Empowering Leadership and Effective Collaboration Student Name: University: Course: Lecturer
Empowering Leadership and Effective Collaboration Student Name: University: Course: Lecturer
Empowering Leadership and Effective Collaboration Student Name: University: Course: Lecturer
Student Name:
problem solving, morale building, and the successful settlement of disputes with those in the
team (Morrison-Smith and Ruiz, 2020). Many researchers have identified that, in the face of
such hurdles, the significance of team leaders in fostering virtual teamwork that leads to high
success levels in distributed teams becomes vital. The complexities of teamwork in such
communities and the related difficulties of tracking team member activities entail the allocation
of leadership roles to team members in their core theorization of leadership in distributed teams,
Team Collaboration
Irrespective of how individuals are coordinated, except with the most seasoned managers,
overseeing a team that is distributed out in multiple ways will bring massive obstacles. When
you interact with a certain team member a lot than others, then how can you guarantee that
everyone knows that they are handled fairly? Technology leads to improvements in the ways we
operate, and it makes it possible to have remote employees efficiently. Via a reduction in
overhead and other costs of running a conventional workplace, businesses gain greatly. Remote
employees are also more pleased with their positions and, in a more relaxed atmosphere, they
can achieve a healthier work-life balance, reduce exhausting commutes and work (Song et al.,
2020). To overcome the challenges associated with geographically dispersed team, the business
Communicating Responsively
Timely coordination is among the most important aspects of creating a good team.
Irrespective to where their participants are based, this is the reality of teams. The value of
communication should not be underestimated. Leaders and team members ought to be devoted to
frequent and open contact to function safely and effectively. Since the work conducted in most
teams is extremely integrated, lag time may take place between when communications, projects,
geographically diverse squad. Know, with the rest of the team, your attitude and actions will set
the stage, shaping how they cooperate and interact with each other. To collaborate effectively,
team leaders devise some rules for remote meetings meant for keeping the team focused on the
While employees are remotely working, it becomes easy for them to lose focus of how
the work is progressing. To ensure team members are in line with the day’s activities, team
leaders ensure that members receive frequent and up-to-date information via the different
enterprise communication channels or via the visible systems that portray KPIs and metrics
(Jones et al., 2020). Furthermore, leaders of geographically dispersed ensure that the team’s
expectation are clear and consistent. As a result, the team leader is able to prioritize on time, job
connection between members and their leaders. To mitigate this shortcoming and for the purpose
of effective collaboration and communication, leaders ensure that their team members feel as
being part of the team and the overall community. More so, leaders create a means for
Three Tools
It's not easy to handle a geographically scattered squad, but it's not difficult, particularly
for small organizations. To ensure your company moves smoothly, i.e., you need to concentrate
on a few main things. Communications, usability and protection of data and management of
programs. However, there are some tools that can aid the business with the supervision and
coordination of the geographically scattered teams in those regions. These tools include: slack,
Slack is an online portal aimed at enhancing team collaboration and provides academic
communities with some desirable features (Lin, 2020). Users exchange resources with peers via
chat rooms arranged by subject, explore individual ideas or projects, and identify more about
what people are working on. Via Slack, users are able to chat in real-time and to build an
ongoing “channel” also referred as chatrooms. On specific topics and ideas. The tool is designed
to be integrated with a number of online tools that aid in project management, tracking websites
social networking, and other business needs. Slack presents the following benefits to a business
Within the business, you will build "channels." For starters, for each customer, you may
provide Slack channels that comprise of all the co-workers engaged with that client
project. It helps in sharing and collaborating in real-time with others. This is perfect
Thanks to great encryption, the data inside the platform is still secured.
You will immediately import it on the desktop and it even has a completely working
mobile version.
After 14 days, the communications are erased, so if anything significant is sent to you
Minimal file protection is in place. It can be annoying when files are sent by Slack
instead of email, since you only have as much storage as you want to pay for as a
It may be a distraction. You can quickly get sucked into any conversation if you're not
Seeing Slack updates all day long. When you get a new message(s), it has various ways
Ryver is a modern, more efficient way of communicating with your teammates. With
the organization and influence of posts and comments, Ryver blends the freedom and immediacy
of chat. you can even exchange files and Ryver can keep them structured. Posts at Ryver are
similar to Facebook posts. Each posting is a matter of debate, with support for attachments, and
by comments threaded discourse. Simple formatting such as bold and bullets is simple to include
It has a community chat that tackles collaboration together to build a very well planned
knowledge base. The tasks are handled very quickly. It is clear that Ryver strengthens the way of
collaboration and provides an excellent framework to connect with the members of the team. The
It has customized settings questions, is a bit cumbersome and does not sync with other third
Google Hangouts
Google Hangouts facilitates contact with team members via audio, video, and
conversation. It is perfect especially if the business use Google Products since, it's a native
You can stream Google Hangouts online, encouraging everyone to listen and watch you, also
giving you the ability to pick who can join in the recording. You have the luxury of allowing
your audience to see the screen you are attached to, if you are using your Hangout session for
work or marketing purposes. For example, whether you are working from home or traveling, you
might use Google Hangouts to communicate with your workers and see the interactive tasks on
To enjoy all Google Hangouts functionality, including video conferencing, you need to sign up
for Google+. You can't communicate via Google Hangouts if you have a Google+ account, but
your friend doesn't. With Google Hangouts, you cannot check whether your message has been
Selected Tool
The selected tool for managing geographically dispersed teams is the Slack. Presumably
Slack's biggest benefit in the new environment is that it's so well-known. For both a free and paid
variant of the tool available, anybody can start utilizing Slack with convenience, based on what
you need in regards to features and functionality. What's more, most people in the market world
are still dependent on connectivity instruments similar to slack, which renders acceptance fast.
The fact that it comes with too many integrations available for use is another feature of Slack.
While once you subscribe to the full subscription service, there are only a couple of variations
possible in the free edition, the possibilities to extend the interactive tool are virtually limitless.
advantages: productivity, cost savings, and the flexibility to select team members with the right
skills. Select the best team players to help the team perform well, and ensure that you have
effective networking technologies. Unite the colleagues under a team charter, and simply and
Jones, B., Tang, A., & Neustaedter, C. (2020). Remote communication in wilderness search and
4(GROUP), 1-26.
Lin, J. (2020, May). Picking up the slack: collaboration tools to build community and increase
Morrison-Smith, S., & Ruiz, J. (2020). Challenges and barriers in virtual teams: a literature
Rhoads, M., Sierra, H., & Toro, J. T. M. (2018). Collaboration Tools. Igniting Your Teaching
Song, L., Wang, Y., Li, Z., Yang, Y., & Li, H. (2020). Mental health and work attitudes among
people resuming work during the Covid-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study in China.