User Guide
AVEVA Solutions Ltd
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Contents Page
User Guide
Read this First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1
Scope of this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1
Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1
Assumptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1
Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1
How the Guide is Organised . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Read this First
1.1.2 Assumptions
This user guide assumes the reader has prior knowledge of the following:
• How to launch PDMS Modules and logging in
• Basic Microsoft Windows navigation
• Concepts of Databases within PDMS
1.2 Conventions
Where relevant, reference is made to elements which may be created or modified as a
result of using a particular form. This guide will specify the element effected but will not
explain in full the placement of that element within the database hierarchy. For a fuller
explanation of the structure of database elements use this guide in tandem with the
Catalogues and Specifications Reference Manual.
General Application describes the standard set of tools which provide the basis of
Tools the PARAGON user interface.
Working With PARAGON introduces the common tools available when working with
Applications applications.
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Read this First
Additional Pipework covers the added tools available when working specifically
Tools within the Pipework application.
Additional Steelwork covers the added tools available when working specifically
Tools within the Steelwork application.
Spec Generator Specific covers the added tools available when working specifically
Tools within the Spec Generator application.
Additional Equipment covers the added tools available when working specifically
Tools within the Pipework application
The sections of the user guide closely follow the order in which the forms appear in the
PARAGON GUI. In most cases this order mimics the order that elements are created in the
underlying Catalogue database.
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Select PARAGON from the Login Screen and input the appropriate credentials in the
Username and Password fields. Select an appropriate MDB from those available within the
For further details of launching modules refer to Getting Started with PDMS.
Once PARAGON has launched the following layout will be displayed:
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
The PARAGON interface makes use of the Microsoft .NET windows and forms technology.
For a full and detailed explanation of facilities available when using .NET windows and
forms such as docking refer to Getting Started with PDMS.
PARAGON provides a series of pull-down options each containing a set of tools and utilities
allowing complete control over the Catalogue and Properties databases.
Below the pull-down menus there is a toolbar containing a set of common menu short cuts.
The toolbar can be customised, details of which can be found in Getting Started with PDMS.
The main work area of PARAGON includes a Catalogue Explorer which is central to
navigation of the Catalogue and Properties databases.
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For a full explanation of the Catalogue Explorer and common PDMS user interface refer to
Getting Started with PDMS.
To the right of the Catalogue Explorer the work area is unpopulated, however this work
space provides the user with the ability to dock and view various status windows
simultaneously (opened through activities discussed later in this user guide).
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In the above figure the Create Specification World form has the Purpose set to PIPE
which would create an SPWL element in the Catalogue database with its Purpose attribute
set to PIPE. However it is possible to change the Purpose to another value, these are as
Depending on the application currently selected in PARAGON (as previously discussed) a
default selection will be made, for example PIPE will be selected by default when in the
PARAGON Pipework application.
Many common forms allow elements to be added to a Defined Storage Area, select the
tickbox to do so. For details of storage areas refer to Storage Areas Form.
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General Application Tools
3.1 Display
The following section details the functionality available below the Display option in the main
window pull-down.
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General Application Tools
Open a plot file (.plt) by specifying the full path and filename in the filename field or click the
Browse button to open a standard window file browser dialog.
Use the scroll wheel of the mouse to zoom in or out.
The following selections can be made under the Control pull-down:
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General Application Tools
Clicking on an element in the members form will have the result of navigating in the
Catalogue Explorer to that selection, in turn making it the currently selected element.
To navigate directly to a named element, type the name in the text box immediately below
the form's menu bar and press Enter. You can enter a full name; for example:
zone 2 of site /TESTSITE
The arrow controls let you move across the database hierarchy at the level of the current
For example, if you have the following hierarchy:
and EQUIP1 is the current element, selecting the right arrow will move to EQUIP2.
The Goto pull-down provides the following added functionality:
Old CE Navigate to the element that was selected before the members
form was used
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The Control pull-down menu of the Members form has the following options:
Advanced Open the Advanced Members form which lets you store a list of
elements which you access frequently
Show Extract Claims Display extract claims relating to specific elements, using the
Extract Claim List form
Note: The Memory list will be emptied when you leave PARAGON.
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General Application Tools
The Spec World Types pull-down lets you filter the form to specification relevant to a
specific design application (Piping, Structural Steel, etc.). The options are as follows:
• All
• Piping
• Heating & Ventilation
• Cable Trays
• Hanger & Support
• Equipment
• Structural Steel
All applicable Spec World elements will be shown in the Spec Worlds list.
Note: This facility reads the Purpose attributes of the Specification Worlds to find the
required elements, so it will only work correctly if these have been set. If you cannot
find the specification you want, try using the All setting.
Select a Spec World to list all of the specifications which are members of that world.
Select a specification in the list to make it the current selection in the Catalogue Explorer.
Click Dismiss to close the Specification List form.
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General Application Tools
To open the Command Window select Display>Command Line from the main window
For details of command line syntax refer to the Catalogues and Specifications Reference
3.2 Query
The following section details the functionality available below the Query option in the main
window pull-down
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If the Track current element check box is selected, the listed attributes will be updated as
different elements are selected in the Members List.
Teams Lists the projects teams and the users assigned to them.
Input is not allowed through this form and the data is displayed for information purposes
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General Application Tools
The above information is displayed on the right-hand side of the window, each item may be
selected individually from the List by pull-down.
The DBs Mode Status list contains a list of the Databases in the current MDB (if there is
one). The Mode of the Database shows the access rights of the user selected. The Status
of the Database shows the way the User is actually accessing the Database.
Input is not allowed through this form and the data is displayed for information purposes
Click Dismiss to close the User Status form.
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General Application Tools
At the top of the form, a message will be displayed indicating whether or not Data Access
Control is Active or Inactive.
The form is divided into two tabs:
The User Rights tab displays the Data Access Controls that apply to the current user. The
tab displays the ACRs that apply to the current user, and the Roles and Scopes that
define each ACR.
The Element Access tab is used to view which attributes of an element a user has access
to, and the DAC restrictions on operations that the user can carry out on the element. Where
restrictions apply, the appropriate error message is listed alongside the attribute or
On entry, the name of the current element is automatically displayed in the text field at the
top of the form.
Attribute names are displayed in the top list, along with the level of access the user has to
each of the selected element's attributes.
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General Application Tools
Operations are displayed in the bottom list, along with the restrictions that are applied to the
user when carrying out these operations on the selected element.
To view the data access restrictions for another element, either type the name of this
element in the text field, or make the element the current element. When the required
element is entered or selected, press the CE button.
This form is for information only: Data Access Control can only be switched on and off and
changed in the ADMIN module.
Click Dismiss to close the form.
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General Application Tools
• Control Options
The menu options under Control are as follows:
Clear Output Clears the Command Output form used when Destination is
set to Screen.
Output>Backtrack Mode Is only active in DB Changes mode. This option controls the
style of the output information. If on, then the output can be
run as a macro which will return the database to the state it
was in at the given time or session. If off, then the output is a
report on the changes made since the time or session.
• Add/Remove Menus
The menu options under Add and Remove are used to populate the Elements list.
The Remove option is only active when there are elements in the Elements list.
The following are common to the Add and Remove:
List adds or removes all elements in the selected lists. Lists are created
using the Lists/Collections form.
The Remove option has the following items which are not present in the Add option:
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General Application Tools
• Colour Options
The menu options under Colour are as follows:
Unhighlight Removes the highlight from the CE only, the Elements in the list
or All elements in the graphical views.
• Query Options
A Query is always output to the screen. If the Destination is set to File then output will be
made to the specified file as well as screen.
A file output will contain comment lines, which start with -- so it can be run as a PDMS
macro at a later stage.
The options under Query on the menu are as follows:
Note: Querying extremely long Element lists can take a long time.
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General Application Tools
Note: This operation could be a time consuming operation if the CE is a DB world element
or a large site, or other top-level element, and so you will be asked to confirm that
you really wish to do this operation.
History This is similar to the Last Modified Query, but gives the information
for every session in which the element was been created or modified.
You will be asked to confirm the query for top-level elements.
Claimed by This outputs the name of the user who has the current element
claimed out for modification. This is Unset if no user has the element
DB Name/Mode This outputs the name, DB name, the DB access mode (RW, R,
Multiwrite ) and the claim mode (implicit, explicit).
• Form Input
- Destination
You can send the output of queries to a File or Screen. If you select File, enter a valid path
and filename.
If Screen has been selected, the result will be output to a standard Command Window
when you click Apply.
Select New File to create a new file to output the result to. Select Overwrite or Append if
the file exists.
Browse displays a file browser allowing a previously created output file to be used as the
- Elements
The Elements part of the form lists elements that will be reported on when Apply is clicked.
Clicking on any element in this list will navigate to that element in the Catalogue Explorer.
The active field in the Changes Since pane depend on the form mode (Changes, Listing or
Difference). None of the controls are active in DB Listing mode. In DB Changes and DB
Differences modes, you can select the following radio buttons:
Session Will report on changes since the given session number. Input a session
number or use the plus and minus (+/-) buttons to increment the session
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General Application Tools
Extract is only active when the current element is in an extract database. When
you choose this option, the options in the Since Extract frame will
become active, see Changes Since Extract.
You can type in the session number, or change it using the + and -
Stamp Reports on the changes since the Stamp selected from the Since
Stamp list at the bottom of the form.
Remember that each DB has its own sessions. The current DB is
shown by Database Name at the bottom of the frame, see Changes
Since Stamp.
Note: TimeDate and Session are related, changing one will affect the other settings, and
also display the correct Session User.
The More button shows a form with the Session comment for the given session.
Only compares the current database with the selected extract ancestor
Latest compares the database with the latest version of the selected extract
ancestor database
Session compares the database with the selected ancestor extract since session
nn of that extract
Date compares the database with the selected ancestor extract since the given
date in a session of the ancestor extract
Highlight Changes
This Highlight Changes button is only active when the form is in DB Changes or DB
Differences mode with a DESIGN database selected. If switched on, the changed elements
will be highlighted in all the 3D graphics views in the colour specified by Colour>Changes.
This option is useful after a Getwork to see the changes that other users have made.
Apply is only active when there are elements in the Elements list.
The Dismiss button dismisses the form and clears the Elements list.
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General Application Tools
3.3 Settings
The following section details the functionality available below the Settings option in the main
window pull-down
Toggle the following check boxes to active or de-active the following behaviours:
Show Main Toolbar Toggles the appearance of the main toolbar in the user interface
Large icons Toggles large or standard sized icons in the user interface
Click window to raise Toggles the docking of windows in the user interface
• Colour Tab
The Colour tab of the Graphics Settings form lets you set the colours that are used within
the plotfiles and 3D views to indicate different elements of the design.
To open the Graphics Settings form directly to the Colour tab select Settings>Graphics>
Colour from the main window pull-down.
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General Application Tools
• Representation Tab
The Representation tab of the Graphics Settings form lets you set some of the general and
piping representation parameters and presents control buttons allowing you to display
further forms for specifying the representations of more specific parameters.
