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B&G Series U Heat Exchangers

Removable Bundle Design
Single Wall, DaimonbackTM Double Wall and Hi-Temperature Units




STORAGE may require special techniques for touch-up or repair.
Obtain specific information from the paint manufacturer.
NOTE: If the heat exchanger cannot be installed and put into Painted steel units should never be permitted to rust or
operation immediately upon receipt at the jobsite, certain pre- deteriorate to a point where their strength will be impaired.
cautions are necessary to prevent deterioration during stor- A light surface rust, on steel units which can be repainted
age. Responsibility for integrity of the heat exchangers must after installation, will not generally cause any harm. (See
be assumed by the user. Bell & Gossett will not be Items 3 and 4 for internal surface preservation.)
responsible for damage, corrosion or other deterioration of
heat exchanger equipment during transit and storage. 10. If the internal preservation (Items 3 and 4) appears inade-
quate during storage, consider additional corrosion pre-
Good storage practices are important, considering the high vention measures and more frequent inspections. Interiors
costs of repair or replacement, and the possible delays for coated with rust preventive should be restored to good
items which require long lead times for manufacture. The fol- condition and recoated promptly if signs of rust occur.
lowing suggested practices are provided solely as a conve-
nience to the user, who shall make his own decision on
whether to use all or any of them. INSTALLATION
11. On receipt of the heat exchanger, inspect for shipping 11. Provide sufficient clearance at the head of the unit to per-
damage to all protective covers. If damage is evident, mit removal of tube bundle from shell.
inspect for possible contamination and replace protective
covers as required. If damage is extensive, notify the car- 12. Provide valves and by-passes in the piping so that both
rier immediately. the shell and tube bundle may be by-passed to permit iso-
lation of the unit for inspection or repairs.
12. If the heat exchanger is not to be placed in immediate ser-
vice, take precautions to prevent rusting or contamination. 13. Provide thermometer wells and pressure gauge connec-
tions in all piping to and from the unit and located as near
13. Heat exchangers for oil service, made of ferrous materials, the unit as possible.
may be pressure tested with oil at the factory. However,
the residual oil coating on the inside surfaces of the 14. Provide convenient means for frequently cleaning the unit
exchanger does not preclude the possibility of rust forma- as suggested under “MAINTENANCE.”
tion. Upon receipt, fill these exchangers with appropriate 15. Provide necessary air cocks for units so they can be
oil or coat them with a corrosion prevention compound for purged to prevent or relieve vapor binding of either the
storage. tube bundle or the shell.
14. The choice of preservation of interior surfaces during stor- 16. Foundations must be adequate so that exchangers will not
age for other service applications depends upon your sys- settle and cause piping strains. Foundation bolts should
tem requirements and economics. Only when included in be set to allow for setting inaccuracies. In concrete foot-
the original purchase order specifications will specific ings, pipe sleeves at least one size larger than bolt diame-
preservation be incorporated prior to shipment from the ter slipped over the bolt and cast in place are best for this
factory. purpose, as they allow the bolt center to be adjusted after
15. Remove any accumulations of dirt, water, ice or snow and the foundation has set.
wipe dry before moving exchangers into indoor storage. If
unit was not filled with oil or other preservative, open drain
plugs to remove any accumulated moisture, then reseal. WARNING: All system piping to the heat ex-
Accumulation of moisture usually indicates rusting has changer must be adequately supported. Failure to
already started and remedial action should be taken. do so will result in excessive loads on the heat exchanger
connections causing damage and/or leakage and poten-
16. Store under cover in a heated area, if possible. The ideal tial injury to adjacent personnel.
storage environment for heat exchangers and accessories
is indoors, above grade, in a dry, low humidity atmos-
phere which is sealed to prevent entry of blowing dust,
rain or snow. Maintain temperatures between 70°F and
105°F (wide temperature swings may cause condensation WARNING: When installing a Diamondback™
and “sweating” of steel parts). Cover windows to prevent heat exchanger above a ceiling or workststion where
temperature variations caused by sunlight. Provide ther- personnel are present, it may be necessary to install a
mometers and humidity indicators at several points, and drip pan to collect any tell-tale drip due to internal tube
maintain atmosphere at 40% relative humidity or lower. failure. Failure to do so may result in damage to the
ceiling and potential injury to personnel.
17. In tropical climates, it may be necessary to use trays of
renewable dessicant (such as silica gel), or portable dehu-
midifiers, to remove moisture from the air in the storage 17. Loosen foundation bolts at one end of unit to allow free
enclosure. Thermostatically controlled portable heaters expansion of shells. Oval holes in foundation brackets are
(vented to outdoors) may be required to maintain even air provided for this purpose.
temperatures inside the enclosure.
18. Inspect heat exchangers and accessories frequently while
they are in storage. CAUTION: Provision must be made to isolate the
heat exchanger from any external vibrations that
19. If paint deterioration begins, as evidenced by discol- cause tube failures within the heat exchanger. Result is
oration or light rusting, consider touch-up or repainting. If internal leakage and mixing of the hot and cold media.
the unit is painted with our standard shop enamel, areas
of light rust may be wire brushed and touched-up with any
good quality air-drying synthetic enamel. Units painted
with special paints (when specified on customers’ orders)
18. Set exchangers level and square so that pipe connections 12. Start operation gradually. Do not admit hot fluid to the unit
may be made without forcing. suddenly when empty or cold. Do not shock unit with cold
fluid when unit is hot.

