Firepower Release Notes 700
Firepower Release Notes 700
Firepower Release Notes 700
First Published: 2021-05-26
Last Modified: 2021-05-26
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CHAPTER 2 Compatibility 3
Firepower Management Centers 3
Firepower Devices 4
Manager-Device Compatibility 6
Minimum Version to Upgrade 7
Web Browser Compatibility 8
Screen Resolution Requirements 9
Upgrade Checklist 31
CHAPTER 7 Documentation 71
New and Updated Documentation 71
Documentation Roadmaps 73
Release Dates
For a list of all platforms available with this version, see Compatibility, on page 3.
We recommend you keep the BIOS and RAID controller firmware up to date. For more information, see the
Cisco Firepower Compatibility Guide.
For supported FMCv instances, see the Cisco Firepower Management Center Virtual Getting Started Guide.
Firepower Devices
Cisco Firepower devices monitor network traffic and decide whether to allow or block specific traffic based
on a defined set of security rules. Some Firepower devices run Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) software;
some run NGIPS/ASA FirePOWER software. Some can run either—but not both at the same time.
Note These tables list supported devices for this release. Even if an older device has reached EOL and you can no
longer upgrade, you can still manage that device with a newer FMC, up to a few versions ahead. Similarly,
newer versions of ASDM can manage older ASA FirePOWER modules. For supported management methods,
including backwards compatibility, see Manager-Device Compatibility, on page 6.
ASA 5508-X, 5516-X Although you do not separately upgrade the OS on these devices in FTD
deployments, you should make sure you have the latest ROMMON
ISA 3000
image. See the instructions in the Cisco ASA and Firepower Threat
Defense Reimage Guide.
This release supports the following Firepower Threat Defense Virtual implementations. For supported instances,
throughputs, and other hosting requirements, see the appropriate Getting Started Guide.
This release supports the following NGIPS/ASA FirePOWER platforms.
Manager-Device Compatibility
Firepower Management Center
All Firepower devices support remote management with a Firepower Management Center (FMC), which can
manage multiple devices. The FMC must run the same or newer version as its managed devices. You cannot
upgrade a device past the FMC. Even for maintenance (third-digit) releases, you must upgrade the FMC first.
A newer FMC can manage older devices up to a few major versions back, as listed in the following table.
However, we recommend you always update your entire deployment. New features and resolved issues often
require the latest release on both the FMC and its managed devices.
6.5.0 6.2.3
6.4.0 6.1.0
6.3.0 6.1.0
6.2.3 6.1.0
All FTD devices support CDO concurrently with FDM local management. Because FDM is built into FTD,
and because CDO is a cloud-based product, there is no concept of manager-device compatibility in this type
of deployment.
6.5.0 7.13.1
6.4.0 7.12.1
6.3.0 7.10.1
6.2.3 7.9.2
If you encounter issues with any other browser, or are running an operating system that has reached end of
life, we ask that you switch or upgrade. If you continue to encounter issues, contact Cisco TAC.
Note We do not perform extensive testing with Apple Safari, nor do we extensively test Microsoft Edge with FMC
walkthroughs. However, Cisco TAC welcomes feedback on issues you encounter.
Securing Communications
When you first log in to a Firepower web interface, the system uses a self-signed digital certificate to secure
web communications. Your browser should display an untrusted authority warning, but also should allow you
to add the certificate to the trust store. Although this will allow you to continue to the Firepower web interface,
we do recommend that you replace the self-signed certificate with a certificate signed by a globally known
or internally trusted certificate authority (CA).
To begin replacing the self-signed certificate:
• FMC: Select System > Configuration, then click HTTPS Certificates.
• FDM: Click Device, then the System Settings > Management Access link, then the Management Web
Server tab.
For detailed procedures, see the online help or the configuration guide for your Firepower product.
Interface Resolution
Firepower Management Center 1280 x 720
Note These release notes list the new and deprecated features in this version, including any upgrade impact. If your
upgrade skips versions, see Cisco Firepower Management Center New Features by Release and Cisco Firepower
Device Manager New Features by Release for historical feature information and upgrade impact.
Feature Description
VMware vSphere/VMware ESXi You can now deploy FMCv, FTDv, and NGIPSv virtual appliances on
7.0 support VMware vSphere/VMware ESXi 7.0.
Feature Description
FTDv performance tiered licensing The FTDv now supports performance-tiered Smart Licensing based on
throughput requirements and RA VPN session limits. When the FTDv
is licensed with one of the available performance licenses, two things
occur. First, a rate limiter is installed that limits the device throughput
to a specified level. Second, the number of VPN sessions is capped to
the level specified by the license.
Feature Description
FTD CLI show cluster history New keywords allow you to customize the output of the show cluster
improvements history command.
New/modified commands: show cluster history [brief] [latest]
[reverse] [time]
FTD CLI command to permanently You can now use the FTD CLI to permanently remove a unit from the
leave a cluster cluster, converting its configuration to a standalone device.
New/modified commands: cluster reset-interface-mode
Feature Description
New Section 0 for system-defined We added a new Section 0 to the NAT show cluster history rule table.
NAT rules.
This section is exclusively for the use of the system. Any NAT rules
that the system needs for normal functioning are added to this section,
and these rules take priority over any rules you create. Previously,
system-defined rules were added to Section 1, and user-defined rules
could interfere with proper system functioning.
You cannot add, edit, or delete Section 0 rules, but you will see them
in show nat detail command output.
Supported platforms: Firepower Threat Defense
Feature Description
Virtual router support for the ISA You can now configure up to 10 virtual routers on an ISA 3000 device.
Supported platforms: ISA 3000
Feature Description
Backup virtual tunnel interfaces When you configure a site-to-site VPN that uses virtual tunnel interfaces,
(VTI) for route-based site-to-site you can select a backup VTI for the tunnel.
Specifying a backup VTI provides resiliency, so that if the primary
connection goes down, the backup connection might still be functional.
For example, you could point the primary VTI to the endpoint of one
service provider, and the backup VTI to the endpoint of a different
service provider.
New/modified pages: We added the ability to add a backup VTI to the
site-to-site VPN wizard when you select Route-Based as the VPN type
for a point-to-point connection.
Supported platforms: Firepower Threat Defense
Feature Description
Snort 3 for Firepower Threat For new Version 7.0.0+ Firepower Threat Defense deployments, Snort
Defense 3 is the default inspection engine. Upgraded deployments continue to
use Snort 2, but you can switch at any time.
A Version 7.0.0+ Firepower Management Center can manage a
deployment with both Snort 2 and Snort 3 devices. The system
automatically applies the correct policies to each device.
A Snort 3 intrusion rule update is called an LSP (Lightweight Security
Package) rather than an SRU. The system still uses SRUs for Snort 2;
downloads from Cisco contain both the latest LSP and SRU. The system
automatically uses the appropriate rule set for your configurations.
Important Before you switch, we strongly recommend you read and
understand the Firepower Management Center Snort 3
Configuration Guide.
Pay special attention to feature limitations and migration
instructions. Although upgrading to Snort 3 is designed for
minimal impact, features do not map exactly. Careful planning
and preparation can help you make sure that traffic handled
as expected.
Feature Description
Dynamic objects You can now configure dynamic objects and use them in access control
A dynamic object represents a container for IP addresses/subnets that
you can use much like a network object. However, you update the
dynamic object IP address mappings using the Firepower Management
Center REST API—not the FMC web interface.
When you use dynamic objects in access control, changes to mappings
take effect immediately, without having to deploy. This allows you
flexibility in dynamic virtual/cloud and other similar environments.
