BWSN EPC Schedules

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(RFP No: IRSDC/HQ/RFP/38/2018/Bijwasan)




(a Joint Venture company of Rail Land Development Authority and Ircon International
Limited (A Govt. of India Undertaking, under Ministry of Railways))

March, 2018

Office of the Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer

Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Limited
7th Floor, Tower-I, Konnectus Building, Bhavbhuti Marg, New Delhi-110002,
Tel: +91-11-68142444, Fax: +91-11-68142448
CIN No. U45204DL2012G0I234292
Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation Ltd. Volume II- EPC Agreement - Schedules





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(See Clauses 2.1 and 8.1)


1. The Site

Refer drawing no. BWSN-MP-KD4-ARC-PLN-001 (Location Plan) and BWSN-MP-KD4-

ARC-PLN-002 (Survey Plan) as per Schedule-I (Drawings)

2. Description of Project Site

Station building to be constructed on Land and Airspace as earmarked on the Master
Plan and shall have area (Site) as tabulated below:

Schedule A- Annex IA

*Refer Master Plan BWSN-MP-KD4-ARC-PLN-101 R2 provided in Schedule-I

Proposed Land for:

S. Particulars Zone Approx. Drawing no. Remarks
No. Area (sq.m)

1 Station Building Z-1A 15,810.0

2 FOB (2 Nos.) Z-1B 2540.0

3 Departure Plaza Z-1C 1572.0

4 Arrival Plaza Z-1D 2715.0 BWSN-MP-KD4-

5 Walkway to Metro Z-1E 1380.0 ARC-PLN-

103 R2 of
6 Platforms Z-1F 35100.0
Schedule-I of
7 Road for Vehicular Z-1G 1,35,740.0 EPC Area under
Circulation roads for
Agreement vehicular
under Volume - within site
exit roads
8 Parking (Surface) Z-1H, 23705.0 Includes
Z-1J, Z- parking for
1K, Z- Car,
1L Two
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S. Particulars Zone Approx. Drawing no. Remarks

No. Area (sq.m)

TSR, Taxi
and Bus.
9 Landscaping Z-1N 28091.00

Total 2,46,653.0

Schedule A Annex 1B
1. Proposed land for Railway Staff Quarters:

*Refer Master Plan provided in Schedule A- Annex 1H

Particulars Zone Area Drawing no. Remarks
(sq. m)
Not included in
Railway scope of work
1 Staff Z-2 24,104 103 of Schedule-I of EPC
of the
Quarters Agreement under Volume – II.

2. Land for Project Utilities:

Particulars Zone Area Drawing no. Remarks
(sq. m)
Water Treatment
1 U-1 350
2 Underground U-2 350
Water Tank BWSN-MP-KD4-ARC- Project utilities are
RCC Overhead PLN-103 of Schedule- for station
3 U-3 70
Water Tank
I of EPC Agreement development
Electrical Sub- under Volume – II. project only
4 U-4 2,000

5 U-5 3,000
Treatment Plant

Total 5,770

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Schedule A Annex 1E

1. Land for yard and Railway operational area:

Particulars Zone Area Drawing no. Remarks
(sq. m)
PLN-103 of Schedule-I
Railway use of
operational yard
Z-4 3,94,710.10 of EPC Agreement
under Volume – II.

Schedule A Annex 1F:


S. Description Type of Zone Approximat Remarks

Structure e area (m2)

1 Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. permanent Z-6A 24,267.0 Retained

2 Graveyard permanent Z-6B 4,806.0 Retained
3 Cremation ground - 1 permanent Z-6C 5,299.0 Retained
4 Anup Narang Farm permanent Z-6D 17,014.0 Retained
5 Chawla and Jain Farms permanent Z-6E 21,218.0 Retained
6 Govt. Boys Sr. Sec. permanent Z-6F 21,510.0 Retained
7 Pond permanent Z-6G 8,901.0 Retained
8 Shahbad permanent Z-6H 25,605.0 Retained
Mohammadpur Village
9 Cremation ground - 2 permanent Z-6J 505.0 Retained
Total 1,29,125.0

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Schedule A- Annex 1G

S. Approxima
Description Zone Zone Marked on the Plan
No. te area (m2)
1 Station Development Project Z-1 Refer drawing no. BWSN- 2,46,653.00
2 Redevelopment Project MP-KD4-ARC-PLN-103 29,874.00
2.1 Railway Staff Quarters Z-2 R2 of Schedule-I of EPC 24,104.00
2.2 Project Utilities as defined in U-1 to Agreement under Volume 5,770.00
Schedule 1B above U-5 – II
3 Commercial Development Project Z-3 2,28,549.60
4 Railway Development Project Z-4 3,94,710.10
5 Reserve Land (excluding project Z-5 3,92,546.00
utilities area)
6 Encumbrance Area Z-6 1,29,125.00
7 Temporary establishments Z-7 8,000.00
(Temporary Office, storage, Bar
bending yard, batching Plant,
Contractors’ Labour Camp etc. to
be handed over back by
Contractor after construction
8 Vacant Land (area available for Z-8 24,463.00
future expansion of the station
building and other developments
in Phase-2)
Total 14,53,920.0

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Schedule A Annex 1H

1. Master Plan as per drawing no. N.R.H.Q.E. Plan No. HQ/03/01-2015 (Approved by
Northern Railways) and BWSN-F-07 (Approved by UTTIPEC) which are enclosed in
Schedule-I under Volume – II of the EPC Agreement.
2. The present scope of work is limited as per Master Plan drawing no. BWSN-MP-
KD4-ARC-PLN-101 which is the part drawing of N.R.H.Q.E. Plan No. HQ/03/01-2015.
Note:- Contractor may note that design and construction of the station development shall
be modular in nature so that the station building could be expanded to full scale as per
the master plan in drawing no. N.R.H.Q.E. Plan No. HQ/03/01-2015.

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(See Clauses 2.1)


1. Development of the Project.

Development of the Project shall include construction of the Project as described in this
Schedule-B and in Schedule-C.

2. Construction of Project
As per the Specifications standards and scope of the project outlined in the agreement.

3. Project Facilities

Project facilities shall be constructed in conformity with Schedule-C.

4. Specifications and Standards

The Project shall be designed and constructed in conformity with the Specifications and
Standards specified in Schedule-D.

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Annex - I



The Project shall comprise of design, construction and procurement of :

a. Station Building to be constructed on Station Development land and Airspace, shall have
a Built-up Area of at least 44,460 sq. m

S. Description Area Drawing Nos.

No. (sq. m)
1 Underground / Basement Floor 18,350.0 BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-
including RCC FOB (2 nos.) of PLN-100-R1 1 to 102 of
2540 sq. m area SCHEDULE-I of
2 Ground Floor 9,100 Development
3 First Floor including 11520 sq. 17,010 Agreement under
m of airspace / concourse Volume - II
Total 44,460.0

b. Roof cover complete concourse and Station building above First Floor with an
approximate area of 20,470.0 sq. m. Refer drawing no. BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-PLN-102
and BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-SEC-200 of Schedule-I of EPC Agreement under Volume –
II 2

c. Designing, fabricating, testing, protection, installing and fixing in position semi (grid)
unitized system of double glass structural glazing as per specification (with open joints)
for the station building with an approximate surface area of 6,800 sq. m. Refer drawing
no. BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-ELE-300 of Schedule-I of Development Agreement under
Volume – II
d. Furnishing and finishing of all the floors of the station building which shall include
flooring, partitions (except retail/ commercial/ kiosks for which modular provision for
water supply and electrical facilities shall be made to allow flexibility in seating
arrangement and retail), plastering, internal conduiting for telephone, computer and
power supply including power plugs/ switches/ regulator, electrical fixtures, lighting

Amended as per Corrigendum No 5 dated 07.06.2018

Amended as per Corrigendum No 4 dated 25.05.2018

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fixtures, piping for water supply and sanitary, painting, railings, water supply and sanitary
fixtures etc. Internal partitions indicated in commercial/retail areas in station buildings
shall not be a part of Mandatory Project. However, the plumbing, electrical, water supply
arrangements shall be made for commercial/retail and passenger seating to provide
flexibility of layout arrangements. For the purpose of guidance, Refer drawing nos.
BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-PLN-100-R1 to 102, BWSN-RS-KD4-LTG-PLN-100 to 102 for
lighting, BWSN-RS-KD4-PHE-PLN-100 to 102 for water supply and BWSN-RS-KD4-
DR-PLN-100 to 107 for station drainage and sanitary fixtures in Schedule-I of EPC
Agreement under Volume – II and other specifications mentioned elsewhere in the EPC
Agreement. 3 BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-PLN-100-R1
e. Station Building structure shall have extra provision for earthquake resisting forces,
heavy loading and larger spans. Refer item no. (a) above.
f. Roof coverings with steel structure of approved shape for staircases & escalators from
Platform level to First floor level and all FOBs with an approximate area of 3,320 sq. m.
Refer drawing no. BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-PLN-101 to 102 of Schedule-I of EPC
Agreement under Volume – II.

g. Flooring & finishing of Platforms using vacuum dewatered concrete flooring of approved
mix M30 (min. 125 mm thick) with temperature reinforcement and Tactile flooring to meet
divyang friendly design in approximate floor area of 18,100 sq.m. and Granite/Kota stone
flooring on 200 m length symmetrically on either side (100 m on both sides from
centreline of concourse) in approximate floor area of 11,400 sq.m., including any
repairs/residual works after basic civil structure is constructed by the Railway 4.
h. Flooring & finishing of ramps and staircases to subways including any repairs/residual
works after basic civil structure is constructed by the Railway in approximate floor area
of 5,600 sq.m using 40mm thick Kota stone including provision of Kota dado work, wall
painting and SS railing as per design along with Tactile flooring to meet divyang friendly
design 5.

