Unit 5 Transport Level Security
Unit 5 Transport Level Security
Unit 5 Transport Level Security
(1) In the original Internet protocols, security features have not built into. This is
a security weakness of the protocol. The security weakness of such web
services have been exploited by the attackers to gain access to the private
(2) Now-a-days web applications are being extensively used in Financial
organizations, e-commerce, Government services, Private organization
services, and so on. Various types of threats arise for web services and
Internet applications.
(3) The security problems are prevailing at Client, Server, and the traffic
between client & server.
What are the possible web security threats ?
(1) The web system may have both passive and active attacks.
(2) Passive attacks include eavesdropping between browser and server, and
(3) The web security threats involve attack on browser, web server, and the
network traffic between browser and server.
(4) Web threats pose a broad range of risks, including financial damages, loss of
confidential information, theft of network resources, damage brand and
personal reputation, and erosion of consumer confidence in e-commerce
business and online banking system.
The table give the summary of types of security threats face when using web
Web traffic security approaches
(1) We can secure IP layer, or Transport layer, or application layer.
(2) The advantage of doing IPSec is, all transport layer protocols and all application layer
protocols are secured in addition to the network layer protocols.
(3) The advantage of doing transport layer security is, transport protocols and all
application layer protocols are covered under security.
(4) The advantage of doing application layer security is specific to individual application
and does not cover other applications. For example, a mail security can not provide
security for web browsing applications.
(6) In some sense IPSec is better, but there are several problems of implementation. So,
providing security at Transport layer and Application layer are widely used.
(1) IP Security (Network level Security)
(2) IPSec include selection of the packets based on IP address. Through this,
only selected traffic can be allowed to flow in to the private network.
(2) It provide data authentication, and confidentiality.
(3) In IPSec, data encryption is made on per-packet rather than per-flow basis.
(4) Per-packet encryption greatly enhances the IP security.
(5) Disadvantage is with Implementation and performance in Internet.
(2) Transport layer security (TLS)
(1) The Transport Layer Security protocol adds a layer of security on top of the
TCP protocol.
(2) TLS use both symmetric key encryption & Asymmetric key encryption for
secure transmission of data.
(3) TLS protocol provide communication security between client/server
applications that communicate with each other over the Internet.
(4) TLS provide Confidentiality & integrity for the data transmitted between
different nodes on the Internet.
(3) Application level Security
Application level security is only for individual application, to protect from
malicious attacks.
Transport Layer Security
Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
(1) SSL is a most widely used security protocol.
(2) SSL protocols relay upon TCP.
(3) The latest version of secure socket layer is SSLv3.
(1) SSL was designed to coordinate with TCP to provide a reliable, end-to-end
secure service.
(2) SSL is a two layered architecture.
(3) SSL, sitting at the transport layer, provide service to its higher layers.
(4) In web services, it provide service to HTTP, present in application layer.
(5) HTTP sits on the top of SSL.
(6) For the purpose of security management, SSL use three protocols- SSL
Handshake Protocol, SSL Change Cipher spec Protocol, and SSL Alert protocol.
(1) SSLv1 was developed by Netscape in 1994 and deployed in their web
browser. SSLv3 is most commonly deployed protocol.
(2) In 1999, IETF upgraded SSLV3 and named as Transport layer security (TLS)
(3) The standards of TLSv1 are defined in RFC2246.
(4) The difference between SSLv3 & TLSv1 is very small but do not
(5) SSL provides security services to application layer protocols using TCP during
data transmission.
SSL Architecture
SSL has 4 protocols presented in two layers.
(1) Handshake protocol- It negotiates which type of crypto algorithm to be used, type of
hash algorithm, Sharing public key certificate, and other parameters required for a SSL
session connection.
(2) Change cipher spec protocol – Implement negotiated crypto algorithms, and
parameters during connection & session.
(3) SSL Alert protocol – Any error occurs during crypto communication, all those error
messages are communicated to the end users.
