Kelly: Research Report

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that it discusses upcoming radionics courses, featured books on topics like food quality and radionics, and provides information on using radionics for everyday applications like testing the energetic impact of foods and cleaning one's home environment.

Some of the featured books discussed are Food Plague by Dr. Arden Andersen, which discusses issues with modern farming practices and genetically engineered foods, and Radionics, Reality and Man by T. Galen Hieronymus, which discusses the history and principles of radionics.

The Fundamentals of Radionics course will cover the history and theory of radionics, samples and witnesses, energetic analysis and balancing, water and plant/soil analysis, and basic rate scanning using the radionic instrument.


Winter 2014
RESEARCH REPORT Volume 8, Number 1

In This Issue:
1: View from the Dome
2: Featured Books: Food Plague
2: Featured Books: Radionics, Reality and Man
3: Featured Books: Plants, Soils, Earth Energy and
4: Book Excerpt: Radionics, Reality and Man
6: Featured Books: A Fun Short Course in Beginning
7: 2014 Planting Calendar
8: 2014 Calendar of Indications
8: Solar Magnetic Field Reversal Complete
9: New Evidence: The Universe is a Hologram
10: Radionics FAQ: Phase Array Antennas
12: Save big on discontinued Original Phase Arrays!

View from the Dome

Happy New Year Everyone!
We stand together at the birth of a new calendar year, a new solar cycle, and a new epoch of opportunity
for each of us to abandon obsolete patterns of information, communication, and stagnation. This has
been clearly evidenced by the success we have witnessed with friends and collaborators around the world,
where new tools and resources have brought about new dimensions of knowledge and success.
At KRT, we have seen the interest in radionics continue to grow as shown by requests for information,
distribution of instruments, enrollment in training programs, and the enthusiasm of the participants in the
2013 KRT Great Radionics Expo. We regularly have our minds blown by folks who are applying radionics
in ways that defy expectations and expand the limits of possibility. You, too, can use your radionic
instrument every day:
 Test the energetic impact of known poisons like GMO foods, artificial sweeteners, artificial
flavors, and artificial coloring on General Vitality before eating the next meal.
 Test the energetic impact of the things you wear every day (jewelry, watches, glasses,
phones, etc) on General Vitality. Clean up, detoxify, and take action as necessary!
 Check your home, office, barn, and vehicle for energetic pests and parasites. Eliminate and
eradicate as necessary!
 Cold scan a rate to Remove All Obstacles from your life.
 If you have time for nothing else, every day cold scan for that rate that is most needed at
that time and in that place. Be sure to ask permission and check for appropriateness by asking,
“Is this a good broadcast to make, thine will be done, no harm to anyone?”
I urge each of you to take part in this revolution of ideas by rolling up your sleeves and doing the work
that already calls to you. Are you making the world a better place for yourself, your family, and your
community? What gifts do you – a beautiful individual forged in love and light – have to offer? You know
the answer to that better than anyone! Now take action and be amazed by the results!
With kindest wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous
2014 from all of us at Kelly Research Technologies,
KRT Featured Books

Food Plague by Dr. Arden Andersen

Dr. Arden Andersen’s newest volume is a powerful exposé on the poor
state of the food we eat. He summarizes his research as follows:
“Modern farming practice has converted food production into a cesspool
of poison and genetically engineered ‘franken-foods’. GMO’s are
scientifically proven to cause human suffering including cancer, bowel,
liver and kidney disease; infertility; environmental pollution; and
resistant strains of infective microorganisms, weeds and insect pests.”
However, this book is not just filled with alarmist rhetoric, but also
provides the reader with the information necessary to “vote with their
dollars” at the grocery store on quality foods, sustainable farming, and
the future that all of us want for our children and grandchildren.
Food Plague (softcover, 294 pages)……………………………………………………..……….… $25.00

Radionics, Reality and Man by George L. Kuepper

KRT is proud to offer George L. Kuepper’s comprehensive radionics
manuals for the first time. The summation of decades of teaching
and research, together these two volumes provide an in-depth look
into the universe of radionics, providing step-by-step instructions
suitable for the brand new beginner, while also exploring advanced
theories, ideas, and applications to the most advanced users.
The first volume, Radionics, Reality and Man, covers analysis,
instrumented dowsing, broadcasting, rate scanning, and
potentization for anyone using Kelly, Hieronymus, Rogers, Mattioda,
or similar instruments with 2-dial banks. Special training and
instructions are also included for SE-5 instruments. In the section
Notes to the Reader, Kuepper summarizes the book thusly:

“This book was written to synthesize the radionic instruction received at the
feet of some excellent teachers, my own personal experience, and the writing
of others. It reflects my best understanding of the subject matter, and all
the strengths and weaknesses that go with that understanding.”

Kelly Research Report is published by Kelly Research Technologies, Post Office Box 128, 121 Oasis Road, Lakemont, Georgia, 30552. EDITOR-
IN-CHIEF: Ed Kelly. Kelly Research Report is published quarterly. Copyright in the United States. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden unless written
permission has been granted by the publisher. Annual subscription rate is $25.00 in North America, $40.00 (U.S. Dollars) else where. Single copies and back
issues are $5.00 each. Correspondence and subscription requests should be sent to Kelly Research Report at the above address. Expiration date for a subscription
is shown in brackets following the subscriber’s name on the address label. Publication of this newsletter in no way constitutes a claim that psychotronic, radionic
or scalar technology devices are effective in the treatment of disease or other human ailments. These devices are designed to be used for personal research
and/or agricultural purposes only. We are not in the business of treating people and/or teaching to people to treat people. Persons with mental or physical
illnesses should be referred to qualified medical practitioners licensed by federal, state or local agencies, as applicable. The publisher assumes no responsibility for
the accuracy, efficacy or effects of material presented here or material submitted by readers. This material represents research that is being passed on for
enlightenment of others who are following, or wish to follow, similar paths.