To open the Graphics Settings form directly at the Representation tab select Settings>
Graphics>Representation from the main window pull-down.
It is also possible to alter the way Steelwork, Plines and Ppoints are represented by
selecting the Steelwork tab or the Plines & Ppoints tab.
Note: The Steelwork and Plines & Ppoints tabs do not have a shortcut on the main
window pull-down.
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General Application Tools
• Steelwork Tab
The Steelwork tab allows you to change the way Steelwork elements are displayed.
Structural steel profiles can be represented by a single Centreline or by a 2D outline. In
some cases, it helps to switch between the two representations to simplify an otherwise
complicated view. This form allows the user to change these settings as well as other
common display settings for Steelwork.
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General Application Tools
• Axes Form
The Axes form allows you to set the Axes height for the current element.
To open the Axes form select Settings>Graphics>Axes Height from the main window pull-
Type a valid Axes Height and select the OK button to save the value.
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General Application Tools
Select an individual field and type the required path. To change to the Current Element
select the CE button.
Design data attributes have initial defaults that you can change; parameters must have their
defaults set for the appropriate type of component.
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General Application Tools
The left-hand part of the form shows the current design data attribute defaults for piping
These have standard default settings. Change any of the displayed settings as required.
The right-hand part of the form lets you set default values for any relevant types of
parameter. Use the option button at the top to choose the required parameter type; any
current settings will be shown in the scrollable list. Change existing settings, or set new
parameters, in either of the following ways:
• To set parameters individually, enter a parameter number and its required default
setting in the text-boxes below the list, then select Insert to transfer the new setting to
the list.
• To copy parameter settings from an existing catalogue or design item, navigate to an
element which has the parameter settings you want to use and select Use CE to copy
these to the current list.
• To reset all standard defaults, click the Default button. This sets all design data
attributes to their standard settings and (CAUTION) clears all design parameter
Setting the Comparison Date enables you to produce reports or create expressions which
use the Comparison Date.
Display options control the order in which Stamps are displayed in the Stamps list, and
the Stamp attributes that are shown. Set an appropriate Display mode
to make it easier to find the Stamp that you want.
Stamps shows a list of all the existing Stamps, plus a Time & Date option so that
you can set the Comparison Date to an actual Time/Date.
Now sets the Time & Date to the current time and date.
Date specify a Comparison Date after clicking Time & Date in the Stamp list.
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General Application Tools
You can define representation types, each corresponding to a given combination of these
representation settings. Users can then reference such a type to change the appearance of
a displayed component.
A set of sub forms show all the representation types currently defined, while the upper part
of the main form lets you edit the lists by adding, removing or modifying individual entries.
The File entry near the top of the form shows where the current type set, as listed on the
form, is stored.
Each representation type is defined by the following settings:
• A keyword
• A description
• A drawing level range
• An obstruction level
• The centreline flag
• The tube flag.
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General Application Tools
Enter a value in each field pressing Enter on the keyboard after each value.
Note: Each input field will initially appear yellow and change to white when populated. Be
sure to press Enter on the keyboard after each value is entered to commit that value.
Above the Data sub form select one of the following values to add a rule to the list:
Insert After
Insert Before
For a detailed explanation of Drawing Representations refer to the Catalogues and
Specifications Reference Manual.
The main area of the form contains a tabular list of all Generic Types. Values can be
changed by typing over an entry and clicking Apply to commit the change.
Use the Generic Type pull-down to select the overall class of catalogue, possible selections
are as follows:
Structural Profiles
Structural Joints
Structural Fittings
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General Application Tools
The tabular data is delimited with a space; Gtype word occupies the first four columns and
the description begins in the sixth column.
Select the appropriate tree settings and the individual settings for DESIGN and DRAFT.
Select the OK button to save the settings.
3.4 Utilities
The following section details the functionality available below the Utilities option in the main
window pull-down.
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General Application Tools
The Check Items list contains the elements you want to check. Use the Add and Remove
menu options to edit this list.
• Add/Remove Menus
The following options let you edit the Check Items list.
The Add options are:
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General Application Tools
• Highlight Menu
The Highlight option is only available when the Checker is run from DESIGN. The highlight
option will always appear ghosted when the Checker is opened from PARAGON.
• Control Menu
These options let you save your check results to a file, or reload such a file. They work as
In each case, use the displayed File Browser to specify the required file name and location.
3.4.2 Autonaming
Two sub options are provided below Utilities>Autonaming from the main window pull-
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General Application Tools
To create a new list select Add>List and type a description into the Description Create List
The text you enter will be displayed in the List drop-down list box.
Click OK to create the new list.
When you have created a list, you can add elements to it by selecting the other options
under Add on the menu:
CE Add the currently selected element in the Catalogue Explorer to the list.
CE Members Add member elements below the CE
Identified Use the cursor to pick the items then press the Escape key when the
list is complete.
Selection Displays the Add to List form.
The Format drop-down list controls how the list items will be displayed:
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If the Highlight On check box is selected, items selected for the list are highlighted in the
graphical view.
You can remove elements from the list using the options under Remove on the menu:
You can give commands that will act on the current list: type the command into the text box
at the bottom of the form and select the Action button. See the DESIGN Reference Manual
for information about commands.
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General Application Tools
Multiwrite databases have a claim mode, which is set when the database is created:
• If the claim mode is Explicit, you must claim an element before you can work on it
• If the claim mode is Implicit, an element which you start changing will be automatically
claimed, but you can also choose to claim it explicitly before you work on it, using this
Active Claimlist This is your Claimlist. A list of all the significant elements that you
have claimed will be displayed in the Elements list.
Others Claimlist The Elements scrolling list will show all claimed elements of all users
in the current MDB except those in the Active Claimlist. You name is
also shown in the Elements list next to the element name or Refno.
An additional option is added to this gadget for every individual user
who has a Claimlist. For example: USERA Claimlist
Note: Clicking on any element in the Elements list will navigate to that element.
Elements are claimed and unclaimed using the options on the menu at the top of the form.
Control Options
Update updates the list. The list will be automatically updated each time it is
Close closes the form.
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General Application Tools
Claim Options
CE only claims or unclaims CE only, not any hierarchy below it. This can be
used, for example if you want to change an attribute such as a
description which will not affect any elements below the current
CE Members only claims or unclaims each member only and not the hierarchy below.
List claims or unclaims all elements in the selected lists. Lists are
created using the Lists/Collections form.
Unclaim Options
Note: Unclaim is only active when there are elements in the Active Claimlist.
All unclaims all elements in the from the Active Claimlist and updates all
the Claimlists.
Colour Options
Colour is only active in DESIGN. The Colour option will always appear ghosted in the
Database Options
MDB allows you to see all the claimed elements in the MDB
DB allows you to see all the claimed elements in the DB selected from
the submenu.
Note: You must unclaim any elements which you have claimed before other users can
access them. Other users must do a Getwork before they can see your changes. You
cannot unclaim an element that you have changed until you have done a Savework.
Changing module or leaving will unclaim all elements.
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General Application Tools
Changes to elements selected from this list can be Flushed, Issued or Aborted (dropped)
by pressing the appropriate button at the bottom of the form.
Get Other Users refreshes your view of data in databases which own extracts in the
Changes current MDB.
Update for Current When you press this button, the list of elements is updated to show
Element the extract element hierarchy for the current element. This button
may be used to bring up-to-date the information shown on this form
if displayed data has changed since the form was last shown or
Scrolling list Shows a hierarchy of elements. Selecting an element in this
window will make it the current element. The codes in front of the
elements describe the extract claim state:
C Element is significant and claimed to an extract in this MDB
M Element is significant and it, or one of its non-significant children,
has been modified in an extract in this MDB
X Element is claimed from an extract in this MDB, so changes to this
element cannot be issued or aborted.
V Element has been modified in a Variant extract in this MDB
No code means that the element is either a non-significant element, or it has not been
claimed to an extract in this MDB.
When an element is marked CM, changes to the element can be flushed, issued or aborted.
If the World element is selected, then all changes made in all extract databases in the
MDB are selected for the Flush/Issue/Drop operation.
Flush Updates the database owning the extract. Extract claims for
selected elements are retained. A single element, or part of the
hierarchy will be flushed, depending on the Operate on setting.
Issue Updates the database owning the extract and release the extract
claim. A single element, or part of the hierarchy will be issued,
depending on the Operate on setting.
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General Application Tools
According to how the report or template is set up, you may be able to specify the following in
the Report Details form:
Filename If you can specify a filename, the report will be sent to the given file
in the directory REPORTS. If you leave the text box empty, the
report will be sent to the screen. If there is no filename text box, the
file will be sent to the file named in the template, or to the screen, if
the template specifies a screen report.
Type(s) Allows you to specify the types of item you want to report on. For
example, VALVes, ELBOws
with Allows you to restrict the report to elements of the given type whose
properties satisfy given conditions.
For example, you can report on Elbows with ABORE greater than
Hierarchy Allows you to specify the level in the database hierarchy below
which the selection will be made
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Volume You can specify a Volume in the model, and report on elements
Completely within or Partially within it. Selecting Completely
within or Partially within option will display the Report Volume
From These options are used together with the Volume option. You can
MDB which will select all elements in the master database within the
Drawlist which will select all elements in the Drawlist within the volume.
Obstruction list which will select all elements in the obstruction list within the
Note: Report templates for batch mode must not have any runtime prompts set.
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General Application Tools
Each option displays a form with a text pane. You type the information you want in the text
pane. Each line of information is entered as an expression. For full information about
expressions, see Introduction to Expressions, refer to the Software Customisation
Reference Manual.
A summary of the information you are most likely to need is given below.
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General Application Tools
• Selection Options
The Selection options on the New Report Template form are used as follows. These
options may also be available to the user running a report.
Type(s) allows you to specify the type of item you want to report on, and the level
in the database hierarchy below which the selection will be made. Any
element type can be entered. If you want to report on several types, enter
the types in the text box, separated by spaces. For example:
VALV FLAN selects all valves and flanges
BRANCH ITEMS selects all branch items
BRANCH MEMBERS selects all branch members
With allows you to restrict the report to elements of the given type whose
properties satisfy given conditions. For example, you can report on
Elbows with ABORE greater than 50.
Hierarchy allows you to specify that only the parts of the database under given
owning elements will be included.
You can specify the element in two ways:
Type in the name of the elements. Note that except for WORLD, the slash
before the element name must be entered, because you can specify a list
of elements, and also use OF to specify members of elements. For
WORLD to report on all items in the current world
/BRANCH1 OF PIPE211 to report on all items in BRANCH1 of
/PIPE211 /PIPE212 /PIPE213 to report on all items in the given
CE to report on the current element.
Note: If you do not specify an element for the top of the hierarchy, the report will include all
the databases in your current Multi-database, unless you have use the Volume or
From options on the Hierarchy form.
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General Application Tools
This Hierarchy form is used to specify which part of the database hierarchy you want to
report on.
The following methods are possible:
1. You can specify that only parts of the database under given owning elements will be
included. Specify an owning element by making it the current element and pressing
Add CE. The element's name will be displayed in the text box. You can specify several
owning elements. Remove an element from the list by highlighting it in the list and
pressing Remove.
