Supported Devices: List of Special Relay
Supported Devices: List of Special Relay
Supported Devices: List of Special Relay
The devices supported by the Simulation function are the same as that of CPU module.
Note that the devices used in an SFC program are not supported.
For details on the devices, refer to the following:
MELSEC iQ-R CPU Module User's Manual (Application)
MELSEC iQ-F FX5 User's Manual (Application)
Appendix 9 Using the Simulation Function 807
No. Name Description RCPU FX5CPU
SM401 Always OFF
SM402 After RUN, ON for 1 scan only
1 scan
SM403 After RUN, OFF for 1 scan only
1 scan
SM409 0.01 second clock
0.005 sec
0.005 sec
808 Appendix 9 Using the Simulation Function
No. Name Description RCPU FX5CPU
SM753 File being accessed OFF: File access is not in progress
ON: File access is in progress
SM754 BIN/DBIN instruction error control flag OFF: Executes error detection
ON: No execute error detection
SM755 Scaling data check settings OFF: Performs data check
ON: Not perform data check
SM756 Module access completion wait control flag OFF: Not wait the completion
ON: Waits the completion
SM776 Local device setting at CALL OFF: Disables local devices
ON: Enables local devices
SM777 Local device setting in interrupt programs OFF: Disables local devices
ON: Enables local devices
SM816 Hold mode OFF: Value not held *2
ON: Value held
SM817 Hold mode OFF: Value not held *2
ON: Value held
SM1524 Initial processing successful completion state OFF: The initial processing was completed successfully.
ON: The initial processing was not completed
SM1525 Initial processing error completion state OFF: The initial processing was completed with an error.
ON: The initial processing was not completed with an
SM1888 Safety cycle processing time execution cycle error flag OFF: No safety cycle processing time execution cycle *3
error occurred (normal)
ON: A safety cycle processing time execution cycle error
Appendix 9 Using the Simulation Function 809
List of special register
: Supported, : Not supported
No. Name Description RCPU FX5CPU
SD0 Latest self diagnostics error code Latest self diagnostics error code
SD1 Clock time for self diagnosis error occurrence Clock time for self diagnosis error occurrence
SD10 Self-diagnostic error number Self-diagnostic error number 1
SD11 Self-diagnostic error number 2
SD12 Self-diagnostic error number 3
SD13 Self-diagnostic error number 4
SD14 Self-diagnostic error number 5
SD15 Self-diagnostic error number 6
SD16 Self-diagnostic error number 7
SD17 Self-diagnostic error number 8
SD18 Self-diagnostic error number 9
SD19 Self-diagnostic error number 10
SD20 Self-diagnostic error number 11
SD21 Self-diagnostic error number 12
SD22 Self-diagnostic error number 13
SD23 Self-diagnostic error number 14
SD24 Self-diagnostic error number 15
SD25 Self-diagnostic error number 16
SD62 Annunciator number Annunciator number
SD63 Number of annunciators Number of annunciators
SD64 to SD79 Table of detected annunciator numbers Detected annunciator number
SD80 Detailed information 1 information category Detailed information 1 information category code
SD81 to SD111 Detailed information 1 Detailed information 1
SD112 Detailed information 2 information category Detailed information 2 information category code
SD113 to SD143 Detailed information 2 Detailed information 2 *4
SD200 Status of switch CPU switch status
SD201 LED status CPU-LED state
SD203 Operating status of CPU Operating status of CPU
SD205 Safety operation mode Safety operation mode *3
SD206 Pair version Pair version of a safety CPU *3
SD210 Clock data Clock data (year)
SD211 Clock data (month)
SD212 Clock data (day)
SD213 Clock data (hour)
SD214 Clock data (minute)
SD215 Clock data (second)
SD216 Clock data (day of the week)
SD218 Time zone setting value Time zone (in minutes)
SD241 Extension stage number 0: base unit only
1 to 7: extension stage number
SD242 Identification for whether or not Q series Identification of the base type
module can be mounted 0: Q series module cannot be mounted (There is no base unit
that can mount the Q series unit)
1: Q series module can be mounted (There is a base unit that
can mount the Q series unit)
810 Appendix 9 Using the Simulation Function
No. Name Description RCPU FX5CPU
SD243 Number of base slots Number of base slots
SD250 Loaded maximum I/O RCPU: The last I/O number for a mounted module is stored.