Kelly Research Report -2- Vol. 8, No. 1

Chapter headings for Radionics, Reality and Man include:
• Supersensonics • Dowsing Operations
• A Brief History of Radionics • Rate Scanning
• The Fundamentals of Radionics • Radionic Broadcasting
• Paradigms and Radionics • Potentizing
• A Radionic University • Specific Applications
• The Subtle Constitution of Nature • Results and Expectations
• Learning Radionics: Preparatory • Radionics in Farming and
Procedures and Considerations Agriculture

• Radionic Analysis • Accessing Radionics

Radionics, Reality and Man (coil bound, 262 pages)………………………………......… $40.00

Plants, Soils, Earth Energy and Radionics by George L. Kuepper

The second volume in his series, Plants, Soils, Earth Energy
and Radionics, provides radionic and dowsing applications for
agronomy, geomancy, horticulture, homesteading, and the
optimization of food and water. This book is a companion
volume to the first and does not restate the basic principles and
techniques covered therein. Instead, it is assumed that the
reader has a working knowledge of their radionic instrument and
is prepared to utilize these advanced topics. Chapters in this
book include:
• Earth Energies: Concepts and Descriptions
• Radionic House Cleaning
• Analyzing Plants & Soils
• Bringing the Soil/Plant System Into Balance
• Foliar Fertilization
• Diseases, Insects, and Weeds
• Radionics Towers
• Working with Earth Energy: Select Radionic & Dowsing Techniques
• Delving Deeper: Esoteric Work with Plants & Soils
• Economics, Sustainability, & Radionics
• Accessing Radionics for Agriculture
• Appendices: Preparatory Protocols and Blank Analysis Sheets

Kelly Research Report -3- Vol. 8, No. 1

Anyone who has studied radionics for long knows that the few books available in the
marketplace tend to focus on history and/or general theories. The number of volumes that
provide hands-on, practical information for the daily user are few and far between. For
this reason, these two volumes should be considered essentials for every radionic
Plants, Soils, Earth Energy and Radionics (coil bound, 212 pages)…………….…$40.00

KRT Featured Book Excerpt

In which the author tells the story of his introduction to radionics.

Radionics, Reality and Man by George L. Kuepper

A Personal Journey
I first heard of the word radionics in the early 1980’s. My wife Dee, unlike me, was interested in
mysticism and parapsychology, and had attended a workshop on kundalini meditation at a small institute
in the Arkansas Ozarks. On returning, she related that one of the instructors had actually monitored the
effects of kundalini exercises using something called a radionic instrument! I took little note of this at
the time. But the fact, nevertheless, lodged itself somewhere in the recesses of my mind because several
years later I would remember it clearly.
Toward the middle of the 1980’s, we found ourselves in southeastern Oklahoma. I’d undertaken
management of a small fruit and vegetable farm for a regional foundation. The farm was principally a
demonstration and research project focused on direct marketing and alternative agricultural enterprises.
A key enterprise centered on three newly-planted acres of highbush blueberries. A mere 50 miles to the
northeast, on the Ozark plateau, blueberries had already proven to be the most profitable (legal!) crop to
come along in decades. There was every reason to believe that it would become the cornerstone of our
farm. How wrong we were! The bushes proved to be a textbook example of almost every disease and
insect pest problem known to blueberries in the Mid-South! Roughly 20% of the plants died. We tried to
replace these, but their replacements were faring just as poorly.
Location was part of the problem. But more important, it turned out, was how the plants were being
grown. The blueberries had already been established before I got on the scene, and pesticides and
commercial fertilizers were routinely used. When the original manager saw that the planting was not
thriving as it should, even more pesticides and fertilizers were applied, worsening the situation.
When I took the reins, we immediately reduced the use of synthetic pesticides and began to introduce
Organic farming techniques. The planting continued to stumble along, however, with disappointing yields
and little new growth. The plants continued to die – often quite suddenly.
I’ve always believed strongly in the power of prayer, and especially in prayer for guidance. I did a lot of
praying in those days.

Kelly Research Report -4- Vol. 8, No. 1

As I recall, it happened quite suddenly. References to “radionics” came from a number of different
people, in very different locations, and under very different circumstances. In one instance, while
attending a Natural Farming Conference in New York State, a young couple we’d just met invited my co-
worker and myself to their home where they gave us a very convincing demonstration. We spent all
evening with these very dedicated and very Christian-spiritual people. I was convinced, in spite of some
trepidation, that this was how my prayers were being answered.
Did I say trepidation? To be honest, I was upset to the point of physical illness. I understood very little of
the physical mechanics of, or explanations for radionics; but I had little doubt I was about to involve
myself in something quite metaphysical, and I dreaded it! I read an excellent book: Radionics: Science or
Magic (Tansley, 1982). Unfortunately, it only confirmed my fears, leaving me awake at night with
anxiety attacks.
My fears were not simple paranoia. During the 1970’s, with an agronomy degree in hand, I’d joined a
research team which was investigating Organic Farming. Since Organic farms did not use polluting
pesticides and fertilizers, I thought I was making a most responsible, not to mention “interesting”, choice
in my career. The Institute I worked for was reputable; the scientists well back-grounded; and the
research was beyond reproach. Nevertheless, this is not how my choice was received in the professional
community. Relations with other agronomists became decidedly chilly, our presentations and writings
were attacked simply for “being”, and more than one professional actually characterized us as
“dangerous”. The real personal trial began when I set out to find another job once our research project
ended. When I was able to get an interview, it often became surreal as interrogators learned the details!
I had little doubt about the cold shoulder I would receive choosing to work with radionics! It would lead
not only to banishment from the conventional agriculture community, but considerable isolation within
the Sustainable/Organic movement also!
Despite these fears, one should not pray for divine guidance unless there is intent to act on it; and what is
life anyway, if not an opportunity to learn and grow?! So a few months later I was in south Texas,
attending the first of many radionics workshops and classes.
I spent the four agonizing days of that first class trying to learn skills and a way of thinking I was still
quite ill-prepared for. It wasn’t until the last day that I thought I was really getting a response from an
instrument. And that was questionable. I returned to Oklahoma with my notes, cassette tapes and a brand
new radionic instrument.
Despite my lack of confidence I did not waste much time. Field samples from the blueberries were taken,
and I clumsily worked my way through analysis procedures. From that point on, we began farming in a
new way with a different perspective.
Our results were immediate and astonishing. Most noticeably, the disease and insect problems vanished.
We lost no more bushes and most began to grow vigorously. Even weed problems were greatly reduced.
Yields climbed and our farm project was back on track. If yours is a background in agriculture, you will
be most amazed to learn that this was all accomplished without the use of pesticides, and with about 1/8
to 1/10 the amount of fertilizer recommended by conventional soil and plant tissue testing!
Good fortune was also had with a two acre blackberry field. In this case, we were not only able to
eliminate pesticides and reduce fertilization, but also introduced production practices hitherto considered
unsuitable in the region!

