Model Answer For Final Exam (ORD 401) Fall 2017 B
Model Answer For Final Exam (ORD 401) Fall 2017 B
Model Answer For Final Exam (ORD 401) Fall 2017 B
resorption outside)--------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------------------------------outside movemant---------------------------
4-The arch depth is -------------the length from the midline uptow the lne
5 - during sucking habit; forcing the maxillary teeth forward is due to -----------
1 . A patient with convex profile, lacking anterior lip seal and showing lower
lip trap may be suffering from:
a. Class I malocclusion
b. Class II division 1 malocclusion
c. Class II division 2 malocclusion
d. Class III malocclusion
2. Presence of class III molar relation on one side and a class I molar relation
on other side is a feature of:
a. Class I malocclusion
b. Pseudo Class III malocclusion
c. True Class III malocclusion
d. Class III subdivision
b. Cross bite
c. Over bite
d. Over jet
Stage I:
In the mouth of the newborn infant, the basal bone is covered by gum pads which
are firm and rounded.
Maxillary Gum Pads:
-The alveolar part is separated from the hard palate by a continuous horizontal
gingival groove.
-U shaped.
The alveolar part of both the maxillary and the mandibular gum pads is divided by
transverse grooves into 10 segments to accommodate for the development of the
deciduous teeth.
The groove distal to the canine segment continues to the buccal side of the gum pad
and is called lateral sulcus.
b) Associated orofacial muscle contraction c) The frequency and duration d) The
position of the mandible during sucking. e) The skeletal pattern