When you press Apply on the form, the names of the elements will appear in the
Hierarchy option on the New/Modify Report Template form.
Note: Specifying elements using this option will override anything you specify in the
Volume or From option.
2. If you leave the Hierarchy option empty, you can specify a Volume, and report on
elements Completely within or Partially within it. Selecting Completely within or
Partially within option will display the Report Volume form.
Note: Specifying a Volume will select elements from the whole MDB. The other From
options cannot be used.
3. If you leave the Hierarchy option empty and do not specify a Volume, you can use the
From option. You can specify:
MDB which will select all elements in the database within the
Drawlist which will select all elements in the Drawlist within the volume.
Obstruction list which will select all elements in the obstruction list within the
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General Application Tools
• With Option
The With option on the New/Modify Report Template form allows you to restrict the report
to elements of the given type whose properties satisfy given conditions. Enter an
Expression in the text box. For full information about expressions, see Introduction to
Expressions, in the Software Customisation Reference Manual, but a summary of the
information you are most likely to need is given below.
The expression you enter here is going to be a combination of attributes or pseudo-
attributes, logical operators and values.
For example, if you are reporting on Elbows (that is, you have entered ELBO) in the Type
text box), you can restrict the report to Elbows with ABORE greater than 50 by entering:
where ABORE is the attribute, GT is an operator meaning greater than, and 50 is the value.
The operators you can use are:
• EQ equal to
• NE not equal to
• GT greater than
• GE greater than or equal to
• LE less than
• LT less than or equal to
You can specify more than one condition using the operators AND, OR and NOT. For
example, to report on Elbows with ABORE greater than 50 but less than 100 by entering:
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General Application Tools
The Quick Reports form allows you to quickly generate reports, however the report template
cannot be saved.
The options on the form are as follows:
File Enter a filename for the output report. If you just want to see the report
on the screen, leave the File text box blank
Term Check the Term box to ignore any filename specified and only output
to screen.
Types Enter an Element type for example:
bran mem
gask flan
If the Type text box is left blank ALL TYPES will be reported on.
With This option is a way of narrowing down the report. Enter an
expression, for example:
abore gt 30
tpos[3] le 1000
abore gt 30 AND name of owner neq ‘/B-1-2’
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General Application Tools
Columns These are the attributes to be output in the report. The attributes you
specify will be used as headings to the columns. For example:
name owner hpos tpos
You can enter expressions, enclosed in round brackets. The following
example outputs the type, name, and the first three characters of the
owner's name: type name (substr(name of owner, 1, 3))
Hierarchy Enter the element or elements at the top of the hierarchy that you want
to report on. Because you can give a list of elements, you must enter
the slash character before each name, except for WORLD. For
/200-B-4 /250-B-5
Run the Report Click this button and the report will be generated.
Note: When you press the Dismiss button, the contents of the form are kept. Everything
you entered will be shown on the form when it is displayed again.
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General Application Tools
Surface Treatments where all the available surface treatments for a project are
Selected Coatings when the allowable paint types and manufacturers are
Paint definition where the paint type, the coating thickness and the order in
which the coatings are applied is specified.
Create Creates a new entry in the surface treatments list, into which the following
data is entered:
• The NAME of the surface treatment
• The material of the surface to which the surface treatment applies
• The shop primer attribute (SHOPRI), set to true or false, indicating
whether or not a primer coating is required.
Refresh If the Command Line is used to make changes to any of the surface
treatment details, clicking this button updates the list to reflect the changes.
The Create, Copy and Delete operations are also available from the right-click options
Note: Surface treatments can be imported in from CSV and XLS (Excel) files via the Import
Data utility (Utilities menu).
Create Creates a new entry in the List of PAINT Elements, into which the
following data (paint definition attributes) is entered:
• The NAME of the paint definition.
• A description (DESC) giving details of the type and colour of the paint.
• The manufacturer (MAKER) of the paint.
The Create, Copy and Refresh buttons perform similar functions to the Surface Treatment
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General Application Tools
The Create, Copy and Delete operations are also available from the right-click options
Note: Paint Definitions can be imported in from CSV and XLS (Excel) files via the Import
Data utility (Utilities menu).
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General Application Tools
Show Standard opens the Surface Treatment Definition form allowing edits
(see Surface Treatment Definition Form)
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General Application Tools
Options Allows the user to either select the Same Name or the
Prefix option. If the Prefix option is used the string in the
adjacent text gadget is used as the prefix to the Copy To
name. The Include Reference toggle is used to include any
references for any SCOM, SPRF or SFIT items that are
included in the Copy From frame, as these references may
or may not exist in the same part of the hierarchy.
Catalogue Explorer Displays all the catalogue elements in the current set of
Copy From Displays all the items that are to be copied in the current
Copy To Displays the name of the database items that will be created
when the Apply Copy button is applied. It also shows the
database item name in the target database into which the
item is to be copied.
Copy to Location Displays all the possible locations in the target databases,
where the Copy From items can be copied to.
The Copy From frame can be populated by right clicking in the Catalogue Explorer frame
to display a sub-menu or by clicking either of the two top buttons to the right of the
Catalogue Explorer frame.
Either option will add the current element or its members to the Copy From pane.
Once the Copy From pane has been populated, the right click on the Catalogue Explorer
will only be active if the Catalogue Explorer item's owner is the same as the one in the pane.
The buttons are also only active based on the current catalogue explorer item and the Copy
From pane owner type.
Items can be removed from the Copy From pane by using the right click option:
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General Application Tools
Or by clicking the two lower buttons to the left of the Copy From pane:
The Copy From pane can also be populated by using the Include References toggle and
Update button. These are only active if any items in the grid are of type SCOM, SPRF or
SFIT. This option will look for any references e.g. GMRE, PTRE, NGMRE, DTRE, PSTR,
Any items not already in the Copy From pane will be added.
If the Include References toggle is not checked then the references will be removed from
the pane. The Update button allows any new items that have been added to the pane after
the Include References toggle has been ticked to be added to the pane.
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General Application Tools
When the Copy From pane is populated the Copy To pane is also populated.
The Copy To pane is populated with the name the item is to be given when the Apply Copy
button is applied. The green tick indicates that the name does not already exist in the target
databases. Any items where the specified name does exist in the target databases will be
highlighted with a red dot sphere and will not be copied. The target databases are defined
by any database in the current MDB that can be written to.
The Copy To column now needs to be populated with the new location in the target
Select an owning element in the Catalogue Explorer frame that you wish to copy to,
making it the currently selected item.
If the selected item in the Catalogue Explorer frame is of the correct owner type and the
database can be written to then a Set copy location from Explorer right click option will be
available in Copy To pane.
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General Application Tools
For example if the element members that are to be copied are of type CATA then you must
select an owning element of type CATA in the destination database from the Catalogue
Explorer frame and then select Set copy location from Explorer.
Note: If the destination database does not have an owning element of the correct type then
it must be created in the database hierarchy. For example in the case of a CATA refer
to Create Catalogue Form
If an owning element of the correct type is already present when the Copy From grid is
populated then the Copy To Location pane is also populated with any items in the target
databases where the items in the Copy From pane can be created. In the following figure
the user is creating a copy of a number of SPRF items which need to be created at an STCA
level. Therefore the pane is populated with all STCA elements in all databases that can be
written to in the MDB.
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General Application Tools
When an item is selected in the Copy to Location pane, the location of the selected items
in the Copy To pane can be set by either right clicking on the 'Copy To Location' pane.
Note: Different elements can be created in different locations in the target databases.
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General Application Tools
Once the Copy To grid is populated and contains any items that have a name and copy
location that both contain a green tick, the Apply Copy button becomes active.
When the Apply Copy button is applied, all the items that can be copied (items with green
ticks in both columns of the Copy To grid) are copied from the Copy From pane to the
location in the Copy To pane with the applied name. All references that are included in the
copy are reset to the newly created references in the target databases.
The Catalogue Copy form is then cleared ready for the next copy sequence.
3.5 Create
The following section details the functionality available below the Create option in the main
window pull-down.
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General Application Tools
The Copy text-box shows the element that is to be copied. Initially this is the element that is
current when the form is displayed. To change it, navigate to the required position in the
database and click the CE button.
In the To text-box, enter the name to be assigned to the copy, then click Apply to create the
new element. The copy will have all attributes (except its Name) set to the same values as
those of the original element; use the Modify menu options to edit these attributes as
3.6 Modify
The following section details the functionality available below the Modify option in the main
window pull-down.
The Modify Name form allows you to rename the currently selected element. You can also
rename all elements below that selection using the pull-down and selecting Re-name all or
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General Application Tools
The Modify Attributes form contains an additional field at its base allowing changes to be
made to the value. There are also status indicators at the top of the form showing is the
attribute value has Write Access and can be Modified.
Use the Track check box to allow the form to follow the currently selected element in the
Catalogue Explorer.
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General Application Tools
The form will change the attributes values of all the elements below the current selection
(but not the CE itself).
To change the attributes of the CE, select Modify>Attributes.
To change attributes below a different element, navigate to it in the Catalogue Explorer and
click the CE button.
The form will initially list the attribute types (but not their settings) for the current element.
Navigate to an element below the CE which has an attribute of the type you want to change.
Click the Attributes button. The list will now show the attribute types for this lower level
Select the attribute type you want to modify.
• To change the setting of all elements which have the selected attribute, click the All
attribute data radio button and enter the new setting in the With text box.
• To change only those settings which already have a specified value for the selected
attribute, click the middle radio button and enter the relevant current setting in the
adjacent text box. Enter the new setting in the With text box. For example, you might
change to only those OBST attributes which are currently set to. Click Apply to the
For more information about element attributes, see the Catalogues and Specifications
Reference Manual.
Note: The change will be applied to all elements below the specified level that have the
selected attribute type. For example, if you pick a DISH and change the DIAM
attribute, this change will be applied to all primitives which have a diameter setting
(CYLI, SLCY, etc.); not just to Dishes.
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General Application Tools
Use the option button to specify the action required. The choices are:
Near the top of the form is shown the name of the element whose members list is to be
modified by the inclusion of new elements (we will refer to this as the new owner). Below
this are two scrollable lists:
Members (with its associated Goto button etc.) lets you navigate around the
hierarchy just like the standard Members List.
Included Members shows the current list of members already owned by the new owner.
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General Application Tools
• Reverse Order
Display and member elements below the current selection in reverse order. If you change
your mind, you can undo this operation by immediately repeating the command.
From the main window pull-down select Modify>Hierarchy>Reverse Order.
The form shows two lists of members of the current element. To move an element to a
different list position:
In the left-hand list, select the element to be moved.
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General Application Tools
In the right-hand list, select an element adjacent to the required list position. Set the
Before/After option button to specify the exact position relative to the selected
Click Apply to move the element to its new list position.
Repeat this process if you want to move other elements before you Dismiss the form.
3.7 Delete
The following section details the functionality available below the Utilities option in the main
window pull-down.
There are several methods for deleting specified elements from the catalogue database.