CAUTION: Fluids must be gradually introduced to

the unit. Failure to do so can cause damage to the
heat exchanger.

13. Do not operate equipment under conditions in excess of

those specified on nameplate.
CAUTION: It is up to the installer to provide
adequate support for tank heater units (2) two feet or WARNING: Failure to operate the heat exchanger
longer when installing them in a tank. Failure to provide within the design pressure and temperature on the
adequate support may result in premature tube failure nameplate may result in damage to the heat exchanger
and/or failure of the tube/tubesheet mechanical roll joint. and potential injury to adjacent personnel.

19. Inspect all openings in exchanger for foreign material.

Remove all wooden plugs and shipping pads just before CAUTION: Fluid and/or steam velocities in excess
installing. Do not expose units to the elements with pads of design operating conditions on either the shell or
or other covers removed from nozzles or other openings tube side of the heat exchanger can cause damaging
since rain water may enter the unit and cause severe dam- tube erosion and/or vibrations. Result is internal leakage
age due to freezing. and mixing of the hot and cold media. Proper setting of
system controls is required.
10. Be sure the entire system is clean before starting operation
to prevent plugging of tubes with sand or refuse. The use
of strainers in settling tanks in pipe lines leading to the unit 14. In all installations, there should be no pulsation of fluids
is recommended. since this causes vibration and strain with resulting leaks.
11. Drain connections should not be piped to a common 15. Retighten bolting on all gasketed joints after the heat
closed manifold. exchanger has reached operation temperatures to prevent
12. Steam hammer can cause serious damage to the tubes leaks and gasket failures. Retightening should be done
of any heat exchanger. A careful consideration of the fol- uniformally and in a diametrically staggered pattern as
lowing points before an installation is made can prevent illustrated in “MAINTENANCE”.
costly repairs which may be caused by steam hammer. 16. On high pressure and high temperature applications where
a. A vacuum breaker and/or vent, should be used in an “HTWU/DHTWU” heat exchanger is used or any appli-
accordance with the type of steam system installed. cation where spiral wound gaskets are required, it is rec-
ommended that the gasketed joints of the heat exchanger
b. The proper trap for the steam system installed should be retightened to the required torque (see “MAINTE-
be used. NANCE”) after 24 hours at operating pressures and tem-
c. The trap and condensate return line to the trap should peratures to compensate for any relaxation or creep that
be properly sized for the total capacity of the convertor. may have occurred.
d. The trap should be sized for the pressure at the trap, 17. In shutting down, flow of hot medium should be shut off
not the inlet pressure to the steam controller. first. If it is necessary to stop circulation of cooling medium
the circulation of hot medium should also be stopped by
e. Condensate should be piped and pitched to a conden- by-passing or otherwise.
sate receiver, condensate return pump or drain at an
elevation below the heat exchanger. 18. Drain all fluids when shutting down to eliminate the possi-
bility of freezing and corrosion. To guard against water
hammer, condensate should be drained from steam
CAUTION: During times of shutdown, volumetric heaters and similar apparatus both when starting up and
expansion can occur. We recommend the installa- when shutting down.
tion of a properly sized relief valve on both sides of the 19. Heat exchangers that are out of service for extended
the heat exchanger. Failure to do so can cause damage periods of time should be protected against corrosion as
to the heat exchanger. described in the storage requirements for new heat
OPERATION Heat exchangers that are out of service for short periods
and use water as the flowing medium should be thoroughly
11. When placing a unit in operation, open the vent connec- drained and blown dry with warm air, if possible. If this is
tions and start to circulate the cold medium only. Be sure not practical, the water should be circulated through the
that the passages in the exchanger are entirely filled with heat exchanger on a daily basis to prevent stagnant water
cold fluids before closing the vents. The hot medium conditions that can ultimately cause corrosion.
should then be introduced gradually until all passages are
filled with liquid, close vents and slowly bring the unit up to

