Daraz Ecommerce Website - Requirement Analysis
Daraz Ecommerce Website - Requirement Analysis
Daraz Ecommerce Website - Requirement Analysis
1.2 Background
Daraz Bangladesh is doing good in terms of putting a great ecommerce picture out there but at
the same time daraz is not providing a proper data management system. In accordance with
current e commerce scenerio, it is very important to provide with a system, where data will
eventually be processed and will give certain results like consumer behaviour analysis, provide
products of his choice, showcase related products together
1.3 Project scope
The scope of this project is to add to the current ecommerce system of Daraz Bangladesh and
make the system more organized and consumer benefit focused and organized.
The below scopes are there to work on:
Functional objectives
The whole scope of work has been divided into 3 phases.
1. Phase 1
2. Phase 2
3. Phase 3
Attractive & The UI will be made lucrative and will be compatible with Phase 1
responsive UI 4 types of screen.
1. Mobile screen
2. Tab screen
3. Laptop Display
4. Large Desktop monitor display
Device The web structures and features will be compatible with Phase 1
Compatibility all sorts of devices Laptop, Mobile, Desktop, Tab.
Product Title/ Making sure all the alignments on the website is right Phase 1
Category Alignment
with Cathay
Clutter less Easy ways to navigate, enabling the user having less Phase 1
Navigation/ clicks to head to any options.
CTA to push people There will be calls to action to push people to different Phase 1
to product pages like product collections and important sales pages.
collections and
important sales
Trust signal around Trust signals with an add to cart button that would build Phase 1
“Add to Cart” Button confidence in customers.
Existing Walton online Existing Walton online shops would be available with all Phase 1
shop current unique features which are eligible for
marketplace like, Social Media Integration, Product
category, product details, product zooming, Multiple
payment gateway, Shopping cart, Wish list, Checkout.
Top-level domain with Available Domain will be provided and Wildcard ssl will Phase 1
HTTPS be used.
Contact us Contact us segment will have contact form, contact info Phase 1
and FAQ.
Multiple Login Options Users can log in by using their Gmail, Facebook Phase 1
accounts and phone number.
Product List Page A web page consisting of a list of products based on a Phase 1
product category or filtered search query.
Dynamic Product Page A web page with all the information of the product Phase 1
including product images, image zooming, descriptions,
availability of product, price, ratings, add to cart button
and a list of related products below.
Dynamic Search Bar A search bar which automatically keeps providing Phase 1
suggestions with typing and algolia will be used to do
Highlighted UVP Unique Value-Creating things will be featured like top Phase 1
Sell, Popular Product, hot deals etc.
Fast Loading/ Lag free Fast and lag freeloading will be ensured. Phase 1
Social Share buttons Social media share buttons will be there to share any Phase 1
links. Platforms are facebook, linkedin, tweeter.
Social share buttons Social media share buttons will be there where you can Phase 1
for each eCommerce directly share about a product from Facebook, Linkedin,
product Tweeter.
Share and invite Every product single page will have a share button for Phase 2
product link with the users to generate a sharing link to share in social
friends and family and chatting platforms.
using social media
Terms and conditions, These pages will contain company policy, condition and Phase 1
Privacy Policy, contact information. Contact us page will also have a
Sitemap, Contact Us contact form for random visitors to send messages
through email. The site map page will show the visitors a
diagram of the websites pathways.
Multiple filter option Can filter by product type, expense, ratings, etc. Phase 1
Responsive & latest Programming tools will be selected as such so that the Phase 1
Programming tool for whole system can be lightweight, easy to load, and
lightweight & robust robust,
Customer Website A customer user journey mapping which will eventually Phase 2
Journey mapping let the customers know where to go for next and how to
approach. This exercise helps businesses step into their
customer's shoes and see their business from the
customer's perspective.
Backend Backup for In case the network drops in the middle of making Phase 1
Payment Completion payment the money will not be lost.
in case of Internet
Network Interruption.
Order Status page For order cancellation, the order manager needs to Phase 1
select a cancellation reason. Order invoice for delivery
man, vendor Unpaid order will be cancelling after a
certain time according to setting with prior notification
to customer Order return request by specific reason
choosing from customer up to after a certain time of
order delivery
Dynamic Shopping This simple feature allows customers to view their carts Phase 1
Cart from any page without having to navigate to the
checkout pages.
Invoice & Shopping Provide invoice and keep shopping history details Phase 1
Multiple Payment Multiple payment options will be in the site like Bkash, Phase 1
Method options nagad, Visa and mastercards, banks.
News & Blog Section News and blogs presenting related articles. Phase 1
Call Center Manage customer queries and take care of their issues Phase 1
Back End Integration Back end will be completely separated and credentials Phase 1
will be provided for login.
EMI System EMI payment system and tracking will be provided. Phase 1
Order return request by specific reason choosing from
customer up to after a certain time of order delivery.
Order return request by specific reason choosing from
customer up to after a certain time of order delivery.
Chatbot with live chat Conduct online conversation via text in facebook and Phase 1
option in every social the marketplace.
media platform
Dark Mode and Light Presentable in both dark and light mode Phase 2
Mode feature
SMS & Email Phone number & Email will be integrated with the site. Phase 1
Integration (Email SMS and Email can be sent to the customers from the
Marketing Integration) backend.