Note: Each time you use a Delete option you must confirm (or cancel) the deletion. This is
an important safety feature, since deleted elements cannot be restored.
Select a member from the list and select the OK button to remove the member from the
current element.
All Lets you delete all members of the selected element, via Delete>Members>All.
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General Application Tools
The individual components of the search form (DB Type, Element Types etc) will be pre
populated by the opening form. However these values can be adapted by the user.
The DB Type pull-down allows you to specify which database to search, possible values
Note: These are the databases that are available to a standard project, additional
databases may appear in the list if an administrator has customised the project.
In most cases, only the Catalogue and Property databases will be relevant when using
In the Element Types field enter a space delimited list of elements types to search. Clicking
the box to the right of this will open the following form:
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General Application Tools
The list of elements displayed in this form are dependant on the Database Type (selected in
the DB Type pull-down).
Pick from the list of Available Element Types by highlighting an entry and click Add ->> to
include the element in the Selected Element Types list.
To remove an element from the list of Selected Element Types highlight an entry and click
Click OK to return to the search form.
By default the Search In field will be pre-populated with an asterisk. This value is a wildcard
which indicated the search will be conducted on all elements in the database hierarchy.
If you only want to search below a certain position in the database hierarchy, specify the
name of the element you intend to search below in the Search In field (eg DRA/PRJ/TMP/
PIPING/A0). Alternatively select the item in the Catalogue Explorer and click Add CE.
Click Reset to reset the Search In field to its default value
Use the grid part of the form to build a list of criteria to be used when conducting the search.
These conditions allow the search to test certain criteria based on the values of attributes
within the specified elements. There will normally be a pre-populated entry depending on
the opening form.
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General Application Tools
Click in a cell in the Attribute column to expand a list of valid attributes available to the
element. The list of attributes is dependant on the selection made in the Element Types
Click in the cell in the operator column to expand a list of available comparison criteria,
possible selections are as follows:
= Attribute value is equal to
<> Attribute value is more than or less than
< Attribute value is less than
<= Attribute value is less than or equal to
> Attribute value is more than
=> Attribute value is equal to or more than
Like Attribute value is like (specified string).
To remove an entry from the list of search criteria click Remove Statement.
Click Choose Result Cols to open a window allowing you to alter the presentation of the
search results:
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General Application Tools
In the Search Result Presentation Settings form select the desired attributes to be displayed
in the search results. Do this by checking a box beside the particular attribute.
Change the order attributes are displayed by selecting Move Up or Move Down.
The list of attributes is dependant on the Element Types.
Click Referenced Attributes to open the following form allowing Referenced Attributes to
be displayed in the search results.
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General Application Tools
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General Application Tools
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Working With PARAGON Applications
When working within a application an extended set of pull-down options become available.
This section describes the common features available when working to the Pipework,
Steelwork and Equipment application.
For an explanation of common form functionality refer to Application Modes within
4.1 Create
The following section details the functionality available below the Create option in the main
window pull-down when working within an application.
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Working With PARAGON Applications
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Working With PARAGON Applications
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Working With PARAGON Applications
Highlight bores in the Available Nominal Bores (mm) list by left clicking on the desired
bore size. Multiple bores can be selected at once by left clicking and dragging the mouse
pointer. To remove particular highlighted entries hold down the CTRL key and left click on a
bore size.
Add highlighted bores to the Size Range Table by clicking on the ADD > button.
Add all available bores to the Size Range Table by clicking on the ADD ALL >> button.
Remove a bore from the Size Range Table by highlighting a light blue entry in the main table
and click on the Remove < button.
To remove all bores from the Size Range Table click on the Remove All << button.
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Working With PARAGON Applications
Set the Schedule Thickness by selecting the Schedule radio button under Grid Insertion
Type and then clicking in the Wall Thickness column to display a pull-down of appropriate
To input a value directly in the Wall Thickness column, select the Wall Thickness radio
button under Grid Insertion Type and click in a cell in the Wall Thickness column of the
grid. It is now possible to input a desired value (a decimal place is automatically visible).
Note: Branch and Reducer tables are created from the same form and underlying element
(BRTAB) within the database. To distinguish the table type; a Purpose attribute on
the BRTAB is applied. To create a Branch Table ensure the purpose is set to BRAN.
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Working With PARAGON Applications
Click OK create a Branch Table (BRTAB element with BRAN purpose) and open the
following window:
Highlight bores in the Available Nominal Bores (mm) list by left clicking on the desired
bore size. Multiple bores can be selected at once by left clicking and dragging the mouse
pointer down the list.
To remove particular highlighted entries hold down the CTRL key and left click once on a
bore size.
Add highlighted bores to the Branch Table by clicking on the ADD > button.
Add all available bores to the Branch Table by clicking on the ADD ALL >> button.
Remove a bore from the Branch Table by highlighting a light blue entry in the Branch Table
and clicking on the Remove < button.
To remove all bores from the Branch Table click on the Remove All << button.
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Working With PARAGON Applications
After adding Bores to the Branch Table add Short Codes as follows:
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Working With PARAGON Applications
Select multiple cells to populate by holding down CTRL and left clicking and dragging the
mouse pointer.
To remove Items from a cell set the Cell Click Action to Clear and left click on the cell
within the Branch Table you wish to empty.
Return the Cell Click Action to None to return the mouse pointer to normal operation.
To edit the name of the Branch Table type over the value in the Name field and click Apply.
Enter a valid description for the branch table in the Description field.
Because the forms are multi purpose a status field indicates the current form Purpose to
the left of the Description field (for example BRAN indicates a Branch Table).
Click Apply to commit changes.
Close the form by clicking the X on the top right.
To return to the Branch table select Modify>Spec Table from the main window pull-down.
A ghosted Reducer Sizes check box is visible on the form. This check box is only active
when used in conjunction with the Specification creation forms. When a Spec is associated
with a Specification Table this toggle allows the user to quickly switch between attached
forms allowing faster edits to be made.
Click OK to create a Reducer Table (BRTAB element with REDU purpose) and open a
window similar in appearance as the Branch Table form.
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Working With PARAGON Applications
The only difference in behaviour to the Branch Table form is the list of Short Codes available
for population, by default, these are:
Short codes are under user control and are stored in the defaults file: pdmsui\dflts\cat-
pipetablecodes. Populate the table as described in the previous section.
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Working With PARAGON Applications
This form allows you to access various tasks which administer all aspects of a new
At the top of the form is a CE button which allows you to populate the form with the currently
selected element in the Catalogue Explorer.
If the CE button is used, the pull-down to the right acts as a History. This allows the user to
select between Specification elements which have been selected while the window has
been opened.
The Headings pull-down acts in a similar way allowing selections between the component
GTYPEs of the specification.
A grid area lists the items assigned to the Specification. Directly below are the following
Eng. View displays the items in the grid list in engineering view
CAD View displays the items in the grid list in CAD view
Clear Selection removes the highlight from the items in the grid list
Below these options is a Tasks sub form. This in turn contains sub forms which are
displayed as the user follows the process of creating a Specification.
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Working With PARAGON Applications
In the Catalogue Explorer locate the elements created in the previous sections for Create
Nominal Bore Table Form, Create Branch Tables Form and Create Reducer Tables Form.
Use the CE button to pick the Spec Tables from the Catalogue explorer and bind them to the
Cad Attributes form.
Alternatively click on the search icon to the left of CE to conduct a search in the Catalogue
DB for the appropriate tables.
Click on Apply and then Back to return to the Tasks form.
Note: Optionally you could set Material Reference, Fluid Reference and Bolting.
• Access to Tables
Once the references to the Size, Branch and Reducer Tables have been made they can be
accessed via the appropriate Tables shortcut on the Tasks sub form as follows:
Clicking on a link will take you to the appropriate modify spec table form allowing changes to
be made.
• Renaming a Specification
Click Rename Spec to open the Rename Specification sub form.
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Working With PARAGON Applications
By default Auto Name will be selected. When this is the case a message will be displayed
to prompt the user to “Press Apply to autoName your spec or selection” doing so will
rename the spec with the next incremental auto number value (for example spec/005 will be
renamed spec/006).
Clicking the Specify radio button allows the user to enter a specific name for the spec. The
input field will also change to Specify. Enter a new name in the Specify.
Clicking the Replace radio button allows the user to replace part of the spec name with a
new string. Two input fields will become available; Replace and With. In each case click
Apply to commit the change.
• Export Spec
Click Export to open a standard windows file browser.
The export feature allows the user to export the current specification to an output file. This
can be used later in a macro to import the specification into a project.
• Spec Headings
Headings must be added for each type of component in a specification.
The heading will define the column headings of the new piping specification table. There are
four distinct sorts of information in a header:
• TYPE is the generic type (GTYPE) of the component represented by an SPCOM.
• NAME is the unique identifier for each SPCOM.
• Selector Questions define the SELEC choices which will be used to choose an
appropriate SPCOM for a given design purpose (eg STYPE, ANGLE etc).
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Working With PARAGON Applications
• Reference Pointers link each SPCOM to the corresponding definitions in the other
parts of the Catalogue (eg CATREF points to SCOM, DETAIL points to DTEXT, and so
For more information refer to the Catalogues and Specifications Reference Manual.
The Headings form allows you to build the Headings row of the new Specification.
The Questions table to the left of the form lists all the current Heading columns of the
Using the buttons below the table the user can add, remove and re-organise the order of
columns to be included in the Specification.
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Working With PARAGON Applications
Note: Creating a Question has the result of creating a SELEC element within the database.
To change a Question type; highlight a row in the Questions table and select a new value
from the Question pull-down to the right of the table. The available Question types are as
Angle Stype Bolt Diameter
Pbore Type Bolt Type
Pconn Radius Bolt Select
Pressure Rating
Shop Temperature
When dealing with a PBORE, a Qualifier can be either a null value or a numeric value from
0 – 9, change the value by selecting a value from the Qualifier pull-down to the far right of
the form.
Each Question column must have a default value set to either a definite answer (a value,
word, etc) or to a – or = character. TYPE, NAME and PBOR columns must have – (null)
defaults values and the Reference Pointer columns must have no default entries at all.
Click Apply to commit changes.
Click Back to return to the Tasks sub form.
Clicking on Use Standard Heading Sets will open the following sub form:
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Working With PARAGON Applications
Note: The list of available Standard Headings is maintained in the standard-headings file
located in PDMSUI>cats>dflts. The location of the PDMSUI folder may vary
depending on installation.
The Add Items form is used to retrieve the Answer part of the Question.
In the Size Range group select a from and to value (minimum size and maximum size)
from the pull-down lists. These values are constrained by the spec tables selected in the
CAD Atts form.
Use the Stype and Heading Type fields to enter a valid sub type and GTYPE value, this will
be used in the Specification heading (but not as part of the Question).
Populate Stype with a value such as TUB.
In the Heading Type enter a valid value such as TUBE.
The Add From group allows the user to select a CATEgory or Part Family form within the
Catalogue database where the Specification is to locate the desired parts.