Note that dynamic objects support CIDR notation, but do not support
fully-qualified domain names or address ranges.
New/modified pages:
• To create a dynamic object, use Objects > Object Management
> External Attributes > Dynamic Objects.
• To use a dynamic object, use the new Dynamic Attributes tab in
the access control rule editor.
Cross-domain trust for Active You can now configure user identity rules with users from Microsoft
Directory domains Active Directory forests (groupings of AD domains that trust each other).
New/modified pages:
• You now configure a realm and directories at the same time.
• A new Sync Results page (System > Integration > Realms > Sync
Results) displays any errors related to downloading users and
groups in a cross-domain trust relationship.
DNS filtering DNS filtering, which was introduced as a Beta feature in Version 6.7.0,
is now fully supported and is enabled by default in new access control
Supported Platforms: All
Feature Description
Unified event viewer View and work in a single table with multiple event types: connection
(including Security Intelligence), intrusion, file, and malware.
New/modified pages: Analysis > Unified Events.
Supported platforms: Firepower Management Center
Feature Description
Port and protocol displayed In file and malware event tables, the port field now displays the protocol,
together in file and malware event and you can search port fields for protocol. For events that existed before
tables upgrade, if the protocol is not known, the system uses "tcp."
New/modified pages:
• Analysis > Files > Malware Events
• Analysis > Files > File Events
Feature Description
Improved upgrade performance and Firepower Threat Defense upgrades are now easier faster, more reliable,
status reporting and take up less disk space. A new Upgrades tab in the Message Center
provides further enhancements to upgrade status and error reporting.
Supported platforms: Firepower Threat Defense
Feature Description
Easy-to-follow upgrade workflow A new device upgrade page (Devices > Upgrade) on the Version 7.0.0
Firepower Management Center provides an easy-to-follow workflow
for upgrading Version 6.4.0+ Firepower Threat Defense devices.
The system walks you through important pre-upgrade stages, including:
• Selecting devices to upgrade.
• Copying the upgrade package to the devices.
• Compatibility and readiness checks.
As you proceed with the upgrade workflow, the system displays basic
information about your selected devices, as well as the current
upgrade-related status. This includes any reasons why you cannot
upgrade. If a device does not "pass" a stage in the workflow, it does not
appear in the next stage.
If you navigate away from workflow, your progress is preserved,
although other users with Administrator access can reset, modify, or
continue the workflow.
Note In Version 7.0.0/7.0.x, the Device Upgrade page does not
correctly display devices in clusters or high availability pairs.
Even though you must select and upgrade these devices as a
unit, the workflow displays them as standalone devices.
Device status and upgrade readiness are evaluated and
reported on an individual basis. This means it is possible for
one unit to appear to "pass" to the next stage while the other
unit or units do not. However, these devices are still grouped.
Running a readiness check on one, runs it on all. Starting the
upgrade on one, starts it on all.
To avoid possible time-consuming upgrade failures, manually
ensure all group members are ready to move on to the next
step of the workflow before you click Next.
Feature Description
Upgrade more devices at once The Firepower Threat Defense upgrade workflow lifts the following
• Simultaneous device upgrades.
The number of devices you can upgrade at once is now limited by
your management network bandwidth—not the system's ability to
manage simultaneous upgrades. Previously, we recommended
against upgrading more than five devices at a time.
Important Only upgrades to FTD Version 6.7.0+ see this
improvement. If you are upgrading devices to an older
FTD release—even if you are using the new upgrade
workflow—we still recommend you limit to five devices
at a time.
Feature Description
Zero-touch restore for the ISA 3000 When you perform a local backup, the backup file is copied to the SD
using the SD card card if present. To restore the configuration on a replacement device,
simply install the SD card in the new device, and depress the Reset
button for 3 to 15 seconds during the device bootup.
Supported platforms: ISA 3000
Feature Description
Feature Description
New default password for AWS The default password for the admin account is now the AWS Instance
deployments ID, unless you define a default password with user data (Advanced
Details > User Data) during the initial deployment.
Previously, the default admin password was Admin123.
Supported platforms: FMCv for AWS, FTDv for AWS
Feature Description
Search for policies and objects You can now search for certain policies by name, and for certain objects
by name and configured value. This feature is not available with the
Classic theme.
New/modified pages: We added capabilities to the Search icon and field
on the FMC menu bar, to the left of the Deploy menu.
Platform: Firepower Management Center
We added the following Firepower Management Center REST API services/operations to support new and
existing features. For more information, see the Firepower Management Center REST API Quick Start Guide,
Version 7.0.
Table 20: Firepower Management Center REST API: New Services and Operations
Service Operations
Service Operations
Service Operations
RSA certficates with Prevents Version 7.0.0 removes support for RSA certficates with keys
keys smaller than post-upgrade VPN smaller than 2048 bits, or that use SHA-1 in their signature
2048 bits, or that use connections through algorithm.
SHA-1 in their FTD devices.
Before you upgrade, use the object manager to update your PKI
signature algorithm
certficate enrollments with stronger options: Objects > PKI >
Cert Enrollment. Otherwise, although the upgrade preserves
your current settings, VPN connections through the device will
To continue managing older FTD devices only (Version
6.4.0–6.7.x) with these weaker options, select the new Enable
Weak-Crypto option for each device on the Devices >
Certificates page.
MD5 authentication Prevents Version 7.0.0 removes support for the MD5 authentication
algorithm and DES post-upgrade deploy. algorithm and DES encryption for SNMPv3 users on FTD
encryption for devices.
SNMPv3 users
Upgrading FTD to Version 7.0.0 deletes these users from the
device, regardless of the configurations on the FMC. If you are
still using these options in your platform settings policy, change
and verify your configurations before you upgrade FTD.
These options are in the Auth Algorithm Type and Encryption
Type drop-downs when creating or editing an SNMPv3 user in
a Threat Defense platform settings policy: Devices > Platform
Port 32137 comms Prevents FMC Version 7.0.0 deprecates the FMC option to use port 32137 to
with AMP clouds upgrade. obtain file disposition data from public and private AMP clouds.
Unless you configure a proxy, the FMC now uses port
Before you upgrade, disable the Use Legacy Port 32137 for
AMP for Networks option on the System > Integration >
Cloud Services page. Do not proceed with upgrade until your
AMP for Networks deployment is working as expected.
HA Status health None. Version 7.0.0 renames the HA Status health module. It is now
module the FMC HA Status health module. This is to distinguish it from
the new FTD HA Status module.
VMware 6.0 hosting Upgrade the hosting Version 7.0.0 discontinues support for virtual deployments on
environment before VMware vSphere/VMware ESXi 6.0.
you upgrade the
This includes FMCv, FTDv, and NGIPSv for VMware.
Firepower software.
Platform Features
Virtual router support for the ISA 3000. You can configure up to 10 virtual routers on an ISA 3000 device.
New default password for the FTDv on On AWS, the default admin password for the FTDv is the AWS Instance ID, unless
AWS. you define a default password with user data (Advanced Details > User Data) during
the initial deployment.
New Section 0 for system-defined NAT A new Section 0 has been added to the NAT rule table. This section is exclusively for
rules. the use of the system. Any NAT rules that the system needs for normal functioning are
added to this section, and these rules take priority over any rules you create. Previously,
system-defined rules were added to Section 1, and user-defined rules could interfere
with proper system functioning. You cannot add, edit, or delete Section 0 rules, but you
will see them in show nat detail command output.