FX5CPU: The first two digits of the last I/O number of a
mounted module +1 in 8-bit binary is stored.
SD260 Number of points assigned to bit devices X number of points assigned (L)
SD261 X number of points assigned (H)
SD262 Y number of points assigned (L)
SD263 Y number of points assigned (H)
SD264 M number of points assigned (L)
SD265 M number of points assigned (H)
SD266 B number of points assigned (L)
SD267 B number of points assigned (H)
SD268 SB number of points assigned (L)
SD269 SB number of points assigned (H)
SD270 F number of points assigned (L)
SD271 F number of points assigned (H)
SD272 V number of points assigned (L)
SD273 V number of points assigned (H)
SD274 L number of points assigned (L)
SD275 L number of points assigned (H)
SD276 S number of points assigned (L) *1
SD277 S number of points assigned (H) *1
SD280 Number of points assigned to word devices D number of points assigned (L)
SD281 D number of points assigned (H)
SD282 W number of points assigned (L)
SD283 W number of points assigned (H)
SD284 SW number of points assigned (L) A
SD285 SW number of points assigned (H)
SD288 Number of points assigned to timer-type T number of points assigned (L)
SD289 T number of points assigned (H)
SD290 ST number of points assigned (L)
SD291 ST number of points assigned (H)
SD292 C number of points assigned (L)
SD293 C number of points assigned (H)
SD294 LT number of points assigned (L)
SD295 LT number of points assigned (H)
SD296 LST number of points assigned (L)
SD297 LST number of points assigned (H)
SD298 LC number of points assigned (L)
SD299 LC number of points assigned (H)
SD300 Number of points assigned to index registers Z number of points assigned
SD302 Number of points assigned to long index LZ number of points assigned
SD304 R Device Size [Lower] R number of points assigned (L)
SD305 R number of points assigned (H)
SD306 Number of points assigned to file registers ZR number of points assigned (L)
SD307 ZR number of points assigned (H)
SD308 Number of points assigned to refresh devices RD number of points assigned (L)
SD309 RD number of points assigned (H)
SD312 File register block number File register block number
SD412 One second counter Number of counts in 1-second units
SD414 2n second clock setting Unit setting for 2n second clock
SD415 2n ms clock setting Unit setting for 2n ms clock
Appendix 9 Using the Simulation Function 811
No. Name Description RCPU FX5CPU
SD420 Scan counter Number of counts in each scan
SD500 Execution program number Execution type of the program being executed
SD518 Initial scan time Initial scan time (unit: ms)
SD519 Initial scan time (unit: s)
SD520 Current scan time Current scan time (unit: ms)
SD521 Current scan time (unit: s)
SD522 Minimum scan time Minimum scan time (unit: ms)
SD523 Minimum scan time (unit: s)
SD524 Maximum scan time Maximum scan time (unit: ms)
SD525 Maximum scan time (unit: s)
SD526 END processing time END processing time (unit: ms)
SD527 END processing time (unit: s)
SD528 Constant scan wait time Constant scan wait time (unit: ms)
SD529 Constant scan wait time (unit: s)
SD530 Scan program execution time Scan program execution time (unit: ms)
SD531 Scan program execution time (unit: s)
SD600 Memory card mounting status SD memory card type
SD604 SD memory card (drive 2) usage status SD memory card (drive 2) usage status
SD606 SD memory card (drive 2) capacity SD memory card (drive 2) capacity: the lower digit (unit: KB)
SD607 SD memory card (drive 2) capacity: the higher digits (unit: KB)
SD610 SD memory card (drive 2) free space SD memory card (drive 2) free space: the lower digit (unit: KB)
SD611 SD memory card (drive 2) free space: the higher digits (unit:
SD614 Device/label memory (drive 3) usage status Device/label memory (drive 3) usage status
SD616 Device/label memory (drive 3) capacity Device/label memory (drive 3) capacity: the lower digits (unit:
SD617 Device/label memory (drive 3) capacity: the higher digits (unit:
SD618 Device/label memory (file storage area) Device/label memory (file storage area) (drive 3) capacity: the
capacity lower digits (unit: KB)
SD619 Device/label memory (file storage area) (drive 3) capacity: the
higher digits (unit: KB)
SD620 Data memory (drive 4) usage status Data memory (drive 4) usage status