It is possible to enter directly a top level element in the Name field or alternatively use one of
the following tools to help locate a top level element to pick from:
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Category List
Part Family List
To search within a catalogue click on Search to open the following form:
The Search form displayed is a generic search facility (fully described in Search Form), it
will be pre-populated with an appropriate criteria designed to return valid top level
Catalogue elements.
It is recommended to click Find without changing any of the search criteria. However if
experienced it is possible to adapt the search if more than one Catalogue databases are
present in a project (see Search Form).
After clicking Find a list of results will be displayed which can then be filtered further if
This is done by using the standard tools available through the PDMS user interface detailed
in the Getting Started with PDMS.
In the following example a filter will be applied to the Description field to return results that
contain the string PIPE.
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Click on the A icon in the heading of the Description column. This will display a list of filter
options. Select Contains from the pull-down list.
In the Description field to the left of the filter button type a value such as PIPE to filter and
display all entries that contain the word Pipe in the description.
At this stage clicking New Search will clear the results and return to the Add Items Search
Clicking Back will return to the Add Items form without making a selection.
Highlight an entry in the list of results and click Use Selected, this will return to the Add
Items form and pass through the selection to the Add From group in the Add Items form. As
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Select Apply to now run the Question query on the Catalogue database on all elements
below the selection made in the Add From group. The results will be formatted with the
headings specified in the Add Heading form.
Note: The available fields are dependant on the Headings specified earlier in the Add
Headings Form.
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Make changes to the Heading field values by typing directly over the entries.
Click Apply to commit the changes.
Click Back to return to the Tasks sub form.
• Editing References
Once a piping specification has been created the columns containing references can be
Click Edit References to open the Edit References sub form.
To edit a Reference use either the Search, choose the currently selected element in the
Catalogue Explorer (CE) or pick from a list of items in the grid.
Clicking on the List button to the left of Detail Ref will display the following form:
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The list can be filtered using the standard filter tools provided in grid tables, for a detailed
explanation of grid lists refer to Getting Started with PDMS.
To choose a new reference select an element in the list and click Use Selected.
Click the Refresh List button to clear any filters applied.
Click Back to return to the previous form.
• Rename Items
The Rename Items form provides the same functionality for Items as that available in the
Renaming a Specification form.
Click to highlight an item in the list then click Rename Items.
Refer to Renaming a Specification for a detailed explanation.
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• Remove to Limbo
Remove item from a specification but retains system references. This allows historic parts to
be present in an existing design, but not available for selection in a new design.
• Delete Permanently
Selecting Delete Permanently will remove the selected item from the specification.
Note: There are implications in removing an item from a specification which is already in
operation. Be aware that removing items from a specification can have adverse
results in a project which has already been deployed.
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These selections are ghosted till a GPART is created in the database hierarchy.
To create a new GPART select Create a New Part in the list of tasks.
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A new GPART element will be created in the database hierarchy below the Part World and a
new part entry will appear in the Part Family form as follows:
At this stage it is possible to select General Attributes to display the following sub form:
Uncheck Allow References from Design to not allow the Part to be referenced in DESIGN
(by default this is checked).
Click Apply Changes to commit the changes to the Catalogue database.
Click Edit All Attributes to allow manual edits to be made to all the attributes of the GPART.
Clicking this will open the following form:
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Click the CE button to populate the form with the currently selected element in the
Catalogue Explorer.
Use the standard Track check box to allow the form to follow the currently selected element
in the Catalogue Explorer.
The Write Access and Modify Allowed boxes will check depending on the status of the
element (these boxes are for information only and cannot be changed from this form).
Highlight an attribute in the list and use the input field at the bottom of the form. The input
field will change depending on the currently selected attribute in the list.
Type a new value into the input field and commit the change by clicking Apply.
Close the form once edits have been made.
3. Click Use.
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The General Attributes form allows changes to be made to the attributes of the Parts
added to the Family.
Values such as Type and Subtype can be changed as described in the previous
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The General Attributes form allows changes to be made to the attributes of the Parts
added to the Family.
Values such as Type and Subtype can be changed as described in the previous
• Part Names
Each part name should describe the component in full Material and Schedule Thickness,
short codes can be incorporated within the part name.
For example: 100NB and 150NB Elbows are Schedule 40 whilst the 200NB Elbow is
Schedule 30, all elbows are Carbon Steel ASTM A53 GR A.
• Part References
Parts can reference database items such as Isometric Description and Material, Weights
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2. Select References.
The References form allows you to set the following reference attributes at GPART
3D Model Catref
3D Template Tmpref
2D Symbols Drssref
ISO Description Detref
ISO Material Matxt
Bolts Bltref
Weights Cmpref
Surface Treatment Srftref
5. Click CE
6. Click Apply Change to add the reference to the Part.
The appropriate Part reference will then be set (Bltref in the case of Bolts).
A description of the referenced element will also be visible:
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• Parameter Definitions
Parameters define the size, geometry and other characteristics of Components. They are
used in setting the attributes of the Pointsets, Geomsets and Datasets to which Component
elements refer.
All classes of Component can use component parameters, design parameters and
insulation parameters. Structural Components can also use attached and owning design
parameters. Component parameters are defined in the Catalogue; the other classes of
parameters allow characteristics to be set during the design process.
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• Creating Components
To create a component highlight Category in the Model Operations group:
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This sub form contains a grid listing all component elements currently below the Category.
The following tools are available:
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A GTYPE must be set be selecting a value from the Generic Type pull-down.
The following values can be changed by using the Catalogue Explorer to select an
appropriate element:
P-Point Set
Geometry Set
Data Set
Bolt Holes
Click Apply to commit the changes
Click Back to return to the previous form.
• Creating P-Points
Depending on the type of component it may be necessary to create a series of p-points.
1. Select Point Ref: on the Model Operations Pane.
2. In the bottom part of the form choose a point type from the pull-down shown below:
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Depending on the selection made, a set of input fields will appear allowing the Point
Reference to be populated as below:
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Click the Representation button to change the way the 3D view draws the geometry of the
element (when geometry is associated, see following):
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• Creating Geometry
To reference geometry begin by selecting Geometry Ref. on the Model Operations Pane:
From the Positive pull-down select a 3D primitive. The following options are available:
BOXI Boxing
LCYL Cylinder
LPYR Pyramid
LSNO Snout
SCTO Circular Torus
SCYL Cylinder defined by the distance to the bottom face from the origin and the height.
SEXT User defined extrusion
SLINE Alternative line
SREV Solid of revolution
SRTO Rectangular Torus
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Note: For a full list of available Positive and Negative Primitives in PARAGON refer to the
Catalogues and Specifications Reference Manual.
Check the Show Geometry Plot to display the primitive in the 3D view.
The Napp pull-down is only available when using a Negative Primitive. Possible selections
are as follows:
Nothing Removed From Attached
Removed From Owner
Removed From Item
Removed From All
Removed From Attached and Owner
Removed From Attached and Item
Removed From Owner and Item
For a full explanation of Negative Primitives refer to the Catalogues and Specifications
Reference Manual.
Select from the Representation pull-down a value from the following choices:
Profile Obstruction
Profile Centreline
Profile Obstruction
Piping Reserved
Piping Detail
Piping Centre Line
Detail With No Obst
Detail Volume
Obstruction Volume
Insulation Volume
Reserved Volume
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To define the obstruction level of the primitive when in DESIGN’s clash checking facility
select from one of the following:
None The primitive will not clash with anything (used for symbols and negative
If the PARAGON LEVEL setting is within the LEVEL range specified for the primitive (as its
LEVEL attribute) then the primitive will be considered for drawing, otherwise it will not be. If
the level condition is satisfied, then whether a primitive is displayed or not in PARAGON
depends upon the settings of its Tube Flag and Centre Line Flag.
Depending on the type of Primitive selected the Geometry Ref form will also provide an
input area to specify the appropriate dimensions of the component, the following is an
example input area for an snout (LSNO).
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The upper part of the form lets you specify the details for a single property, while the lower
part displays a list of all of the properties that are currently defined. When modifying a
dataset, the CE button reinitialises the form to modify the DTSE element currently selected
in the Members form (see Members Form). The name of the dataset to be modified is
displayed adjacent to the CE button. For a detailed list of definitions refer to the Catalogue
and Specifications Reference Manual.
Close the form by clicking the X on the top right.
To return to the Catalogue Property Definitions form select Modify>Data Set from the main
window pull-down.
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Type over unset in the first input field to name the element.
Type the required text string into the Text field. This data, which is stored in the STEX
attribute of the Text element, is restricted to a maximum of 120 characters.
Note: Do not enclose the text between apostrophes (as is the standard PDMS convention)
unless you want these to form part of the text string.
Use the pull-down to change the form to a modify mode.
Click Apply to create the text element
Close the form by clicking the X on the top right or click Dismiss.
To return to the Text Definition form select Modify>Text from the main window pull-down.
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Enter a name for the DTEXT element in the top input field.
From the Generic Type list select a desired value.
Depending on the Generic Type a list of available Descriptions will become available.
The Symbol Key is set automatically.
If required enter a Length and Quantity.
For ISODRAFT populate the fields for Detail, Interface B and Interface C. For more
information refer to the PDMS ISODRAFT Reference Manual.
Click Apply to commit the changes.
Close the form by clicking the X on the top right or click Dismiss.
To return to the Detail Text Definition form select Modify>Detail Text from the main window
Toggle Create and Modify from the top pull-down.
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Close the form by clicking the X on the top right or click Close.
To return to the Draft Symbol Set form select Modify>Draft Symbol Set from the main
window pull-down.
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4.2 Utilities
The following section details the functionality available below the Utilities option in the main
window pull-down when working within an application.
Note: The Convert Spec may not open instantly. Before the form is displayed a conversion
list is built. While this process takes place a progress bar will be displayed at the
bottom of the PARAGON interface.
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Using the Discipline pull-down select the type of specification to convert. The Source
specification list will populate with the applicable specifications.
From the Source specification list highlight the specification to be converted. You can
change the display of the specifications by dragging a column heading to the group heading
Select an entry in the Source specification list to display possible target elements in the
database hierarchy for the converted Spec to output to. These are listed in the Destination
Spec Worlds/Table Groups and Destination Part Worlds.
If no destinations are listed the you can create new elements using Create Spec World
(which will launch the Create Specification World Form) and Create Part World (which will
launch the Create Part World Form).
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Choose a entry from the Destination Spec Worlds/Table Groups and Destination Part
Click Apply to convert the specification and create the desired database hierarchy as in the
following example:
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Select Modify>Selection Table Group from the main window pull-down to edit the new
Part Family.:
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Additional Pipework Tools
The following sections describe features which are only available when working specifically
within the Pipework application of PARAGON.
To switch to Pipework application select PARAGON>Pipework from the main window pull-
5.1 Utilities
The Pipework application provides the following added functionality below the Utilities
option of the main window pull-down.
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Additional Pipework Tools
Click CE when a CCTAB element is selected in the Catalogue Explorer to list the connection
types, in a grid list.
Click the Select All button to select all entries in the list.
Click the Unselect All button to deselect all entries in the list.
Click the Delete button to remove selected COCO elements from the table. A confirmation
dialogue is displayed.