(4) SSL Record protocol – Protocols (1), (2) & (3) run on record protocol. It is a main
protocol in SSL. It provides confidentiality through encryption & authentication using
MAC code.
SSL Architecture (contd..)
(1) Many applications use TCP. TCP is a part of OS. Application interact with TCP
by using a concept called Socket. What an application developer do is, he write
an API program to call TCP for a connection setup & send packet. That is called
Socket API.
(2) Netscape developers wanted to add security through some encryption
during communication between web browser & web server. So, they developed
a layer between application & TCP called as SSL. Open SSL provide a set of C
Transport layer security (contd…)
SSL/TLS Negotiation services
SSL/TLS use a secure connection & a secure session for data transfer.
SSL/TLS establish a secure connection using TCP & then establish a session
between client/server using handshake protocol.
(1) Confidentiality: The Handshake Protocol share a secret key that is used for
encryption. By encrypting the data, it provide confidentiality.
(2) Integrity: The Handshake Protocol also share secret key that is used to form a
message authentication code (MAC). Using MAC, perform authentication.
SSL Record Protocol Operation
SSL Record Protocol Operation
(1) Content Type (8 bits): The higher-layer protocol (AES,DES) used to process
the enclosed fragment.
(2) Major Version (8 bits): Indicates major version of SSL in use. For SSLv3, the
value is 3.
(3) Minor Version (8 bits): Indicates minor version in use. For SSLv3, the value is
(4) Compressed Length (16 bits): The size of the compressed fragment in bytes.
1. SSL Change Cipher Spec Protocol field (Cipher spec frame format)
(1) It is a simple protocol.
(2) This protocol consists of a single message of 1- byte with the value 1.
(3) When the value is 1, It updates the cipher protocol along with the session
parameters which are to be used during that session.
2. Alert Protocol field (Alert protocol frame format)
(1) The alert protocol convey alert messages to the peer entities.
(2) It uses SSL record protocol, So the alert messages are compressed and
(3) Message field consists of 2-bytes. If, the level byte take value 1, it is
warning. & if the level value is 2, it is fatal (failure or disaster). The value 2
convey the severity of the message. If the level is fatal, SSL immediately
terminate the connection.
What are the Warning messages (when level=1)?
(1) close-notify: It notifies the recipient that the sender will not send any more message
on this connection. So, each party has to exchange close-notify message.
(2) no_cirtificate: If no certificate is available during SSL handshake, it send this
(3) bad_certificate: A received certificate but is corrupted digitally.
(4) unsupported_certificate: The type of certificate received is not supported.
(5) certificate_revoked: Certificate has been revoked by the authority.
(6) certificate_expired: The certificate has expired.
(7) certificate_unknown: A certificate is unacceptable.
What are the fatal messages (when level=2) ?
(1) unexpected_message: An inappropriate message was receive.
(2) bad_record_mac: An incorrect MAC received.
(3) decompression_failue: Unable to decompress or segment size is greater
than 1024 bytes.
(4) hand_shake failure: Sender was unable to negotiate by using an acceptable
set of security parameters.
(5) illegal_parameters: A field in the handshake message was out of range or
inconsistent with other field.
3. SSL Handshake protocol
It allows the server and client to authenticate each other and negotiate which
type of crypto algorithm to be used, type of hash algorithm, Sharing public key
certificate, and other parameters required for a SSL session connection.
The handshake protocol consists of a series of messages exchanged between
client and server.
Each message has three fields.
Type (1 byte): Indicate type of message.
Length(3 bytes): The length of the message type.
Content(>=0):The parameters associated with this message.
Handshake protocol action
The figure shows the exchange of messages needed to establish a session
between client and server.
The exchange involves 4- Phases.
Phase 1: Establish security capabilities.
Phase 2: Server authentication & Key exchange.
Phase 3: Client authentication & key exchange.
Phase 4: Finish.
Handshake protocol action (contd..)
Handshake protocol action (contd..)
MD5(master_secret || pad_2 || MD5(handshake_messages ||
master_secret || pad_1));
SHA(master_secret || pad_2 || SHA(handshake_messages ||
master_secret || pad_1));
Handshake protocol action (contd..)