Amended as per Corrigendum No 4 dated 25.05.2018

Amended as per Corrigendum No 7 dated 02.07.2018

Amended as per Corrigendum No 7 dated 02.07.2018

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i. Platform shelter roofing of 22,810 sq. m. respectively. Refer drawing nos. BWSN-RS-
KD4-ARC-DET-412 to 414 of Schedule-I of EPC Agreement under Volume – II 6.
j. Flooring & Finishing work for Tunnels / Subway (4 nos.) using vacuum dewatered
concrete flooring of approved mix M30 (min. 125 mm thick) with temperature
reinforcement and tactile flooring to suit divyang friendly design 7, dado work of Granite
stone and painting with an approximate internal floor area of 8,955.0 sq .m. Refer
drawing no. BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-PLN-100-R1 of Schedule-I of EPC Agreement under
Volume – II including complete MEPF, signages, lighting work, drainage system of
Tunnels/Subway etc. along with any residual/repair works after construction of basic civil
structure is constructed by the Railway.

k. Site development for an approximate area of 2,13,486 sq. m which includes the

i. Leveling
ii. Internal Roads and Paths
iii. Sewer, Filter Water Supply and Storm Water Drainage
iv. Landscaping / Horticulture operations
v. Street Lighting with LED 8 lamps
vi. Signages
vii. Retaining wall with an approximate surface area of 2700 sq. m along the station edge
for sunken road
viii. Excavation, cutting and filling for construction of sunken road, ramps and retaining wall
ix. Roof coverings for Covered walkways with an approximate area of 3040 sq. m which
include walkway upto existing metro station (Dwarka – 21) and departure plaza of station 9.
Refer drawing no. BWSN-MP-KD4-ARC-PLN-103 R2 and for point no. (viii) refer drawing
no. BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-SEC-200 of Schedule-I of EPC Agreement under Volume – II.

Amended as per Corrigendum No 4 dated 25.05.2018

Amended as per Corrigendum No 7 dated 02.07.2018

Amended as per Corrigendum No 4 dated 25.05.2018

Amended as per Corrigendum No 4 dated 25.05.2018

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l. Landscaping 10 (except civil works), art works (including installation), furniture for Station/
offices such as benches, tables, chairs, almirah, etc., façade lighting (over and above
that is required for maintaining necessary lux levels) and cost of shifting of utilities for a
sum of approx. Rs. 7 Crore (Rupees Seven crore only), (herein after referred to as the
“Provisional Sum”. The design and type of items to be provided shall be submitted by
the Contractor and approved by Authority. The payment for items actually provided
under these Provisional Sum items shall be made following the procedure given in Article
13 (Change of Scope) of EPC Agreement.
m. All damages11 caused during dismantling or retrofitting or construction, on existing
infrastructure/structure like flooring damage, and structure damage etc. shall be repaired
by the contractor.

Schedule B Annex 1B
Scope of relocation of existing facilities

There is no existing facility which need to be relocated.

Schedule B Annex 1C

Scope of Station Parking

The Contractor shall develop the following as a part of the Station Development Project:
Refer drawing no. BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-DET-404 to 406 of Schedule-I of EPC Agreement
under Volume – II. The proposed parking for the Station shall be on surface with Bitumen /
Paver blocks/ Concrete / Kerb stone as per approved specification:

S. Description Zone Nos. Area Drawing nos.

No. (Approximate (sq.m)
1 Car Parking Z-1H 350 13,270.0
2 Two Wheeler Z-1J 120 3,565.0 BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-DET-

Amended as per Corrigendum No 4 dated 25.05.18

Amended as per Corrigendum No 5 dated 07.06.18

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S. Description Zone Nos. Area Drawing nos.

No. (Approximate (sq.m)
3 Bicycle 100
Parking 406
4 TSR Parking 68
404 and 406
Taxi Parking BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-DET-
5 including Z-1K 59 4,240.0
404 and 406
6 Bus Parking Z-1L 16 2630.0
Total 23,705.0

Schedule B Annex 1D

Scope of Parcel Handling Facilities

Schedule B Annex 1E
Scope of Station Facilities

Without prejudice to the other terms of this Agreement the Contractor shall provide following
services, amenities and facilities at the Station Development Project:
a. Underground Floor (refer drawing no. BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-PLN-100-R1 of Schedule-I
of EPC Agreement under Volume-II)
S. Tag Description Nos. Area provided for
No. each in Sq. M
1 1 Arrival hall 1 4214.55
2 2 Toilet 2 129.97
3 3 Janitor's room 2 24.51
4 4 Machine room 2 24.51
5 5 Parcel Storage and 1 2174.75
6 6 Railway facilities (Space 1 3619.27
for offices)
7 7 Retail and commercial 2 38.78
8 7A Retail and commercial 2 72.48
9 7B Retail and commercial 2 54.80
10 7C Retail and commercial 2 86.75
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S. Tag Description Nos. Area provided for

No. each in Sq. M
11 7D Retail and commercial 2 124.06
12 8 Electrical room 1 54.63
13 L1 Lift for passengers from 4 10.30
Basement to First Floor
(20 passenger capacity)
14 L2 Lift (shaft) for future 2 13.46
15 L3 Lift (shaft) for future 1 15.30
16 L6 Lift (shaft) for future 4 8.00
17 ST-1 Staircase 2 23.00
18 ST-2 Staircase 1 43.00
19 ST-3 Staircase 2 55.00
20 ST-7 Staircase 8 40.88
21 ST-8 Staircase 3 25.06
22 S1 Service shaft 2 1.04
23 S2 Service shaft 4 1.08
24 S3 Service shaft 1 1.80
25 E1 Escalator (Basement to 2 23.89
Ground Floor)
26 E2 Escalator (space) for 6 75.00
future provision
27 F3 Freight Lift 2 6.00

b. Ground Floor (refer drawing no. BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-PLN-101 of Schedule-I of EPC

Agreement under Volume-II)
S. No. Tag Description Nos. Area provided for
each in Sq.M.
1 1 Departure hall 1 2013.76
2 2 Toilet 1 129.57
3 2A Toilet 1 30.66
4 3 Janitor room 1 8.24
5 4 Machine Room 2 8.05
6 5 Accounts Office 1 139.71
7 6 Booking Office 1 53.36
8 7 Dispensary 1 310.95
9 8 Station Superintendent 1 257.37
10 9 Duty Officer 1 35.23

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S. No. Tag Description Nos. Area provided for

each in Sq.M.
11 10 Armory 1 19.74
12 11 HCM 1 19.34
13 12 Stolen Material Room 1 20.95
14 13 Interrogation Room 1 27.26
15 14 SI/IO Office 1 28.45
16 15 Women Cell 1 15.06
17 16 Men Cell 1 14.76
18 17 Maalkhana 1 15.98
19 18 Wireless Room 1 20.8
20 19 Medical Centre 1 66.15
Mechanized cleaning
21 20 room service space 1 24.16
22 21 On duty Male staff 1 76.58
23 22 On duty female staff 1 87.93
24 23 Linen room 1 25.42
25 24 Prayer room 1 25.55
26 25 Station Master room 1 257.37
27 26 Staff toilet 2 31.79
28 27 Railway facilities 1 998
29 28 Surveillance room 1 70.55
30 29 CCTV Surveillance room 1 98.41
31 30 G.R.P. 1 57.7
Door frame metal
32 31 detector 8 1.45
33 32 Kisoks 6 9
34 33 Foreign Exchange 1 25.16
Tourist Information
35 34 Centre 1 25.16
Enquiry Desk/Platform
36 35 Ticket Desk 1 58.29
37 36 Ticket Collector's lounge 1 71.84
38 37 Electrical Panel Room 1 270.36
Lifts for passengers from
Basement to First Floor
39 L1 (20 passenger capacity) 4 10.3
Lift (shaft) for future
40 L2 provision 2 13.46
Lift (shaft) for future
41 L3 provision 1 15.3
Lifts for passengers from
First Floor to Platform
42 L4 (20 passenger capacity) 8 9
Lift (shaft) for future
43 L5 provision 6 8

