Conclusion: Re Ection Question: Re Ect On The Modeling Strategy Used To Create The Water Heating
Conclusion: Re Ection Question: Re Ect On The Modeling Strategy Used To Create The Water Heating
Conclusion: Re Ection Question: Re Ect On The Modeling Strategy Used To Create The Water Heating
heating tube. What other feature(s) could you have used instead?
You could have used the loft feature instead of the revolve feature.
Reflection Question: Reflect on the modeling strategy used to create the water heating
tube model. How might you improve the efficiency of the model if you had to create
another model of the same part?
I honestly don’t think I’d change anything. Creating this was very easy and the tools we
used I think were the best options for the job.
1. Explain the application of abstraction in the Thread feature tool.
The thread feature pretty much just gives you a visual representation of what a thread
would look like on your model but doesn’t really show any functionality.
2. Describe how you might use the Sweep feature in a 3D model of each of five
items in your classroom.
Paper clip, stool legs, unsharpened pencil, dowel rod, doorknob. All of these could be
created relatively easily with the sweep feature; all you would need to is create the
pathway and the profile.