Phase 3: Client authentication &key exchange
Client send – certificate, client key exchange, certificate verify.
Phase 4: Finish
Client send - Change cipher spec, finished message.
Server send - Change cipher spec, finished message.
The key exchange and authentication process were successful.
Cryptographic Computation
How to generate Master Key?
Generating a shared Master key consists of two stages.
(1) Client generate a 48-byte ( 384-bits ) pre-master key. Client apply RSA
algorithm to encrypt the pre-master- key using Server Public key and sent to
server. Server decrypt by using its Private key & recover the pre-master- key .
(2) To generate the Maser key at both the sides, the 384 bit pre-master- key is
divided into 3 groups of size 128-bits. To compute Master key using pre-
master- key , the following algorithms are applied:
master_secret = MD5( pre_master_secret || SHA('A' || pre_master_secret ||
ClientHello.random || ServerHello.random)) ||
MD5( pre_master_secret || SHA(‘BB' || pre_master_secret ||
ClientHello.random || ServerHello.random)) ||
MD5( pre_master_secret || SHA(‘CCC' || pre_master_secret ||
ClientHello.random || ServerHello.random))
where, ClientHello.random & ServerHello.random are nonce values exchanged during
hello messages.
TLS Protocol Stack
(1) Content Type (8 bits): The higher-layer protocol (AES,DES) used to process
the enclosed fragment.
(2) Major Version (8 bits): Indicates major version of TLS in use. For TLS, the
value is 3.
(3) Minor Version (8 bits): Indicates minor version in use. For TLS , the value is
(4) Compressed Length (16 bits): The size of the compressed fragment in bytes.
TLS record header fields
TLS handshake operations
There is difference in MAC calculation in TLS & SSL
TLS MAC Scheme
TLS makes use of the HMAC algorithm as defined in RFC 2104.
HMAC( secret , seed ||HMAC[secret, A(0)]) || HMAC( secret , seed ||HMAC[secret, A(1)]) ||
HMAC( secret , seed ||HMAC[secret, A(2)]) || HMAC( secret , seed ||HMAC[secret, A(3)]) || …..
(i) PRF takes input , a secret value, a label, & a seed to produce an output of arbitrary length pseudorandom value.
(ii) Iterating many times produce large quantity of data. Out of which, required size data can be retained and other
data can be discarded.
Alert Codes
TLS support all alert messages listed in SSL, in addition to that it support,
(3) record_overflow
(4) unknown_ca
(5) access_denied
(6) decode_error
(7) protocol_version
(8) insufficient_security
(9) unsupported_extension
(10) internal_error
(11) decrypt_error
What are the Warning messages (when level=1)?
(1) close-notify: Notifies the recipient that the sender will not send any more
message on this connection. So, each party has to send close-notify alert.
(2) no_cirtificate: If no certificate is available during SSL handshake, it send this
(3) bad_certificate: A received certificate is corrupted.
(4) unsupported_certificate: Type of certificate received is not supported.
(5) certificate_revoked: Certificate has been revoked by the authority.
(6) certificate_expired: A certificate has expired.
(7) certificate_unknown: A certificate is unacceptable.
What are the fatal messages (when level=2) ?
(1) unexpected_message: An inappropriate message was receive.
(2) bad_record_mac: An incorrect MAC received.
(3) decompression_failue: Unable to decompress or segment size is greater
than 1024 bytes.
(4) hand_shake failure: Sender was unable to negotiate by using an acceptable
set of security parameters.
(5) illegal_parameters: A field in the handshake message was out of range or
inconsistent with other field.
Client Certificate type
There are two popular schemes that provide secure e-mail services.
(1) Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
(2) Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (S/MIME).
(1) Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
(2) PGP is the first secure e-mail service, developed by Phil Zimmermann, who
is a well known Cryptographer. It provide both Confidentiality &
Authentication for e-mail services.