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S. No. Tag Description Nos. Area provided for

each in Sq.M.
Lift (shaft) for future
44 L6 provision 4 8
45 ST-1 Staircase 2 23
46 ST-2 Staircase 1 43
47 ST-3 Staircase 2 55
48 ST-4 Staircase 2 53
49 ST-5 Staircase 8 94
50 ST-7 Staircase 4 40.88
51 S2 Service shaft 2 14
52 S3 Service shaft 1 1.8
53 S4 Service shaft 1 4
54 S5 Service shaft 1 8.5
55 S6 Service shaft 8 3
56 S7 Service shaft 1 2.5
Escalators (8 nos. from
First Floor/ Concourse to
Platform, 4 nos. from
Ground Floor to First
Floor/ Concourse at
57 E1 Departure Hall) 12 23.89
Escalators (space) for
58 E2 future provisions 10 75

59 F3 Freight Lift 12 2 6.00

c. First Floor (refer drawing no. BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-PLN-102 of Schedule-I of EPC

Agreement under Volume-II)

S.No. Tag Description Nos. Area provided for

each in Sq. m
1 1 Retail and commercial 1 714.05
2 1A Retail and commercial 1 631.48
3 2 Business lounge 1 387.73
4 3 VIP Lounge 1 387.73
5 4 Unreserved waiting area 2 897.51
6 5 F & B kiosk 16 17.35
7 6 Reserved waiting area 2 544.40
8 7 Retail 2 76.98
9 7A Retail 2 193.17
10 7B Retail 2 53.43
11 8 Toilet 2 118.83
12 9 Cloak room 1 230.84

Amended as per Corrigendum No 5 dated 07.06.2018

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S.No. Tag Description Nos. Area provided for

each in Sq. m
13 10 Electrical panel room 1 52.00
Lifts for passengers from
Basement to First Floor
14 L1 (20 passenger capacity) 4 10.30
Lifts for passengers from
First Floor to Platform
15 L4 (20 passenger capacity) 8 9.00
Lift (shaft) for future
16 L5 provision 6 8.00
17 ST-4 Staircase 2 53.00
18 ST-5 Staircase 8 94.00
19 ST-6 Staircase 8 22.20
20 S6 Service shaft 8 3.00
21 S7 Service shaft 1 2.50
Escalator Escalators (8
nos. from First Floor/
Concourse to Platform, 4
nos. from Ground Floor
to First Floor/ Concourse
22 E1 at Departure Hall) 12 23.89
Escalator (space) for
23 E2 future provision 10 75.00

d. Other Items
S. No. Description Nos. Remarks
Loose Furniture
1 Public Seating - As per
requirement under
Provisional Sum 13
2 Work Stations
3 Office Chairs
Scanning System and Equipment
1 Personal Baggage Scanning 4
2 Multi-zone Door Frame Metal 8
Detectors (DFMD)
3 Hand Held Metal Detector (HHMD) 10

Amended as per Corrigendum No 4 dated 25.05.2018

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S. No. Description Nos. Remarks

4 Access Control System As per detail
- Central High end Server System design
with monitor and UPS
- LAN switches and router
- Radio frequency access control
cards and receivers
- Cat 6 cabling network and
- Supply of barrier/ gates as
- 230 volt power supply cabling
and conduiting
- 4 TB memory backup
- Card programming kit
Communication and SCADA
Along with associated works required for the complete functioning of the system
A Public Information Display
1 Control Console Unit with all 1
licensed software
2 10 Line Single \ face LED Train 3
Arrival/ Departure Display Board
3 Single line double face Train 4
Arrival/ Departure Display Board
4 Double faced coach guidance 208
display boards
5 Three line single face at a glance 2
display board with coach guidance
6 60" LCD/ LED/ Plasma intelligent 8
monitors with built in controllers
7 12 line true colour LED display 1
8 16 Port main data communication 4
exchange/ Platform data
communication exchange
9 Server with accessories 1
B Public Address System (PAS)
1 Amplifier (500W) 70
2 6W ceiling mount speaker 12
3 60W Line Array Indoor 240
4 15 W high‑efficiency ABS horn 16
5 12W ceiling mount speaker 1180
6 Digital Public Address and 2
Emergency Sound System
C GPRS Clock
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S. No. Description Nos. Remarks

1 GPS/ Radio equipment with 1
antenna and accessories
2 Master clock with data storage and 1
3 Double sided LED Clock Display 4
4 230V 3KVA UPS 1
D Wi-fi
1 Wi-fi Router with accessories (300 30
2 LAN Switches 16/32 suitable for 6
above equipment as per system
E ISDN Telephone Exchange
1 ISDN IP based Communication 1
2 IP Telephone Instruments with full 5
featured speaker phone with
3 Digital Instruments with full 5
featured speaker phone with
4 Analog Telephone Instruments 20
without display, pulse tone dialling,
F Fire Fighting System
1 Fire Hydrant/ Extinguishers As per detailed
2 Fire/ Smoke Alarms design
G . Security and Surveillance

Contractor to supply and install , testing and commissioning of IP based CCTV system of
the building security comprising of PTZ, fixed camera, cabling, recording, display system
and hardware and software support. It includes basement, subway/ tunnels, ramps and
staircases, ground floor, first floor/ concourse, parking/ circulating areas and platforms.
Refer drawing nos. BWSN-MP-KD4-ARC-PLN-101, BWSN-MP-KD4-ARC-PLN-100 to 102
and BWSN-CP-KD4-ARC-PLN-001, BWSN-CP-KD4-ARC-PLN-010 to 014 and BWSN-CP-
KD4-ARC-PLN-020 to 024 for Parking / Circulating areas in Schedule-I of EPC Agreement
under Volume – II.

[Note: The items for the systems requirement mentioned above are not comprehensive and may
vary depending upon the requirement of the systems proposed in the detailed design.]

Note: All drawings referred above have been provided in Schedule I.

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Schedule B Annex 1F –Station Functional Requirements

The Contractor shall ensure that the Project shall adhere to and comply with the below set

1. Primary movement of arrival, departure, commuting passenger to be vertically

segregated. Segregation of arriving, departing & commuting passengers to prevent
cross flow of pedestrian movement.
2. Clarity of movement & ease and convenience of interchange with inter modal

1. For station concourse, the clear height between bottom of lowest beam of station
concourse and the rail level indicated in schedule I (drawings) shall be governed by
report approved by RDSO vide letter no. TI/OHE/GA/2017 dated 31.08.217 (letter at
Annexure 1 of this corrigendum and full report at All necessary
arrangements for providing OHE as per existing/ future railway requirements shall be
made by the Contractor. The design of the concourse and beam shall be with
appropriate loads for providing OHE. The arrangements shall be got approved from
Railways by the Contractor. All associated works such as earthing, protection from
bird menace and other measures stipulated by Railways shall be deemed to be
included in the scope of Work. However, the work of modification of OHE in the power
and traffic block shall be taken up by Railways with all associated costs for execution
of work by Railways to be borne by the Contractor. All necessary coordination, safety
precautions required to take up these works shall be the sole responsibility of the
Contractor. IRSDC shall assist wherever possible 14.

2. The Concourse and all Public areas under the scope of work shall be designed,
detailed and provided for such that bird menace is ruled out.

Amended as per Corrigendum No 4 dated 25.05.2018

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Without prejudice to the other terms of this Agreement the Contractor shall develop/
redevelop the following services, amenities and facilities as a part of the Project:


1. Water supply for the Station Development Project shall be arranged by the
Contractor from the available water source (source of water from Delhi Jal
Board/Bore well/ Pond). Incoming connection and associated pipe works shall be
done by the Contractor.
2. Water metering for Station Development Project shall be separate.
3. Water requirement for the Station development:
Water requirement Proposed construction of Water tanks

Total water requirement is 2092 (i) Firefighting - 200 KL UG RCC Tank

KLD (679 KLD Potable and 1413 (ii) Domestic Water - 816 KLD UG RCC
KLD Non- potable. from sewage tank
treatment plant (Recycled water) (iii) Domestic Water - 200 KLD
Overhead RCC Tank

Refer drawing no. BWSN-MP-KD4-ARC-PLN-120 of Schedule I.

