The BSI Symbols in Use
The BSI Symbols in Use
The BSI Symbols in Use
General Marks
When you want to add a letter, or several letters, or a whole word, use
the jjlisert' symbol in the text, then write the re^ed material withj^insert' C V U 1 / ^ ^-/.
Y AvoJ^ j [ , r v s y m D ° l > the^ When adding into material that is closed up together, as at the
end of that last sentence, be sure to add a space if the new material isjbe a toj[
*Y tOo f(Lj[ separate^ on the other hand, use close-ups to join a letter (or letters) to aj^ £ fi^
existing word if you do not want a space. You do not need close-ups/^ou are u>ktA^
sj[ adding between characterf even if one of those characters is punctuation.
If you have a large chunk of material to be inserted, and there is
insufficient room in the margin, mark the insertion point in the text and
write the new materia^ linking the two with 'A' in a diamond. If you have
more than one such addition, carry on through the alphabej^
You will often need to substitute a letter for an incorrect letter: cross
through the wrong letter in the text, then write the correct or^e in the margin Y\
followed by the downstroke. The same applies to correcti^ a bunch of
or<LJ letters, a w ^ , or a whole jihain of ataf^. Don't forget the 'rugby posts' to sfcriiva ^ cLfiSvdbti e
If the font uses ligatures, but separate letters have been typeset, correcting it
ffij ls n o t di^jjcult: substitute the ligature for the letters in the text. You might
£lj ^nd that you need to do the reverse: substitute separate letters for a ligature.
J To cancel an indent, mark the start of the line to move left - it's the
same in the margin. The vertical 'ticks' show the precise alignment point.
To indent a line, use 'move right'. And be sure to get these the right way
CJ jp^ [jj^ centre text, it's a mix of both. |
\f the indent is specifically for a new paragraph, use the 'new paragraph'
symbol as it contains precise information for the typesetter. Do not confuse
this with 'new line', which will do exactly that: start a new line at the left-
© -third line
Punctuation can be inserted and substituted just like other characters, using
>^ 'insert' and 'substitute'. Ij£ simple to insert an apostrophe but don't confuse
I it with a commtjltja just the same^you'll be pleased to hear, with yf
substitutions. Note that colons and full points (full stops) are always
encircled^this is to distinguish them from commas and semi-colons. DonJ£ ^£
0 J use encircling for any other punctuation^ The one exception to that is the
ellipsis (three dots), often used to show where something is omitted^r to Q -
(^•]} J signify a trailing-off -l
Semi-colons are not the same as colons^use them to separate two yj^
grammatically complete but closely related sentences. They are also useful
separators in lists, where the items listed are lengthy: for example, you
should enjoy proofreading, which is a worthwhile job^ also copy-editing, a J/
JJ critical intervention^ and proof-editing, a mix of the two.
Be sure of the distinction between hyphens, en rules and em rules / they I——\
are not interchangeable. Use hyphens in compounds where the first element
\~-\ describes the second, as in 'hard-working', 'pos^ar', 'pre^and post-war' or f ^ - j ^
j 'son-in-law', note that when you insert it into a space, it will remain spaced
unless you either mark it for closing up or substitute it for the space. En
rules are often used as dashes in the text, as above; em rules have the same
^\ use j as just there. En rules also show a relationship between two items, such
j(3)j j as a page range (e.g. pages 24^48, or the 1914^8 war) or a direction, as in |-—
j(3>|| the EustonJGlasgow express.
The slash (otherwise known as a solidus) is useful in combinations such
QJ^ as 'and^r' (insert into the word) or 'both^nd' (substitute for the space), or in Q j
dividing web addresses such as '^readme'. /j
J Close up unwanted space using 'close-ups' in both text and margin. It's the •
( same symbol but written vertically for removing unwanted space between
lines. Similarly, you can add space horizontally, such as between/Words, and
vertically between lines that are too close together. If you just want a
smaller space, use 'reduce J space': again, this can be used for space
between lines as well. Never confuse 'reduce | space' with 'close u p' as
they are different instructions with different results!
If spacing J between words is | unequal alongjajline, mark 'equalise
space'. You can also signal multiple insertions or reductions of space
between characters, as in iMkMtkk and H ^ ' A W I tab's.
As well as normal inter-word spacing, there are special space symbols:
a thin space can be used in long numbers instead of a comma, as in
1^000^000; a fixed space can ensure that a number and its unit do not
become separated over the turn of a line, e.g. with measurements likeJ7.5 /
cm. Finally, em and en spaces can be used to separate headingsfromtext
that follows immediately, or numbers and their following text in lists:
Here Is The HeadingjiieTe is the text that follows it
First item
2 Second item