(2) Phil Zimmermann did not develop any new encryption algorithms, instead he
selected the best available encryption algorithms (for confidentiality) & best
hash schemes (for authentication) and put them into a single package that
any body can use on any system, anywhere in the world.
(3) The PGP became so popular that people wanted to develop PGP products.
Till now it was an individuals proprietary, manufactures approached IETF to
set up standards. Then, IETF developed standards and named it as Open
(4) Open PGP provide standards for commercial version of PGP. Currently the
rights are owned by MCCafee.
PGP Services
(iii) Compression
(1) PGP use Radix-64 algorithm for conversion of 8-bit ASCII characters into 6-bit
non-ASCII characters.
(2) This technique is also called as converting binary text into mailable text.
(3) Using this technique, text, pictures , audio & video files can transmitted
using mail.
(4) Radix-64 uses – a to z (lowercase alphabets), A to Z (uppercase alphabets), 0
to 9 (decimals), and +,/ (symbols). Total 64.
(5) It will convert binary into Radix-64 before going into wire.
(4) E-mail compatibility (contd…)
(2) MIME content types: A number of content formats are defined to support
multimedia electronic mail.
(3) MIME transfer encoding: Transfer encodings are defined that enable the
conversion of content format into a mailable format.
MIME header fields
To resolve these SMTP problems, MIME include the following features in its
header fields. The MIME header fields are,
(i) MIME-Version
(ii) Content-Type
(iii) Content-Transfer-Encoding
(iv) Content-ID
(i) MIME Version
MIME version: 1.0
(ii) MIME content types
A number of content formats are defined to support multimedia electronic mail. It is
consisting of a type and subtype, for example, Content-Type: text/plain
(iii) Content-Transfer-Encoding
Transfer encodings are defined that enable the conversion of content format into a
mailable format. MIME allows different encodings.
(i) 7 – bit ASCII
(ii) 8 – bit ASCII
(iii) Non-ASCII characters
(iv) Quoted-printable : It is an encoding method defined in MIME standard. It is used
primarily to encode 8-bit text (English & foreign characters)into 7-bit ASCII. The
encoded document is in readable form. i.e you can put alphanumeric as it is. A is
translated into A, a is translated into a. and so on.
(v) Base – 64: which is Similar to Radix-64.
ASCII files are plane text files. They have the extension .txt.
Binary files are program files like .c, compressed files, and other non-text files.
Content-transfer-encoding define whether or not a binary to text encoding scheme has
been used. These encoding are necessary when channel does not allow 8-bit
(iv) Content Id
The content Id is an optional field. The content-Id of MIME is a unique number. However in
many systems where the messages are stored, does not indexed independently.
S/MIME Functions
S/MIME is a standard for public key encryption and signing of MIME data.
(i) Envelop data – This consists of encrypted content of any data and encrypted keys for one or more
(ii) Signed data- A digital signature is formed by taking the message digest and then encrypted using
private key of the sender. The content plus the signature are then encoded using Radix-64 algorithm.
A digitally signed message can only be viewed by a recipient with S/MIME capability.
(iii) Clear signed data- Here, digital signature is encoded using Radix-64. As a result the recipient
without S/MIME capability can view the message content but without verification of message.
(iv) Signed and enveloped data – Signed only and encrypted only entities may be nested, so that
encrypted data may be signed and signed data and clear – signed data may be encrypted.
Assume an open distributed environment, in which users at workstations wish to access
services. The servers distributed throughout the network. We would like the restrict the
server access to authorised users and to be able to authenticate requests for service. In this
environment, a workstation cannot be trusted to identify its users correctly for network
In particular, the following three threats exist:
(i) A user may gain access to a particular workstation and pretend to be a user operating
from that workstation.
(ii) A user may alter the network address of a workstation so that the requests sent from
the altered workstation appear to come from the impersonated(pretended to be
another person) workstation.
(iii) A user may eavesdrop on exchanges and use a replay attack to gain entrance to a
server or to disrupt operations.
In any of these cases, an unauthorized user may be able to gain access to services and he
can access the data.
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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