SD622 Data memory (drive 4) capacity Data memory (drive 4) capacity: the lower digits (unit: KB)
SD623 Data memory (drive 4) capacity: the higher digits (unit: KB)
SD626 Extended SRAM cassette capacity Capacity identification information of the Extended SRAM
identification information cassette
SD629 Program memory write (transfer) status Write (transfer) status display (percent)
SD633 Data memory write (transfer) status Write (transfer) status display (percent)
SD642 Internal buffer capacity Internal buffer capacity: the lower digits (unit: KB) *1
SD643 Internal buffer capacity: the higher digits (unit: KB) *1
SD644 Internal buffer free area capacity Internal buffer free area capacity: the lower digits (unit: KB) *1
SD645 Internal buffer free area capacity: the higher digits (unit: KB) *1
SD757 Current interrupt priority Current interrupt priority
SD758 Interrupt disabling for each priority setting Interrupt disabling for each priority setting value
SD771 Specification of the number of write Specification of the number of write instruction executions to
instruction executions to data memory data memory
SD816 Basic period Basic period *2
SD818 Bumpless function availability setting for the 0: Enable *2
S.PIDP instruction 1: Disable
SD819 Dummy device Dummy device *2
812 Appendix 9 Using the Simulation Function
No. Name Description RCPU FX5CPU
SD1400 to Interrupt pointer mask pattern Mask pattern *5
SD1504 Open completion signal Open completion
SD1505 Open request signal Open request
SD1844 Number of points assigned to safety bit SA\X number of points assigned (L) *3
SD1845 SA\X number of points assigned (H) *3
SD1846 SA\Y number of points assigned (L) *3
SD1847 SA\Y number of points assigned (H)
SD1848 SA\M number of points assigned (L) *3
SD1849 SA\M number of points assigned (H) *3
SD1850 SA\B number of points assigned (L) *3
SD1851 SA\B number of points assigned (H) *3
SD1864 Number of points assigned to safety word SA\D number of points assigned (L) *3
SD1865 devices SA\D number of points assigned (H) *3
SD1866 SA\W number of points assigned (L) *3
SD1867 SA\W number of points assigned (H) *3
SD1872 Number of points assigned to safety timer/ SA\T number of points assigned (L) *3
SD1873 counter devices SA\T number of points assigned (H) *3
SD1874 SA\ST number of points assigned (L) *3
SD1875 SA\ST number of points assigned (H)
SD1876 SA\C number of points assigned (L) *3
SD1877 SA\C number of points assigned (H) *3
SD1888 Safety cycle processing time execution cycle 0: No safety cycle processing time execution cycle error *3
error count occurred (normal)
1 to 65535: Cumulative number of execution cycle errors
during safety cycle processing time
SD1890 Current safety cycle processing time Current safety cycle processing time (unit: ms) *3
SD1892 Minimum safety cycle processing time
Current safety cycle processing time (unit: s)
Minimum safety cycle processing time (unit: ms)
SD1893 Minimum safety cycle processing time (unit: s) *3
SD1894 Maximum safety cycle processing time Maximum safety cycle processing time (unit: ms) *3
SD1895 Maximum safety cycle processing time (unit: s) *3
SD1903 Total standard/safety shared label usage Total standard/safety shared label usage capacity (unit: words) *3
Appendix 9 Using the Simulation Function 813
Safety special register list
No. Name Description
SA\SD205 Safety operation mode Safety operation mode
814 Appendix 9 Using the Simulation Function
No. Name Description
SM8068 Operation error latch OFF: No error
ON: Error (latch)
SM8090 Block comparison signal Block comparison signal ON when all comparison results are ON.
SM8161 8 bit operation mode OFF: 16 bit operation mode
ON: 8 bit operation mode
SM8168 SMOV data mode BIN BCD conversion will not be performed, if an SMOV instruction is executed
after turning ON SM8168.
SM8304 Zero (MUL, DIV instructions only) OFF: Zero flag OFF
ON: Zero flag ON
SM8306 Carry (MUL, DIV instructions only) OFF: Carry flag OFF
ON: Carry flag ON
SM8330 Timing clock output 1 DUTY instruction: Timing clock output 1
SM8331 Timing clock output 2 DUTY instruction: Timing clock output 2
SM8332 Timing clock output 3 DUTY instruction: Timing clock output 3
SM8333 Timing clock output 4 DUTY instruction: Timing clock output 4
SM8334 Timing clock output 5 DUTY instruction: Timing clock output 5
Appendix 9 Using the Simulation Function 815