Click the Dismiss button to commit changes and close the Edit CKeys form.
• Modify CKey
Select the a connection types from the list and click the Modify Ckeys button to display the
following pop up form:
Select the required CKEY from the drop down list and click OK.
Click Cancel to close the form without change.
• Filter CKey
Click Filter to open the following form and to allowing filtering of the list of Connections.
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Additional Pipework Tools
The CType part of the form acts as a selection expression. Use wildcards or specify filter
rules in the CTYPE fields and toggle a And OR expression from the pull-down.
In the CKey Filter part of the form check the boxes for the CKey you want to display.
Click OK to apply the filter or Cancel to close the form without change.
Highlight the Spec Element you wish to report on by clicking an entry in the list.
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To highlight multiple entries hold down the CTRL button while clicking entries in the list.
Click Select All to highlight all entries in the list.
Click Unselect All to remove the highlight from all entries in the list.
Click Apply to output the report to the path specified in the Directory field of the form. The
filename(s) will be the name of the Spec Element(s) selected.
To change the path where the report is generated; type a new value into the Directory field.
The reports can then be viewed in a spreadsheet or text processor.
Select the specifications you wish to change, in the SPEC Elements list.
Enter the SKEY you wish to modify into the SKEY text box and define the changes in the
Modify Pconns From - To text boxes.
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Additional Pipework Tools
To select the Pconns to modify, enter the Ctype for each Pconn in numerical order,
separated by spaces, into the From text box. To change all the Pconns for an SKEY enter a
‘*’ into the From box.
The new Ctypes must be entered for each Pconn in numerical order, separated by spaces,
into the To text box.
Click the Apply button. The changes are carried out and the details are shown in the
Output list box.
If the Report changes to file box is checked, a report of the changes is saved to the file
specified in the File text box.
This file will act as a macro to reverse the changes if you require so to do. It can be run by
typing ‘$M <Path & Filename>’ in the Command Window.
5.2 Create
The Pipework application provides the following added functionality below the Create option
of the main window pull-down.
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Additional Pipework Tools
The Bolt Table Utilities form is divided into tabs which are detailed in the following
sections. By default the Bolting Table Utilities form will open to the Bolt Lengths tab:
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Click Apply located at the bottom of the Bolt Table Utilities form.
A new LTAB element is created in the database hierarchy and the element will appear in the
list of Available Bolts.
More entries can be added to the list of Available Bolts by repeating the above steps.
Clicking Delete Bolt will remove the currently selected item from the Available Bolts list.
A Diameter Table can now be created:
Enter a valid name in Diameter Name field.
Click Apply located at the bottom of the Bolt Table Utilities form. A new DTAB element is
created in the database hierarchy and the element will appear in the Diameter Name
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The newly created values will be displayed in the “Length’s in ...” column (the caption will
change depending on the current selection in the Available Bolts list).
Click Delete Length to remove the currently selected Length.
Click Delete Diameter to remove the currently selected Diameter.
To modify a value, highlight an entry and then type over the existing value, then click Apply
located at the bottom of the Bolt Table Utilities form.
Click Dismiss to close the form.
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A new BLIS element will be created in the database hierarchy and the entry will appear in
the list of Available Bolts.
More entries can be added to the list of Available Bolts by repeating the above steps.
Clicking Delete Bolt will remove the currently selected item from the Available Bolts list.
With an entry highlighted in the Available Bolts list it is now possible to add Single Bolt
Elements (SBOL) .
The caption above the Single Bolt Elements table states “Available Sbolt’s in ..”. This will
change depending on the selected entry in the list of Available Bolts.
To add a new row to the Single Bolt Elements table click on the Add Sbolt button.
No.off Bolts Enter the number of bolt items to be used when calculating bolt
Extra Length / mm Specify any additional Bolt length required, for example to cater
for extra threads beyond the end of the Nuts.
Non Std Bolt Length If a non standard bolt length is required select a DTAB element
in the Catalogue Explorer. Refer to Create a Length Table.
Click Apply located at the base of the Bolt Table Utilities form.
Click Delete Sbolt to remove a column of data (an existing Sbolt).
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Additional attributes or Bolt Items can be added to the Single Bolt Element for example for
washers, nuts, etc.
To replace a value in the list highlight an entry then enter new values in the fields and then
click Apply located at the base of the Bolt Table Utilities form.
To delete a Bolt Item click Delete Item.
Enter a Bolt Name for the new Multiple Bolt List and click Create.
Click Apply at the bottom of the Bolt Table Utilities form.
A new MBLI element will be created in the database hierarchy and the entry will appear in
the list of Available Bolts.
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More entries can be added to the list of Available Bolts by repeating the above steps.
With an entry highlighted in the Available Bolts list it is now possible to add Multiple Bolt
The “Mbolt’s in ...” column will show MBOL elements that are currently included in the
selected Available Bolts list (the caption will change depending on the currently selected
Available Bolts).
Click Add to add a new MBOL entry.
Click Delete to remove an MBOL entry from the list.
If Single Bolts have been created (refer to Create a Single Bolt Table) they can be added to
the selected MBOL.
Available SBOL elements will be listed in the column labelled “Available Sbolt’s in ..”, the
caption will change depending on the current Bolting Table:
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In the Name text-box, enter the name to be assigned to the new table.
Click OK to create the new Coco Table (CCTA element) in the database hierarchy and open
the following form:
Note: The table will initialise with an error message as shown below if, for example, the
table in question is from a read-only Master project.
The table will still appear and the data in the grid will be readable but the table will be in
read-only mode.
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Additional Pipework Tools
Select the required Connection types from the Available Connection Types list. Multiply
selections can be made by holding down the CTRL key and using the left click on the
Add highlighted Connection Types to the Coco table by clicking the Add > button.
Add all available Connection Types to the Coco table by clicking the Add All >> button.
Remove a Connection Type from the Coco table by highlighting a light blue entry in the
Coco table and click the Remove < button.
To remove all Coco’s click the Remove All << button.
When a connection type is added from the Available Connections Types list to the Coco
table its value will be removed from the Available Connections list and vice versa.
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Note: Changes made in the table are only saved when the Apply is clicked. Until then they
are held in the life time of the form. If Dismiss is clicked then the changes will be lost.
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To remove a column, click on the column heading to make it active then right click the
mouse button to display a Delete Column option.
• Coco Descriptions
Click the Create/Modify Coco Descriptions button to open the following form:
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Left click to highlight an entry in the left hand list. Select multiple entries by left clicking and
dragging the mouse pointer. To remove particular highlighted entries hold down the CTRL
key and left click on a bore size.
ADD > Add highlighted entry from the left hand table to the right hand
Specification table.
ADD ALL >> Add all entries in the left hand table to the right hand
Specification table..
Remove < Remove highlighted entry from the right hand table.
Remove All << Remove all entry from the right hand Specification table. A
warning will be displayed prompting for confirmation.
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Grid Insertion Type Select the radio button to change between the equivalent bolt
dimension or lengths. The effect of this will be to set the PURP
attribute of the NBRWLD to BLEN or BDIA.
This option will be greyed out if the Specification table is already
populated with data.
Add a row Add a new row of data to the Specification table. New bolt
specifications can be entered directly in the cells of the new row.
Save Data to File Save all of the entries in the Specification table to the bolting
defaults file located in the PDMSUI environment variable
cat\dflts directory.
Apply Apply the data input in the Specification table to the database
below the NBRWLD element.
Populate the Specification table with equivalent values for millimeters and inches.
Click Dismiss to close the form and discard any changes which have not been applied.
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Steelwork Tools
The following sections describe features which are only available when working specifically
within the Steelwork application of PARAGON.
The Steelwork application uses tasks which are common throughout the PARAGON
application, refer to Working With PARAGON Applications before continuing to read this
To switch to Steelwork mode select PARAGON>Steelwork from the main window pull-
6.1 Create
The Steelwork application provides the following added functionality below the Create
option of the main window pull-down.
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Additional Steelwork Tools
The reserved Gtypes are held in the file %PDMSDFLTS%UI-GTYPE-SELEM. This is a read
only file. If new Gtypes are required then the read only attribute must be removed from the
file and then use the Generic Type Definitions Form to edit the list.
A Profile Category must reside below a STSE which in turn must reside below a CATA
Select Create>Catalogue to open the Create Catalogue Form. Create a new Steelwork
Catalogue in the database hierarchy with the purpose set to STL.
Select Create>Section to open the Create Section Form. Create a new Steelwork Section
in the database hierarchy with the purpose set to STL.
Select Create>Category for Profile. The Category for Profile form is similar in layout to a
standard Create Category Form, but contains added sub forms specific to Steelwork
Referring to Parameter Definitions create a set of parameters with the following
Ensure that the values are also populated by using the sub form as illustrated below:
Click on Element in the Model References part of the form to open the References sub
The References sub form allows basic editing of attributes as well as references to elements
contained in the Structural Profile.
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Additional Steelwork Tools
Generic Type Select from the pulldown from a list of standard GTypes.
P-Line Set Pick or specify a P-Line Set element from the database
hierarchy (Automatically set if a Geometry Ref set is later
create using the Category form)
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Additional Steelwork Tools
There are three components that may be used to define the geometric shape of the profile,
select the New pulldown to expand options for SREC,SANN and SPRO.
All geometry sub forms have Component Visibility, Drawing Level and Obstruction options,
these are used to control the way the geometry behaves in the 3D view and with other
geometry when created.
Selecting SREC will display input criteria for a Structural Rectangle (SREC) as follows:
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Additional Steelwork Tools
Selecting SANN will display input criteria for a Structural Annulus (SANN).
A Structural Annulus (SANN) is a profile geometry component comprising of a circular arc.
Offset Radius (DRAD) Change of external radius between ends of profile. +VE
tapers outwards from start to end, -VE tapers inwards
from start to end.
As the subtended angle cannot be greater than 180°, a Circular Hollow Section (Gtype
TUBE) must be made of two SANN components.
Selecting SPRO will display input criteria for a Structural Profile (SPRO).
A Structural Profile is a shape defined by a series of vertex elements placed at each change
in direction of the shape
The shape must have a minimum of three vertices. Each vertex is defined with local X and Y
co-ordinates with respect to the profile’s origin, i.e. the Neutral Axis (NA).
When defining the vertices the following practices should be observed to ensure correct
• Vertex numbering should maintain rotational order, either clock wise or anti-clockwise.
• Lines between vertices should not self intersect or cross each other.
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• When creating an enclosed shape consider using two touching SPRO components to
simplify the shape.
Click on Modify Points in the SPRO sub form to enter vertices.
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2 0 (PARA[1] / 2) 0
3 0 (PARA[1] / 2 - 0
6 0 (-PARA[1] / 2 + 0
7 0 (-PARA[1] / 2) 0
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Additional Steelwork Tools
It is important to define Plines at every significant part of the profile to allow connectivity,
justification and positioning. For the rectangular hollow profile the following Plines will be
In the P-Line definitions form create five new P-Line definitions as illustrated below:
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Steelwork Tools
TOS 0 (PARA [1] / 2) Y
LTOS (-PARA [2] / 2) 40 Y
RTOS (PARA [2] / 2) (PARA [1] / 2) Y
RBOS (PARA [2] / 2) (-PARA [1] / 2) -y
LBOS (-PARA [2] / 2) (-PARA [1] / 2) -y
BOS 0 (-PARA [1] / 2) -y
LEFT (-PARA [2] / 2) 0 -x
RIGH (PARA [2] / 2) 0 x
The P-Line Definition form creates PLIN elements in the appropriate database hierarchy.
