Teachers' Perceptions and Students' Motivation To Thinking-Based Learning (TBL) in A Classroom Context

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Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers &

Teacher Education
Vol. 4, No. 2, December 2014, 5-14

Teachers’ perceptions and students’ motivation to Thinking-based

Learning (TBL) in a classroom context

Maria Salih
Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia

This paper will present part of a larger study on the development and
implementation of a Thinking-based Learning (TBL) instructional manual for
secondary science. Two of the research objectives discussed in this paper is to
determine teachers’ perceptions in conducting the TBL approach in the regular
classroom and the students’ motivation after undergoing a series of TBL
activities. Four teachers from 4 different schools volunteered to conduct TBL
science lessons to an intact group of 187 students. Another group of 40 MRSM
science teachers were given a 2 days TBL workshop. A five point Likert scale
questionnaire on teachers’ perception and an intrinsic motivation inventory was
used to collect data. The findings showed that despite 79% of teachers who are
in favor of the TBL approach, many constrains faced by them might impede the
implementation and success of the approach. 85.6% of the students were highly
motivated intrinsically after undergoing the TBL lessons. It can be concluded
that TBL is a potential, powerful and competent approach to instill thinking
skills in the teaching and learning process. As such, its introduction and
implementation in schools as an initiator to pedagogical transformation should
proceed progressively so as to overcome the existing constrains in a slow and
naturalistic way.

Keywords: Thinking-based learning (TBL); instruction; motivation;

perception; science.


One of the most significant current discussions in Malaysian education system is National
Education Blueprint (2013 -2025) which emphasizes the aspiration to produce students
with ability to generate new knowledge by mastering the range of thinking skills. Critical
and creative thinking are two of the 21st century skills schools should strive to develop
amongst school children as these two thinking skills are the bedrock of thinking skills
needed to function succesfully in the 21st century.
One priority for 21st century education is Thinking-based Learning (TBL) that
infuses the teaching of critical and creative thinking into content instruction. The goal to

Corresponding author: Email:mar14_my@yahoo.com

meet the standards developed for education in the 21 st century is skillful thinking which is
highly emphasized in TBL. Skillful thinking is where the thinker assesses what is
required to accomplish a thinking task and deliberately applies with proficiency the task-
appropriate tools of thinking skills and mental behaviors in a strategic combination to
produce thoughtful products of high quality (Swartz, et. al., 2010:31). TBL takes into
account the different important types of thinking to teach the students and to engage the
teachers to infuse them into content instruction skillfully. This include the basic types of
thinking such as compare and constrast, parts-whole, classifying and the complex
thinking tasks of problem solving, decison making and conceptualizing.
21st century educators should infuse instruction in skillful thinking into content
instruction. This means not only teaching students the thinking skill but also teaching
them to use the appropriate forms of thinking skills skillfully with the content material
they are learning. If this is accomplished, our educational system will be transformed into
a powerful vehicle for learning that meets all the standards that have been developed to
guide instruction.

Problem Statement

Even though skillful thinking can be developed through classroom instruction, however,
not just any instruction will do the job. The development of skillful thinking is not a
discovery activity, not a ‘think-harder’ activity, neither is it something aimed simply at
encouraging, stimulating, or enhancing students’ thinking. Teaching skillful thinking
means teaching deliberately, explicitly and directly, that is, what the procedures, mental
behaviors and metacognitive moves are and how to apply them. It requires effort and skill
by both the learners and teachers and this can be done through repeated, conscious,
effortful, continual mediated application, instruction and reflection. Thus, it is timely to
develop and test run a TBL instructional manual for secondary science to obtain some
preliminary feedback of its implementation in the classroom.
The current teaching practice in almost all mainstream schools in Malaysia is
still based on the conventional, one-way learning pedagogical model where the students
are passive recipients of knowledge and the teacher as the provider of knowledge even
though calls for innovation in teaching are heard on a regular basis from many parties.
The conventional approach provides an efficient way to teach a large number of students
in a relatively short time. However, the conventional practice of mostly teaching by
telling allows for minimal creativity and critical thinking on the part of the students. It
has also been shown by numerous researches that conventional teaching does little to
promote deep conceptual understanding of content knowledge despite encouraging PMR
and SPM results year after year.

