Module 2 Work Out Plan Worksheet
Module 2 Work Out Plan Worksheet
Module 2 Work Out Plan Worksheet
Activity 3. SUMMING IT UP! Design a Full Body Exercise Plan that fits you.
As you prepare towards being a professional someday you have indeed a busy schedule. And you will find it difficult to exercise into your day.
Designing a full Body Exercise Plan is best for you.
1. As final requirement for this MODULE, design a 2 months Full Body Exercise Plan. Please read the instructions below:
2. Use the format below to design your own plan. Instead of walking, think of other exercises/activities; instead of a crunch, push-ups or
dips, think of other activities/exercises.
3. Insert appropriately (own preference) on the matrix when you should be doing your warm-up and cool down phase.
4. The checklist below will further guide you to complete properly the task. Submit this together with your developed work-out plan. Use
MODULE 2 Workout plan Worksheet.
5. This is graded and scored as 40pts. Each item will be scored by your instructor for 5pts each. You get the other 10pts if you have properly
accomplished this task as instructed.
Put a check mark on the first column if you are convinced that you have successfully accomplished the task identified on the second column.
1. Fitness goals are clearly stated.
2. Boxes are appropriately filled out (except for recovery periods like Sundays)
3. Principle of progression and overload have been reflected based on the frequency, intensity, and duration of exercises
4. Activities are clearly indicated.
5. The execution of Warm-up and cool-down phase is reflected on the program (no need to identify exercises for this. Just insert in the
appropriate row or space the words warm-up or cool-down)
6. Aesthetically designed the overall output. Use drawing materials or digital means to design the overall output.