Overhead Distribution
Overhead Distribution
Overhead Distribution
In overhead distribution, the distributor is carried and supported above the surface of
the ground. It is ideal for long distribution distances and hence is common for
primary and secondary distribution.
A. Conductors
These carry the electrical power from the substation to the consumer. The materials
generally used are copper and aluminium because of their low resistivity (copper is a
better conductor and stronger than aluminium but heavier. Aluminium is cheaper and
more readily available).
The leakage of current from one conductor to the other is prevented by the air
between the conductors since overhead conductors are usually not insulated.
- Light weight
- High tensile strength
- Low resistance/ high conductivity
- Low cost
for service mains ( conductors from three phase four wire system to
households are made of copper).It is also ductile and malleable.
ii) Cadmium copper – Alloy of cadmium and copper. Cadmium increases the
tensile strength of copper. This conductor is generally used for the tertiary
distribution distributor (from power station to load station or transformer).
iii) Aluminium conductor steel reinforced (ACSR) - Commonly used for
primary and secondary distribution. It is made of galvanised steel wire core
surrounded by aluminium strands. Although ductile and malleable, it lacks
the strength of copper.
The aluminium carries current while the steel provides tensile strength for
the aluminium strands (used for long distance 33KV distribution).
B. Insulators
Basa re insulator is to carry the conductor on the overhead support structure.
An insulator should have both electrical purpose and sufficient mechanical
strength to support the conductors.
Porcelain and toughened glass are used as insulators.
Toughened glass
Toughening produces an outer skin which is resistant to mechanical damage.
- If a glass insulator cracks, its whole surface fragments, which makes it easy to
detect a faulty insulator from the ground.
- The dielectric strength of glass is much higher than that of porcelain
- Glass has a lower coefficient of thermal expansion than porcelain
- Glass is transparent to light rays hence heats up only slightly when exposed
to sunlight.
- It is more expensive than porcelain
- Moisture readily condenses on the glass.
Porcelain Insulators
The porcelain used is glazed to provide a smooth surface which can be kept
relatively free from dirt and moisture.
It also undergoes vitrification i.e. pressed together i.e. pressed together to
remove pores or air spaces which would reduce the dielectric strength of the
Types of insulators
a) Pin type
The insulator is attached to a steel bolt. The pin is secured on the cross-
arm of a pole. The conductor is carried on a groove on top of the insulator.
Pin insulators are generally used for voltages up to 33KV.See diagram
b) Suspension/Disc Insulator
- Consists of disc shaped pieces of porcelain with grooves on the underside to
increase the surface area. They are fitted with metal caps on top and metal
pins underneath.
- The disc carries the conductor suspended under the insulator.
Each disc is designed for 11KV.The required insulation level is
determined by stringing a suitable number of discs.
In the event of failure of one disc, only the faulty disc needs
In the event of an increase in operating voltage, the insulation
requirements can be met by simply adding the required number of
discs rather than replacing the whole insulator.
Mechanical stresses are reduced since the insulator is flexible.
Suspension insulator
c) Strain Insulator
- These are connected at the terminations of lines or at corners where there is
change in direction of the line or in a case where there is need for high
tension whenever there is a large span e.g. across a river. See diagram over
d) Shackle Insulator
They are used for low voltage distribution on distribution and service mains. They
may be mounted horizontally on vertical poles.
The cradle
When two or more ac carrying conductors cross each other, the
electromagnetic fields produced by the conductors may induce voltages in
each other. A cradle (wire mesh) is placed between the crossing conductors.
It acts as an electromagnetic screen. The magnetic field produced by each
conductor will induce an emf in the cradle. The cradle is earthed at the
support structures hence the induced emf is diverted to the ground hence
preventing voltage distortion in the conductors.
Shield Wire
This is usually a high tensile strength wire with a c.s.a. smaller than that of the
phase conductors. It is placed above the phase conductors and protects them
against lightning. Shield wires are grounded on the support structure such that
lightning is conducted to the general mass of earth provided that the
resistance at the foot of the structure is low. This resistance can be further
lowered by driving rods into the soil or by means of a buried conductor called
a counterpoise which runs parallel to the overhead line inside the soil.
This system has cables installed under the surface of the ground. It is
commonly used in urban areas where overhead distribution is not possible
due to its visual impact.
Advantages of underground distribution:
- It is safer to members of the public since the cables are covered hence there
is no temptation to steal.
- It’s not affected by natural phenomena like lightning and heavy wind.
- It does not disturb the natural beauty of the area in which it is installed
- Cables for underground distribution should be buried not less than 500 mm
under the surface of the ground.