As an alternative, we are proposing to develop a TBL instructional manual from the

feedbacks obtained from the research that incorporates creative and critical thinking skills
and focuses highly on skillful thinking. The instructional manual is based on infusing
instruction in skillful thinking into standard content instruction at the secondary level in
science subjects which specifically focused on selected thinking skills such as compare
and contrast, parts-whole relationship, classifying, problem solving and decision making.
In the TBL approach, students are engaged in academic study through authentic, real-
world experiences that can promote deeper understanding of content knowledge and at
the same time foster creative and critical thinking skills. In addition, the instructional
manual would be tailored to fit as much as possible into the regular school time table so
that busy teachers would be convinced that they would be able to implement the
suggested activities with tolerable change to their routine teaching.
Numerous researches have shown that students are severely lacking in these
thinking skills. A major contributor to the problem is the way students are being taught in
schools. Many attempts are being made to fix this problem but none seems to have made
an impact that can be sustained at scale. In-service workshops and courses usually have a
short-lived impact. Some blame our practicing teachers while others blame teacher
training institutions for poorly training teachers. Thus this study will explore the
possibilities of implementing a TBL approach (infusing thinking skills into content
instruction) to engage students to think in a regular classroom.

Research Objectives

Based on these initial findings, a Thinking-based Learning (TBL) instructional manual

for secondary science will be developed. This research aims to determine teachers’
perceptions and reflection of the implementation of TBL in regular classroom. It also
aims to determine students’ motivation after undergoing TBL process.

Research Questions

From the research objectives stated, the following research questions were asked.

1. What are the teachers’ perception after being exposured to the TBL approach?
2. What are students’ motivation after undergoing the TBL process?


This project involves research and development. The research component uses survey
where data is collected through the use of a questionnaire to measure the subjective
experiences of the respondents after using and undergoing several TBL sessions. The
development focuses on developing an educators’ instructional manual to train students
to inculcate thinking in learning process. The manual describes in brief the what, why and
how of TBL with many suggested hands-on activities and handouts for a training session.
The purposive sampling method was used to select 4 teachers who are willing to conduct
TBL science lessons and a group of 40 MRSM science teachers who have undergone a 2
days TBL workshop. The student samples comprised of an intact group of 187 students
from four different schools where the respective teachers were teaching. The study is
both research and development-based using survey as the primary research design. Two
instruments in the form of questionnaires were used to collect data. The first instrument
adapted from Ryan’s (1982) Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) is a multidimensional
instrument to measure the subjective experience of respondents related to the learning
activities in TBL. IMI is divided into seven subscales which measures seven different
aspects but are related to each other. They are (i) interest/enjoyment of learning is
considered to be a direct measure of intrinsic motivation, (ii) perceived competency
which is theorised to be a positive predictor of both self-report and behavioural measures
of intrinsic motivation, (iii) effort which is said to be related to motivation also, (iv)
value/usefulness which is said to influence a person to internalise and become self-
regulating with respect to activities that they experience as useful or valuable for
themselves, (v) and pressure/tension is theorised to be a negative predictor of intrinsic
motivation, and (vi) relatedness subscale is used in studies having to do with
interpersonal interactions, friendship formation where relatedness construct can give
information on the group dynamic as they work together during the infusion lessons. The
instrument has a high Cronbach alpha value of .943, thus suitable to be used for this
research. A study conducted to examine the validity of the IMI also found strong support
for its validity (McAuley, Duncan & Tammen,1987)
The second instrument is a self-constructed questionnaire that was developed by
studying the literature and the design of previous instruments particularly an instrument
entitled Teachers’ Perceptions towards Teaching Thinking Skills (Rosnani, Hashim &
Suhailah Hussein, 2003). Only certain specific items from the instrument that were
suitable and relevant to this study were selected and modified accordingly and new items
were introduced that relates to the research questions and objectives of this study. The
instrument was divided into two parts, (i) Teacher’s background (8 items) and (ii)
Teacher’s Perceptions Towards Thinking Based Learning (25 items). Part 1 sought the
demographic information about the teachers and Part 2 measure teachers’ perceptions
towards teaching thinking through the infusion approach (TBL)via five constructs
namely: (i) main stream curriculum; (ii) regular school time table; (iii) teachers’
competence and preparation; (iv) relevance of TBL and (v) the support system. The split
half method for reliability and inter-rater validity was conducted with a Cronbach alpha
value of 0.85 and 0.91 respectively. Data on students’ motivation and teachers’
perception were analysed using SPSS by calculating the percentages, and mean for each


Teachers’ perceptions of TBL was drawn from five constructs in the survey as follows (i)
main stream curriculum, (ii) regular school time table, (iii) teacher’s competence and
preparation, (iv) relevance of TBL and (v) support system. Table 1 shows the findings
obtained from the survey.