MAINTENANCE a. Following the procedures previously mentioned for
front head removal, remove the head and replace it with
11. Do not open heads until all pressure is off equipment, the a companion flange that mates with the shell body
unit drained of all fluids, and the equipment surfaces flange. Replace the nuts and bolts/studs.
cooled to ambient temperature.
b. Pressurize the shellside of the heat exchanger with a
12. Do not blow out heat exchangers with air when operating cold fluid, preferably water.
fluids are of a flammable or otherwise hazardous nature.
c. Observe all tube joints and tube ends for indication of
test fluid leakage.
WARNING: Proper precautions must be taken d. To tighten a leaking tube joint, use a suitable parallel
(special clothing, equipment, etc.) to protect per- roller tube expander.
sonnel from injury due to escaping fluids or hot heat
exchanger surfaces.1
CAUTION: When tightening leaking tube joints:
1. Do not roll tubes beyond the back face of the tubesheet.
13. Provide convenient means for frequently cleaning heat Maximum rolling depth should be the tubesheet thickness
exchangers as suggested below: minus 1/8".
a. Circulating hot wash oil or light distillate through tubes 2. Do not re-roll tubes that are not leaking since this will
or shell at good velocity will effectually remove sludge thin the tube wall.
or other similar soft deposits.
The result of either of the above conditions can lead to
b. Soft salt deposits may be washed out by circulating failure of the tube and a leaking bundle.
hot fresh water.
c. Some cleaning compounds on the market, such as
“Oakite” may be used to advantage for removing e. If an emergency repair of a tube is required, use suit-
sludge or coke, provided hot wash oil or water, as able tube plugs to seal off both ends of the U-bend
described above, does not give satisfactory results. tube. Some loss of performance will result until a new
replacement tube bundle is obtained. Consult your local
d. If the above methods are ineffective for removal of hard ITT Bell & Gossett Representative for proper replace-
scale, a mechanical means may be used. ment of the bundle.

WARNING: Care must be exercised when handling CAUTION: Field repair of Diamondback™ double
certain fluids. Follow manufacturers instructions. wall heat exchangers is not recommended. Re-
Use eye and skin protection. Wear a respirator when rolling of the tube joints may result in the closing of the
required. leak detector flow paths between the two tube walls pre-
venting the heat exchanger from providing a positive
14. Do not attempt to clean tubes by blowing steam through indication of potential cross contamination.
individual tubes. This overheats the tube and results in
tube expansion strains and sometimes leaking tubes.
8. Tube bundle removal:
15. Frequently and at regular intervals, observe interior and
exterior condition of all tubes and keep them clean. Fre- a. During bundle removal, the dead weight of bundle
quency of cleaning should be according to scale build-up. should never be supported on individual tubes. Rest the
bundle on the tube sheet, support plates, or wood
blocks cut to fit periphery of the bundle.
CAUTION: Neglect in keeping all tubes clean may b. Tube bundles may be raised using slings formed by
result in complete stoppage of flow through some bending light plates into a “U” form and attaching lifting
tubes with consequent overheating of these tubes, result- lugs to the ends of the sheets. Baffles can be easily
ing in severe expansion strains, leaking tube joints, and bent and damaged if dragged over rough surfaces.
damage to the heat exchanger.

16. Exchangers subject to fouling or scaling should be

cleaned periodically. A light sludge or scale coating on the
tube greatly reduces it effectiveness. A marked increase in
pressure drop and/or reduction in performance usually
indicates cleaning is necessary, if the unit has been
checked for air or vapor binding and this has been found
not to be the cause. Since the difficulty of cleaning
increases rapidly as the scale thickens or deposits
increase, the interval between cleanings should not be
CAUTION: When cleaning a tube bundle, tubes
17. At times, it may be necessary to locate a ruptured tube or should not be hammered on with any metallic tool
a leaking joint between the tubes and the tubesheet of a and, in case it is necessary to use scrapers, care should
single wall heat exchanger. The following procedure is be exercised that the scraper is not sharp enough to cut
recommended. the metal of the tubes.