Kelly Research Report -5- Vol. 8, No. 1

By 1990 I had left my farm management position and was working as a contract consultant for my
previous employer. Radionic applications shifted from agricultural applications to family health,
environment, and personal growth. We made enormous problems with chronic problems that had plagued
us for years. Included among these was candidiasis, a systematic yeast infection, recognized as a medical
condition but seldom diagnosed or even acknowledged by physicians.
Considerable time was also spent exploring a metaphysical condition referred to as a “hole or tear in the
auric field”. Auric holes may occur from a number of circumstances ranging from emotional outbursts, to
head injuries, to exposure to strong electromagnetic fields. The consequences often appear as migraine-
strength headaches, feelings of disorientation, and personality changes. My wife Dee, who is a
psychiatric social worker, has often suspected that many of the conditions she deals with daily, derive
from, or are complicated by, this condition. These could be more successfully treated if the metaphysical
dimensions were recognized, and modalities like radionics brought to bear.
Additional work has also brought about an increased awareness of earth energy fields and their impact on
human health and ecology. Just as humans and animals have energy meridians and chakra, the planet has
energy lines (often called ley lines) and vortices. Understanding their nature and effects is a giant step in
the progress toward living in harmony with the Earth.
In recent years I have also undertaken the teaching of radionics, and have a small number of students in
the region. It was during teaching that I realized how poorly I understood the scientific and metaphysical
explanations that underlie radionics. I also found myself without the useful teaching analogies so useful
in transferring knowledge and skills. Writing a book is one of the most useful means of addressing such
deficits. I hope other instructors will also find it useful.

A Fun Short Course in Beginning Radionics by “Pennsylvania Pete” Radatti

This booklet was written by our old friend “Pennsylvania Pete” Radatti for
his use in conducting a Beginning Radionics program at the 2013 KRT
Great Radionics Expo in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Since 2010, Pete has been introducing beginners to radionics through the
group he organized, Conshohocken Radionics, which is located in
southeastern Pennsylvania. As such, he has plenty of experience sharing
radionics with folks for the first time in a way that is fun and enjoyable,
while also illustrating the many applications of the art. His program at
the 2013 Great Radionics Expo was very well received!
In just a few pages, Pete’s booklet delivers an introduction to the radionic instrument, an
explanation of the “stick”, information on radionic rates, scanning techniques, use of
worksheets, and strategies for working against “dark forces”. However, even the most
experienced radionic researchers will find pearls of wisdom that will expand the
effectiveness of their work. Best of all, the booklet is available for free at the
Conshohocken Radionics website. A version for the Kindle E-Reader is also available from
Amazon for $0.99. Direct links to these files are provided below, however we also
encourage you to visit the main Conshohocken page at:

A Fun Short Course in Beginning Radionics (electronic-PDF, 22 pages)…………… FREE

Free download in the Adobe PDF format located here:

A Fun Short Course in Beginning Radionics (electronic-Kindle, 22 pages)….…… $0.99

Kindle e-reader version from the Amazon website located here:

Kelly Research Report -6- Vol. 8, No. 1

2014 Planting Calendar
In the countless centuries before mankind had scalar and mainstream technology to use on their farms and
gardens, people relied on a greater knowledge and sensitivity to the planet’s natural cycles. Planting by the
“signs” helped deliver the extra farm and garden yields that might make the difference between survival
and succumbing during the year ahead.
Above-Ground: Cited are the best and next best dates for sowing, planting and transplanting all crops that produce
their fruits above the ground, including seed beds, flowers, herbs, pasture and lawn grass, as well as all cover
crops. These dates also indicate the best dates to transplant vines and fruit trees. These are excellent dates for
setting eggs and fishing, as well as breeding of cows, hogs and other livestock.
Root Crops: Indicates the best dates for planting all crops that bear fruit in the ground, including beets, peanuts,
radishes, artichokes, carrots, rutabagas and turnips. Also ideal for bedding, planting, and transplanting potatoes.
Cut & Harvest: Indicates the best dates for cutting hay and gathering all grain crops to achieve quick curing and
good keeping. Also good for planting and transplanting of all non-fruit bearing leaf and vine plants.
Above-Ground 5, 6, 14-16, 24, 25 Above-Ground 7, 8, 15, 16, 24-26
or next best 1-4, 9-13, 22, 23, 28-31 or next best 4-6, 11-14, 19-23
Root Crops 1, 2, 9-11, 14-16, 28, 29 Root Crops 11, 12, 18, 19, 24-26
or next best 5, 6, 12, 13, 24, 25 or next best 7, 8, 15, 16, 22, 23
Cut & Harvest 7, 8, 17-21, 26, 27 Cut & Harvest 1-3, 9, 10, 17, 18, 27-31
Above-Ground 1-2, 10-12, 20-21 Above-Ground 3, 4, 12, 13, 20-22, 30, 31
or next best 5-9, 18, 19, 25-28 or next best 1, 2, 8-11, 16-19, 28, 29
Root Crops 5-7, 10-12, 25, 26 Root Crops 8, 9, 16, 17, 20-22
or next best 1, 2, 8, 9, 20, 21 or next best 3, 4, 12, 13, 18, 19, 30, 31
Cut & Harvest 3, 4, 13-17, 22-24 Cut & Harvest 5-7, 14, 15, 23-27
Above-Ground 1-2, 10-11, 19-21, 28-29 Above-Ground 1, 8, 9, 17, 18, 27, 28
or next best 5-9, 17, 18, 24, 25-27 or next best 4-7, 12-16, 24-26
Root Crops 5, 6, 10, 11, 24, 25 Root Crops 4, 5, 12, 13, 17, 18
or next best 1, 2, 7-9, 19-21, 28, 29 or next best 1, 8, 9, 14-16, 27, 28
Cut & Harvest 3, 4, 12-16, 22-23, 30, 31 Cut & Harvest 2, 3, 10, 11, 19-23, 29, 30
Above-Ground 6-7, 16-17, 24-25 Above-Ground 5, 6, 14, 15, 24, 25
or next best 1-5, 13-15, 20-23, 29, 30 or next best 1-4, 9-13, 21-23, 28-31
Root Crops 1, 2, 6. 7, 20, 21, 29, 30 Root Crops 1, 2, 9-11, 14, 15, 28-30
or next best 3-5, 16, 17, 24, 25 or next best 5, 6, 12, 13, 24, 25
Cut & Harvest 8-12, 18, 19, 26-28 Cut & Harvest 7, 8, 16-20, 26, 27
Above-Ground 3-5, 13-14, 22-23, 31 Above-Ground 2, 3, 10-12, 20-22, 29, 30
or next best 1, 2, 11, 12, 17-21, 26-30 or next best 1, 6-9, 18, 19, 25-28
Root Crops 3-5, 17, 18, 26, 27, 31 Root Crops 6, 7, 10-12, 25, 26
or next best 1, 2, 13, 14, 22, 23, 29, 30 or next best 2, 3, 8, 9, 20-22, 29, 30
Cut & Harvest 6-10, 15, 16, 24, 25 Cut & Harvest 4, 5, 13-17, 23, 24
Above-Ground 1, 9-11, 18-19, 27-28 Above-Ground 8, 9, 18, 19, 26, 27
or next best 7, 8, 14-17, 22-26 or next best 3-7, 15-17, 22-25, 30, 31
Root Crops 1, 14, 15, 22, 23, 27, 28 Root Crops 3, 4, 8, 9, 22, 23, 30, 31
or next best 9-11, 18, 19, 24-26 or next best 5-7, 18, 19, 26, 27
Cut & Harvest 2-6, 12, 13, 20, 21, 29, 30 Cut & Harvest 1, 2, 10-14, 20, 21, 28, 29

We would love to hear about your use of the 2014 Planting Calendar! Drop us a note any time!