Table 1: Teachers’ perception of implementing TBL

Construct Average (%)

Main stream curriculum 79.1
Regular school time table 75.6
Teacher’s competence and preparation 80.9
Relevance of TBL 84.4
Support system 56.1
N = 46

In terms of implementing TBL in schools, 79.1% teachers agree that it is agreeable with
the main stream curriculum. 75.6% teachers agree that TBL can be implemented in the
regular school timetable. 80.9% teachers say that they need to be competent and prepared
before conducting TBL. 84.4% teachers agree that TBL is relevant to be implemented in
the school curriculum and 56.1% teachers say that the school support system helps the
implementation of TBL. Detail findings pertaining to the items of each construct is
shown in Table 2.

Table 2 :Teachers’ perception of implementing TBL according to the items in each

No. Construct (Items) % agree

1. Main stream curriculum
The existing curriculum provides opportunities to teach thinking. 78.3
*There is too much content in the syllabus to allow for teaching thinking. 93.5
*The curriculum does not provide adequate guide as how thinking skills can be 89.1
taught in a particular subject.
*A separate subject to teach thinking skills should be introduced in schools. 58.7
*The current structured curriculum is not flexible enough to teach thinking skill. 76.1
Average 79.1
2. Regular school time table
Is the TBL suitable to be conducted in the allocated time table for teaching 60.9
*A two period class lesson is not enough to teach a thinking skill. 69.6
*A compact school calendar prevents teacher to conduct TBL. 84.8
*TBL takes a lot of time to teach. 76.1
Students need more time to be familiar with TBL. 87.0
Average 75.6
3. Teacher’s competence and preparation
*Focusing on developing student’s thinking hinders the progress of a lesson. 58.7
A teacher must be competent in doing TBL. 87.0
A teacher must be able to identify the thinking skill which is suitable to the 97.8
science topic.
*There is insufficient time to prepare a TBL lesson plan. 80.4
Average 80.9
4. Relevance of TBL
TBL can enhance students’ writing. 89.1
An infusion TBL lesson improves student thinking. 93.5
TBL opposes exam-oriented education system. 54.3
TBL drives students to answer higher order thinking questions. 91.3
TBL activities can be used as a formative assessment. 87.0
An infusion TBL lesson enhances content learning 91.3
Average 84.4
5. Support system
My school principal emphasizes teaching thinking skills as an important part of 45.7
the school program.
*The normal classroom setting in schools is not conducive to conduct TBL. 60.9
School teachers are willing to adopt the TBL approach. 76.1
The school activities support student’s thinking. 60.9
The school support students’ thinking than completing the curriculum. 37.0
Average 56.1