Custom intrusion rules for Snort 3. You can use offline tools to create custom intrusion rules for use with Snort 3, and
upload them into an intrusion policy. You can organize custom rules in your own custom
rule groups, to make it easy to update them as needed. You can also create the rules
directly in FDM, but the rules have the same format as uploaded rules. FDM does not
guide you in creating the rules. You can duplicate existing rules, including system-defined
rules, as a basis for a new intrusion rule.
We added support for custom groups and rules to the Policies > Intrusion page, when
you edit an intrusion policy.
Snort 3 new features for FDM-managed You can now configure the following additional features when using Snort 3 as the
systems. inspection engine on an FDM-managed system:
• Time-based access control rules. (FTD API only.)
• Multiple virtual routers.
• The decryption of TLS 1.1 or lower connections using the SSL Decryption policy.
• The decryption of the following protocols using the SSL Decryption policy: FTPS,
Feature Description
DNS request filtering based on URL You can apply your URL filtering category and reputation rules to DNS lookup requests.
category and reputation. If the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) in the lookup request has a category and
reputation that you are blocking, the system blocks the DNS reply. Because the user
does not receive a DNS resolution, the user cannot complete the connection. Use this
option to apply URL category and reputation filtering to non-web traffic. You must
have the URL filtering license to use this feature.
We added the Reputation Enforcement on DNS Traffic option to the access control
policy settings.
VPN Features
FDM SSL cipher settings for remote access You can define the TLS versions and encryption ciphers to use for remote access VPN
VPN. connections in FDM. Previously, you needed to use the FTD API to configure SSL
We added the following pages: Objects > SSL Ciphers; Device > System Settings >
SSL Settings.
Support for Diffie-Hellman group 31. You can now use Diffie-Hellman (DH) group 31 in IKEv2 proposals and policies.
The maximum number of Virtual Tunnel The maximum number of Virtual Tunnel Interfaces (VTI) that you can create is 1024.
Interfaces on the device is 1024. In previous versions, the maximum was 100 per source interface.
IPsec lifetime settings for site-to-site VPN You can change the default settings for how long a security association is maintained
security associations. before it must be re-negotiated.
We added the Lifetime Duration and Lifetime Size options to the site-to-site VPN
Routing Features
Equal-Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) routing. You can configure ECMP traffic zones to contain multiple interfaces, which lets traffic
from an existing connection exit or enter the FTD device on any interface within the
zone. This capability allows Equal-Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) routing on the FTD device
as well as external load balancing of traffic to the FTD device across multiple interfaces.
ECMP traffic zones are used for routing only. They are not the same as security zones.
We added the ECMP Traffic Zones tab to the Routing pages. In the FTD API, we
added the ECMPZones resources.
Interface Features
New default inside IP address The default IP address for the inside interface is being changed to from to avoid an IP address conflict when an address on is assigned
to the outside interface using DHCP.
Default outside IP address now has IPv6 The default configuration on the outside interface now includes IPv6 autoconfiguration,
autoconfiguration enabled; new default in addition to the IPv4 DHCP client. The default Management DNS servers now also
IPv6 DNS server for Management include an IPv6 server: 2620:119:35::35.
EtherChannel support for the ISA 3000 You can now use FDM to configure EtherChannels on the ISA 3000.
New/Modified screens: Devices > Interfaces > EtherChannels
Feature Description
Licensing Features
Performance-Tiered Licensing for FTDv The FTDv now supports performance-tiered Smart Licensing based on throughput
requirements and RA VPN session limits. When the FTDv is licensed with one of the
available performance licenses, two things occur. First, a rate limiter is installed that
limits the device throughput to a specified level. Second, the number of VPN sessions
is capped to the level specified by the license.
DHCP relay configuration using the FTD You can use the FTD API to configure DHCP relay. Using DHCP relay on an interface,
API. you can direct DHCP requests to a DHCP server that is accessible through the other
interface. You can configure DHCP relay on physical interfaces, subinterfaces,
EtherChannels, and VLAN interfaces. You cannot configure DHCP relay if you configure
a DHCP server on any interface.
Note that if you used FlexConfig in prior releases to configure DHCP relay (the
dhcprelay command), you must re-do the configuration using the API, and delete the
FlexConfig object, after you upgrade.
We added the following model to the FTD API: dhcprelayservices
Faster bootstrap processing and early login The process to initially bootstrap an FDM-managed system has been improved to make
to Firepower Device Manager. it faster. Thus, you do not need to wait as long after starting the device to log into FDM.
In addition, you can now log in while the bootstrap is in progress. If the bootstrap is not
complete, you will see status information on the process so you know what is happening
on the device.
Upgrade readiness check for You can run an upgrade readiness check on an uploaded FTD Software upgrade package
FDM-managed devices. before attempting to install it. The readiness check verifies that the upgrade is valid for
the system, and that the system meets other requirements needed to install the package.
Running an upgrade readiness check helps you avoid failed installations.
A link to run the upgrade readiness check was added to the System Upgrade section
of the Device > Updates page.
FTD REST API version 6.1 (v6). The FTD REST API for software version 7.0 is version 6.1 You can use v6 in the API
URLs, or preferentially, use /latest/ to signify you are using the most recent API version
that is supported on the device. Note that the URL version path element for 6.1 is the
same as 6.0: v6.
Please re-evaluate all existing calls, as changes might have been mode to the resource
models you are using. To open the API Explorer, where you can view the resources,
log into FDM, then click the more options button ( ) and choose API Explorer.
VMware 6.0 hosting Upgrade the hosting Version 7.0.0 discontinues support for FTDv on VMware
environment before vSphere/VMware ESXi 6.0.
you upgrade the
Firepower software.
Caution In most cases, your existing FlexConfig configurations continue to work post-upgrade and you can still deploy.
However, in some cases, using deprecated commands can cause deployment issues.
About FlexConfig
Some Firepower Threat Defense features are configured using ASA configuration commands. Beginning with
Version 6.2.0 (FMC deployments) or Version 6.2.3 (FDM deployments), you can use Smart CLI or FlexConfig
to manually configure various ASA features that are not otherwise supported in the web interface.
FTD upgrades can add GUI or Smart CLI support for features that you previously configured using FlexConfig.
This can deprecate FlexConfig commands that you are currently using; your configurations are not automatically
converted. After the upgrade, you cannot assign or create FlexConfig objects using the newly deprecated
After the upgrade, examine your FlexConfig policies and objects. If any contain commands that are now
deprecated, messages indicate the problem. We recommend you redo your configuration. When you are
satisfied with the new configuration, you can delete the problematic FlexConfig objects or commands.
You can also find your Snort version in the Bundled Components section of the Cisco Firepower Compatibility
The Snort release notes contain details on new keywords. You can read the release notes on the Snort download
Note FMC walkthroughs are tested on the Firefox and Chrome browsers. If you encounter issues with a different
browser, we ask that you switch to Firefox or Chrome. If you continue to encounter issues, contact Cisco
The following table lists some common problems and solutions. To end a walkthrough at any time, click the
x in the upper right corner.
Problem Solution
Cannot start walkthroughs. Make sure walkthroughs are enabled. From the drop-down list under
your username, select User Preferences then click How-To Settings.
Version 6.7.0 discontinues walkthroughs for the Classic theme. You
can switch themes in your user preferences.
Problem Solution
Walkthrough appears when you do If a walkthrough appears when you do not expect it, end the walkthrough.
not expect it.
Walkthrough is out of sync with the If a walkthrough is out of sync, you can:
• Attempt to continue.
• Starts on the wrong step.
For example, if you enter an invalid value in a field and the FMC
• Advances prematurely. displays an error, the walkthrough can prematurely move on. You
may need to go back and resolve the error to complete the task.