Kelly Research Report -7- Vol. 8, No. 1

2014 Calendar of Indications
An extension of the concept of planting by the signs is the idea that there are ideal days for
receiving medical care for specific areas of the body. First and foremost, follow the advice of
your doctor or other licensed healthcare professionals!

Sigmoid Colon, Pubic Bone, Nose

Vessels, Sciatic Nerves, Pituitary

Lower Legs, Ankles, Circulation,

Sacrum, Coccyx, Ischium, Blood
Intestines, Duodenum, Peyer's
Heart, Vena Cava, Back, Spine,

Joints, Hair, Parathyroids, Right

Neck, Ears, Lower Jaw, Throat,

Patch, Solar Plexus, Abdomen,

Breast, Diaphragm, Stomach,
Esophagus, Taste, Left Side of
Fingers, Sympathetic Nervous
Head, Cerebrum, Eyes, Face,

Feet, Toes, Thalamus, Blood

Hips, Thighs, Ilium, Femur,
Upper Jaw, Carotid Arteries,

Glands, Skin, Loins, Lumbar

Bladder, Urethra, Genitals,

Spinal Cord, Thymus Gland

Knees, Bone, Teeth, Skin,

Kidneys, Ureters, Adrenal

Ovaries/ Testes, Prostate,

Shoulders, Arms, Hands,

Parasympathetic Nervous

Region, Back of the Body

Lungs, Bronchi, Trachea,
Cerebellum, Thyroid
Front of the Body

Side of the Body

Pineal Body
the Body


1-2, 3-4,
January 7-8 9-11 12-13 14-16 17-18 19-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 5-6

February 3-4 5-7 8-9 10-12 13-14 15-17 18-19 20-21 22-24 25-26 27-28 1-2
3-4, 1-2,
March 30-31 5-6 7-9 10-11 12-14 15-16 17-18 19-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29
April 26-28 29-30 3-5 6-7 8-10 11-12 13-15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25
1-2, 3-5,
May 24-25 26-27 28-30 31 6-7 8-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-21 22-23
1, 2-4,
June 20-21 22-23 24-26 27-28 29-30 5-6 7-8 9-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19
1, 2-3,
July 17-18 19-21 22-23 24-26 27-28 29-31 4-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16
1-2, 3-4,
August 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-22 23-24 25-27 28-29 30-31 5-7 8-9 10-11 12-13
1, 2-3,
September 10-11 12-13 14-16 17-18 19-21 22-23 24-26 27-28 29-30 4-5 6-7 8-9
1-2, 3-4,
October 7-8 9-11 12-13 14-15 16-18 19-20 21-23 24-25 26-27 28-30 31 5-6
1, 2-3,
November 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-12 13-14 15-17 18-19 20-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30
1-2, 3-4,
December 28-29 30-31 5-7 8-9 10-12 13-14 15-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27

Solar Magnetic Field Reversal Complete

Dr. Tony Phillips of the United States’ National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) has announced the sun has completed
reversal of its magnetic field, which marks the midpoint of Solar
Cycle 24, a 22 year long process that will culminate with another flip.
Dr. Phillips elaborated, "A reversal of the sun's magnetic field is,
literally, a big event. The domain of the sun's magnetic influence
extends billions of kilometers beyond Pluto. Changes to the field's polarity ripple all the way
out to the Voyager probes, on the doorstep of interstellar space."
Completion of the reversal should lead to a reduction in sunspots, solar flares, coronal mass
ejections, and the other solar activity that was maximized during the magnetic transition.
Source: Dec 29, 2013. The Independent website. See:

Kelly Research Report -8- Vol. 8, No. 1

New Evidence: The Universe is a Hologram
The prestigious scientific journal Nature has just published some of the most
straightforward evidence yet that the physical Universe we perceive as reality is
only a holographic projection defined by energy and vibration.

In 1997, theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena

published a shocking new model of reality in which
gravity was explained to be the byproduct of an
intricate world of infinitesimally thin, vibrating strings
that exist in nine dimensions of space plus one of time.
This idea provided physicists with a more simple, flat
cosmos that solved apparent inconsistencies between
quantum physics and Einstein’s legendary theory of
relativity, while also delivering a means for making
calculations in the theoretical model that could be
translated to the “real world” in which we exist.
Now, Yoshifumi Hyakutake of Ibaraki University in
Japan and his team have published compelling
evidence that supports Maldacena’s conjectures. Ron
Cowen reported on the Nature web site:
“In one paper, Hyakutake computes the internal
energy of a black hole, the position of its event horizon
(the boundary between the black hole and the rest of
the Universe), its entropy and other properties based
on the predictions of string theory as well as the
effects of so-called virtual particles that continuously
pop into and out of existence. In the other, he and his In the 1999 sci-fi film The Matrix, the
world was explained to be a virtual reality
collaborators calculate the internal energy of the composed of strings of coded information.
corresponding lower-dimensional cosmos with no (Warner Brothers – all rights reserved.)
gravity. The two computer calculations match.”
These results have been supported not only by Maldacena, who is now at the Institute for
Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, but also by Leonard Susskind, a theoretical
physicist at Stanford University in California who pioneered the idea of holographic
universes. Nature reported Dr. Susskind’s comments:
“They have numerically confirmed, perhaps for the first time, something we were fairly
sure had to be true, but was still a conjecture — namely that the thermodynamics of
certain black holes can be reproduced from a lower-dimensional universe.”
These developments are of interest to the radionic researcher because the String Theory of
reality confirms the direct and inseperable relationship between vibratory energy and the
physical manifestation of matter.

Cowen, Ron. “Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram.” December 10, 2013. Nature:
News. (See:

Kelly Research Report -9- Vol. 8, No. 1

Radionics Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to the questions generated by the article Introduction to Kelly
Radionic Antennas in the last issue of the Kelly Research Report.