4. WTP of 1 MLD capacity to be provided for the station development. Depending upon
the water quality the type of water treatment plant would be designed. The Contractor
shall carry out the water quality test. If the source of water contains Total Dissolved
solids (TDS) less than 400 mg/l, the conventional method to be proposed. TDS above
400 mg/l the Reverse Osmosis method would be adopted, designed and installed.
5. Potable water for passengers for 679 KLD shall be available at any time at the
6. The Hydropneumatics pumps including complete water distribution network for
potable water with supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of the system
consisting of 3nos pumps (2 working + 1 stand by) including microprocessor based
control panel and VFD complete shall be under the Contractor’s scope of works.
Refer drawing nos. BWSN-RS-KD4-PHE-PLN-001, BWSN-RS-KD4-PHE-PLN-100 to
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102, BWSN-RS-KD4-PHE-PLN-110 & 111, BWSN-RS-KD4-PHE-PLN-121 to 124,

BWSN-RS-KD4-PHE-PLN-131 & 132 of Schedule I of EPC Agreement.

1. HT / LT Substation of 6000 KVA comprising HT Panel, transformer, HT cable, Bus

trunking from transformer to LT panel, LT panel, Automatic Power Factor Corrector
Panel, Essential panel including earthing, interconnecting power cables in substation,
safety equipment, etc, shall be designed, constructed, procured, installed, tested and
commissioned by the Contractor including associated civil works.
2. Electricity supply for the Station Development Project shall be arranged by Contractor
from the nearest substation /grid available. The incoming connection and associated
cabling works as required is part of the Contractor’s scope.
3. Electrical metering for Station Development Project & Redevelopment Project shall
be separate.
4. Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 33 KV/415V, 3 (nos.) 2000kVA
Transformers for the Station Development and associated cabling works and civil
works as required for proper functioning is part of the Contractor scope. Refer
Electrical Distribution schematics drawings.
5. Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Silent Type diesel generator 1500
KVA (2 Nos.) shall be provided for the station to supply the essential load of the
station. The DG set emissions shall confirm to the latest regulation of the Central
Pollution Control Board (CPCB). Installation Batteries with Stand, leads, cover and
accessories. 990 litres Day Tank fabricated out of 6mm thick sheet steel with
secondary containment tank and with fitments and float level switches. Drip Tray for
fuel tank ,Drip Tray below engine crank case .The entire set shall be housed in
soundproof enclosure mounted on suitable Rubber-in-shear type vibration mounts
with 6mm static deflection for isolating the building floor. A nominal base concrete
pad (if required) shall be provided over which the engine set with its own base frame
and vibration mounts shall be mounted. Adopter Box for cable / bus duct termination
with extension bus bars. Any other item not specifically mentioned but required for
proper performance and safe working of the system.

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6. The DG system shall be provided to interface with Station Management System

(SMS)/Building Management system(BMS) for remote monitoring and management
in Station Control Room and/or OCC room (if available) respectively.
7. The complete LV distribution for the Station development (Phase-1),supply and
installation of the following is part of the Contractor scope: Main distribution panels,
sub distribution panels, Distribution boards, power factor correction panels ,Internal
electrical Installations such as general power sockets, Lighting, cable containment,
cable trench Power cables, Wires, conduits(including telephone and computer and
security system), Earthing and Lightning protection and etc to proper functioning of
the complete system.
8. Supply and Installation of Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) as required for proper
functioning of the system is part of the Contractor’s scope.
9. Supply and Installation of signage (Internal and external) as required is part of the
Contractor’s scope.
10. Supply and Installation of Street lighting as required for the project is part of the
Contractor’s scope.
Refer drawing no. BWSN-RS-KD4-PWR-PLN-001 and BWSN-RS-KD4-PWR-PLN-100
to 102 of Schedule I of EPC Agreement.


Contractor has to design, procure, install, testing and commissioning of common

Sewerage Treatment Plant for Station Development Project. Sewerage Treatment Plant of
2.5 MLD under mandatory station project shall be provided. Sewage Treatment Plant of
suitable capacity shall be provided as per approved specification including storage tanks,
pumping system and associated double piped network for use of the recycled water for
the non-potable use to be done by the Contractor. Since the Railway quarters are not in
scope of Contractor, but the Sewage Discharge from Railway quarters shall be connected
with station development project utilities.
Sewer and Storm Water Drainage network and associated works shall be provided by the
Contractor covering an approximate area of 1,67,880.0 sq. m. Refer drawing no. BWSN-
RS-KD4-DR-PLN-100 to 107 for station drainage and BWSN-MP-KD4-SWD-PLN-100 to
106 for Storm Water Drainage of Schedule-I of EPC Agreement under Volume – II.

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Contractor to design and construct the rain water harvesting system including construction
of pits , manholes, chambers, drainage pipeline network and connections per Central
ground water board norms and specification.
Rain water harvesting shall be provided in the mandatory project land including the site.


Roof top of station building and platform shelter is available for potential harnessing of
solar energy. Suitable provisions shall be made on roof top for facilitating installation of
solar panels.

Part F: HVAC

Contractor to develop and install the HVAC system which shall include air-conditioning
(VRF/ VRV type Air Conditioning System) for these areas – Accounts Office, Dispensary,
Station Superintendent, Duty Officer, Medical Centre, CCTV Surveillance Room, Tourist
Information Centre, Enquiry Desk/ Platform Ticket Desk, Ticket Collector's Lounge, Booking
Office, Station Master Room, Surveillance Room, Business Lounge, VIP Lounge and
Reserved Waiting Area. Refer drawing nos. BWSN-RS-KD4-HVAC-PLN-101 and 102 of
Schedule-I of EPC Agreement under Volume – II

Suitable Mechanical Ventilation shall be provided in the areas at Underground/ Basement

Floor including Subways, Ground Floor and First Floor and other locations wherever
required. Refer drawing nos. BWSN-RS-KD4-ARC-PLN-100-R1 to 102 of Schedule-I of
EPC Agreement under Volume – II

Concourse areas shall have adequate systems using advanced techno-economic solutions
other than air-conditioning systems, to achieve ambient temperature during the hot weather
conditions (i.e., 40 degree Centigrade and above) around 10 degree Centigrade below the
outside air temperature, to ensure comfort for the railway station users 15.

Amended as per Corrigendum No 5 dated 07.06.2018

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Contractor to Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Building Management

system for monitoring and control of the system including cabling, recording, display system
and complete hardware and software support for an effective area of approximately
1,02,392 sq. m. Refer drawing no. BWSN-MP-KD4-ARC-PLN-100 to 102 of Schedule-I of
EPC Agreement under Volume – II.


Contractor to supply, install, testing and commissioning of Fire Alarm system, wet riser and
sprinkler system and manual Fire extinguisher as required and approved by the local fire
authority requirement. Wet riser area shall include Underground Floor/ Basement, Ground
Floor, First Floor, Subways and Platforms. Sprinkler system and Fire Alarm System area
shall include Underground Floor/ Basement including FOB, Ground Floor, and First Floor
including concourse/ airspace. Refer drawing no. BWSN-RS-KD4-FP-PLN-100 to 105 of
Schedule-I of EPC Agreement under Volume – II.

[Note: The scope of work mentioned in the sub-schedules above is minimum, shall
include, but not limited to as specified herein to fulfil the Contractor’s overall contractual

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(See clause 2.1)


Refer Schedules to EPC Agreement -Part 2 of Request for Proposal for Standards and

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Not Used

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(See Clauses 3.1.7(A))


1. Applicable Permits

1.1. The Contractor shall obtain; as required under the Applicable Laws; the following Applicable

(i) Permission of State Government for extraction of earth, boulders from quarry.
(ii) Permission of Pollution Control board for installation of crusher, concrete batching
plant, bitumen/asphalt hot mix plant etc.
(iii) Permission of the relevant department of Delhi Government/State Government for
drawing water from Underground/River/Reservoir
(iv) Clearance of Pollution Control board for installation of diesel generator sets;
(v) Final approval from DUAC
(vi) Fire safety clearance from fire authority
(vii) Forest clearance for cutting trees (if required) 16;
(viii) Labour officer for labour license;
(ix) Taxation Department for VAT/PAN/TAN;

The aforesaid list is illustrative, and the Contractor is required to obtain all other Applicable
Permits as required under any Applicable Law. The contractor shall at all times, obtain and
maintain all Applicable Permits which are required by Applicable Law to undertake the

2. Approvals obtained/ applied by IRSDC

1. Approval of Master Plan from Indian Railways;

Note: Notwithstanding any approvals obtained by IRSDC as specified in this Schedule, the
Contractor shall at all times be liable to obtain all the requisite approvals, clearances and
other Applicable Permits as per Applicable Law and otherwise comply with all Applicable
Laws including all Applicable Permits and approvals as identified in Schedule 29-B and/or
as may be required from time to time. IRSDC for the faster implementation of the Project
has started the process of getting approvals for the Project. The following is the status of
various approvals:

Amended as per Corrigendum No 3 dated 04.05.2018

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Details of In-Principal Approvals/ Clearances for Master Plan project 17

