DIFEQUA Lesson 1.1
DIFEQUA Lesson 1.1
DIFEQUA Lesson 1.1
1.1 Equations
Models of Population Growth
Models of Population Growth
One model for the growth of a population is based on the
assumption that the population grows at a rate proportional
to the size of the population.
Models of Population Growth
Having formulated a model, let’s look at its consequences.
If we rule out a population of 0, then P(t) > 0 for all t. So, if
k > 0, then Equation 1 shows that P′(t) > 0 for all t.
Figure 2
Models of Population Growth
Putting t = 0, we get P(0) = Cek(0) = C, so the constant C
turns out to be the initial population, P(0).
Models of Population Growth
Notice that if P is small compared with M, then P/M is close
to 0 and so dP/dt ≈ kP. If P > M, then 1 – P/M is negative
and so dP/dt < 0.
Models of Population Growth
So we expect that the solutions of the logistic differential
equation have graphs that look something like the ones in
Figure 3.
Figure 3
A Model for the Motion of a Spring
Let’s now look at an example of a model from the physical
sciences. We consider the motion of an object with mass m
at the end of a vertical spring (as in Figure 4).
Figure 4
A Model for the Motion of a Spring
We have discussed Hooke’s Law, which says that if the
spring is stretched (or compressed) x units from its natural
length, then it exerts a force that is proportional to x:
A Model for the Motion of a Spring
This is an example of what is called a second-order
differential equation because it involves second derivatives.
Let’s see what we can guess about the form of the solution
directly from the equation. We can rewrite Equation 3 in the
General Differential Equations
General Differential Equations
In general, a differential equation is an equation that
contains an unknown function and one or more of its
y′ = xy
f′(x) = xf(x)
Example 1 – Solution
We use the Quotient Rule to differentiate the expression
for y:
Example 1 – Solution cont’d