What is meant by the “Phase Array” in a Phase Array Reaction Plate/Antenna?

When we look at the ocean we see the rise and fall of the surface as the planet’s energy is
transmitted through the water. We describe the movement of that energy as a wave,
calling the highest points as the crests and the lowest points as the troughs. Just as we
describe the changing cycle of the moon as the “phases”, the “phase” of a wave merely
describes where we are in the cycle of movement between crest and trough.
Within the context of radio wave transmission, antenna theory describes a phased array as
“an array of antennas in which the relative phases of the respective signals feeding the
antennas are varied in such a way that the effective radiation
pattern of the array is reinforced in a desired direction and
suppressed in undesired directions.”1 The technique was first
developed by Nobel Laureate Karl Ferdinand Braun in
1905, who demonstrated enhanced transmission of radio
waves in one direction using three antennas.2 Today Wikipedia
describes usage of phase array antennas not only in
broadcasting but also in the areas of radar, naval weapons
control, space probe communication, weather research, optics,
radio-frequency identification, and man-machine virtual reality
interfacing.3 KRT Phase Array Antennas utilize plates with Six stacked plates turn individual
bifilar coils on both sides assembled vertically to create an antennas into an antenna array.
array that maximizes vector cancellation and signal strength.

Why is each antenna plate in a KRT Phase Array described as having eight phases?
All KRT radionic instruments utilizes bifilar coil antennas to
convert the signal output of the instrument into the
longitudinal or “scalar” wave that provides the pathway
back to the energetic realm from which all things flow.
While the general term “bifilar coil” simply describes “an
electromagnetic coil that contains two closely spaced, parallel
windings”,4 KRT bifilar coils are arranged such that one of the
winding provides a clockwise direction of rotation to the
outgoing signal, while the second winding in the circuit
provides a counterclockwise direction of rotation. As such, the
Classic Rub Plate provided with a Personal Instrument and the
secondary spool-style antennas in a Beacon or Workstation The signal rotates clockwise on the
may accurately be described as “Two Phase” antennas. black path from edge to center,
then counterclockwise on the green
However, each of the antenna plates found in a Phase Array path from center back to the edge.
has identical bifilar coils on both sides of the plate. As a result, the total strength of the
signal on one side of an antenna plate is the sum of signals found on that side plus the
weaker signals that leak through the silicon circuit board from the identical coil on the other
side. These weaker signals, which are also rotating in clockwise and counterclockwise
directions, represent the third and fourth phases of activity found on that side of the
antenna plate. Because the same processes take place on the other side of the antenna
plate, we describe each plate as having a total of eight phases of signal activity.

Kelly Research Report - 10 - Vol. 8, No. 1

For a comparable situation, consider the heating of two apartments that share a common
wall. The family living in Apartment A gets most of their heat from the furnace in their own
apartment, but also receives the benefit of a smaller amount of heat that leaks through the
common wall since the family living in Apartment B has a furnace of their own. We can
stretch this metaphor a bit further by noting that most furnace systems have separate
ducts for two phases of activity; the supply ducts bring warm air from the furnace to the
living spaces, while the return ducts carry the cooling air from the living space back to the
furnace for reheating. So the total heat available for the family in Apartment A includes the
two phases of their furnace system plus a smaller contribution of heat through the wall
from the two phases of the furnace system in Apartment B – a total of four phases.
The same result is generated when we switch our perspective to the family in Apartment B.
That family has two phases of thermal energy moving through the supply and return ducts
of their furnace system, but they also receive the smaller benefit of the heat passing
through the wall from the furnace system in Apartment A. Together we can describe a total
of eight phases of heat energy flowing through the furnace systems of the apartments of
both families, just as we describe each dual-sided KRT Phase Array antenna plate as having
a total of eight phases of signal activity.

Can I use my Classic Rub Plate or Original Phase Array with a new Perfect Spiral?
Absolutely! Built into every new
Perfect Spiral Phase Array
Antenna is an extra pair of
output/input jacks that deliver
unlimited expansion capability
to every instrument. These jacks
may be used to connect
additional Perfect Spiral
Antennas, Original Phase Array
Antennas, or Classic Rub Plates to
any Kelly instrument, including
Replicators, Personal Instru-
ments, Seekers, Beacons, or
This arrangement provides ulti-
mate flexibility to the re-
searcher, as the new Perfect
Spiral Antennas may be
combined with existing hard-
ware to deliver maximum
broadcast capability for those
projects requiring maximum
results, or utilized individually Top: Classic Rub Plate, Original Phase Array and Perfect Spiral Antenna
Bottom: Perfect Spiral Antenna combined with Original Phase Array
with other devices.

1. (2013). Phased Array. Wikipedia. (See:
2. Braun, Karl. “Electrical oscillations and wireless telegraphy.” 11 December, 1909. Nobel Academy Lecture. (See:
3. (2013). Phased Array. Wikipedia. (See:
4. (2013). Bifilar Coil. Wikipedia. (See:

Kelly Research Report - 11 - Vol. 8, No. 1

The all-new Perfect Spiral Antennas deliver:
 Exceptional sensitivity as a reaction plate.
 Flawless interlocking clockwise and counterclockwise spiral geometry with no right
angles or straight lines to impede the speed of the outgoing signal.
 Pure gold plating atop copper for maximum throughput of the outgoing signal.
 Airtight high resonance polycarbonate enclosure for a buttery smooth reaction.
 Unlimited expansion when you need it, endless flexibility where you need it.
 Instant compatibility with all Kelly radionic antenna and instruments.
 Each antenna includes a pair of 18” long extension leads to simplify unit integration.
 No price increase until March 1, 2014.

Now you decide how many antennas to use with each radionic instrument!


Before 3/1 After 3/1
Four Plate/32 Phase Array…..…………….……..……..…..….... $375.00…......…$395.00
Five Plate/40 Phase Array………….……..……..…..…..…..…… $450.00…......…$495.00
Six Plate/48 Phase Array…..……..………..…..……..……..……. $525.00…......…$595.00
Replace 18” leads with 36” leads.……….……..……..……..……..………….……..…. $20.00

Save big on discontinued Original Phase Arrays!