Though an overall of 79.1 % teachers agreed that TBL can be introduced into the main
stream curriculum, they are are also skeptical of its implementation due to various
constrains. Firstly, they say that there is too much content in the syllabus to allow the
teaching of thinking (93.5%); secondly, the existing curriculum does not provide
adequate guide to teach the thinking skills in specific subject matter (89.1%); thirdly, the
current structured curriculum is not flexible enough to teach thinking (76.1%) and 58.7%
agreed that a separate subject is required to teach thinking skill instead of infusing it
directly into content instruction.
The study conducted by Abdullah (2005) on the constraints and challenges faced
by trainee teachers in integrating thinking skills in the classroom supported the results
obtained here. His findings strongly supported an alternative teaching strategy as this
was ranked the major constraint as compared to the others (assessment, lesson pre-
planning, time consumed in implementing the thinking skill and the exam-oriented
education system). As such, the introduction of TBL teaching approach in the secondary
school curriculum is crucial and also timely as a cascading process to the recently
implemented i-Think program in the primary school.The i-Think program (NST, 2012)
which is aimed to equip the next generation with innovative thinking skills uses a realistic
approach to inculcate the thinking processes in the teaching and learning through the use
of thinking maps as thinking tools. This is no difference from the TBL approach where
graphic organizers are used as thinking tools. However, the strength of the TBL approach
is that, it not only emphasizes the thinking skills but also encompasses two other equally
important components namely, Habits of Mind (HOMs) and Metacognition. With these 3
elements in TBL, it is likely to be a more appropriate and highly sophisticated teaching
approach to be implemented from the secondary school level onwards until tertiary
Similar findings were also shown in relation to the perception of teachers
towards the implementation of TBL within the regular school time table. Even though an
average mean percentage of 75.6% of teachers are agreeable to TBL being suitable to be
conducted in the allocated time table for teaching science, about the same percentage of
them also agreed that a double class period is not enough to teach a thinking skill and that
TBL also takes a lot of time to teach. According to them, a compact school calendar will
prevent them from conducting TBL.As we can see, this aspect of constrain is also
indirectly connected to the skillful designing of a TBL curriculum. A lack of knowledge
and experience in designing a good TBL curriculum may lead these constrains being in
the way to implementing TBL. Similarly, another research need to be conducted to see
the existence of these complains
Eighty percent of the teachers agreed that they need to be competent and
prepared to conduct TBL in their classroom. Among some of the elements that they agree
upon are the ability to identify suitable thinking skills to teach specific topics, more time
to prepare a TBL lesson and if they focus on developing the students’ thinking skills, it
might hinder the progress of their lesson.The above feedback obtained from the teachers
further necessitate the importance of total immersion of the TBL experience through
more extensive seminars and workshops on TBL to the teachers so as to give them the
confidence and competence in conducting TBL in their classroom.
The relevancy of TBL to be used as an approach in classroom instruction could
be a possible reason to the high level of competence and preparation among the teachers.
This is because they agree that TBL lessons can improve students’ thinking, enhance
their writing and content learning, and more so to enable students to answer higher order
thinking questions. They also agree that the TBL activities can be used as formative
assessment in addition to the summative assessment, thus not totally opposing the exam-
oriented education system.
In terms of the support system to conduct TBL in schools, the results showed
that not all school principals emphasized the importance of teaching thinking in their
school program. The school is more incline to complete the curriculum than to support
students’ thinking.

Students’ motivation in experiencing TBL

Students’ motivation in experiencing TBL was drawn from six constructs in the survey as
follows (i) interest/enjoyment, (ii) perceived competence, (iii) effort/importance, (iv)
pressure/ tension, (v) value/ usefulness and (vi) relatedness. The higher the percent agree,
the more they seemed to have the intrinsic motivation after experiencing TBL. In other
words, the higher the percent for each construct, the more they are intrinsically
motivated. Since, the pressure/tension is theorized to be a negative predictor of the
intrinsic motivation; the higher the percent agree, the less pressure and tension they have
during the TBL session. Table 3 shows the findings obtained from the survey.

Table 3: Intrinsic motivation Among Students during the TBL session according to

Construct % Agree
Interest/Enjoyment 87.1
Perceived competence 86.7
Effort/importance 90.5
Pressure/tension 81.5
Value/usefulness 81.9
Relatedness 86.1
N = 187

In terms of motivation among students after experiencing a TBL lesson, 87.1% of the
them agree that the TBL session was interesting and enjoyable. 86.7% of the students
agree that TBL made them more competence compared to their peers. 90.5% agree that
they feel importance during the TBL session. 81.5% of them say they are less tension
during the session, 81.9% realised that TBL is useful and 86.1% say that TBL allows
them to interact a lot with other members in their group.
Based on the result of the survey, we found that the TBL process able to
generate interest and enjoyment among students. Students generally agree that they enjoy
doing the TBL activity (85.5%), and would describe the activity as fun (89.4%), not
boring (88.2%), able to hold their attention (86.8%), interesting (86.6%), and enjoyable
(86.6%) as shown explicitly in Table 4.
The findings show that the students were highly motivated intrinsically after
undergoing the TBL lessons. The TBL lessons were able to generate interest and
enjoyment in the activities conducted and gauged their attention. The students also
showed a high percentage of competence and achievement in doing the TBL activities. In
addition, they were intrinsically motivated to put great effort and importance to
completing the tasks and activities in the TBL lessons. In doing so, a high percentage of
them (81.5%) do not feel the pressure or tension when experiencing the lessons. They
further agree that the experiences gained are important, valuable and helped them get a
deeper understanding of the concepts learnt. TBL also enhances their thinking skills and
soft skills as well. In relation to relatedness, they agree that they experienced the
closeness, friendliness, and trustworthiness of their peers when doing group activities.
This in turn enhances their self-motivation to learn and succeed.