• Will not advance.
• End the walkthrough, navigate to a different page, and try again.
Sometimes you cannot continue. For example, if you do not click
Next after you complete a step, you may need to end the
Note Upgrades to Version 6.2.3 through 6.6.x can enroll you in web analytics tracking. This can occur even if you
purposely unenrolled. If you do not want Cisco to collect this data, unenroll after upgrading.
During initial setup and upgrades, you may be asked to enroll. You can also change your enrollment at any
Note This feature is supported on Firepower Management Centers and their managed Firepower Threat Defense
devices. In Version 6.5.0 only, FTD support is restricted to the Firepower 4100/9300 with FTD and FTDv
for Azure. This feature is not supported with Firepower Device Manager.
Upgrade Checklist
This pre-upgrade checklist highlights actions that can prevent common issues. However, we still recommend
you refer to the appropriate upgrade or configuration guide for full instructions: Upgrade Instructions, on page
Important At all times during the process, make sure that the appliances in your deployment are successfully
communicating and that there are no issues reported. Do not deploy changes to or from, manually reboot, or
shut down an upgrading appliance. In most cases, do not restart an upgrade in progress. The upgrade process
may appear inactive during prechecks; this is expected. If you encounter issues with the upgrade, including
a failed upgrade or unresponsive appliance, there may be something you can do — see the Note on Unresponsive
Table 24:
✓ Action/Check
Important If your upgrade skips versions, you may also be directed to older Firepower release notes
or other resources for historical guidelines and upgrade impact.
✓ Action/Check
Check bandwidth.
Make sure your management network has the bandwidth to perform large data transfers.
In Firepower Management Center deployments, if you transfer an upgrade package to a managed device
at the time of upgrade, insufficient bandwidth can extend upgrade time or even cause the upgrade to
time out. Whenever possible, copy upgrade packages to managed devices before you initiate the device
See Guidelines for Downloading Data from the Firepower Management Center to Managed Devices
(Troubleshooting TechNote).
Upgrade Packages
Upgrade packages are available on the Cisco Support & Download site.
Table 25:
✓ Action/Check
The ability to recover from a disaster is an essential part of any system maintenance plan.
Backup and restore can be a complex process. You do not want to skip any steps or ignore security or licensing
concerns. For detailed information on requirements, guidelines, limitations, and best practices for backup and
restore, see the configuration guide for your Firepower product.
Caution We strongly recommend you back up to a secure remote location and verify transfer success, both before and
after upgrade.
Table 26:
✓ Action/Check
Associated Upgrades
Because operating system and hosting environment upgrades can affect traffic flow and inspection, perform
them in a maintenance window.
Table 27:
✓ Action/Check
✓ Action/Check
Final Checks
A set of final checks ensures you are ready to upgrade.
Table 28:
✓ Action/Check
Check configurations.
Make sure you have made any required pre-upgrade configuration changes, and are prepared to make
required post-upgrade configuration changes.
✓ Action/Check
Deploy configurations.
Deploying configurations before you upgrade reduces the chance of failure. In some deployments, you
may be blocked from upgrade if you have out-of-date configurations. In Firepower Management Center
high availability deployments, you only need to deploy from the active peer.
When you deploy, resource demands may result in a small number of packets dropping without
inspection. Additionally, deploying some configurations restarts Snort, which interrupts traffic inspection
and, depending on how your device handles traffic, may interrupt traffic until the restart completes.
See Traffic Flow, Inspection, and Device Behavior, on page 49.
Note By default, an Firepower Threat Defense device will automatically revert to its pre-upgrade state upon upgrade
failure ("auto-cancel"). To be able to manually cancel or retry a failed upgrade, disable the auto-cancel option
when you initiate the upgrade. Note that auto-cancel is not supported for patches. In a high availability or
clustered deployment, auto-cancel applies to each device individually. That is, if the upgrade fails on one
device, only that device is reverted.
If you have exhausted all options, or if your deployment does not support cancel/retry, contact Cisco TAC.
Reconnect with Cisco Threat Grid for FMC 6.4.0 through 6.7.x 7.0.0+
HA FMCs, on page 37
Upgrade Failure: Firepower 1010 Switch Firepower 1010 6.4.0 through 6.6.x 6.7.0+
Ports with Invalid VLAN IDs, on page
Historical Data Removed During FTD with FDM 6.2.3 through 6.5.0+
FTD/FDM Upgrade, on page 40 6.4.0.x
Upgrade Failure: Firepower 1010 Switch Ports with Invalid VLAN IDs
Deployments: Firepower 1010
Upgrading from: Version 6.4.0 through 6.6.x
Directly to: Version 6.7.0+
For the Firepower 1010, FTD upgrades to Version 6.7.0+ will fail if you configured switch ports with a VLAN
ID in the 3968–4047 range. These IDs are for internal use only.
Tip If reselecting rules would be too time consuming, contact Cisco TAC before you upgrade. They can guide
you through saving your selections, so you can quickly reimplement them post-upgrade.
Note As of the Version 6.6.0 release, lower-memory instance types for cloud-based FMCv deployments (AWS,
Azure) are fully deprecated. You cannot create new FMCv instances using them, even for earlier Firepower
versions. You can continue running existing instances.
VMware Allocate 28 GB minimum/32 GB recommended. Power off the virtual machine first.
For instructions, see the VMware
KVM Allocate 28 GB minimum/32 GB recommended. For instructions, see the documentation for your
KVM environment.
AWS Resize instances: Stop the instance before you resize. Note that
when you do this, data on the instance store
• From c3.xlarge to c3.4xlarge.
volume is lost, so migrate your instance
• From c3.2.xlarge to c3.4xlarge. store-backed instance first. Additionally, if your
management interface does not have an Elastic
• From c4.xlarge to c4.4xlarge. IP address, its public IP address is released.
• From c4.2xlarge to c4.4xlarge. For instructions, see the documentation on
changing your instance type in the AWS user
We also offer a c5.4xlarge instance for new guide for Linux instances.
Azure Resize instances: Use the Azure portal or PowerShell. You do not
need to stop the instance before you resize, but
• From Standard_D3_v2 to
stopping may reveal additional sizes. Resizing
restarts a running virtual machine.
For instructions, see the Azure documentation
on resizing a Windows VM.
Cisco Talos Intelligence Group (Talos) has introduced new categories and renamed reputations to classify
and filter URLs. For detailed lists of category changes, see the Cisco Firepower Release Notes, Version 6.5.0.
For descriptions of the new URL categories, see the Talos Intelligence Categories site.
Also new are the concepts of uncategorized and reputationless URLs, although rule configuration options
stay the same:
• Uncategorized URLs can have a Questionable, Neutral, Favorable, or Trusted reputation.
You can filter Uncategorized URLs but you cannot further constrain by reputation. These rules will
match all uncategorized URLs, regardless of reputation.
Note that there is no such thing as an Untrusted rule with no category. Otherwise uncategorized URLs
with an Untrusted reputation are automatically assigned to the new Malicious Sites threat category.
• Reputationless URLs can belong to any category.
You cannot filter reputationless URLs. There is no option in the rule editor for 'no reputation.' However,
you can filter URLs with Any reputation, which includes reputationless URLs. These URLs must also
be constrained by category. There is no utility to an Any/Any rule.
The following table summarizes the changes on upgrade. Although they are designed for minimal impact and
will not prevent post-upgrade deploy for most customers, we strongly recommend you review these release
notes and your current URL filtering configuration. Careful planning and preparation can help you avoid
missteps, as well as reduce the time you spend troubleshooting post-upgrade.
