Happiness is the primary reason a person lives, it is one’s goal in life. But how can
individuals be happy when there are people engaging in the act of bullying? Bullying is a very
popular disease among the students today. It happens every day all around the world. According
to Seth Godin “A bully is playing a game, one of that he enjoys and needs. You’re welcome to
play this game if it makes you happy, but for most people, it will make you miserable”. What’s
the point of bullying? To feel better? Listen, you’ll never feel any better if the only thing you
know is make the others suffer. Bullying has a negative impact to everyone – those who are
victims and those who are bullied. But what does bullying means? Duhaime.org stated that
bullying is persistent and aggressive behavior intended to cause fear, distress or harm to another
person’s body, emotions, self-esteem or reputation. There are many different types of bullying
that can be experienced; it can be physical bullying, verbal bullying, social bullying and cyber
Based on DoSomething.org, over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year.
Approximately 160,000 students skip school every day because of bullying. Bullying can affect
the victims in ways which they become medically unstable. Some people can be bullied so bad
that they become depressed, which can lead them to skip school and do other things that they
think will make everything better but in reality it make things worse. Many student victims of
bullying today also turn to suicide. Suicide is the worse effect that bullying can have on victims
but sadly today many lives has been lost due to bullying. The victims feel that their life is so bad
that they will be better off ending it. Bullying can have an effect on learning, stress and anxiety
that can make it more difficult for students to cope up with academic activities. It may cause
difficulty in concentration and ability to focus which makes difficult to learn. And the victims
they can be left feeling hopeless like they cannot get out of the situation, ashamed due to what is
happening to them, rejected by those bullying and alone like there is nobody that can help them.
The reason why the kid is a bully because he lacks of attention from a parent, he bullied at home,
he see others doing it, he jealous of the other person and because it’s one of the best way to keep
others from bullying his. Bullies don’t need a reason to hurt others. Most bullies don’t
understand how wrong their behavior is and how it makes the person being bullied feel.
Bullying is never okay; even if that person has hurt you, don’t hurt them. Take the high
road and hurt them with kindness. When bullying isn’t stopped it can create an environment
where bullying is accepted and where everybody feels so powerless that they cannot stop it
which is a really bad effect of bullying in our community. If we want to stop bullying in schools,
we have to start. Unite to end bullying. We need to build up the courage, the courage that is fire.
Students need to be educated on bullying. The only way to stop bullying is to work us together
even if you are not a victim because you may be next. Standing up for someone who’s being
bullied shows care and courage lives in your heart. If you see something, say something. Do not
be a bystander. Bullying is never acceptable. No one ever deserves to be bullied. And don’t
forget that everyone has the right to feel safe and happy. Stop bullying help make the world a
happier better place. Bullying is a horrible thing. It sticks with you forever. It poisons you, but
only if you let it. Be the voice that stops bullying! Be a buddy not a bully!