Multiple Language The front end of the website will be in both Bangla and Phase 1
Options (Bangla, English language.
English, etc.)
Premium Product Different products types like Standard and Premium Phase 1
Showcasing products can have a different styled product detail page
Auto-generation with better user Interface.
SEO Management Site SEO related work will be implemented. Specific to Phase 1
schema, meta info, and structured based work. Meta
information would be chargeable from administration
Store Finder/ Locator Customers can search or pinpoint nearby showroom Phase 1
and service centers just by entering the location name
or clicking on the address
Low Bandwidth Try to optimize the loading time of the website at least Phase 1
Optimization possible internet speed
Product Comparison Product comparison option will be for Similar category Phase 1
products. More than two products won't be compared.
Optimized Search Product search results will be optimized and specific Phase 1
Result products will be shown in the search result. Aloglia will
be used.
Recently Viewed Recently viewed products will be shown with product Phase 1
Products image and price and short details.
Sending Email using Email can be sent to the customers from the backend Phase 1
Template to customer admin panel by categorizing the customers. Different
& subscriber types of mail will be sent to different customers. There
will be customizable templates and a new create email
Front-end & Back end Front-end and back end will be separated. Front end will Phase 1
must be separate be connected using APIs. For using the backend
credentials will be provided.
Support ticketing The customers could issue tickets on their every Phase 1
system problems and feedbacks and track where they are
Blog, Share, Social Blog and news articles can be shared on social media Phase 1
Media group groups.
Traffic load manager When there is more traffic, ability to scale and add new Phase 1
features. Traffic would be distributed to different
Infinite scrolling Products will be shown in the single page. All products Phase 1
will be shown by scrolling, pagination won't be there for
showing the products.
GPS Locator GPS locator allowing to locate the users location and at Phase 2
the same time deliveryman location,
3D Product View Products will have a 360 degree view in the product Phase 2
single page.
Report Generation Product-wise sale, Category wise sale, Location wise Phase 1
best selling products, Platform (web, app) wise
Sales Summary Provides the record of all products that have been Phase 1
sold during a particular time frame.
Increase the overall Analyzing the data will improve the overall efficiency Phase 1
Google Analytics Google Analytics will be integrated with the website. Phase 1
Google Tag Manager Google Tag manager will be integrated with the Phase 1
Google Pixel Google pixel will be integrated with the website. Phase 1
Analytics of Customer Determining the why and how behind customers Phase 2
Buying pattern buying patterns & providing suggestions accordingly.
Big Data Analytics Predicting trends and forecast demand, optimized Phase 3
pricing and
Order Invoice view & Allows to generate invoice, view, and print to deliver Phase 1
Printing option
View or Edit Order Allows to view or edit the order placed once. Phase 1
Create Order status Allows to create multiple order status (Pending, Phase 1
Confirm, Processing, Complete, Cancel).
Select Shipping Allows to select which shipping provider will deliver Phase 1
Bulk Order Update Allows to order in a bulk and update the order at times Phase 1
User-friendly design Update all order related information in a single UI form Phase 1
View or Edit a User Allows to view or edit the user informations Phase 1
Set Roles Allows the admin to set roles for different user levels Phase 1
Set Role Wise Depending on the user levels the permission is Phase 1
Permission granted and this could be changed from admin panel
Customer All the data of the customers are stored here. Phase 1
Management These could be downloaded in csv and excel format.
CRM API Customer related data will be analysed and can form Phase 1
a statistical diagram or chart. Also a response API will
be prepared for future work or any other work
related purpose.
Order Processing When the order is placed, it collects all the data, Phase 1
processes it, and posts the Api to the ERP.
POS API Will need details on how the POS system will be Phase 2
Resource & Dispatch Optimizing the resources and management for better Phase 1
Management efficiency
Status Updates Automatically updates the status of the delivery. Phase 1
Statuses will be order pending, order processing,
order delivering, delivered, canceled.
Realtime Data Getting the actual data of the products and necessary Phase 1
Showcasing data in dashboard.
● The system shall be completely operational at least 95% of the time.
● Down time after a failure shall not exceed 2 hours.
● A sales agent should be able to use the system in his job after 7 days of training.
● A user who already knows what product he is interested in should be able to locate and
view that page in 10 seconds.
● The number of web pages navigated to access product information from the top page
should not exceed 3.
● The system should be able to support millions simultaneous users.
● The mean time to view a web page over a 56Kbps modem connection shall not exceed 3
● The mean time to download and view and whitepaper in PDF format for a 56Kbps
modem shall not exceed 5 seconds.
● The system shall provide password protected access to web pages that are to be viewed
only by employees.
● Transaction data must be transmitted in encrypted form.
● The system should be able to accommodate new products and product lines without
major reengineering.
● The system web site shall be viewable from all browser systems.
Online user Documentation and Help
● The system shall provide a web page that explains how to navigate the site. This page
should be customized based on what pages that user is allowed to access.
● This help page should be accessible from all other pages.
User Diagram