Change Details
Modifies URL rule The upgrade modifies URL rules to use the nearest equivalents in the new category
categories. set, in the following policies:
• Access control
• QoS (FMC only)
• Correlation (FMC only)
These changes may create redundant or preempted rules, which can slow
performance. If your configuration includes merged categories, you may
experience minor changes to the URLs that are allowed or blocked.
Renames URL rule The upgrade modifies URL rules to use the new reputation names:
1. Untrusted (was High Risk)
2. Questionable (was Suspicious sites)
3. Neutral (was Benign sites with security risks)
4. Favorable (was Benign sites)
5. Trusted (was Well Known)
Change Details
Clears the URL cache. The upgrade clears the URL cache, which contains results that the system
previously looked up in the cloud. Your users may temporarily experience slightly
longer access times for URLs that are not in the local data set.
Labels 'legacy' events. For already-logged events, the upgrade labels any associated URL category and
reputation information as Legacy. These legacy events will age out of the
database over time.
Action Details
Make sure your The system must be able to communicate with the following Cisco resources
appliances can reach after the upgrade:
Talos resources.
• — Registration
• — Obtain certificates for secure communications
• — Obtain client/server manifests
• — Download database (note: uses port 80)
• — Cloud queries
The cloud query service also uses the following IP address blocks:
• IPv4 cloud queries:
Action Details
Identify potential rule Understand the upcoming changes. Examine your current URL filtering
issues. configuration and determine what post-upgrade actions you will need to take (see
the next section).
Note You may want to modify URL rules that use deprecated categories
now. Otherwise, rules that use them will prevent deploy after the
In FMC deployments, we recommend you generate an access control policy
report, which provides details on the policy's current saved configuration,
including access control rules and rules in subordinate policies (such as SSL).
For each URL rule, you can see the current categories, reputations, and associated
rule actions. On the FMC, choose Policies > Access Control , then click the
report icon ( ) next to the appropriate policy.
Action Details
Remove deprecated categories The upgrade does not modify URL rules that use deprecated categories.
from rules. Required. Rules that use them will prevent deploy.
On the FMC, these rules are marked.
Create or modify rules to include Most of the new categories identify threats. We strongly recommend
the new categories. you use them.
On the FMC, these new categories are not marked after this upgrade,
but Talos may add additional categories in the future. When that happens,
new categories are marked.
Evaluate rules changed as a result Each rule that included any of the affected categories now include all
of merged categories. of the affected categories. If the original categories were associated with
different reputations, the new rule is associated with the broader, more
inclusive reputation. To filter URLs as before, you may have to modify
or delete some configurations; see Guidelines for Rules with Merged
URL Categories, on page 44.
Depending on what changed and how your platform handles rule
warnings, changes may be marked. For example, the FMC marks wholly
redundant and wholly preempted rules, but not rules that have partial
Action Details
Evaluate rules changed as a result The upgrade replaces each old, single category in URL rules with all
of split categories. the new categories that map to the old one. This will not change the way
you filter URLs, but you can modify affected rules to take advantage of
the new granularity.
These changes are not marked.
Understand which categories were Although no action is required, you should be aware of these changes.
renamed or are unchanged.
These changes are not marked.
Evaluate how you handle Even though it is now possible to have uncategorized and reputationless
uncategorized and reputationless URLs, you cannot still cannot filter uncategorized URLs by reputation,
URLs. nor can you filter reputationless URLs.
Make sure that rules that filter by the Uncategorized category, or by
Any reputation, will behave as you expect.
Guideline Details
Rule Order Determines When considering rules that include the same category, remember that traffic
Which Rule Matches Traffic matches the first rule in the list that includes the condition.
Categories in the Same Rule Merging categories in a single rule will merge into a single category in the
vs Categories in Different rule. For example, if Category A and Category B are merging to become
Rules Category AB, and you have a rule with both Category A and Category B, then
after merge the rule will have a single Category AB.
Merging categories in different rules will result in separate rules with the same
category in each rule after the merge. For example, if Category A and Category
B are merging to become Category AB, and you have Rule 1 with Category
A and Rule 2 with Category B, then after merge Rule 1 and Rule 2 will each
include Category AB. How you choose to resolve this situation depends on
the rule order, on the actions and reputation levels associated with the rules,
on the other URL categories included in the rule, and on the non-URL
conditions that are included in the rule.
Associated Action If merged categories in different rules were associated with different actions,
then after merge you may have two or more rules with different actions for the
same category.
Guideline Details
Associated Reputation Level If a single rule includes categories that were associated with different reputation
levels before merging, the merged category will be associated with the more
inclusive reputation level. For example, if Category A was associated in a
particular rule with Any reputation and Category B was associated in the
same rule with reputation level 3 - Benign sites with security risks, then after
merge Category AB in that rule will be associated with Any reputation.
Duplicate and Redundant After merge, different rules may have the same category associated with
Categories and Rules different actions and reputation levels.
Redundant rules may not be exact duplicates, but they may no longer match
traffic if another rule earlier in the rule order matches instead. For example, if
you have pre-merge Rule 1 with Category A that applies to Any Reputation,
and Rule 2 with Category B that applies only to Reputation 1-3, then after
merge, both Rule 1 and Rule 2 will have Category AB, but Rule 2 will never
match if Rule 1 is higher in the rule order.
On the FMC, rules with an identical category and reputation will show a
warning. However, these warnings will not indicate rules that include the same
category but a different reputation.
Caution: Consider all conditions in the rule when determining how to resolve
duplicate or redundant categories.
Other URL Categories in a Rules with merged URLs may also include other URL categories. Therefore,
Rule if a particular category is duplicated after merge, you may want to modify
rather than delete these rules.
Non-URL Conditions in a Rules with merged URL categories may also include other rule conditions,
Rule such as application conditions. Therefore, if a particular category is duplicated
after merge, you may want to modify rather than delete these rules.
The examples in the following table use Category A and Category B, now merged into Category AB. In
two-rule examples, Rule 1 comes before Rule 2.
Merged categories Rule 1 includes Category A with Rule 1 includes Category AB with
in different rules Reputation Any. Reputation Any.
have different
Rule 2 includes Category B with Rule 2 includes Category AB with
reputation levels
Reputation 1-3. Reputation 1-3.
Rule 1 will match all traffic for this
Rule 2 will never match traffic, but you
will not see a warning indicator because
the reputations are not identical.
Condition Details
Condition Details
Versions For major and maintenance releases, we test upgrades from all eligible previous major
For patches, we test upgrades from the base version.
Models In most cases, we test on the lowest-end models in each series, and sometimes on
multiple models in a series.
Virtual settings We test with the default settings for memory and resources.
Components Values represent only the time it takes for the Firepower software upgrade script. They
do not include time for:
• Operating system upgrades.
• Transferring upgrade packages.
• Readiness checks.
• VDB and intrusion rule (SRU/LSP) updates.
• Deploying configurations.
• Reboots, although reboot time may be provided separately.
Values represent only the space needed to upload and run the Firepower software upgrade script. They do not
include values for operating system upgrades, VDB or intrusion rule (SRU/LSP) updates, and so on.
Note When you use the Firepower Management Center to upgrade a managed device, the Firepower Management
Center requires additional disk space in /Volume for the device upgrade package (unless you configure an
internal web server where your devices can get the package; requires Firepower Threat Defense Version
6.6.0+) .