Applicable Status Approving Authority
Ministry of In progress
Environment Impact Environment &
Assessment Clearance Forests, Lodhi Road,
Master Plan Approval CE (P&D) Northern Approved on 25-03-2015
from Railways Railway
Received from DDA,
Master Plan /Traffic
Delhi Development UTTIPEC vide their letter no.
3 Circulation Plan from
Authority/UTTIPEC F5(54)2014/(UTTIPEC)/D-97
dated 08-05-2015
Height clearance of Airports Authority of Received NOC for height
building structure India (AAI), New Delhi clearance from AAI
Received NOC vide their
Ancient Monument Archaeological Survey
5 letter no. 6/30/2016/M/RDN-
protection of India (ASI)
290 DATED 18/07/2016
In Principal approval received
from Delhi Fire Services Vide
Firefighting scheme Fire Department,
6 their letter no.
Approval Delhi
Dated 03/09/2014
Received the Acceptance
letter from DUAC vide their
Master Plan Approval Delhi Urban Arts letter no. 27(01)2016-
from DUAC Commission (DUAC) DUAC, LETTER CODE:
10051627001 DATED MAY,
NOC obtained from DMRC
Delhi Metro Rail vide letter no.
8 NOC DMRC/Land/15.NOC/506/11
21 dated 18-09-2017

Amended as per Corrigendum No 4 dated 25.05.2018

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(See Clauses 7.1.1; 7.5.3 and 19.2)


Annex - I
(See Clause 7.1.1)

Performance Security

Chief Executive Officer


A. ……………………(hereinafter called the “Contractor") and the [.](hereinafter called the
“Authority”) have entered into an agreement (hereinafter called the “Agreement”) for the
construction of the …………………..; subject to and in accordance with the provisions of
the Agreement.

B. The Agreement requires the Contractor to furnish a Performance Security for due and faithful
performance of its obligations; under and in accordance with the Agreement; during the
{Construction Period and Defects Liability Period } (as defined in the Agreement) in a sum
of Rs….. cr. (Rupees ………..….. crore) (the “Guarantee Amount”).

C. We; ………………….. through our branch at …………………. (the “Bank”) have agreed
to furnish this bank guarantee (hereinafter called the “Guarantee”) by way of Performance

NOW; THEREFORE; the Bank hereby; unconditionally and irrevocably; guarantees and
affirms as follows:

1. The Bank hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees the due and faithful performance
of the Contractor’s obligations during the {Construction Period and Defects Liability Period }
under and in accordance with the Agreement; and agrees and undertakes to pay to the Authority;
upon its mere first written demand; and without any demur; reservation; recourse; contest or
protest; and without any reference to the Contractor; such sum or sums up to an aggregate sum
of the Guarantee Amount as the Authority shall claim; without the Authority being required to
prove or to show grounds or reasons for its demand and/or for the sum specified therein.

2. A letter from the Authority; [.]]; that the Contractor has committed default in the due and faithful
performance of all or any of its obligations under and in accordance with the Agreement shall be
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conclusive; final and binding on the Bank. The Bank further agrees that the Authority shall be
the sole judge as to whether the Contractor is in default in due and faithful performance of its
obligations during and under the Agreement and its decision that the Contractor is in default
shall be final and binding on the Bank; notwithstanding any differences between the Authority
and the Contractor; or any dispute between them pending before any court; tribunal; arbitrators
or any other authority or body; or by the discharge of the Contractor for any reason whatsoever.

3. In order to give effect to this Guarantee; the Authority shall be entitled to act as if the Bank were
the principal debtor and any change in the constitution of the Contractor and/or the Bank;
whether by their absorption with any other body or corporation or otherwise; shall not in any way
or manner affect the liability or obligation of the Bank under this Guarantee.

4. It shall not be necessary; and the Bank hereby waives any necessity; for the Authority to proceed
against the Contractor before presenting to the Bank its demand under this Guarantee.

5. The Authority shall have the liberty; without affecting in any manner the liability of the Bank under
this Guarantee; to vary at any time; the terms and conditions of the Agreement or to extend the
time or period for the compliance with; fulfillment and/ or performance of all or any of the
obligations of the Contractor contained in the Agreement or to postpone for any time; and from
time to time; any of the rights and powers exercisable by the Authority against the Contractor;
and either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions contained in the
Agreement and/or the securities available to the Authority; and the Bank shall not be released
from its liability and obligation under these presents by any exercise by the Authority of the liberty
with reference to the matters aforesaid or by reason of time being given to the Contractor or any
other forbearance; indulgence; act or omission on the part of the Authority or of any other matter
or thing whatsoever which under any law relating to sureties and guarantors would but for this
provision have the effect of releasing the Bank from its liability and obligation under this
Guarantee and the Bank hereby waives all of its rights under any such law.

6. This Guarantee is in addition to and not in substitution of any other guarantee or security
now or which may hereafter be held by the Authority in respect of or relating to the Agreement
or for the fulfillment; compliance and/or performance of all or any of the obligations of the
Contractor under the Agreement.

7. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinbefore; the liability of the Bank under this Guarantee
is restricted to the Guarantee Amount and this Guarantee will remain in force for the period
specified in paragraph 8 below and unless a demand or claim in writing is made by the Authority
on the Bank under this Guarantee all rights of the Authority under this Guarantee shall be
forfeited and the Bank shall be relieved from its liabilities hereunder.

8. The Guarantee shall cease to be in force and effect on ****. Unless a demand or claim under
this Guarantee is made in writing before expiry of the Guarantee; the Bank shall be discharged
from its liabilities hereunder.

9. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency; except with the previous
express consent of the Authority in writing; and declares and warrants that it has the power
to issue this Guarantee and the undersigned has full powers to do so on behalf of the Bank.

10. Any notice by way of request; demand or otherwise hereunder may be sent by post addressed
to the Bank at its above referred branch; which shall be deemed to have been duly authorised
to receive such notice and to effect payment thereof forthwith; and if sent by post it shall be
deemed to have been given at the time when it ought to have been delivered in due course of
post and in proving such notice; when given by post; it shall be sufficient to prove that the
envelope containing the notice was posted and a certificate signed by an officer of the Authority
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that the envelope was so posted shall be conclusive.

11. This Guarantee shall come into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force and effect
for up to the date specified in paragraph 8 above or until it is released earlier by the Authority
pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement.

Signed and sealed this ………. day of ………..; 20……… at ………..


For and on behalf of the BANK by:

(Code Number)


(i) The bank guarantee should contain the name; designation and code number of the officer(s)
signing the guarantee.

(ii) The address; telephone number and other details of the Head Office of the Bank as well as
of issuing Branch should be mentioned on the covering letter of issuing Branch.

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Annex – II
(See Clause 7.5.3)


Chief Executive Officer


A. ……………………(hereinafter called the “Contractor") has executed an agreement
(hereinafter called the “Agreement”) with ______ (hereinafter called the “Authority”) for the
construction of the ………………..; subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the

B. In accordance with Clause 7.5.3 of the Agreement; the Contractor may withdraw the
retention money (hereinafter called the “Retention Money”) after furnishing to the Authority
a bank guarantee for an amount equal to the proposed withdrawal.

C. We; ………………….. through our branch at …………………. (the “Bank”) [this bank
guarantee is to be issued by a nationalized bank] have agreed to furnish this bank guarantee
(hereinafter called the “Guarantee”) for the amount of Rs. --------- cr. (Rs.------------crore) (the
“Guarantee Amount”).

NOW; THEREFORE; the Bank hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees and affirms as

1. The Bank hereby unconditionally and irrevocably undertakes to pay to the Authority; upon
its mere first written demand; and without any demur; reservation; recourse; contest or
protest; and without any reference to the Contractor; such sum or sums up to an aggregate
sum of the Guarantee Amount as the Authority shall claim; without the Authority being
required to prove or to show grounds or reasons for its demand and/or for the sum specified

2. A letter from the Authority; under the hand of [.]; that the Contractor has committed default
in the due and faithful performance of all or any of its obligations for under and in accordance
with the Agreement shall be conclusive; final and binding on the Bank. The Bank further
agrees that the Authority shall be the sole judge as to whether the Contractor is in default in
due and faithful performance of its obligations during and under the Agreement and its
decision that the Contractor is in default shall be final; and binding on the Bank;
notwithstanding any differences between the Authority and the Contractor; or any dispute
between them pending before any court; tribunal; arbitrators or any other authority or body;
or by the discharge of the Contractor for any reason whatsoever.

3. In order to give effect to this Guarantee; the Authority shall be entitled to act as if the Bank
were the principal debtor and any change in the constitution of the Contractor and/or the
Bank; whether by their absorption with any other body or corporation or otherwise; shall not
in any way or manner affect the liability or obligation of the Bank under this Guarantee.