The last of the Original Phase Array Antennas are priced to move. These
units have the new gold plated Perfect Spiral antenna plates in the classic
oak enclosures and work flawlessly with any instrument and the new
Perfect Spiral Antennas. Order today! Quantities are limited!
Six Plate/48 Phase Array………………..……..….…….Save 39%! $350.00 $525.00
Twelve Plate/96 Phase Array…..……….....……..…Save 29%! $750.00 $1055.00

Kelly Research Report - 12 - Vol. 8, No. 1

Kelly Research Report

Winter 2014 Order Form

v: (706) 782-2524
f: (706) 782-1047

Page Item Price S/H Qty Total

1 KRT Electronic Rate Book w/ Radionic Worksheets $299.00 $6.00
2 Food Plague by Dr. Arden Andersen $25.00 $6.00
2 Radionics, Reality and Man by George Kuepper $40.00 $6.00
3 Plants, Soils, Earth Energy and Radionics by George Kuepper $40.00 $6.00

12 Perfect Spiral Array Antennas w/ pair of 18” extension leads Before March 1, 2014
* Four Plate/32 Phase $375.00 $18.00
* Five Plate/40 Phase $450.00 $18.00
* Six Plate/48 Phase $525.00 $18.00
Replace 18” leads w/ 36” leads Add $20.00 N/A

12 Perfect Spiral Array Antennas w/ pair of 18” extension leads After March 1, 2014
* Four Plate/32 Phase $395.00 $18.00
* Five Plate/40 Phase $495.00 $18.00
* Six Plate/48 Phase $595.00 $18.00
Replace 18” leads w/ 36” leads Add $20.00 N/A

12 Original Phase Array Antennas (Oak Enclosure w/ Black Top)

* Six Plate/48 Phase – Save $175! $350.00 $22.00
* Twelve Plate/96 Phase – Save $305! $750.00 $25.00

Kelly Research Report – Electronic (PDF) $9.99/year N/A

Kelly Research Report – One/Two Year Renewal (USA) $25.00/$45.00 N/A
Kelly Research Report – One/Two Year Renewal (International) $40.00/$75.00 N/A
7% Sales Tax (Georgia only)

Shipping & Handling: All shipments travel via UPS Ground or the US Postal Service within the United
States. Call or email us for international rates, alternative shipping methods, or for ordering of items not
listed on this form. Discounts are usually available for combined shipping of multiple items.
Customer Name:
Street Address:
City: State: Zip:
Country: Telephone: E-Mail:

Payment: All payments must be made using U.S. Funds by check (payable on a U.S. bank), postal money
order, or credit card. Mail or fax your order to the address noted at the top of this page. We also accept
PayPal. Direct PayPal payments to: “”.
Credit Card Type: Card Number:

CC Billing Address

Expiration Date: 3 or 4 Digit Security Code: Signature of Authorization:


2014 KRT Events
All KRT radionics courses will be delivered by Ed Kelly and will include a balance of
radionic theory, practical application, and hands-on activities that will equip
participants to apply radionics to the energetic world that flows through us all. Ed is
a uniquely qualified instructor with years of experience building radionic
instruments, working with senior instructors, and writing about this amazing field.

February 1-2: KRT Basic Radionics Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

A two-day introduction to the basic theory and hands-on operation of the radionic instrument for the
new beginner and anyone seeking a refresher. Topics will include collection of samples and witnesses,
energetic analysis and radionic balancing, use of reagents, use of worksheets, and cold scanning.
Participants will practice using the radionic instrument to complete analysis worksheets on water and
soil samples brought from home or taken at the site of the class, then utilizing the broadcast mode to
energetically balance those elements. $400 each or $250 for retake or with purchase.

February 5: KRT Advanced Topics in Radionics Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

A one-day course designed to explore advanced dimensions of knowledge. Participants will cold scan
a two bank/four dial rate focused on clearing one or more specific obstacles from their lives, plus
complete and discuss the results found on the Psychic Attack sheet. Also covered will be advanced
reagent selection and radionic harmonic matching. $150 per person.

May 17-19: KRT Fundamentals of Radionics The Dome, Lakemont, Georgia

An introduction to the basic theory and hands-on operation of the radionic instrument. This three-day
course is designed for the brand new beginner and anyone wanting a refresher. Topics will include the
history and theory of radionics; collecting samples and witnesses; energetic analysis and radionic
balancing; use of reagents, cold scanning, and use of the Water, Plant/Soil, and Animal Analysis
worksheets. Participants will practice using the radionic instrument to complete analysis on water,
soil, and animal samples brought from home or taken at the site of the class, then utilizing the
broadcast mode to energetically balance. $600 each or $350 for retake or with purchase.

May 20: KRT Advanced Topics in Radionics The Dome, Lakemont, Georgia
A one-day course designed to explore advanced dimensions of knowledge. Participants will cold scan
a two bank/four dial rate focused on clearing one or more specific obstacles from their lives, plus
complete and discuss the results found on the Psychic Attack sheet. Also covered will be advanced
reagent selection and radionic harmonic matching. $150 per person.

August 9-10: KRT Great Radionics Expo Columbus, Ohio

A grass-roots celebration of radionics and the energetic arts featuring 24
programs by researchers working in a wide variety of areas, including
crop/herd agriculture, personal healing, and Earth energy engineering.
The Expo Market will put participants face-to-face with the manufacturers
of radionic equipment, esoteric technology, and information. $300 per
person or $200 for registration before May 31. $50 off for spouse/family.

August 11-12: KRT Basic Radionics Columbus, Ohio

A two-day introduction to the basic theory and hands-on operation of the radionic instrument for the
new beginner and anyone seeking a refresher. Topics will include collection of samples and witnesses,
energetic analysis and radionic balancing, use of reagents, use of worksheets, and cold scanning.
Participants will practice using the radionic instrument to complete analysis worksheets on water and
soil samples brought from home or taken at the site of the class, then utilizing the broadcast mode to
energetically balance those elements. $400 each or $250 for retake or with purchase.

Kelly Research Report - Extra - Vol. 8, No. 1

Other Energetic Events in 2014
This is a golden age for sharing ideas in radionics and other energetic arts! Consider
taking part in a program conducted by one or more of these teachers, healers, and
radionics researchers. Each of them has a unique perspective to share.

Ongoing: Conshohocken Radionics Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Pete Radatti’s group now has 70 members and hosts regular meetings, classes, and
discussion groups on radionics. Find out about upcoming events at:

Ongoing: Wisdom Quest Group Western Ohio

Bruce M. Forrester’s Wisdom Quest Group brings together an active membership and experts in a
variety of esoteric and mainstream topics. Find out about upcoming Wisdom Quest events at:

Ongoing: Personal Radionics Training Las Vegas, New Mexico

Rev. Dr. Karen Stashek provides one-on-one, personalized radionics training by appointment only.
Instruction is available at the Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced levels. To schedule a course or
session please contact Karen at 505-425-9003, or via email at:

February 3-4: Western Canadian Annual Producer’s Conference Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

KRT is very proud to return to Canada for a third year to participate in the Western Canadian Annual
Producer’s Conference, put on by our friends at Back To Your Roots Soil Solutions - a company
focused on building nutrient dense food for a healthy world. If the 2014 program is anything like
previous years, this will be an opportunity to receive eye-opening, life-changing information about
agriculture, the food we eat, and the world around us. To register to participate in the Western
Canadian Annual Producer’s Conference please call the BTYR offices at 306-747-4744.

