, and the perpendicular plate
of the ethmoid.
Palatine Bones
Superior to the
• the nasal cavity
horizontal plate is
On the medial part,
• the posterior nasal spine
formed by both plates
Forms • most of the skeleton of the face and the upper jaw.
• the opposite maxilla and the frontal, sphenoid, nasal, vomer, and
Articulates with ethmoid bones; inferior nasal concha; palatine, lacrimal, the and
zygomatic bones; and the septal and nasal cartilages.
Gives rise to 4
The body is Contains
different regions:
• Major part of • maxillary • Orbit
maxilla paranasal sinus • Nasal cavity
• shaped like a • Infratemporal
pyramid. fossa
• Face
• Merging s the process by which the groove between two facial
processes is eliminated
• The tissues in the groove “catch up” by proliferating more rapidly than
the surrounding tissues, causing the groove to become progressively
shallower until it smoothes out.
Merging is critical
Meckel’s disappears by
cartilage approximately 24
weeks IUL