ASA 5500-X series with FTD 5.3 GB in /ngfw/Volume 1.1 GB 25 min 12 min
95 KB in /ngfw
Device type, deployment type (standalone, high availability, clustered), and interface configurations (passive,
IPS, firewall, and so on) determine the nature of the interruptions. We strongly recommend performing any
upgrade or uninstall in a maintenance window or at a time when any interruption will have the least impact
on your deployment.
Standalone — Dropped.
Upgrade FXOS on the active peer before Dropped until one peer is online.
the standby is finished upgrading.
Upgrade chassis at the same time, so all Dropped until at least one module is online.
modules are down at some point.
Table 40: Traffic Behavior During Firepower Software Upgrade: Standalone FTD Device
Inline set, hardware bypass standby mode: Dropped during the upgrade, while the
Bypass: Standby (6.1+). device is in maintenance mode. Then,
passed without inspection while the device
completes its post-upgrade reboot.
IPS-only interfaces Inline set, Failsafe enabled or disabled Passed without inspection.
A few packets might drop if Failsafe is
disabled and Snort is busy but not down.
Table 42: Traffic Behavior During Firepower Software Upgrade: Standalone FTD Device
IPS-only interfaces Inline set, hardware bypass force-enabled: Passed without inspection until you either
Bypass: Force (Firepower 2100 series, disable hardware bypass, or set it back to
6.3+). standby mode.
Inline set, hardware bypass standby mode: Dropped during the upgrade, while the
Bypass: Standby (Firepower 2100 series, device is in maintenance mode. Then,
6.3+). passed without inspection while the device
completes its post-upgrade reboot.
IPS-only interfaces Inline set, Failsafe enabled or disabled Passed without inspection.
A few packets might drop if Failsafe is
disabled and Snort is busy but not down.
Monitor only (sfr {fail-close}|{fail-open} Egress packet immediately, copy not inspected
Upgrade Instructions
The release notes do not contain upgrade instructions. After you read the guidelines and warnings in these
release notes, see one of the following documents.
Task Guide
Upgrade Firepower Threat Defense Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Configuration Guide for Firepower
Software with FDM. Device Manager
See the System Management chapter in the guide for the FTD version
you are currently running—not the version you are upgrading to.
Task Guide
Upgrade the ROMMON image. Cisco ASA and Firepower Threat Defense Reimage Guide
See the Upgrade the ROMMON Image section. You should always make
sure you have the latest image.
Upgrade Packages
Firepower software packages are available on the Cisco Support & Download site.
To find a Firepower software upgrade package, select or search for your Firepower appliance model, then
browse to the Firepower software download page for your current version. Available upgrade packages are
listed along with installation packages, hotfixes, and other applicable downloads.
Tip A Firepower Management Center with internet access can download select releases directly from Cisco, some
time after the release is available for manual download. The length of the delay depends on release type,
release adoption, and other factors.
You use the same upgrade package for all Firepower models in a family or series. Upgrade package file names
reflect the platform, package type (upgrade, patch, hotfix), and Firepower version. Maintenance releases use
the upgrade package type.
For example:
• Package:
• Platform: Firepower Management Center
• Package type: Upgrade
So that Firepower can verify that you are using the correct files, upgrade packages from Version 6.2.1+ are
signed tar archives (.tar). Do not untar signed (.tar) packages. And, do not transfer upgrade packages by email.
Note After you upload a signed upgrade package, the Firepower Management Center GUI can take several minutes
to load as the system verifies the package. To speed up the display, remove these packages after you no longer
need them.
Table 48:
Platform Package
FMC/FMCv Cisco_Firepower_Mgmt_Center
NGIPSv Cisco_Firepower_NGIPS_Virtual
FTD with FDM Revert Major and Returns the appliance to its state just before the
maintenance upgrades last major or maintenance upgrade (also called
only. a snapshot). Reverting after patching necessarily
removes patches as well.
After reverting, you must redo any configuration
changes you made between the upgrade and the
FMC and managed Uninstall Patches only. Returns the appliance to whatever patch level
devices it was running before the upgrade. Does not
change configurations.
ASA FirePOWER with
ASDM For details on uninstalling patches, see the patch
release notes.
Revert Is a Snapshot
Reverting returns the Firepower software to its state just before the last major or maintenance upgrade, also
called a snapshot. Reverting after patching necessarily removes patches as well. After reverting, you must
redo any configuration changes you made between the upgrade and the revert.
You can delete the revert snapshot in order to save disk space, but this removes your ability to revert.
Step 1 Select Device, then click View Configuration in the Updates summary.
Step 2 In the System Upgrade section, click the Revert Upgrade link.
You are presented with a confirmation dialog box that shows the current version and the version to which the system will
revert. If there is no available version to revert to, there will not be a Revert Upgrade link.
Step 3 If you are comfortable with the target version (and one is available), click Revert.
After you revert, you must re-register the device with the Smart Software Manager.
What to do next
Redo any configuration changes made between upgrade and the revert.
Note Address licensing concerns before you reimage or switch management. If you are using Cisco Smart Licensing,
you may need to unregister from the Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM) to avoid accruing orphan
entitlements. These can prevent you from reregistering.
Change FTD management Use the configure manager CLI command; see Cisco Unregister the device before you switch
from FDM to FMC (local to Firepower Threat Defense Command Reference. management. Reassign its license after you
remote). add it to the FMC.
Change FTD management Use the configure manager CLI command; see Cisco Remove the device from the FMC to
from FMC to FDM (remote Firepower Threat Defense Command Reference. unregister it. Reregister using FDM.
to local).
Exception: The device is running or was upgraded from
Version 6.0.1. In this case, reimage.
Change ASA FirePOWER Start using the other management method. Contact Sales for new Classic licenses.
management between ASA FirePOWER licenses are associated
ASDM and FMC. with a specific manager.
Replace NGIPSv with Reimage. Contact Sales for new Smart licenses.
Uninstall an FTD patch with Reimage. Unregister the device before you reimage.
FDM. Reregister after.
You cannot uninstall patches in FDM deployments.
Restore a failed FMC or In an RMA scenario, the replacement will arrive Do not unregister before you reimage, and
FTD device from backup. configured with factory defaults. However, if the do not remove devices from the FMC. If
replacement is already configured, we recommend you you do, you must unregister again after you
reimage before you restore. restore, then re-register.
Instead, revert any licensing changes made
since you took the backup. After the restore
completes, reconfigure licensing. If you
notice licensing conflicts or orphan
entitlements, contact Cisco TAC.
Reimage Checklist
Reimaging returns most settings to factory defaults, including the system password. This checklist highlights
actions that can prevent common reimage issues. However, this checklist is not comprehensive. Refer to the
appropriate installation guide for full instructions: Installation Instructions, on page 68.
Table 51:
✓ Action/Check
For devices, make sure traffic from your location does not have to traverse the device itself to access
the device's management interface. In Firepower Management Center deployments, you should also
able to access the Firepower Management Center management interface without traversing the device.
Perform backups.
Back up before reimaging, when supported.
Note that if you are reimaging so that you don't have to upgrade, due to version restrictions you cannot
use a backup to import your old configurations. You must recreate your configurations manually.
Caution We strongly recommend you back up to a secure remote location and verify transfer success.
Reimaging returns most settings to factory defaults, including the system password. It deletes
any backups left on the appliance. And especially because backup files are unencrypted, do
not allow unauthorized access. If backup files are modified, the restore process will fail.
Backup and restore can be a complex process. You do not want to skip any steps or ignore security or
licensing concerns. For detailed information on requirements, guidelines, limitations, and best practices
for backup and restore, see the configuration guide for your Firepower product.
Determine if you must remove devices from Firepower Management Center management.