February 8-10: Beginner’s Radionics Curryville, Missouri

Ginny Blankenship’s class for beginners will be held at The Cabin, a log building that is located in a
serene environment. Ginny brings a healer’s perspective to radionics, with years of experience and
certifications in several energy modalities, including five years of service as Pat Schmidt’s protégé and
assistant teacher. Says Ginny, “You will love the atmosphere and you will love my "No fear" approach
to radionics. In class I hope to expand on the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of
healing using a step-by-step process that utilizes radionics to its fullest potential.” Please contact
Ginny at 573-680-5940 or visit her website at:

February 9: Reams for Humans Omaha, Nebraska

February 10: Reams for the Soil
February 11-12: Beginners Radionics for Everyone
February 13: Advanced Radionics and Potentizing
These classes will be taught by Steve Westin, a senior instructor with decades of experience using
radionics on the farm and in the home. Steve was personally trained by KRT founder Peter J. Kelly
and hand-picked by Peter to share this knowledge with the world. Steve’s classes are infused with
esoteric knowledge that stretches beyond radionic instrumentation, providing participants with a
wealth of additional information and techniques for capturing success. For more information please
contact Steve at 269-692-2771, or via email at:

February 21-23: Advanced Radionics Des Moines, Iowa

Marty Lucas of Every Advantage Consulting will teach unique concepts and cutting-edge procedures
discovered and developed to identify and resolve the most persistent problems found in crops,
livestock, and the home. A variety of innovative tools will be demonstrated for making the most of
the radionic instrument. Participants must be fully proficient in basic radionics. For more information
or to register contact Marty at 515-270-2300, or via email at:

Kelly Research Report - Extra - Vol. 8, No. 1

February/March: GEET Training Course Iowa
Global Environmental Energy Technology (GEET) utilizes a self-induced plasma generator to reduce
engine emissions while improving performance. This class will be taught by Earth Life Enterprise, a
licensed dealer. For exact dates and more information please call Michael McNeill at 515-295-5513.

March: Radionics and Dowsing: Basic and Advanced Classes Blue Earth, Minnesota
These classes will be taught by Tim Lippert in Blue Earth, Minnesota - exact dates to be determined.
The Basic Class covers the fundamentals of dowsing and the operation of radionic equipment for
analysis and balancing. The Advanced Class covers electronic potentizing, anapathics, advanced
scanning techniques and other subjects. Tim has years of experience applying radionics and dowsing
to real situations on real farms. To enroll in the class or for more info, please contact Livestock
Innovations, Inc. at 507-787-2397 or via email at:

March 29-30: Advanced Radionics: Class 8 New York City

This class will be taught by Dr. Linda Lancaster of the Light Harmonics Institute and is part of an
ongoing certificate program. For details and to register call Light Harmonics at 505-989-4610, or

July 21-25: Advanced Medical Radiesthesia & Radionics Santa Fe, New Mexico
This five day intensive course will be taught by Dr. Linda Lancaster of the Light Harmonics Institute.
Participants completing the program will be awarded a certificate. For details and to register call Light
Harmonics at 505-989-4610, or email:

July 26-27: Electromagnetic Energy Cooking Class Santa Fe, New Mexico
This two day course will be taught by Dr. Linda Lancaster of the Light Harmonics Institute and is
open to anyone interested in healing and health. For details and to register call Light Harmonics at
505-989-4610, or email:

September: Dynamics of Homeopathy Module 1 Santa Fe, New Mexico

In Energy Medicine, Homeopathic principles are utilized and the remedies can be the missing link
between the mother, layperson, natural healer and the doctor. In this certificate module Dr. Linda
Lancaster will help the student to understand the role Homeopathy plays in an Energy Medicine
Natural Healing Practice. Polycrests, Cell Salts, Drainage and Acute remedies will be discussed and
practical applications of these remedies will be shown. For details and to register call Light Harmonics
at 505-989-4610, or email:

Knowledge is the food of the soul. - Plato

Kelly Research Report - Extra - Vol. 8, No. 1

KRT Radionics Workshops: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
KRT is very proud to return to Canada for a third year to participate in the Western Canadian Annual
Producer’s Conference on February 3 and 4, put on by our friends at Back To Your Roots Soil
Solutions - a company focused on building nutrient dense food. If the 2014 program is anything
like previous years, this will be an opportunity to receive eye-opening, life-changing information
about agriculture, the food we eat, and the world around us. To register to participate in the
Western Canadian Annual Producer’s Conference please call the BTYR offices at 306-747-4744.

In conjunction with the Western Producer’s Conference, KRT’s Ed Kelly will be delivering a pair of
radionics workshops. A two-day Basic Radionics course will immediately precede the conference on
February 1 and 2, then a single day of Advanced Topics in Radionics will follow on February 5.

BASIC RADIONICS: February 1-2, 2014 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

An introduction to the basic theory and hands-on operation of the radionic instrument. This course is
designed for the brand new beginner and anyone wanting a refresher on the basics. Topics include:
 History and Theory of Radionics  Water & Plant/Soil Analysis Worksheets
 Samples and Witnesses  Use of Reagents: Physical and Electronic
 Energetic Analysis and Balancing  Basic Rate Scanning/Electronic Dowsing

Participants will practice using and developing a touch for the radionic instrument by completing
analysis worksheets on water and soil samples brought from home or taken at the site of the class,
then utilizing the instrument in the broadcast mode to energetically balance those elements.