4. It shall not be necessary; and the Bank hereby waives any necessity; for the Authority to
proceed against the Contractor before presenting to the Bank its demand under this

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5. The Authority shall have the liberty; without affecting in any manner the liability of the Bank
under this Guarantee; to vary at any time; the terms and conditions of the Retention Money
and any of the rights and powers exercisable by the Authority against the Contractor; and
either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions contained in the
Agreement and/or the securities available to the Authority; and the Bank shall not be
released from its liability and obligation under these presents by any exercise by the Authority
of the liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or by reason of time being given to the
Contractor or any other forbearance; indulgence; act or omission on the part of the Authority
or of any other matter or thing whatsoever which under any law relating to sureties and
guarantors would but for this provision have the effect of releasing the Bank from its liability
and obligation under this Guarantee and the Bank hereby waives all of its rights under any
such law.

6. This Guarantee is in addition to and not in substitution of any other guarantee or

security now or which may hereafter be held by the Authority in respect of or relating to the
Retention Money.

7. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinbefore; the liability of the Bank under this
Guarantee is restricted to the Guarantee Amount and this Guarantee will remain in force
for the period specified in paragraph 8 below and unless a demand or claim in writing is
made by the Authority on the Bank under this Guarantee all rights of the Authority under this
Guarantee shall be forfeited and the Bank shall be relieved from its liabilities hereunder.

8. The Guarantee shall cease to be in force and effect 90 (ninety) days after the date of the
Completion Certificate specified in Clause 12.4 of the Agreement.

9. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency; except with the
previous express consent of the Authority in writing; and declares and warrants that it has
the power to issue this Guarantee and the undersigned has full powers to do so on
behalf of the Bank.

10. Any notice by way of request; demand or otherwise hereunder may be sent by post
addressed to the Bank at its above referred branch; which shall be deemed to have been
duly authorised to receive such notice and to effect payment thereof forthwith; and if sent by
post it shall be deemed to have been given at the time when it ought to have been delivered
in due course of post and in proving such notice; when given by post; it shall be sufficient to
prove that the envelope containing the notice was posted and a certificate signed by an
officer of the Authority that the envelope was so posted shall be conclusive.

11. This Guarantee shall come into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force and
effect up to the date specified in paragraph 8 above or until it is released earlier by the
Authority pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement.

Signed and sealed this ………. day of ………..; 20……… at ………..


For and on behalf of the BANK by:

(Code Number)
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(i) The bank guarantee should contain the name; designation and code number of the officer(s)
signing the guarantee.

(ii) The address; telephone number and other details of the Head Office of the Bank as well as of
issuing Branch should be mentioned on the covering letter of issuing Branch.

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(See Clauses10.1.4 and 19.3)

Contract Price
1.1. The Contract Price for this Agreement is Rs. [………………..]

1.2. Proportions of the Contract Price payable for different stages [Construction Milestones] of
Construction of the Project shall be as specified below:

Payment % of
S. No. Deliverable work

1 Preparation of Design Basis Report for civil and MEPF works -

Preparation of Detailed project schedule, architectural

2 planning, general layout, site survey report, -
Safety/Health/Environment and quality plans
3 Upon completion of basic footing/raft casting 8.00%
4 Upon completion of structural work up to plinth level 6.00%
5 Upon completion of structural work to concourse level 8.00%
6 Upon completion of structural work complete 10.00%
7 Upon completion of brick work and plastering 5.00%
8 Upon structural glazing 3.00%
9 Upon completion of Water Supply - internal 4.00%
10 Upon completion of Electrical Work - internal 4.00%
11 Upon completion of Fire Fighting 1.50%
12 Upon completion of HVAC-low side 1.75%
13 Upon completion of flooring installation 8.00%
14 Upon completion of roofing on platforms 6.00%
15 Upon completion of finishing, Door and window work 5.00%
16 Upon completion of Sanitary Installations 2.00%
17 Upon completion of Water Supply -external 2.00%
18 Upon completion of Electrical Work -external 4.00%
19 Upon completion of HVAC-high side 1.75%
20 Upon completion of Sewage and drainage work 5.00%
21 Upon completion of External development work 2.00%
22 Upon completion of installations of Escalators and Lifts 6.00%
23 Upon completion of Building management system/ SCADA 2.00%
24 After final completion of work 5.00%

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Payment % of
S. No. Deliverable work

TOTAL 18 100.00%

Amended as per Corrigendum No 4 dated 25.05.2018

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(See Clauses 10.2.4)

1. Drawings

In compliance of the obligations set forth in Clause 10.2 of this Agreement; the Contractor
shall furnish to the Authority’s Engineer; free of cost; all Drawings listed in Schedule I.

The designs and drawings provided by the Authority to the Bidder are preliminary in nature.
The Selected Bidder/Contractor accepts that it is solely responsible for the verification of any
design, data, design, documents or information provided by the IRSDC, its consultants or
any Government Authority and that it shall accept and act thereon at its own cost and risk.

The Drawings are attached as Part 3 of Schedules to EPC Agreement.

The Selected Bidder/Contractor shall be solely responsible for the contents of its Bid,
adequacy and correctness of the Design and Drawing, data and detailed engineering
prepared or procured by the Contractor for implementing the Project.

2. Additional drawings

If the Authority’s Engineer determines that for discharging its duties and functions under this
Agreement; it requires any drawings other than those listed in Schedule I; it may by notice
require the Contractor to prepare and furnish such drawings forthwith. Upon receiving a
requisition to this effect; the Contractor shall promptly prepare and furnish such drawings to
the Authority Engineer; as if such drawings formed part of Annex-I of this Schedule-I.

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(See Clauses 10.3.2)


1. Project Completion Schedule

During Construction Period; the Contractor shall comply with the requirements set forth in
this Schedule-J for each of the Project Milestones and the Scheduled Project Completion
Date (the “Project Completion Schedule”). Within 15 (fifteen) days of the date of each
Project Milestone; the Contractor shall notify the Authority of such compliance along with
necessary particulars thereof.

Penalty [As % of
10% of Contract
From D19= Mile Stone
S. No. Deliverable work Price Cap for
Effective Date date
Damages set out
in this column]
Preparation of Design Basis
1 Report for civil and MEPF D+ 60 2.00%
Preparation of Detailed
project schedule,
architectural planning,
2 general layout, site survey D+ 90 2.00%
and quality plans
Upon completion of basic
3 D+ 280 6.00%
footing/raft casting
Upon completion of
4 structural work up to plinth D+ 320 4.00%
Upon completion of
5 structural work to concourse D+ 380 8.00%
Upon completion of
6 D+ 380 10.00%
structural work complete
Upon completion of brick
7 D+ 400 5.00%
work and plastering
8 Upon structural glazing D+ 420 3.00%
Upon completion of Water
9 D+ 420 4.00%
Supply - internal
Upon completion of
10 D+ 460 4.00%
Electrical Work - internal

For meeting the milestones, detailed program shall be submitted in terms of 10.1.3 Penalty @10% of payment due for
a particular milestone shall be levied if it lags the agreed programme from Authority by more than 90 days.

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Penalty [As % of
10% of Contract
From D19= Mile Stone
S. No. Deliverable work Price Cap for
Effective Date date
Damages set out
in this column]
Upon completion of Fire
11 D+ 470 1.50%
Upon completion of
12 D+ 480 1.75%
HVAC-low side
Upon completion of flooring
13 D+ 490 8.00%
Upon completion of roofing
14 D+ 500 6.00%
on platforms
Upon completion of
15 finishing, Door and window D+ 550 5.00%
Upon completion of
16 D+ 570 2.00%
Sanitary Installations
Upon completion of Water
17 D+ 620 2.00%
Supply -external
Upon completion of
18 D+ 620 4.00%
Electrical Work -external
Upon completion of
19 D+ 650 1.75%
HVAC-high side
Upon completion of
20 D+ 680 5.00%
Sewage and drainage work
Upon completion of External
21 D+ 700 2.00%
development work
Upon completion of
22 installations of Escalators D+ 710 6.00%
and Lifts
Upon completion of
23 Building management D+ 720 2.00%
system/ SCADA
After final completion of
work, submission of
maintenance manuals,
24 completion drawings, D+ 730 5.00%
completing all training, site
clearance and handover of
all systems
TOTAL 20 100.00%

Amended as per Corrigendum No 5 dated 07.06.2018

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(See Clauses 12.1.2)


1. Schedule for Tests

1.1. The Contractor shall; no later than 30 (thirty) days prior to the likely completion of
Construction of Project; notify the Authority Engineer and the Authority of its intent to subject
the Project to Tests; and no later than 7 (seven) days prior to the actual date of Tests; furnish
to the Authority Engineer and the Authority detailed inventory and particulars of all works
and equipment forming part of Project.