A PLIN element has several attributes which play an important part in varying uses of a
Pline. The most important attributes are:
P-Line (Pkey) A maximum of 4 letter name for the Pline. The Pkey is
normally an acronym of the Pline description, eg NA is
Neutral Axis, TOS is Top of Steel.
Description Enter a suitable description of the Pline.
Axis Direction The direction of the PLine. This is important as it is used to
(PLAX) determine the orientation of fittings and joints.
X Co-ordinate The X offset of the Pline from the profile origin (Neutral
(Px) Axis). These are expressed in Profile Parameters (see
Understanding Parameters)
Y Co-ordinate The Y offset of the Pline from the profile origin (Neutral
(PY) Axis). These are expressed in Profile Parameters (see
Understanding Parameters)
Level determines the drawings level on which the Pline will be
visible (default 0-10)
Tube Flag determines the visibility of the Pline and may be set to
TRUE (checked) or FALSE (un-checked)
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Additional Steelwork Tools
Data sets (DTSE elements) own DATA elements. A data set must have a DATA element for
each of the profile parameters and, if applicable, any design parameters. DATA elements
may also be used for information purposes and may contain expressions that refer to other
SPRF attributes or parameters.
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Additional Steelwork Tools
A Joint Category must reside below a STSE which in turn must reside below a CATA
Select Create>Catalogue to open the Create Catalogue Form. Create a new Steelwork
Catalogue in the database hierarchy with the purpose set to STL.
Select Create>Section to open the Create Section Form. Create a new Steelwork Section
in the database hierarchy with the purpose set to STL.
Select Create>Category for Joints. The Category for Joints form is similar in layout to a
standard Create Category Form, but contains added sub forms specific to Steelwork Joints.
Before entering data it is good practice to sketch the joint to help determine what geometry
components are required, where the origin will be, what the axes will be, what the
parameters and design parameters (if any) will be and any other data that may be
To achieve the above layout, two Negative Structural Extrusions (NSEX) will be used. The
Posline of the SJOI will be NAR, the SLOO for the NSEX lies in the XZ plane. with respect to
the Pline axes, the Paaxis and Pbaxis of the SEXT will be set to Z and -X respectively.
The NSEX will require five vertices whose positioning attributes will be expressed in terms
of owning, attached and design parameters.
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Steelwork Tools
The negative extrusion will be created at the joint origin and then moved to its correct
This joint has one design parameter, i.e. Rathole Radius, and the geometry uses some
parameters from the owning and attached sections. Therefore, for Model Parameters,
Design Parameters and Owning Parameters and Attached Parameters must be set.
Select Settings > Model Parameters from the main menu to display the Model Settings
Set Design Parameter No. 1 to 25.
Set the Attached Parameters 1 to 200 and 2 to 120
Set the Owning Parameters as follows:
1 - 600
2 - 200
3 - 100
4 - 10
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Additional Steelwork Tools
1 0 0 0
2 ( OPAR[2 ] / 2 - OPAR[3 ] / 2 ) 0 0
6 0 (OPAR[4] + DESP[1]) 0
Click OK to close the Modify Points form and return to the NSEX.
The NSEX must be moved to its creation position, enter the following values in the position
PX 0
PY (-OPAR[1] / 2)
PZ (-OPAR[2] / 2 - 10mm)
The second negative extrusion is an exact copy of the first except the Pbaxis is in the
opposite direction.
On the command line enter
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Additional Steelwork Tools
1 (OPAR[1] / 2 – OPAR[4] – 0
7 (OPAR[1] / 2) 0
8 (-OPAR[1] / 2 + OPAR[4] + 0
14 (-OPAR[1] / 2) 0
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Additional Steelwork Tools
Click Apply.
Now that a Category has been create, a part world and specification can be created which
can be used within DESIGN.
Referring to Creating Geometry select Geometry Ref in the Model References part of the
Click on Geometry Ref in the Model References part of the form to open the Geometry
References sub form.
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Additional Steelwork Tools
Click on Data Ref in the Model References part of the form to open the Data References
sub form.
The form may appear pre-populated. If this is the case clear the values using the cross at
the base of the sub form.
Create the first data element by clicking NEW and declare this as a Design Parameter as
Create three additional Data References with the Definition set to Expression and values
as follows:
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Additional Steelwork Tools
Click on Geometry Ref in the Model References part of the form to open the Geometry
References sub form.
Select SEXT from the Positive pulldown to create a new Structural Extrusion.
Populate the form as below.
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Additional Steelwork Tools
Referring to Creating P-Points select PPoint Ref in the Model References part of the form.
Select Cartesian P-Point (PTCA) then populate the form as below:
Click on Geometry Ref in the Model References part of the form to open the Geometry
References sub form.
Click on the SEXT element in the list of Geometry References
Select NLCY from the pulldown list of Negative geometry.
Populate the NLCY element with the following values:
Once the form has been populated open the Representation form:
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Additional Steelwork Tools
Click on Holes Drawn to display the NLCY as a hole in the Structural Extrusion.
To improve the rendering level of the curve on the lug specify a numeric value of 1-10 in the
Arc Tolerance field. The value of 1 provides the best visual quality and a value of 10 being
the most optimised for speed.
At this point a Part Family and Table Group can be created from the Category, then selected
from DESIGN.
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Additional Steelwork Tools
Referring to Parameter Definitions populate the form with a set of data as follows:
Create three new components with the following parameter values.
When components are added to the list they are auto named with a numeric identity. To
rename a component simply type a new value in the name field.
Click New to add a new component.
Now that a set of parameters have been defined, close the Category for Templates form.
Add a new part world to the database hierarchy using the Create Part World Form.
Refer to Create Part Family Form to open the Create Part Family form.
In the Tasks part of the Create Part Family form select Create Parts from Category.
Parameter Types
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Additional Steelwork Tools
Parameter Operations
Parameter values may be manipulated using mathematical operators to derive the
appropriate value for the geometry component.
The following table shows the different operators available with query examples:
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Additional Steelwork Tools
Parameter Syntax
Expressions in the structural application of Paragon require a specific syntax, e.g. round
parentheses are used in the expression to control the sequence of calculation, square
parentheses are used to contain parameter numbers and there must be a space either side
of a mathematical operator.
When the expression is entered, either via an appropriate form or via the command line,
Paragon re-evaluates the expression and it may appear different to the way it was entered if
it is edited. Some typical expressions are:
(PARA [1] / 2)
(PARA [1] / 2 – PARA [4] – (PARA [2] / 2 – PARA [3] / 2) / 2 * TAN (8))
(OPAR [4] * COS (30))
(- OPAR [1] / 2 + APAR [4] + DESP [6])
(ODESP [1] / 2 – ADESP [1])
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Additional Steelwork Tools
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Steelwork Tools
The SANN, SREC and SPRO creation sub forms have a Representation button that
enables pre-set values for Level, Obstruction and Tubeflag to be set. The following table
gives the details of the Representation available:
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Additional Steelwork Tools
Much of the functionality available in the Profile Specification form is available in the
standard Create/Modify Specification forms. However the Profile Specification form
simplifies creation of Profile Specifications by only including fields relevant to that type of
By default the Profile Specification form will attempt to load all profiles below the catalogue
explorer CE.
To select a different set of profiles to include in the specification; select a steel catalogue
(STCA) or a steel section (STSE) in the catalogue explorer which contains profiles, as
Click the Load CE button at the top of the form to load in all profiles below the CE.
The upper part of the form lets you specify details of the overall SPEC element to be
created; the lower part lists all profiles below the current level in the catalogue and lets you
specify which profiles are to be included in the specification.
Set the Sort by generic type and Owner type pull-down. The Sort by Generic Type will
usually be set to Yes and the Owner Type option to either Section or Category, depending
on how your structural catalogue is configured.
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Additional Steelwork Tools
6:26 12.0
Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Spec Generator Specific Tools
The following sections describe features which are only available when working specifically
within the Spec Generator application of PARAGON.
To switch to Spec Generator mode select PARAGON>Spec Generator from the main
window pull-down
7.1 Display
The Spec Generator application provides the following added functionality below the Display
option of the main window pull-down.
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Spec Generator Specific Tools
7.2 Create
The Spec Generator application provides the following added functionality below the Create
option of the main window pull-down.
Before you begin, you should have created at least one Specification World with its PURP
attribute set to indicate its suitability for storing nozzle specifications. Set the purpose for
NOZZLE spec to EQUI, and the SPEC purpose set to NOZZ.
To build such a specification, navigate to a catalogue element (CATA, SECT or CATE) that
contains all nozzles that are to be accessed via the new specification.
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Spec Generator Specific Tools
The upper part of the form lets you specify details of the overall SPEC element to be
created; the lower part lists all nozzles below the current level in the catalogue and lets you
specify which ones are to be included in the specification.
If required, change the default settings for Spec, Description and Standard.
The Spec World option button lists all available SPWL elements for the appropriate generic
type (as controlled by the setting of the PURP attribute). If more than one is available, select
the one below that the new SPEC element is to be created.
The left-hand scrollable list shows the category (CATE) elements, while the right-hand list
shows the nozzles in the selected category. By default, all listed nozzles will be incorporated
into the specification. To prevent one or more nozzles or complete categories being included
in the specification, select them in the relevant list and click the Remove button below that
list. The 'removed' entries will only be shown (marked with a * symbol) if the Hidden button
above the list is set to On. To reverse the process, select a 'removed' entry and click the
Reinstate button.
When the lists show only those nozzles which are to be selectable via the new specification,
click OK to build the specification.
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Spec Generator Specific Tools
7:4 12.0
Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Room Design Tools
The following sections describe features which are only available when working specifically
within the Room Design application of PARAGON.
To switch to Room Design mode select PARAGON>Room Design from the main window
8.1 Create
The Room Design application provides the following added functionality below the Create
option of the main window pull-down.
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Additional Room Design Tools
Ceiling - Tiles
For a detailed explanation of the selections available below Create Type refer to the Room
Design User Guide.
Enter an appropriate Name.
Click OK to open the Category form and create the appropriate database structure in
PARAGON as follows:
The database hierarchy is set depending on the choice made in the "Create Type". The
available choices are defined in a defaults file and can be customised.
The defaults file can be found in the following folder:
The PDMSUI folder location is dependant on the installation of the machine being used and
can vary.
The contents of the delivered defaults file is as follows:
Either additions or changes are allowed, as long as the correct file format is followed, as the
forms rely on the format for correct operation.
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Room Design Tools
Format is important, but the user can have as many options as they feel they need to
achieve the required combination of element types.
• First column is descriptive.
• Second being the "FUNC" attribute required.
