Cold Climate Application
Cold Climate Application
Cold Climate Application
Carrier Ductless Systems are designed to perform within a wide temperature range, including low outdoor ambient conditions as low as
-22°F (-30°C), provided proper load calculation, application, installation and maintenance measures are observed. When installing Carrier
Ductless Systems in extreme outdoor conditions where snow and ice buildup may be an issue, it is important that the installing
contractor or dealer survey the jobsite to ensure the outdoor unit is installed properly and precautions are taken to keep the unit
operating within the tested ratings and conditions. In extreme conditions, defrost issues may occur and extra care must be taken to
allow the system to operate and defrost properly to provide optimal comfort and meet the demands of the conditioned space.
1. Proper System Sizing 3. Proper Charge (1m) of clearance in front of the outdoor unit
Ensure the system is sized properly based on the Pressure test the line set with dry nitrogen and must be maintained at all times.
Heating Load calculation. Oversizing the system triple-evacuate with the vacuum pump per the
may cause short run times. Frequent heating manufacturer’s instructions. The refrigerant 7. Outdoor Unit Installation
cycles lasting less then 10 minutes may lead to charge is adjusted ONLY IF NECESSARY. Do not p la c e mu ltip le units a t l ess th an
incomplete defrost cycles or extended periods Many installations do not require adjustments manufacturer allowed clearances. Do not place
between defrost cycles. from pre-charge levels with a standard line set. multiple units above each other, or with the
Improperly charged systems can lead to outdoor fan outlet flow pointing directly at
2. Use of a Ductless System where issues with the system such as: a noth er u ni t, e xcept wh en expl ici tly
additional heating sources 1. Poor heating and or cooling performance recommended by the manufacturer.
(Auxiliary Heater) are in the space 2. Incomplete defrost cycles or lack of defrost
NOTE: Pay attention to the prevailing
For optimal performance, including proper winds when selecting the outdoor unit
3. Condensation leaks
defrost cycle operation, allow the properly sized location.
4. Compressor operation reduction due to
Carrier Ductless Heat Pump to run as the sole overheating.
heating source, reducing the operation of the 8. Protection of the T4 or outdoor sensor
additional heating sources to a minimum or if NOTE: Follow the manufacturer’s
Position the unit to allow for free airflow. Review the
possible turned off. Adjust all the additional instructions for the minimum and maximum
service manual for guidance on proper clearance
heating sources (Auxiliary Heater) in the same line set length and height change.
from obstructions including walls, overhangs,
and/or other areas of the house to allow the 4. Minimum Line Set Length protrusions and other features. The outdoor unit
Ductless System to carry the majority of the load should be installed as close as possible to the wall
Line set separation shorter than 10ft (3m) may
at all times. Since heat rises and the high wall to meet factory clearances of 6in (15.2cm) to avoid
cause early defrost termination and clog the
ductless unit is installed in the upper part of the snow and ice buildup on the rear of the coil thus
outdoor coil. A clogged coil may emit noise
wall, migration of heat to the space where the affecting the T4 sensor function. For more
during the unit operation due to refrigerant
ductless system is installed from other sources information, consult your Ductless Representative.
flowing through the system.
could cause conflict between the two heating
sources, which may prevent the ductless unit 5. Insulation • Ice accumulation on the outdoor coil during
from meeting the required minimum run time of Insulate the entire line set length (both pipes heating mode is a normal occurrence for a heat
10 minutes to properly begin the full defrost separat ely and complet ely) to avoid pump system. Only excess accumulations,
cycle of the outdoor coil. condensation and energy loss. Once insulated, which impede heating operation or buildup
protect the outdoor portion of the line set with a where frost can touch the fan blade, should be
W hen usi ng add it ional heat ing s ources rigid cover to avoid insulation damage. considered faulty defrost operation.
(auxiliary heater) within the space, adjust the • It is possible for frost to accumulate and not
temperature offset, especially for the High 6. Snow and Ice Buildup completely defrost in some extreme weather
Wall indoor units. Adjust sensing offset Ensure adequate clearance above the historical events. Manual defrosting may be necessary
settings to at least 4°F (2.2°C) to take into average maximum snow depth of the installation in this condition to allow the system to recover
account situations where air distribution to the location. Installation instructions call for the from such events.
space may be compromised by overheating outdoor unit to be installed 2in (5cm) above the
the space with the additional heating sources prevailing snow fall rate. Take precautions to Manual Defrost can be achieved following
(auxiliary heater) and reducing the run time avoid excess snow and ice buildup due to wind these steps (not available with the 24 Volt
cycle of the Ductless System leading to and/or extreme snow and ice conditions. interface):
incomplete defrost cycles. This may require Remove ice and snow buildup more than 3in 1. Press the Auto/Cool button twice on the
fur ther a dj us tment ba sed on occ up ant (7.6cm) from the top of the outdoor unit. In indoor unit to start the Force Cooling
feedback. climates with significant snowfall, snow remains mode (FC appears on the indoor panel
for long periods of time creating buildup. Raise display).
the outdoor unit per the installation instructions. 2. Press the Auto/Cool button continuously
A field provided stand must be used and it must for 5 seconds under the Forced Cooling
be high enough to allow for snow drifts and 3ft mode. The indoor fan stops and “dF”
appears on the indoor panel display.
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2019 Carrier Corporation - 3300 Riverwood Parkway Atlanta GA, 30339 12/19 CCG-DLS-CAR-01