Teamwork - PPT 2018 - 19
Teamwork - PPT 2018 - 19
Teamwork - PPT 2018 - 19
Teams are worth the
Study Questions
What is a the nature of teams and
What is team building?
How does team building improve
How do teams contribute to the high-
performance workplace?
Teams :Special Kinds of groups
• The importance of teams was first realized from
the results of the famous Hawthorne studies in
A group whose
members have
complementary skills
and are committed to
a common purpose or
set of performance
goals for which they
hold themselves
mutually accountable.
Teams :Special Kinds of groups
• A team has several characteristics .
• -members are interdependent
• -it has a common goal or goals
• -each member’s contribution is as important as
any other contribution
• -there is congrurence between achievement of
individual goals and that of the team goal.
Team Versus Group: What’s
the Difference
Work Group
A group that interacts primarily
to share information and to
make decisions to help each
group member perform within
his or her area of responsibility.
Work Team
A group whose individual efforts
result in a performance that is
greater than the sum of the
individual inputs.
Difference between
Work Groups and Teams
Work Groups Teams
Purpose Same as organisation Specific
Team Characteristics
1. The absence of paraverbal and nonverbal cues
2. A limited social context
3. The ability to overcome time and space constraints
Teams in the high performance work
Advantages of virtual teams
– Cost-effectiveness and speed where
members are unable to meet easily
– Computer power fulfills typical team
needs for information processing and
decision making
Teams in the high performance work
Disadvantages of virtual teams
– The lack of personal contact between
team members
– Group decisions are made in a limited
social context
Teams in the high performance work
A high-involvement workgroup design that
is increasingly well established today is
known as the self managing team.
Self-managing teams
– small groups empowered to make the
decisions needed to manage
themselves on a day-to-day basis
– also called self-directed work teams
Teams in the high performance work
How self –managing teams work.
Self –managing teams also called self –directed
teams or empowered teams,are permanent and
formal elements in the organizational structure.
They replace the traditional workgroup headed by
a supervisor.
A self managing team should probabily include
between 5 and 15 members.Large enough to
provide a good mix of skills and resources but
small enough to function efficiently.
Teams in the high performance work
Advantages of self-managing teams
– Productivity and quality improvements
– Production flexibility and faster
response to technological change
– Reduced absenteeism and turnover
– Improved work attitudes and quality of
work life
Teams in the high performance work
Disadvantages of self-managing
– Structural changes in job classifications
and management levels eliminate the
need for first-line supervisors
– Managers must learn to deal with teams
rather than individuals
– Supervisors who are displaced by self-
managing teams may feel threatened
Self-Managed Teams vs.
Traditional Work Groups
Team Development
• Team takes time to develop.
• A team is not formed merely by declaring some
individuals a team.
• Tuckman’s theory
Team Roles (Margerison and McCann)
1. Creator: Initiates creative ideas
2. Promoter: champions ideas after they are
3. Assessor: offers insightful analysis of
4. organizer: provides structure
5. Producer: provides direction and follow-
6. Controller: examines details and enforces
7. Advisor: encourages search for more
8. Maintainer: fights external battles
9. Linker: coordinates and integrates
What is the nature of team and
– occurs when group members actively
work together in such a way that all
their respective skills are well utilized to
achieve a common purpose
A Team-
What is the nature of team and
High Performance Teams
Teams whose members are deeply committed to one
another’s personal growth and success.
– People are free to make their own decisions without
checking with others.
– Everyone on the team shares responsibility.
– All members agree on what they are trying to
– Everyone cares about results and members
coordinate their individual talents to achieve them.
What is the nature of team and
How to Create a High-Performing
– Communicate high-performance
– Set the tone in the first team meeting
– Make sure that the members have the
right skills
– Establish clear rules for team members
What is the nature of team and
Jr,Schermerhorn.R.J(2006)Organizational Behaviour,Wiley
India,New Delhi