19. Before reinserting the tube bundle into the shell or collar
of a tank, place the ring/tank gasket over the end of the WARNING: It is extremely important to follow a
tube bundle and bring forward to the backside of the proper tightening sequence. If it is not followed, the
tubesheet. flanges can become cocked and a leak will result. When
tightening flanges with spiral wound gaskets, if cocking
TUBE BUNDLE occurs, the result can be deformation and non-repairable
FRONT (PARTIALLY REMOVED) damage to the gaskets in addition to a resultant leak.
HEAD Any gasket leak can result in potential injury to adjacent

Bolt Torque Torque Max.
Dia. ft-lbs Increment Torque
/2" 40 5 60
/8" 80 5 120


10. The tube bundle can be replaced using the tools and
reverse procedure given for bundle removal. Bolt/Stud Torque Torque Max.
11. When installing a Diamondback™ double-wall tube bun- Dia. ft-lbs Increment Torque
dle, make sure the leak path drain hole in the spacer ring
/2" 140 15 1160
/8" 180 15 1120
between the two tubesheets is in the lowest position of 3
/4" 120 15 1200
the tubesheet circle. 7
/8" 200 10 1320
1" 300 10 1490
SPACER RING 11/8" 450 10 1710
SHELLSIDE 11/4" 600 10 1000
CL TUBE Tightening tip: It is essential that the installer follows the
gasket manufacturer’s installation guidelines when
MECHANICALLY installing gaskets. Metallic gaskets, such as the spiral
ROLLED wound gaskets, usually have special installation instruc-
tions. One of these instructions includes a special proce-
dure for tightening bolts/studs when installing new gas-
kets. The procedure recommends that the bolts/studs be
DOUBLE-WALL TUBE JOINT torqued in four stages.
a. Following the staggered tightening pattern, the bolts/
12. When replacing the heads, use a torque wrench to tighten studs should be torqued to 1/3 of the recommended
the bolts/studs and nuts. Use the following chart as tightening torque.
a guide. All torque values apply to well lubricated nut b. Same as a, the bolts/studs should be torqued to 2/3 of
bearing surfaces. the recommended tightening torque.
All bolted joints should be tightened uniformally and in a c. Same as a, the bolts/studs should be torqued to the
diametrically staggered pattern as illustrated below: recommmended torque valve shown in the above chart.
d. Following the staggered tightening pattern the bolts/
studs torques should be checked for equilibrium since
1 16 the tightening of one bolt/stud can relieve the stress on
adjacent bolts/studs.
6 11
If after following the gasket manufacturer’s recommended
tightening procedure a leak still occurs, the bolts/studs
9 8 should be tightened in the torque increments shown until
the leak stops. The staggered tightening pattern is still
14 3
NOTE: When using spiral wound gaskets, both the head
and the shell/tank gaskets must be spiral wound. You can-
not mix one spiral wound and one compressed fiber gas-
4 13 ket on a heat exchanger.
13. Refer to “OPERATION” steps 5 and 6 regarding bolt re-
tightening after start-up.
7 10
14. Where frequent disassembly of the heat exchanger is
encountered, the use of new bolting in conformance with
12 5 dimension and ASTM specifications of the original design
is recommended.
15 2


FIGURE 1 — Typical installation of a “SU/DSU” Heat Exchanger when used as a Convertor

FIGURE 2 — Typical installation of a “SU/DSU” Heat Exchanger when used as an Instantaneous Heater

FIGURE 3 — Typical installation of a “SU/DSU” Heat Exchanger when used with a storage tank

For proper sizing of Airtrol System consult B&G Representative

FIGURE 4 — Typical installation of a “WU/DWU” Heat Exchanger when used as a Convertor

NOTE: All valves, pumps, tanks, vents, etc. shown as part of a “TYPICAL INSTALLATION”, are supplied by others.
Contact your Bell & Gossett Representative for these items.

When the “WU/DWU” is installed on a hot water boiler as shown, a B&G Flo-Control Valve
prevents gravity circulation of boiler water when Booster is not running.

When installed on a steam boiler, note that boiler water is pumped into the “WU/DWU” Heater from the bottom of the boiler.

FIGURE 5 — Typical installation of a “WU/DWU” Heat Exchanger when used as an Instantaneous Heater

Heating with Steam

FIGURE 6 — Typical installation of a “TCS/DTCS” Tank Heater

Heating with Boiler Water

FIGURE 7 — Typical installation of a “TCS/DTCS” Tank Heater

NOTE: All valves, pumps, tanks, vents, etc. shown as part of a “TYPICAL INSTALLATION”, are supplied by others.
Contact yourÊBell & Gossett Representative for these items.
Xylem Inc.
175 Standard Parkway
Cheekowaga, NY 14227
Phone: (800) 281-4111
Fax: (716) 897-1777
Bell & Gossett is a trademark of Xylem Inc. or one of its subsidiaries.
© 2014 Xylem Inc. HT-50B-SM June 1997

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