• Third and Fourth describe the ownership of the remaining hierarchy, and must be
consistent with what PDMS allows.
• Five through the end of the line describe the hierarchy required for a given type of
Room Design element to be defined in the catalogue.
The column 1 of each line is used for the text in pull-down menu selections of the Create
Category for Room Design form, and is also used as the description of the owning
element in PDMS, and can be seen in the "description" attribute
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Additional Room Design Tools
8:4 12.0
Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Electrical Tools
The following sections describe features which are only available when working specifically
within the Electrical application of PARAGON.
To switch to Electrical mode select PARAGON>Electrical from the main window pull-down.
9.1 Create
The Electrical application provides the following added functionality below the Create option
of the main window pull-down.
Enter a Name.
Ensure the Purpose is set to TRAY.
Click OK to create the following database hierarchy and open the Category form.
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Electrical Tools
Definition of the Cable Tray elements is as in other modules, being a task of building up the
model data using the references and modelling techniques used elsewhere.
Once defined all elements can then be used in other catalogue element structures, for
example GPARTS, TABGRO and subsequently used in DESIGN using appropriate
selection techniques.
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Additional Electrical Tools
Enter a Name.
Ensure the Purpose is set to CORE.
Click OK to create the following database hierarchy and open the Category form.
Definition of cores is slightly different to other category types, and includes the additional
functions shown here in the category form
An option for Cable Core Set is available in the Model References part of the Category
form. Clicking on this option will display the following sub form:
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Additional Electrical Tools
Click New Core to create a new Cable Core. As new Cable Cores are created the will be
visible in the table.
Click Copy to duplicate a currently selected Cable Core.
Click on the red cross to delete the currently selected Cable Core.
The following fields are also available:
Number (NUMB)
Purpose (PURP)
Description (DESC)
Core Tag
Core Group
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Additional Electrical Tools
The above screen shot shows a populated Cable Core form which would result in the
following database hierarchy:
The SCOM here would typically reference a "ccorse" (Cable Core Set) , if more than one
cable core set is required, users can copy the SCOM using the normal "Copy" routine in the
category grid:
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Additional Electrical Tools
then using normal "Copy" from main menu for the CCORSE element in the category, user
would then use the category form to re-reference the new CCORSE element.
Once defined all elements can then be used in other catalogue element structures, for
example GPARTS, TABGRO and subsequently used in DESIGN using appropriate
selection techniques.
Enter a Name.
Ensure the Purpose is set to REPR.
Click OK to create the following database hierarchy and open the Category form.
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Electrical Tools
Once defined all elements can then be used in other catalogue element structures, for
example GPARTS, TABGRO and subsequently used in DESIGN using appropriate
selection techniques.
Elements would be defined as in the example shows above, the geometry is defined to
make the symbol as the user wishes to see it eventually in design.
Once defined as SCOM elements, it would be then required to create GPART Family,
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Electrical Tools
The references here would then point to the previous SCOM elements defined, the CABLE
application in DESIGN uses the GPART as reference for the representation of the desired
element types, in this case, MAIN, SEAM and PENE elements.
9:8 12.0
Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Equipment Tools
The following sections describe features which are only available when working specifically
within the Equipment application of PARAGON.
To switch to Equipment mode select PARAGON>Equipment from the main window pull-
10.1 Create
The Equipment application provides the following added functionality below the Create
option of the main window pull-down.
To create a Specification World select Create>Selection Table>Spec World from the main
window pull-down. For details of this form refer to Application Modes within PARAGON.
To create a Table Group select Create>Selection Table>Table Group from the main
window pull-down. Enter a name and purpose on the displayed form:
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Equipment Tools
The Table Group form makes use of Task based sub forms similar to those used in the
Specification and Part Family forms.
Click Table Attributes to open the Table Attributes sub form.
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Additional Equipment Tools
In the Description field enter an appropriate explanation of what the Table Group is to be
used for.
In Discipline select a value from the pull-down, valid options are:
Room Design
The Sub-Discipline must be set to EQUI for the selection table to be presented to the
Design Equipment Application user.
The following are optional fields useful for tracking certain activities in the database:
In the Input By field enter the name of the administrator creating the new specification.
In the Issue field enter an issue number.
In the Status field enter any additional tracking information that may be useful for identifying
the status of the specification.
Click on Apply to commit the changes.
Click Back to return to the list of tasks.
On the task panel, click Add Heading to create a new table in the Table Group. The Add
Heading sub form opens. Enter a Description for the new Table and click on Apply.
The Edit Heading sub form opens and allows changes to be made to the Description, Name
and Purpose attributes of the Table.
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Additional Equipment Tools
The Questions table to the left of the form lists all the current Heading columns in the Table.
Using the buttons below the table the user can add, remove and re-organise the order of the
columns to be included in the Table.
Click to remove the currently selected heading from the Table Group
Click to move the currently selected heading up the list (changing the
order the heading will be displayed)
Click to move the currently selected heading down the list (changing the
order the heading will be displayed)
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
Additional Equipment Tools
Enter the appropriate value into the Question field. The value entered here is dependant on
the selection made in the Question Type. For example if Text was selected, enter a text
Select an Answer Type from the pull-down, possible values are as follows:
Enter a value for the Default Answer (if required). This entered here is dependant on the
selection made in Answer Type. For example if Text was selected, enter a valid text string
such as 'Vertical'.
Click on Apply to commit the changes.
Click Back to return to the list of tasks.
Now add the parts to this table. This can be achieved by specifying the search criteria to find
all GPART elements that will appear in this table, or you can navigate to a GPART element
or to a PRTELE element that owns GPART elements and select these.
Click Add Items (from CE) to add the currently selected GPART items in the Catalogue
explorer to the list of Table Items (TABITE elements) in the Table.
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Additional Equipment Tools
10:6 12.0
Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
General purpose Specification Tables
The following sections describe the creation of Table Groups and Specification Tables which
fall outside the more common tasks detailed in earlier sections of this guide.
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
General purpose Specification Tables
A Table Group (TABGRO element) must be created below a Specification World (SPWL).
A TABGRO must be created for the following types of selection table:
• IPSP Selection criteria for the inside surface treatment SPEC of PIPES/HVAC based in
the PSPE.
• OPSP Selection criteria for the outside surface treatment SPEC of PIPES/HVAC based
in the PSPE.
• FACE Selection criteria for the surface treatment SPEC based on the FACE CODE of
the owning ZONE.
• GENE Generic Selection Criteria for the surface treatment SPEC.
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
General purpose Specification Tables
When dealing with a Surface Treatment a TABGRO will reference a PART family listing all
the surface treatments that are to be available to the project (refer to Create Part Family
The Table Group form makes use of Task based sub forms similar to those used in the
Specification and Part Family forms.
Click Table Attributes to open the Table Attributes sub form.
Edit the basic attributes of the Table Group and display the following sub form:
In the Description field enter an appropriate explanation of what the Table Group is to be
used for.
In Discipline select a value from the pull-down, valid options are:
The following are optional fields useful for tracking certain activity in the database:
In the Input By field enter the name of the administrator creating the new
In the Issue field enter an issue number.
In the Status field enter any additional tracking information that may be useful for
identifying the status of the specification.
Click on Apply to commit the changes.
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
General purpose Specification Tables
The Add Heading sub form prompts the user to enter a description for the Table Group.
The Edit Heading form allows changes to be made to the Description, Name and Purpose
attributes of the Table Group.
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General purpose Specification Tables
Enter appropriate values in each field and click Apply to commit the changes.
Click Back to return to the parent form.
Click Edit Header Questions to open the Edit Questions sub form.
The Edit Questions form allows you to build the Heading row of the new Table Group.
Note: Inside and outside surface treatments can be assigned based on the PSPE attributes
of the PIPE or HVAC elements. In this case, the TABGRO (Table Group) and all the
TABITE elements (Table Items) must have their purpose attributes set to IPSP and
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
General purpose Specification Tables
The Questions table to the left of the form lists all the current Heading columns of the Table
Using the buttons below the table the user can add, remove and re-organise the order of the
columns to be included in the Table Group.
Click to remove the currently selected heading from the Table Group
Click to move the currently selected heading up the list (changing the
order the heading will be displayed)
Click to move the currently selected heading down the list (changing the
order the heading will be displayed)
In the Purpose field enter an appropriate value such as IPSP, OPSP and so on.
Enter a value for the Header Description.
Select a Question Type from the pull-down, possible values are as follows:
Enter the appropriate value into the Question field. The value entered here is dependant on
the selection made in the Question Type. For example if Expression was selected, enter a
suitable expression such as ‘NAMN OF PSPE OF PIPE’
Select an Answer Type from the pull-down, possible values are as follows:
Enter a value for the Default Answer (if required). This entered here is dependant on the
selection made in Answer Type. For example if Text was selected, enter a valid text string
such as ‘C150’.
Click Apply to commit the changes.
Click Back to return to the parent form.
Click Add Items (from CE) to add a currently selected GPART in the Catalogue explorer to
the list of Table Items in the Table Group (TABITE elements).
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General purpose Specification Tables
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
General purpose Specification Tables
In the Headings sub form click Use Standard Heading Sets to display a list of Standard
Click on BOLT. The Questions and Defaults table will automatically populate accordingly.
Click Apply to return to the Headings sub form. The form will appear pre populated.
Click Apply followed by Back to return to the main Tasks form.
Click Edit CAD Atts to open the Cad Attributes sub form.
In the N.b. Ref field enter the name of an existing Nominal Bore Table or select it from the
Catalogue Explorer.
Click Apply to set the attributes for the bolt tables. These values will be used later when
selection of sizes takes place.
Click Back.
Click Add New Items to open the Add Items sub form.
The Heading Type will appear pre-populated based on Use Standard Heading Sets option
selected in the Headings sub form.
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General purpose Specification Tables
The Size Range will reflect the data retrieved when the Nominal Bore Table was selected.
In the BTYPe field enter the value STUD.
In the Add From part of the Add Items sub form select an existing SCOM element in the
database by inputting the name or using the CE or Search feature.
Click Apply to create the specification.
Subsequent additions can be made to the final specification by adding BTYPe’s to the
returned results. For example enter WASH or NUT in the Btype field and select Apply to re-
build the specification.
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General purpose Specification Tables
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Catalogues and Specifications User Guide
ABORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-32, 3-35, 3-37 Failed Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
Footer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
Backtrack Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
GE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
C Get Other Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
Getwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
CATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 GT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
CATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Gtype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
CAUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
CCTAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 H
CKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
COCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Ctype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Customised Data Check . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24 I
CYLI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52
ID Cursor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54
DAC restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
DIAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52 Last Modified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
DISH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52 LE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
DRSYLK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44 LT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
DTSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-40
NE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
ELBO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32, 3-37
element attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52 O
EQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
OBST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-51, 3-52
Operate on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
Page Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
Path & Filename . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Pconns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Pick.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
PURP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
Savework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
SECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Since Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
Since Stamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
SKEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
SLCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52
SPEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4, 7-3
SPWL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
template-name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
Unhighlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
VALV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
vlog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
vtext . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35, 3-37
vval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
WORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35