- They should be protected using earthenware tiles to prevent damage when
- Examples of underground cables include;
i) Polyvinyl chloride steel wire armoured cables (PVCSWA)
ii) Paper insulated lead sheathed cable (PILS)
iii) Split concentric cable
iv) Cross linked polyethylene (XPLE)
a) Direct Laying
A trench is dug to the desired depth and the cable is placed directly in the trench and
tiles are laid on top of the cable to protect it against damage during digging. The
trench is then covered in soil. This method requires the cable to be fully protected
against moisture.
b) Drawing in Method
The cable is drawn into a duct. The duct provides extra mechanical protection. The
cables are unlikely to be damaged by digging. It is also unlikely to be affected by
moisture. This method however, requires a flexible cable like PVCSWA cable.
c) Solid Laying Method
Cables are laid in a duct which has a removable cover such that the cable is placed
in the duct and the cover is fixed on top to protect the cable. Non flexible cables like
the PILS cable can be used.
d) Catenary Wiring
The system consists of a high tensile strength wire which is fixed between two points
and the cable tied at va rious points along the length of the wire.
The system is used where the underground cable has to cross over a short distance
overhead e.g. between buildings.
In this type of wiring, sagging may at times be unequal hence the wiring system is
used in situations where the visual impact is not of importance.
Examples: - Between buildings, where there are high roofed buildings on account of
the mounting height.
- For crossing rivers, when power cables are to supply a building over a
NB: Catenary wiring over a road should be at a minimum height of 5,5m. For general
purposes, it should be 5, 2 m.
A substation is a source of electrical supply for the area in which it is connected.
There are basically three types of substation i.e. indoor substation, outdoor
substation, and pole mounted substation.
- It is generally used in urban areas usually for local substations. The primary
voltage of the transformer is supplied by an 11KV feeder which is stepped
down to a secondary voltage of 380/220V.
- The switchgear on the primary consists of oil circuit breakers. Auxiliary
equipment includes batteries and fire extinguishers. Batteries are used to
operate protective devices and for emergency lighting. The layout of an indoor
substation is shown overleaf.
Regulations pertaining to Indoor Substation
i) Cheaper
ii) Low chances of flash-over (low chance of a fault in one part affecting other
iii) Better ventilation.
4. Circuit Breaker
A mechanical device capable of opening and closing a circuit under all,
including abnormal conditions.
It can be operated manually or it can operate automatically when there is a
Overcurrent protection
It is both a statutory and IEE regulation to provide overcurrent protection.
Reg 13-7 states that, when necessary to prevent danger, every installation
and circuit thereof, shall be provided with protection against overcurrent by a
device which;
a) Will operate automatically at values of current which are suitable to the
safe current rating of the circuit.
b) Have adequate breaking capacity and, where necessary, making capacity.
An overcurrent is the current that exceeds the rated current of a circuit i.e. the
current a circuit is designed to carry.
When an overcurrent occurs, the conductors are unable to effectively dissipate the
heat generated within the cable and thus may cause the cable temperature to rise
until the cable insulation is damaged resulting in electric shock or in electric fire.
1. Transient overcurrent
This occurs for a short period of time, usually inrush current which occurs on
switching on or off circuits such as transformers, capacitors, electric motors
etc. It can be 5-7 times the rated current.
2. Sustained overload overcurrent
It is the current that exceeds the rated current in a healthy circuit.
- It is mainly due to abuse of a circuit ie using a circuit for a purpose it wasn’t
designed for.
- Indiscriminate additions to an existing circuit
- Poor design.
Sustained overcurrent can be 3-5 times the rated current.
3. Short circuit overcurrent
This results from a fault of negligible resistance between conductors.
It may be caused by an incorrect connection during installation and results in;
i) Breakdown of insulation between conductors
ii) Disconnection of cables
Shot circuit currents may be hundreds of times of the rated currents.
The device should be able to interrupt the faulty current and quickly isolate the circuit
before overcurrent causes the temperature to rise that could damage the insulation
of the conductors.
- Fuses are enclosed such that it is not possible to remove a fuse if there are
any live parts
- The fuse element is enclosed so that the molten wire does not spill to other
parts of the circuit
a) Current rating – This is the maximum current a fuse can continuously carry
without blowing or deteriorating. When choosing the current rating, the
ambient temperature is taken into consideration. For fuses that are to be used
in high temperature situations de-rating might be necessary.
b) De-rating – Reducing the fuse rating
c) Minimum fusing current- this is the minimum current which will cause the fuse
to blow within a specified time
d) Fusing factor- it is the ratio of the fusing current to the current rating of the
fuse. It is always greater than unity.
Classes of fuses
Fuses are divided into four classes according to their fusing factor;
1. Class P fuses- these are fuses with a fusing factor of less than 1,25 . They
provide protection for sensitive circuits which cannot withstand even small
over currents e.g. electronic circuits
2. Class Q fuses- these are divided into two groups;
a) Class Q1 – with fusing factors between 1,25 and 1,5
b) vvClass Q2 – with a fusing factor between 1,5 and 1,75 . These are used
in circuits which can withstand small over currents, they provide protection
against large over currents e.g. in protecting heating appliances, electric
motors etc.
3. Class R fuses- these provide back-up protection for protective devices such
as circuit breakers and overload relays. They have a fusing factor of 1,75 and
2,5 .
Generally, fusing factors less than 1,5 provide what is known as fine protection,
while fuses with a fusing factor above 1,5 provide coarse protection.