Each individual and family/friend enrollee will be provided with following materials and information:
 Radionics - Book 2: Applied Radionics  Two 300 ml Griffin beakers
 Set of 10 KRT radionic worksheets  One year: Kelly Research Report

Individual Enrollment $400.00

Retake or with Purchase of a New Instrument $250.00
Instrument Rental (Supplies are limited!) $50.00

ADVANCED TOPICS IN RADIONICS: February 5, 2014 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

A one-day course designed to explore advanced dimensions of knowledge. Participants will cold scan
a two bank/four dial rate whose focus is on clearing one or more specific obstacles from their lives,
plus complete and discuss the results found on the Psychic Attack sheet. Participants must have a
working knowledge of their radionic instrument. Topics covered will include:
 Advanced Rate Scanning for Accuracy  Advanced Reagent Selection
 Case Study: Psychic Attack Worksheet  Radionic Harmonic Matching

Individual Enrollment $150.00

NOTE: The universal radionic concepts covered in class will equip participants to conduct radionic research in any area of interest. However,
human health issues cannot be covered at any time. Regrettably, any questions concerning human health will have to be declined.
Who: Courses taught by Ed Kelly, President of KRT. Ed is a uniquely qualified instructor with
a lifetime building radionic devices and writing about this amazing art.

Where: Saskatoon Inn, 2002 Airport Drive, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7L 6M4

Lodging: This meeting will be held at the Saskatoon Inn Hotel & Conference Centre. A special
group rate of $139.99 plus tax is available by asking for “Back To Your Roots”. Call toll
free: 800-667-8789 to book your room! Visit: to see
photos of this lovely hotel. Complimentary shuttle service is provided to and from
Saskatoon International Airport.

When: Classes will run from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm each day, with breaks.

Bring: Any Hieronymus-type radionic instrument, plus samples of water, soil, plants, and/or
animals from home. Please order as soon as possible if a new instrument is required
from KRT. A limited number of instruments will be available for rent from KRT.

Food: Participants will be responsible for their own meals.

Register: All prices are in US dollars. As such, all registration must be paid by credit card
or PayPal. Call to register via credit card at (706) 782-2524, or complete and fax
the following enrollment form to (706) 782-1047. PayPal payments should be
directed to: Send other correspondence to KRT,
Inc., PO Box 128, Lakemont, GA, 30552, USA.

Contact Information:
Participant Name:

Street /Box:

City: State: Zip:

Country: Telephone: E-Mail:

Credit Card Payment Information:

Credit Card Type: Card Number:

CC Billing Address:

Expiration Date: 3 or 4 Digit Security Code: Signature of Authorization:

Enroll today!
Call: 706-782-2524 or email:

NOTE: The universal radionic concepts covered in class will equip participants to conduct radionic research in any area of interest. However,
human health issues cannot be covered at any time. Regrettably, any questions concerning human health will have to be declined.
KRT Radionics Workshops: Lakemont, Georgia
Come to The Dome and see where Kelly Research Technologies was born! Courses will be delivered
by Ed Kelly and will include a balance of radionic theory, practical application and hands-on activities
that will equip course participants to apply radionics to the energetic world that flows through us all.

FUNDAMENTALS OF RADIONICS: May 17– 19, 2014 The Dome, Lakemont, Georgia
An introduction to the basic theory and hands-on operation of the radionic instrument. This course is
designed for the brand new beginner and anyone wanting a refresher on the basics. Topics include:
 History and Theory of Radionics  Animal Analysis Worksheet
 Samples and Witnesses  Supplemental Worksheets
 Energetic Analysis and Balancing  Use of Reagents: Physical and Electronic
 Water & Plant/Soil Analysis Worksheets  Basic Rate Scanning/Electronic Dowsing

Participants will practice using and developing a touch for the radionic instrument by completing
analysis worksheets on water and soil samples brought from home or taken at the site of the class,
then utilizing the instrument in the broadcast mode to energetically balance those elements.

Each individual and family/friend enrollee will be provided with following materials and information:
 Radionics - Book 2: Applied Radionics  Two 300 ml Griffin beakers
 Set of 10 KRT radionic worksheets  One year: Kelly Research Report

Individual Enrollment $600.00

Retake or with Purchase of a New Instrument $350.00
Instrument Rental (Supplies are limited!) $50.00

ADVANCED TOPICS IN RADIONICS: May 20, 2014 The Dome, Lakemont, Georgia
A one-day course designed to explore advanced dimensions of knowledge. Participants will cold scan
a two bank/four dial rate whose focus is on clearing one or more specific obstacles from their lives,
plus complete and discuss the results found on the Psychic Attack sheet. Participants must have a
working knowledge of their radionic instrument. Topics covered will include:
 Advanced Rate Scanning for Accuracy  Advanced Reagent Selection
 Case Study: Psychic Attack Worksheet  Radionic Harmonic Matching

Individual Enrollment $150.00

Participants in both workshops are also welcome to complimentary

rides on KRT’s BETAR Master Edition Focused Vibroacoustic Sound
Therapy system, also located at The Dome in Lakemont. For more
information on BETAR please visit:

NOTE: The universal radionic concepts covered in class will equip participants to conduct radionic research in any area of interest. However,
human health issues cannot be covered at any time. Regrettably, any questions concerning human health will have to be declined.
Who: Courses will be delivered by Ed Kelly, President of KRT. Ed is a uniquely qualified
instructor with years of experience building radionic devices, working with senior
instructors, and writing about this amazing field.
Where: The Dome at KRT: 121 Oasis Road, Lakemont, Georgia 30552
When: Classes will run from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm each day, with breaks.
Bring: Any Hieronymus-type radionic instrument, plus samples of water, soil, plants, and/or
animals from home. Please order as soon as possible if a new instrument is required
from KRT. A limited number of instruments will be available for rent from KRT.
Food: Light refreshments will be provided during class. Participants will be responsible for
their own meals. A variety of restaurants is available in the area.
Lodging Recommendations:
Lake Rabun Hotel Lakemont, GA 706-782-4946
Quality Inn & Suites Clayton, GA 706-782-2214
Tiger Creek Falls Inn Tiger, GA 706-782-2085

Area Attractions:
Rabun County, Georgia, is a beautiful area of mountains, lakes and spectacular gorges! Make the most of your
visit by spending some extra time in the area. To learn more, please visit:

Register: All prices are in US dollars. Registration may be paid by check, credit card, or
PayPal. Call to register via credit card at (706) 782-2524, or complete and fax the
following enrollment form to (706) 782-1047. PayPal payments should be
directed to: Send checks and other
correspondence to KRT, Inc., PO Box 128, Lakemont, GA, 30552, USA.

Contact Information:
Participant Name:

Street /Box:

City: State: Zip:

Country: Telephone: E-Mail:

Credit Card Payment Information:

Credit Card Type: Card Number:

CC Billing Address:

Expiration Date: 3 or 4 Digit Security Code: Signature of Authorization:

Enroll today! Call: 706-782-2524 or email:

NOTE: The universal radionic concepts covered in class will equip participants to conduct radionic research in any area of interest. However,
human health issues cannot be covered at any time. Regrettably, any questions concerning human health will have to be declined.

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