If you plan to manually configure the reimaged appliance, remove devices from remote management
before you reimage:
• If you are reimaging the Firepower Management Center, remove all its devices from management.
• If you are reimaging a single device or switching from remote to local management, remove that
one device.
If you plan to restore from backup after reimaging, you do not need to remove devices from remote
✓ Action/Check
Note If you need to restore an FMC or FTD device from backup, do not unregister before you reimage, and do not
remove devices from the FMC. Instead, revert any licensing changes made since you took the backup. After
the restore completes, reconfigure licensing. If you notice licensing conflicts or orphan entitlements, contact
Cisco TAC.
Unregistering removes an appliance from your virtual account, unregisters it from the cloud and cloud services,
and releases associated licenses so they can be can be reassigned. When you unregister an appliance, it enters
Enforcement mode. Its current configuration and policies continue to work as-is, but you cannot make or
deploy any changes.
Manually unregister from CSSM before you:
• Reimage a Firepower Management Center that manages FTD devices.
• Shut down the source Firepower Management Center during model migration.
• Reimage a Firepower Threat Defense device that is locally managed by FDM.
• Switch a Firepower Threat Defense device from FDM to FMC management.
Automatically unregister from CSSM when you remove a device from the FMC so you can:
• Reimage an Firepower Threat Defense device that is managed by an FMC.
• Switch a Firepower Threat Defense device from FMC to FDM management.
Note that in these two cases, removing the device from the FMC is what automatically unregisters the device.
You do not have to unregister manually as long as you remove the device from the FMC.
Tip Classic licenses for NGIPS devices are associated with a specific manager (ASDM/FMC), and are not controlled
using CSSM. If you are switching management of a Classic device, or if you are migrating from an NGIPS
deployment to an FTD deployment, contact Sales.
Installation Instructions
The release notes do not contain installation instructions. Instead, see one of the following documents.
Installation packages are available on theCisco Support & Download site.
FMC 1600, 2600, 4600 Cisco Firepower Management Center 1600, 2600, and 4600 Getting Started
FMC 1000, 2500, 4500 Cisco Firepower Management Center 1000, 2500, and 4500 Getting Started
FMCv and FMCv 300 Cisco Firepower Management Center Virtual Getting Started Guide
Firepower 1000/2100 series Cisco ASA and Firepower Threat Defense Reimage Guide
Cisco FXOS Troubleshooting Guide for the Firepower 1000/2100 Series
Running Firepower Threat Defense
Firepower 4100/9300 chassis Cisco Firepower 4100/9300 FXOS Configuration Guides: Image Management
Cisco Firepower 4100 Getting Started Guide
Cisco Firepower 9300 Getting Started Guide
ASA 5500-X series Cisco ASA and Firepower Threat Defense Reimage Guide
ISA 3000 Cisco ASA and Firepower Threat Defense Reimage Guide
FTDv: AWS Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Virtual for the AWS Cloud Getting Started
FTDv: Azure Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Virtual for the Microsoft Azure Cloud Quick
Start Guide
FTDv: GCP Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Virtual for the Google Cloud Platform
Getting Started Guide
FTDv: KVM Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Virtual for KVM Getting Started Guide
FTDv: OCI Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Virtual for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Getting Started Guide
FTDv: OpenStack Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Virtual for OpenStack Getting Started Guide
FTDv: VMware Cisco Firepower Threat Defense Virtual for VMware Getting Started Guide
ASA FirePOWER Cisco ASA and Firepower Threat Defense Reimage Guide
ASDM Book 2: Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide:
Managing the ASA FirePOWER Module
Snort Guides
• Snort 3 Inspector Reference
• Firepower Management Center Snort 3 Configuration Guide, Version 7.0
Upgrade Guides
• Cisco Firepower Management Center Upgrade Guide
• Cisco Firepower 4100/9300 Upgrade Guide
• Cisco ASA Upgrade Guide
Compatibility Guides
• Cisco Firepower Compatibility Guide
• Cisco ASA Compatibility
• Cisco Firepower 4100/9300 FXOS Compatibility
• Cisco Firepower System Feature Licenses
• Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Firepower Licensing
Documentation Roadmaps
Documentation roadmaps provide links to currently available and legacy documentation:
• Navigating the Cisco Firepower Documentation
• Navigating the Cisco ASA Series Documentation
• Navigating the Cisco FXOS Documentation
Note This list is auto-generated once and is not subsequently updated. Depending on how and when a bug was
categorized or updated in our system, it may not appear in the release notes. You should regard the Cisco Bug
Search Tool as the 'source of truth.'
These general queries display resolved bugs for Firepower products running Version 7.0.0:
• Firepower Management Center
• Firepower Management Center Virtual
• Firepower Threat Defense
• Firepower Threat Defense Virtual
• ASA with FirePOWER Services
Bug ID Headline
CSCvi96835 No validation err when changing host thats part of a group object used in a routing
policy, to Range
CSCvo57004 Analyze Hit Counts displaying timestamps in UTC instead of the configured user time
CSCvp58886 Special characters in Location for SNMP FXOS (FPR2100) causes policy deployment
CSCvq55919 Cisco Firepower Management Center Software Stored Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability
CSCvr46901 Analysis Connection Events doesn't show and report all the events in UI
CSCvr74896 Cannot update Security intelligence when AC Policy is imported to FMC with cloud
feeds disabled
CSCvs02229 Network Time Protocol Authenticated Mode 6 Packet Processing NULL Poin
CSCvs05066 Snort file mempool corruption leads to performance degradation and process failure.
CSCvs06043 TunnelClient for CSM_CCMservice on ngfwManager not reading ACK sent from
CSM_CCM service on FMC
CSCvs71969 Multiple Cisco Products Snort HTTP Detection Engine File Policy Bypass Vulnerability
CSCvs84242 FMC Deployment Failure when removing Auto NAT and correlated network object
Bug ID Headline
CSCvt29771 invalid Response message when we change the security zone from the object
management page
CSCvt43136 Multiple Cisco Products Snort TCP Fast Open File Policy Bypass Vulnerability
CSCvt49334 On the 4120 sensor, the task delete is not removing the "task_xx" files from the cron.d
CSCvt91258 FDM: None of the NTP Servers can be reached - Using Data interfaces as Management
CSCvt93177 Disable Full Proxy to Light Weight Proxy by Default. (FP2LWP) on FTD Devices
CSCvt93999 FMC shouldn't allow a second upgrade on same device if upgrade is going on
CSCvu18510 MonetDB's eventdb crash causes loss of connection events on FMC 6.6.0 and 6.6.1
CSCvu22293 FMC scheduled backup of multiple managed devices with remote storage fails
CSCvu29508 FMC manual removal and addition of FTD Cluster member causes dangling stale
CSCvu30756 User Identity does not correctly handle identical sessions in different netmaps
CSCvu34228 FTD LINA traceback & reload while processing snort return verdict
CSCvu35704 APIKEY mismatch among the FMC, Sensor and ThreatGrid results significant file
submission drop
CSCvu54706 Cisco Firepower Management Center CWE-772 - Slow HTTP POST vulnerability
CSCvu88886 Threat data deployment to managed FTD may fail after upgrade.