Types of fuses
- The fuse wire is exposed and since it operates at high temperature, oxidation
occurs thus results in premature failure
- Exposed fuse element can cause an electric fire due to the arc produced
when the fuse operates in the presence of flammable material ( cannot be
used in fire hazard areas )
- Since the element is exposed to the environment, it is affected by ambient
temperatures as well as wind draft.
- The fuse element can be replaced by incorrect size.
- Re-wirable fuses do not guarantee operation.
- The element is enclosed hence there is very little oxidation
- The arc produced when fuse operates is confined to the inside of the capsule
thus reduces the risk of fire
- The element is enclosed hence it will be affected to a less extent by ambient
temperature and wind drafts
- The cover of the fuse is related to its rating hence it is not possible to place a
fuse of incorrect rating in a fuse holder
This is a switch that incorporates a fuse, closing the switch will introduce a fuse into
the circuit.
Fuse Switch
A fuse switch is a switch whose moving part is a fuse. The circuit is closed by
connecting the fuse.
Circuit Breakers
A circuit breaker is a mechanical device which is used to open or close a circuit
safely under all, including abnormal conditions.
Circuit breakers are divided into high voltage circuit breakers and low voltage circuit
1. Service Mains:
It is the incoming cable that supplies power to the installation from the local
substation or local substation or distributor.
2. Cut-out:
This is where the service mains end. It contains a service fuse or a circuit
Its purpose is to protect the service cable from damage in the event of a fault
within the consumer’s installation.
3. Meter
It is used to measure and record the energy used by the consumer.
6. Final Circuit(s)
These are circuits that are directly connected to the current using equipment
or socket outlets or any other or other points of connection of such equipment.
Running charge
It caters for the cost of actually generating and supplying electrical energy.
It depends on the actual amount of energy produced.
It covers costs such as :
a) Repair of or maintenance of equipment and machines.
b) Cost of the fuel e.g. coal
c) The cost of importing electrical energy
d) For profit
Types of tariff
2. Two-Part Tariff.
- It is made up of a fixed charge which depends on the maximum
demand and a running charge which depends on the energy consumed.
- Industrial consumers and other large commercial premises have a
maximum demand meter connected.
- For small installations i.e. domestic and commercial, a maximum
demand meter is not connected. The fixed charge is estimated based on
things such as the size of the building, the floor area, the number of
rooms, the location of the installation or is estimated based on things
such as the electrical equipment likely to be connected.
- The running charge is based on the actual energy consumed, measured
and recorded using an energy meter.
3. Block Tariff
- The units of energy consumed are divided into groups called blocks. The first
block of units is charged at a different rate from the second and third block of
- For example, the supply authority may charge 25c per unit for the first 1000
units, 17c per unit for the second 1000 units and 10c per unit for all the
additional units. Such a tariff encourages the use of electrical energy.
- The tariff may also be designed in reverse to discourage the use of electricity.
4. Off Peak Tariff
- This involves different charges for different times of the day. The charge per
unit of energy is lower during the off peak period and higher during the peak
- The off-peak tariff can be effected in two ways;
i) Single energy meter method
One energy meter with two sets of dials is used and is called a white
One set of dials reads consumption during the peak period and is
charged at a higher rate while the other records during the off-peak and
is charged at a lower rate.
- It is a factor which is applied on the assumption that the whole connected load
will not be ON at the same time.
- This factor is used to determine the size of the power plant.
- It takes into consideration the fact that maximum demand of a load is not
likely to occur at the same time i.e. it is unlikely that all types of loads i.e.
domestic, industrial and commercial are connected at the same time.
Diversity factor (DF) is the ratio of the total connecting load to the load in use at any
instant i.e.
Load Factor
It is the ratio of the units of energy consumed over a period of time to the units of
energy that would be consumed if maximum demand was maintained throughout the
A load factor which is high i.e. close to unity (1), reduces the maximum demand on
the consumer since it will reduce the fixed charge by reducing the size of the
generating plant.
Maximum Demand
i) Apparent Power(S) – This is the total power drawn from the supply. It is
given by the product of the supply voltage and supply current.Thus:
ii) True Power/Active Power (P) – This is the power used by the load. It is
converted to other forms of energy like heat light and torque. It is
measured in watts by a wattmeter.
iii) Reactive Power (Q) – This is the power drawn by inductors and
capacitors. It is stored briefly in the magnetic field of an inductor or the
electric field of a capacitor. It is later returned to the supply when the
supply enters the negative half cycle. The units of measurement are volt-
amperes reactive (VARs).
Power factor is the ratio of the true power to the apparent Power
Inductive reactive power is said to lag the true power by 90 0. The phasor sum of true
power and reactive power is the apparent power hence the three forms of power in
an a.c. system are related by the following power triangle.
Considering the power triangle
Power factor ranges from zero to 1. An ideal circuit has a power factor of 1. A low
power factor has several disadvantages;
i) Static capacitors
ii) Synchronous motors
iii) Phase advancers