Table 4: Intrinsic motivation Among Students during the TBL session according to each
item in the construct
Construct (Items) % Agree
1. Interest/Enjoyment 87.1
I enjoyed doing this activity very much 85.5
This activity was fun to do. 89.4
I thought this was a boring activity.* 88.2
This activity did not hold my attention at all.* 86.6
I would describe this activity as very interesting. 86.6
I thought this activity was quite enjoyable. 86.6
While I was doing this activity, I was thinking about how much I enjoyed it. 85.6

2. Perceived competence 86.7

I think I am pretty good at this activity. 87.2
I think I did pretty well at this activity, compared to other students. 86.6
After working at this activity for a while, I felt pretty competent. 88.2
I am satisfied with my performance at this task. 85.6
I was pretty skilled at this activity. 84.0
This was an activity that I couldn’t do very well.* 88.8

3. Effort/importance 90.5
I put a lot of effort into this. 93.0
I didn’t try very hard to do well at this activity.* 87.7
I tried very hard on this activity. 91.4
It was important to me to do well at this task. 91.4
I didn’t put much energy into this.* 88.8

4. Pressure/tension 81.5
I did not feel nervous at all while doing this.* 73.3
I felt very tense while doing this activity. 83.4
I was very relaxed in doing these.* 76.5
I was anxious while working on this task. 89.7
I felt pressured while doing these. 84.5

5. Value/usefulness 81.9
I believe this activity could be of some value to me. 86.0
I think that doing this activity is useful for deeper understanding. 87.7
I think this is important to do because it can enhance my thinking skills 82.9

I would be willing to do this again because it has some value to me. 77.0
I think doing this activity could help me to enhance my soft skills. 79.7
I believe doing this activity could be beneficial to me. 82.4
I think this is an important activity. 78.0

6. Relatedness 86.1
I felt really distant to this person.* 78.1
I really doubt that this person and I would ever be friends.* 92.9
I felt like I could really trust this person. 87.2
I’d like a chance to interact with this person more often. 88.2
I’d really prefer not to interact with this person in the future.* 90.4
I don’t feel like I could really trust this person.* 77.0
It is likely that this person and I could become friends if we 87.2
interacted a lot.
I feel close to this person. 87.7


All the above findings have provided a lot of insights as to how to propagate the idea of
infusing thinking skills into the school curriculum via TBL. Since this is a small,
preliminary study to get firsthand information of teachers’ and students’ perceptions, an
ongoing study need to be conducted to examine similar aspects after the school
community (teachers, students, staff and administrators) have been exposed to the idea
of TBL and the teaching staff well trained in TBL instruction.
A positive call for change in the teaching approach is apparent among the
teachers with diverse teaching experiences (1-21 years) and a sound knowledge of
teaching ‘thinking’ from the courses and seminar/conferences attended. A possible reason
for the teachers’ skepticism to the implementation of TBL is because they were not yet
exposed to and trained in designing a TBL curriculum. It would be interesting to re-study
the teachers’ perception of TBL after they have been exposed and thoroughly trained in
the 3 components of a TBL approach: (i) designing a TBL curriculum, (ii) conducting a
TBL lesson and (iii) assessing a TBL lesson. Further research should be conducted and
look into this aspect.
The study on the development and testing of a TBL teaching manual has in
some ways provided substantial preliminary first-hand information in an attempt to
introduce TBL within the constraints of the main stream school curriculum and regular
school time. It also provided relevant information of teachers’ perceptions and first time
experiences of conducting TBL lessons. Empirical data of students’ motivation towards
TBL as an innovative approach in teaching Science is equally relevant and important to
ensure its success when introduced in secondary Science curriculum.
TBL is a teaching and learning approach that emphasizes the development of
thinking among school students by doing and practicing the thinking skills. The initial
teachers’ perception of TBL can be used as a stepping stone to further plan and design the
most effective way to introduce the approach. This is necessary so as not to intimidate the
teachers’ positivity, interest and willingness to buy in this approach in their classroom
instruction. The findings also helped the researcher to rethink of ways to accommodate
some of the constraints spelled out by the teachers when conducting the TBL approach.

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