CSCvv00155 Deleting interface or sub-interface should also delete failover MAC address
Bug ID Headline
CSCvv08244 Firepower module may block trusted HTTPS connections matching 'Do not decrypt'
SSL decryption rule
CSCvv12491 cloudagent_urllookup_health file still had old format after upgrading to 6.4
CSCvv14109 new FMC restored from backup file doesn't send down user ip and user group mappings
to devices
CSCvv14442 FMC backup restore fails if it contains files/directories with future timestamps
CSCvv17893 Bad uip snapshot and log file causes FTD to repeatedly requests catchup, and exhausts
file handlers
CSCvv20780 Policy deploy fails with "Failed to hold the deployment transaction" error
CSCvv21782 6.6.1: Prefilter Policy value shown as Invalid ID for all the traffic in ASA SFR Platform
CSCvv27084 EventHandler syslog via loggerd does not support destination host names
CSCvv27867 FMC classic theme - No scrollbar in object details for group with multiple items
CSCvv29275 FMC OSPF area limits until 49 entries. Upon adding 50th entry, process gets disabled
CSCvv34523 The firewall_target_cache table is not pruned as expected which leads to large database
CSCvv34851 6.7.0-1992: duplicate connection events with empty SSL info in one of them
CSCvv38869 FMC fails to upgrade FTD from 6.3 to 6.7 due to database error
CSCvv45106 CSD does not start on 2100 due to missing csd-service.json file
CSCvv53042 output includes fatal errors that cause upgrade attempt to fail
CSCvv55066 FPR1010: Internal-Data0/0 and data interfaces are flapping during SMB file transfer
CSCvv56644 Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software and Firepower Threat Defense Software
Web DoS
CSCvv57476 CSS Styles loading issue in Chrome 85, IE and Edge browsers
CSCvv59036 Static routes deleted from the FMC without user deleting it.
Bug ID Headline
CSCvv62931 FTD does not send Server Hello & Server Certificate to the client when
CSCvv68000 bravado error when getting ra vpn group policy created by FDM UI
CSCvv68078 sybase database corrupted on secondary FMC and was not able to sync
CSCvv69862 FMC backup failed error with "Terminating long running backup" after 45 min FTDHA
in leaf
CSCvv74658 FTD/ASA creates coredump file with "!" character in filename (zmq changes (fxos)
for CSCvv40406 )
CSCvv74816 FDM should not allow removal of local address pool while NAT exemption is in place.
CSCvv74951 Disable memory cgroups when running the system upgrade scripts
CSCvv75148 Rabbitmq queue of VPN Events does not have any size limit to avoid accumulating
*.idx files
CSCvv79459 WR6, WR8 and LTS18 commit id update in CCM layer (sprint 94, seq 1)
CSCvv79897 Block "sensor restart" command for FTD units to prevent Lina crash and system reboot
CSCvv84385 Disk Manager incorrectly prunes unified files used by FMC e-streamer
CSCvv89715 Fastpath rules for 8000 series stack disappear randomly from the FMC
CSCvv90079 No router BGP pushed after making chnages on 9300 intra chassis cluster
CSCvv92897 System might hit previously missing memcap limits on upgrade to version 6.6.0
Bug ID Headline
CSCvw03256 FMC dashboard shows "No Data" for intrusion table when 'Message' Field is Selected
CSCvw04171 For Readonly User, Device Summary tab is returning forbidden error page
CSCvw07352 SFDataCorrelator log spam, metadata fails after Sybase connection status 0
CSCvw13395 FMC 6.6.0 "Reset Connection Upon Timeout" Checkbox missing in Light Theme of
CSCvw16565 Policy Deployment fails after enabling "SMB Auto-Detect Ports" in DCE/RPC
CSCvw21145 Duplicate NAT rule error when saving the policy (caused by duplicate Auto NAT
CSCvw21161 Duplicate NAT rule error when saving the policy (different rules are detected as
CSCvw21628 Upgrade from pre-6.6.x to 6.6.x and above breaks Intrusion Event Packet-Drill down
CSCvw27966 Policy deployment fails with object names starts with 'any'
CSCvw28894 SFDataCorrelator slow startup and vuln remap due to duplicate entries in vuln tables
CSCvw28946 When deploying VxLan config the command mtu is sent out of order causing
deployment failures
CSCvw29561 FMC SLR license 'shows continuous Smart agent communication with Smart Licensing
Cloud' alert
CSCvw29581 VDB upgrade doesn't work when mysql user table is damaged.
CSCvw30252 ASA/FTD may traceback and reload due to memory corruption in SNMP
CSCvw33939 FMC Deployment failure due to VPN split-tunnel standard ACL with Network Group
containing IPv6object
CSCvw34692 Not possible to change after the first time the TTL Hops for BGP neighbor
CSCvw38708 AC policy save, validateActivity not using cache for building blocks
CSCvw41901 Deleting System Defined objects via FMC's REST API returns HTTP 500 error code.
Bug ID Headline
CSCvw45125 Block deployment while secondary nodes are in config or bulk sync
CSCvw60177 Standby/Secondary cluster unit might crash in Thread Name: fover_parse and "cluster
config sync"
CSCvw85377 URL is not updated in the access policy URL filtering rule
CSCvx19934 Deployment gets failed for snmp settings while deleting snmpv1 and adding snmpv3
at a time in 6.6.3
CSCvx26221 Traceback into snmp at handle_agentx_packet / snmp takes long time to come up on
FP1k and 5508
CSCvy08798 WR6, WR8 and LTS18 commit id update in CCM layer(sprint 110, seq 10)
Note This list is auto-generated once and is not subsequently updated. Depending on how and when a bug was
categorized or updated in our system, it may not appear in the release notes. You should regard the Cisco Bug
Search Tool as the 'source of truth.'
These general queries display open bugs for Firepower products running Version 7.0.0:
• Firepower Management Center
• Firepower Management Center Virtual
• Firepower Threat Defense
• Firepower Threat Defense Virtual
• ASA with FirePOWER Services
Bug ID Headline
CSCvx25425 snort3 ssl - tickets from undecrypted sessions are not cached for subsequent policy
CSCvx30175 Snort3 - SMTP closing TCP flags are not propagated correctly
CSCvx63788 Edit policy in new window for AC Policy default action IPS policy shows error pop-up
CSCvx64252 Event Search errors out when using FQDN object search for initiator
CSCvx67856 FTD7.0: Promethues process doesnt come up when system ungracefully rebooted
CSCvx89720 User-based access control rules for RA VPN users may not apply as expected after
7.0.0 upgrade
CSCvx96452 Snort3 - Connection events sporadically show Allow action for traffic hitting SSL
Block with Reset
CSCvx99179 FDM-VMWARE: nikita-incremen core during upgrade from 6.5 or higher to 7.0/7.1
CSCvy00329 Host attribute table not updated correctly for certain FTP flows
CSCvy07113 7.0.0-1459 :FTPs traffic(malware file) is not blocked with file policy config,specifi to
QP platform
CSCvy13572 7.0 - Downgrade to LSP version used in 6.7 causes deployment failure
CSCvy19415 After switching FTD HA, (secondary,active) sends primary device name in syslog
CSCvy26742 Deployment failure when 1k rules are uploaded on 7.0.0-62 KVM vFTD
CSCvy27261 Snort2 and Snort3 Events view need enhancements to provide more clarity
CSCvy32550 Correlation fiiltering on snort3 custom rule message fails because rule is not built with
GID 2000
CSCvy33696 FDM KVM-HA break fails due to standby inspection engine snort failure
Bug ID Headline
CSCvy44701 Version 7.0 FMC online help for the Snort 3 HTTP/2 inspector contains incorrect
CSCvy45347 Unable to Redirect to IPS Policy from the Default action in AC Policy
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If you cannot resolve an issue using the online resources listed above, contact Cisco TAC:
• Email Cisco TAC:
• Call Cisco TAC (North America): 1.408.526.7209 or 1.800.553.2447
• Call Cisco TAC (worldwide): Cisco Worldwide Support Contacts