1.2. The Contractor shall notify the Authority’s Engineer of its readiness to subject the Project to
Tests at any time after 10 (ten) days from the date of such notice; and upon receipt of such
notice; the Authority’s Engineer shall; in consultation with the Contractor; determine the date
and time for each Test and notify the same to the Authority who may designate its
representative to witness the Tests. The Authority’s Engineer shall thereupon conduct the
Tests itself or cause any of the Tests to be conducted in accordance with Article 12 and this

2. Tests

2.1. Visual and physical Test: The Authority’s Engineer shall conduct a visual and physical check
of construction to determine that all works and equipment forming part thereof conform to
the provisions of this Agreement.

2.2. Environmental audit: The Authority’s Engineer shall carry out a check to determine
conformity of the Project with the environmental requirements set forth in Applicable Laws
and Applicable Permits.

2.3. Safety Audit: The Authority’s Engineer shall carry out; or cause to be carried out; a safety
audit to determine conformity of the Project with the safety requirements and Good Industry

3. Agency for conducting Tests

All Tests set forth in this Schedule-K shall be conducted by the Authority’s Engineer or such
other agency or person as it may specify in consultation with the Authority.

4. Completion Certificate

Upon successful completion of Tests; the Authority’s Engineer shall issue the Completion
Certificate in accordance with the provisions of Article 12.

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(See Clauses 12.2 and 12.4)


1. I; …………………………. (Name of the Authority’s Engineer); acting as the Authority’s

Engineer; under and in accordance with the Agreement dated ……………. (the
“Agreement”); for construction of the …………. (the “Project”) on Engineering; Procurement
and Construction (EPC) basis through ………………………… (Name of Contractor); hereby
certify that the Tests in accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement have been undertaken
to determine compliance of the Project with the provisions of the Agreement.

2. Works that are incomplete on account of Time Extension have been specified in the Punch
List appended hereto; and the Contractor has agreed and accepted that it shall complete all
such works in the time and manner set forth in the Agreement. In addition; certain minor
works are incomplete and these are not likely to cause material inconvenience to the Users
of the Project or affect their safety. The Contractor has agreed and accepted that as a
condition of this Provisional Certificate; it shall complete such minor works within 30 (thirty)
days hereof. These minor works have also been specified in the aforesaid Punch List.

3. In view of the foregoing; I am satisfied that the Project can be safely and reliably placed in
service of the Users thereof; and in terms of the Agreement; the Project is hereby
provisionally declared fit for entry into operation on this the ………… day of ……….. 20…...


For and on behalf of For and on behalf of

(Signature) (Signature)

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1. I; ……………………. (Name of the Authority’s Engineer); acting as the Authority’s Engineer;

under and in accordance with the Agreement dated ………… (the “Agreement”); for
construction of the ………………. (the “Project”) on Engineering; Procurement and
Construction (EPC) basis through …………………. (Name of Contractor); hereby certify that
the Tests in accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement have been successfully undertaken
to determine compliance of the Project with the provisions of the Agreement; and I am
satisfied that the Project can be safely and reliably placed in service of the Users thereof.

2. It is certified that; in terms of the aforesaid Agreement; all works forming part of Project have
been completed; and the Project is hereby declared fit for entry into operation on this the
……… day of ………20…..


For and on behalf of


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Not Used

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(See Clauses 18.1.1)


1. Selection of Authority’s Engineer

1.1. The provisions of the Model Request for Proposal for Selection of Technical Consultants;
issued by the Ministry of Finance in May 2009; or any substitute thereof shall apply for
selection of an experienced firm to discharge the functions and duties of an Authority’s

1.2. In the event of termination of the Technical Consultants appointed in accordance with the
provisions of Paragraph 1.1; the Authority shall appoint another firm of Technical Consultants
forthwith and may engage a government-owned entity in accordance with the provisions of
Paragraph 3 of this Schedule-N.

2. Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for the Authority’s Engineer (the “TOR”) shall substantially conform
with Annex 1 to this Schedule-N.

3. Appointment of Government entity as Authority’s Engineer

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Schedule; the Authority may in its
discretion appoint a government-owned entity as the Authority’s Engineer; provided that
such entity shall be a body corporate having as one of its primary functions the provision of
consulting; advisory and supervisory services for engineering projects; provided further that
a government-owned entity which is owned or controlled by the Authority shall not be eligible
for appointment as Authority’s Engineer.

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Annex – I

1. Scope
1.1. These Terms of Reference (the “TOR”) for the Authority’s Engineer are being specified
pursuant to the EPC Agreement dated ........... (the “Agreement); which has been entered
into between the [name and address of the Authority] (the “Authority”) and .......... (the
“Contractor”) for the ………………………; and a copy of which is annexed hereto and marked
as Annex-A to form part of this TOR.

1.2. The TOR shall apply to construction and maintenance of the Project.

2. Definitions and interpretation

2.1. The words and expressions beginning with or in capital letters and not defined herein but
defined in the Agreement shall have; unless repugnant to the context; the meaning
respectively assigned to them in the Agreement.

2.2. References to Articles; Clauses and Schedules in this TOR shall; except where the context
otherwise requires; be deemed to be references to the Articles; Clauses and Schedules of
the Agreement; and references to Paragraphs shall be deemed to be references to
Paragraphs of this TOR.

2.3. The rules of interpretation stated in Clauses 1.2; 1.3 and 1.4 of the Agreement shall apply;
mutatis mutandis; to this TOR.

3. General

3.1. The Authority’s Engineer shall discharge its duties in a fair; impartial and efficient manner;
consistent with the highest standards of professional integrity and Good Industry Practice.

3.2. The Authority’s Engineer shall perform the duties and exercise the authority in accordance
with the provisions of this Agreement; but subject to obtaining prior written approval of the
Authority before determining:

(a) any Time Extension;

(b) any additional cost to be paid by the Authority to the Contractor;

(c) the Termination Payment; or

(d) any other matter which is not specified in (a); (b) or (c) above and which creates an
obligation or liability on either Party for a sum exceeding Rs. [.] (Rs. [.]).

3.3. The Authority’s Engineer shall submit regular periodic reports; at least once every month; to
the Authority in respect of its duties and functions under this Agreement. Such reports shall
be submitted by the Authority’s Engineer within 10 (ten) days of the beginning of every

3.4. The Authority’s Engineer shall inform the Contractor of any delegation of its duties and
responsibilities to its suitably qualified and experienced personnel; provided; however; that

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it shall not delegate the authority to refer any matter for the Authority’s prior approval in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 18.2.

3.5. The Authority’s Engineer shall aid and advise the Authority on any proposal for Change of
Scope under Article 13.

3.6. In the event of any disagreement between the Parties regarding the meaning; scope and
nature of Good Industry Practice; as set forth in any provision of the Agreement; the
Authority’s Engineer shall specify such meaning; scope and nature by issuing a reasoned
written statement relying on good industry practice and authentic literature.

4. Construction Period

4.1. During the Construction Period; the Authority’s Engineer shall review the Drawings furnished
by the Contractor along with supporting data; including the geo-technical and hydrological
investigations; characteristics of materials from borrow areas and quarry sites; topographical
surveys; and the recommendations of the Safety Consultant in accordance with the
provisions of Clause 10.1.6. The Authority’s Engineer shall complete such review and send
its observations to the Authority and the Contractor within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of such
Drawings;. In particular; such comments shall specify the conformity or otherwise of such
Drawings with the Scope of the Project and Specifications and Standards.

4.2. The Authority’s Engineer shall review any revised Drawings sent to it by the Contractor and
furnish its comments within 10 (ten) days of receiving such Drawings.

4.3. The Authority’s Engineer shall review the Quality Assurance Plan submitted by the
Contractor and shall convey its comments to the Contractor within a period of 21 (twenty-
one) days stating the modifications; if any; required thereto.

4.4. The Authority’s Engineer shall complete the review of the methodology proposed to be
adopted by the Contractor for executing the Works; and convey its comments to the
Contractor within a period of 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of the proposed
methodology from the Contractor.

4.5. The Authority’s Engineer shall grant written approval to the Contractor; where necessary; for
interruption and diversion of the flow of traffic in the existing lane(s) of the Project for
purposes of maintenance during the Construction Period in accordance with the provisions
of Clause 10.4.

4.6. The Authority’s Engineer shall review the monthly progress report furnished by the
Contractor and send its comments thereon to the Authority and the Contractor within 7
(seven) days of receipt of such report.

4.7. The Authority’s Engineer shall inspect the Construction Works and the Project and shall
submit a monthly Inspection Report bringing out the results of inspections and the remedial
action taken by the Contractor in respect of Defects or deficiencies. In particular; the
Authority’s Engineer shall include in its Inspection Report; the compliance of the
recommendations made by the Safety Consultant.

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4.8. The Authority’s Engineer shall conduct the pre-construction review of manufacturer's test
reports and standard samples of manufactured Materials; and such other Materials as the
Authority’s Engineer may require.

