Group Dynamics and Work Teams 1.ppt 2018-19
Group Dynamics and Work Teams 1.ppt 2018-19
Group Dynamics and Work Teams 1.ppt 2018-19
Team Work
Learning Objectives
1. Define what is meant by a group and identify different types
of groups operating within organizations.
2. Describe the importance of norms, roles, status, and
cohesiveness within organizations.
3. Explain how individual performance in groups is affected
by the presence of others (social facilitation), the cultural
diversity of group membership, and the number of others
with whom one is working (social loafing).
4. Define what teams are and describe the various types of
teams that exist in organizations.
5. Understand the evidence regarding the effectiveness of
teams in organizations.
6. Explain the factors responsible for the failure of some
teams to operate as effectively as possible and identify
steps that can be taken to build successful teams.
Group Dynamics
The study of group dynamics
has a long History in the
social science field .Group
dynamics focuses on the
nature of groups – the factors
governing their formation and
development, the elements of
their structure, and their
interrelationships with
individuals, other groups, and
organizations within which
they exist
Meaning of a Group and Group Dynamics
⚫ No one definition of the term group
⚫ No universal agreement on what is meant by group
⚫ Kurt Lewin father of group dynamics popularized the
term in the 1930’s
⚫ One normative view is that the group dynamics
describes how a group should be organized and
-Democratic leadership
-member participation
-and overall cooperation are stressed
Social scientists
have formally
defined a group as
a collection of two
or more interacting
individuals who
maintain stable
patterns of
relationships, share
common goals, and
perceive themselves
as being a group.
Meaning of a Group and Group Dynamics
⚫ What is an effective Group?
⚫ A group is a collection of two or more people who
work with one another regularly to achieve common
⚫ In a true group members (1) are mutually dependent
on one another to achieve common goals (2) interact
regularly with one another to pursue those goals over
a sustained period of time.
What is the nature of groups in
⚫ Effective group
– one that achieves high levels of task
performance, member satisfaction, and
team viability
What is the nature of groups in
⚫ Effective groups achieve high levels of:
– Task performance
• Members attain performance goals regarding
quantity, quality, and timeliness of work results
– Members satisfaction
• Members believe that their participation and
experiences are positive and meet important
personal needs
– Team viability
• Members are sufficiently satisfied to continue
working together on an ongoing basis
Dynamics of Group formation
Why do individuals form into groups?
Individual X Individual y
Common Attitudes and Values
Dynamics of Group formation
Another Theoretical approach to Group formation from
Social psychological theory
⚫ Exchange theory similar to its functioning as a work –
motivation theory
⚫ Based on reward –cost outcomes of
interaction(rewards greater than costs)
⚫ Rewards from interactions gratify needs
⚫ Costs incur anxiety –frustration-embarrassment-
⚫ Propinquity-interaction –common attitudes all have
roles in exchange theory
Types of Groups
Formal Groups: Groups that are
created by the organization,
intentionally designed to direct its
members toward some organizational
goal. Officially designated for a specific
organizational purpose
Informal Groups: Groups that develop
naturally among people, without any
direction from the organization within
which they operate. Informal groups are
unofficial and emerge to serve special
Types of Groups
Formal Groups
Command Group: A group determined by the
connections between individuals who are a
formal part of the organization (i.e., those
who legitimately can give orders to others).
Task Group: A formal organizational group
formed around some specific task.
Standing Committees: Committees that are
permanent, existing over time.
Ad Hoc Committee: A temporary committee
formed for a special purpose.
Formal Groups
Virtual group- a group whose members
convene and work together electronically via
computers. In this electronic age, virtual
groups are increasingly common in
organizations.Facilitated by ever more
functional team oriented software,or
groupware, members of virtual groups can do
the same things as members of face to face
groups.They can share information,make
decisions,and complete tasks.
Informal Groups
❖ Interest Group: A
group of employees
who come together to
satisfy a common
❖ Friendship Groups:
Informal groups that
develop because their
members are friends,
often seeing each
other outside of the
Johari window
⚫ Known by self Ask unknown by self
To others BLIND AREA
AREA(Arena) Feedback
By others C
An Alternative Model:
Temporary Groups with
Temporary groups Sequence of actions:
under time constrained 1. Setting group direction
deadlines go through 2. First phase of inertia
transitions between 3. Half-way point transition
inertia and activity---at
4. Major changes
the half-way point,
5. Second phase of inertia
they experience an
6. Accelerated activity
increase in productivity.
The Punctuated –Equilibrium Model
Social Loafing: “Free riding” when working
with others-Ringlemann effect
Social Impact Theory: The theory that explains social
loafing in terms of the diffused responsibility for doing
what is expected of each member of a group. The
larger the size of a group, the less each member is
influenced by the social forces acting on the group.
According to the theory the impact of any social force acting
on a group is divided among its members.The larger the
size of the group,the lower is the impact of its force on any
one member.As a result the more people who might
contribute to a group’s product,the less pressure each
person faces to perform well-that is ,the responsibility for
doing the job is diffused over more people.As a result each
member feels less responsible for behaving appropriately ,and
social loafing occurs.
Social Loafing
Social Loafing a Universal Phenomena?
Group shift
.(Group shift is the phenomena in which individual decisions make
way for exaggerated group decisions. Group shift can be seen as a
special case of groupthink. ... Whether the shift in the
group's decision is towards greater deliberation or more risk depends
on the dominant pre-discussion norm.(A change in decision risk
between the group’s decision and the individual decision that member
within the group would make; can be either toward conservatism or
greater risk)
How do groups make decisions?
Symptoms of Groupthink.Source :adapted from Irving L.
Janis,Groupthink,2nd ed,Houghton Miffin,Boston,1982,pp,174-175
1.There is the illusion of invulnerabiity. There is excessive optimism and risk
2.There are rationalizations by the members of the group to discount
3.There is an unquestioned belief in the group’s inherent mortality.The group
ignores questionable ethical or moral issues or stances.
4.Those who oppose the group are stereotyped as evil,weak ,or stupid.
⚫ Delphi technique
– Involves generating decision-making
alternatives through a series of survey
⚫ Computer-mediated decision making
– Group decision making takes place across
great distances with the aid of group decision
support systems