4.9. For determining that the Works conform to Specifications and Standards; the Authority’s
Engineer shall require the Contractor to carry out; or cause to be carried out; tests at such
time and frequency and in such manner as specified in the Agreement and in accordance
with Good Industry Practice for quality assurance. For purposes of this Paragraph 4.9; the
tests specified in the MOSSR Manuals or any modification/substitution thereof shall be
deemed to be tests conforming to Good Industry Practice for quality assurance.

4.10. The Authority’s Engineer shall test check at least 20 (twenty) percent of the quantity or
number of tests prescribed for each category or type of test for quality control by the

4.11. The timing of tests referred to in Paragraph 4.9; and the criteria for acceptance/ rejection of
their results shall be determined by the Authority’s Engineer in accordance with the Quality
Control Manuals. The tests shall be undertaken on a random sample basis and shall be in
addition to; and independent of; the tests that may be carried out by the Contractor for its
own quality assurance in accordance with Good Industry Practice.

4.12. In the event that results of any tests conducted under Clause 11.10 establish any Defects or
deficiencies in the Works; the Authority’s Engineer shall require the Contractor to carry out
remedial measures.

4.13. The Authority’s Engineer may instruct the Contractor to execute any work which is urgently
required for the safety of the Project; whether because of an accident; unforeseeable event
or otherwise; provided that in case of any work required on account of a Force Majeure
Event; the provisions of Clause 21.6 shall apply.

4.14. In the event that the Contractor fails to achieve any of the Project Milestones; the Authority’s
Engineer shall undertake a review of the progress of construction and identify potential
delays; if any. If the Authority’s Engineer shall determine that completion of the Project is not
feasible within the time specified in the Agreement; it shall require the Contractor to indicate
within 15 (fifteen) days the steps proposed to be taken to expedite progress; and the period
within which the Project Completion Date shall be achieved. Upon receipt of a report from
the Contractor; the Authority’s Engineer shall review the same and send its comments to the
Authority and the Contractor forthwith.

4.15. The Authority’s Engineer shall obtain from the Contractor a copy of all the Contractor’s quality
control records and documents before the Completion Certificate is issued pursuant to
Clause 12.4.

4.16. Authority’s Engineer may recommend to the Authority suspension of the whole or part of the
Works if the work threatens the safety of the Users. After the Contractor has carried out
remedial measure; the Authority’s Engineer shall inspect such remedial measures forthwith
and make a report to the Authority recommending whether or not the suspension hereunder
may be revoked.

4.17. In the event that the Contractor carries out any remedial measures to secure the safety of
suspended works and Users; and requires the Authority’s Engineer to inspect such works;
the Authority’s Engineer shall inspect the suspended works within 3 (three) days of receiving

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such notice; and make a report to the Authority forthwith; recommending whether or not such
suspension may be revoked by the Authority.

4.18. The Authority’s Engineer shall carry out; or cause to be carried out; all the Tests specified in
Schedule-K and issue a Completion Certificate or Provisional Certificate; as the case may
be. For carrying out its functions under this Paragraph 4.18 and all matters incidental thereto;
the Authority’s Engineer shall act under and in accordance with the provisions of Article 12
and Schedule-K.

5. Determination of costs and time

5.1. The Authority’s Engineer shall determine the costs; and/or their reasonableness; that are
required to be determined by it under the Agreement.

5.2. The Authority’s Engineer shall determine the period of Time Extension that is required to be
determined by it under the Agreement.

5.3. The Authority’s Engineer shall consult each Party in every case of determination in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 18.5.

6. Payments

6.1. The Authority’s Engineer shall withhold payments for the affected works for which the
Contractor fails to revise and resubmit the Drawings to the Authority’s Engineer in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 10.2.4 (d).

6.2. Authority’s Engineer shall:

(a) within 10 (ten) days of receipt of the Stage Payment Statement from the Contractor
pursuant to Clause 19.4; determine the amount due to the Contractor and
recommend the release of 90 (ninety) percent of the amount so determined as part
payment; pending issue of the Interim Payment Certificate; and

(b) within 15 (fifteen) days of the receipt of the Stage Payment Statement referred to in
Clause 19.4; deliver to the Authority and the Contractor an Interim Payment
Certificate certifying the amount due and payable to the Contractor; after adjustments
in accordance with the provisions of clause 19.10.

7. Other duties and functions

The Authority’s Engineer shall perform all other duties and functions as specified in the

8. Miscellaneous

8.1. A copy of all communications; comments; instructions; Drawings or Documents sent by the
Authority’s Engineer to the Contractor pursuant to this TOR; and a copy of all the test results
with comments of the Authority’s Engineer thereon; shall be furnished by the Authority’s
Engineer to the Authority forthwith.

8.2. The Authority’s Engineer shall retain at least one copy each of all Drawings and Documents
received by it; including ‘as-built’ Drawings; and keep them in its safe custody.

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8.3. Within 90 (ninety) days of the Project Completion Date; the Authority’s Engineer shall obtain
a complete set of as-built Drawings; in 2 (two) hard copies and in micro film form or in such
other medium as may be acceptable to the Authority; reflecting the Project as actually
designed; engineered and constructed; including an as-built survey illustrating the layout of
the Project and setback lines; if any; of the buildings and structures forming part of Project
Facilities; and shall hand them over to the Authority against receipt thereof.

8.4. The Authority’s Engineer; if called upon by the Authority or the Contractor or both; shall
mediate and assist the Parties in arriving at an amicable settlement of any Dispute between
the Parties.

8.5. The Authority’s Engineer shall inform the Authority and the Contractor of any event of
Contractor’s Default within one week of its occurrence.

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(See Clauses 19.4 and 19.8.1)

Forms of Payment Statements

1. Stage Payment Statement for Works

The Stage Payment Statement for Works shall state:

a) the estimated amount for the Works executed in accordance with Clause 19.3.1
subsequent to the last claim;
b) amounts reflecting adjustments in price for the aforesaid claim;
c) the estimated amount of each Change of Scope Order executed subsequent to the last
d) amounts reflecting adjustment in price; if any; for (c) above in accordance with the
provisions of Clause 13.2.3 (a);
e) total of (a); (b); (c) and (d) above;
f) Deductions:
(i) Any amount to be deducted in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement
except taxes;
(ii) Any amount towards deduction of taxes; and
(iii) Total of (i) and (ii) above.
g) Net claim: (e) – (f) (iii);
h) The amounts received by the Contractor upto the last claim:
(i) For the Works executed (excluding Change of Scope orders);
(ii) For Change of Scope Orders; and
(iii) Taxes deducted

2. Contractor’s claim for Damages

Note: The Contractor shall submit its claims in a form acceptable to the Authority.

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(See Clauses 20.1)


1. Insurance during Construction Period

1.1 The Contractor shall effect and maintain at its own cost, from the Appointed Date till
the date of issue of the Completion Certificate, the following insurances for any loss
or damage occurring on account of Non Political Event of Force Majeure, malicious
act, accidental damage, explosion, fire and terrorism:
(a) insurance of Works, Plant and Materials and an additional sum of [15% (fifteen
per cent)] of such replacement cost to cover any additional costs of and incidental
to the rectification of loss or damage including professional fees and the cost of
demolishing and removing any part of the Works and of removing debris of
whatsoever nature; and
(b) insurance for the Contractor's equipment and Documents brought onto the Site
by the Contractor, for a sum sufficient to provide for their replacement at the Site.
1.2 The insurance under paragraph 1.1 (a) and (b) above shall cover the Authority and
the Contractor against all loss or damage from any cause arising under paragraph
1.1 other than risks which are not insurable at commercial terms.
2. Insurance for Contractor’s Defects Liability

The Contractor shall effect and maintain insurance cover for the Works from the date of
issue of the Completion Certificate until the end of the Defects Liability Period for any
loss or damage for which the Contractor is liable and which arises from a cause occurring
prior to the issue of the Completion Certificate. The Contractor shall also maintain other
insurances for maximum sums as may be required under Applicable Laws and in
accordance with Good Industry Practice.
3. Insurance against injury to persons and damage to property
3.1. The Contractor shall insure against its liability for any loss, damage, death or bodily
injury, or damage to any property (except things insured under Paragraphs 1 and 2
of this Schedule) or to any person, which may arise out of the Contractor's
performance of this Agreement.
3.2. The insurance shall be extended to cover liability for all loss and damage to the
Authority's property arising out of the Contractor’s performance of this Agreement
(a) the Authority's right to have the construction works executed on, over, under, in
or through any land, and to occupy this land for the Works; and
(b) damage which is an unavoidable result of the Contractor's obligations to execute
the Works.

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4. Insurance to be in joint names

The insurance under paragraphs 1 to 3 above shall be in the joint names of the
Contractor and the Authority.

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