IP Workbook - Module 1

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The key takeaways are introducing the INSANE PRODUCTIVITY program and welcoming the reader to join.

The smartphone addiction test is used to assess a person's level of addiction to their smartphone.

The different levels of smartphone addiction described are: Clean as a Whistle, Social Drinker, Coffee Fiend, Chain Smoker, Pothead, Crack Head, and Perma-Fried, with increasing levels of addiction severity.






Designed and delivered by Darren Hardy

PRODUCTIVITY www.getwsodo.com


What an honor to have you on this exciting learning journey.

Your interest and commitment to your improved productivity signifies you are one of the exceptional, standout achievers
of our time.

Your choice—your decision to quickly answer the call, to make the investment—demonstrates that greatness resides within
you (perhaps more than you might realize at this moment).

And that greatness is why I designed this program. Over the 12 learning modules we will journey through together I’ll help
you further draw out and embolden that greatness. I’ll help you remove any constraints or doubts that might be limiting
you or holding you back. Together, we’ll eliminate those hindrances that have been suppressing your greater capabilities
and potential.

If there has ever been a time to equip oneself to become insanely focused, insanely disciplined and insanely productive
now is that time. For the bold, ambitious, and progressive-minded achiever, now is the greatest time of opportunity in hu-
man history. The Internet, new media, and ever-evolving technologies are radically changing the game. They are shaking up
the status quo and reshuffling the decks of those who control the marketplace, giving rise to new ideas, new solutions, and
new opportunities. Now is when new wealth will be born.

And right now, through this program, the new—and improved—you will be born. I guarantee life will never be the same
after you complete this journey with me.

You will also be in extraordinary company. Those who have also joined this program are unique and exceptional, and they
hail from states, provinces, and countries from all around the world. They are the birds of your feather. Be sure to spend
some time connecting with them through our private Facebook group.

Welcome to the INSANE PRODUCTIVITY program. I am glad you are here.

Your friend in SUCCESS,

Darren Hardy


© Darren Hardy, All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. www.DarrenHardy.com
PRODUCTIVITY www.getwsodo.com

About Darren Hardy

Publisher SUCCESS Magazine, New York Times Bestselling Author

& Mentor to CEOs and HIGH-PERFORMANCE Entrepreneurs.

Darren Hardy is the visionary force behind SUCCESS magazine as its

Publisher and Founding Editor. As a business leader in the success
industry for two decades, Darren has had unique and unfettered
access to the most successful people on the planet, including Richard
Branson, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, Howard Schultz,
Charles Schwab, Jeff Bezos and many more. He has uncovered the
secrets to their success and now reveals them to us.

Darren mentors many of today’s high-performing CEOs, advises many

large corporations and sits on the board of several companies and
non-profit organizations.

Darren is also a highly sought after keynote speaker, media contributor and the New York Times bestselling author of
The Compound Effect and Living Your Best Year Ever.

Darren champions the message of success, hope and abundant opportunity to a reach of over 3 million
people each month through the pages of SUCCESS magazine, his blog (http://DarrenHardy.SUCCESS.com),
Twitter (@DarrenHardy), Facebook (DarrenHardyFan) and before live audiences of entrepreneurs across the country.
Darren distills the best of the best information and strategies available, mixing in his own street-tested principles of
success to mentor and empower millions of entrepreneurs globally.

Learn more at: DarrenHardy.com

Blog: darrenhardy.success.com
Facebook: facebook.com/DarrenHardyFan
Twitter: twitter.com/darrenhardy
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/darrenhardy


© Darren Hardy, All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. www.DarrenHardy.com




PRODUCTIVITY www.getwsodo.com

Mastering these strategies __________________________
will put you in the top __________________________
_____________% __________________________
of those aspiring for more in life. __________________________
CONGRATULATIONS! __________________________


© Darren Hardy, All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. www.DarrenHardy.com
PRODUCTIVITY www.getwsodo.com
Why ______________________
now more than ever.

Speed of change is ______________________. __________________________

Keep up or you’ll be left behind. __________________________
“In the 21st Century we won’t experience __________________________
100 years of progress, but ______________________ __________________________
years worth of progress.” __________________________
– Raymond Kurzweil in Law of Accelerating Returns __________________________
30 steps Linear:
1, 2, 3, 4 @ 30 = 30
30 steps Exponentially:
1, 2, 4, 8 @ 30 = ______________ __________________________
“All the information ever created in human history __________________________
up to 2003 is created ______________________ __________________________
______________________.” __________________________
– Eric Schmidt while CEO of Google __________________________
But, there has always been more information than any one __________________________
person can learn. So what’s different?
It’s coming... _____________________
______________________ __________________________
Obesity is not Food Overload, it’s __________________________
FOOD OVERCONSUMPTION __________________________
Stress, distraction is not Information Overload, it’s __________________________
______________________ ______________________ __________________________
Perpetual Productivity __________________________
_______________________ __________________________
Spinning Out of Control.
The more _______________________ we are,
the more we search for a convenient distraction. __________________________


© Darren Hardy, All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. www.DarrenHardy.com
PRODUCTIVITY www.getwsodo.com
Spinning further...
The more _______________________ we make ourselves,
the more likely we are to get distracted.
And, _______________________ are doing it to yourself. __________________________
DIGITAL DISTRACTION __________________________
The average 13- to 17-year-old __________________________
exchanges ______________ /mo. __________________________
One every ______________ minutes they are awake. __________________________
______________ report checking email while driving.
______________ continue to check email on vacation. __________________________
One study showed office workers check email up to __________________________
______________ times per hour! __________________________
______________ of check their phone for messages, __________________________
alerts or calls, even when they don’t notice their phone __________________________
ringing or vibrating. __________________________
______________ admit to using their phone in the
bathroom (30% say they never go to bathroom without
their phone). Droid: 87%, BlackBerry: 84%, iPhone: 77% __________________________
______________ cannot go to bed without __________________________
checking their inbox. __________________________
______________ confess to checking email __________________________
in the middle of the night. __________________________
______________ check their phone before __________________________
getting out of bed.


© Darren Hardy, All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. www.DarrenHardy.com
PRODUCTIVITY www.getwsodo.com
______________ routinely check email at the dinner table.
We’ve not only lost our minds... but our manners.

______________ __________________________
Digitally induced mental chaos. __________________________
– Douglas Rushkoff __________________________
The tail is wagging the dog leaving us Overstressed, __________________________
Overwhelmed, Overworked, Overwound, Over-stimulated, __________________________
Overexerted, Overextended, Overtired, Under-producing, __________________________
Underperforming, Unsatisfied, Unfulfilled, Unhappy, __________________________
Frustrated, Anxious and Discouraged.
Meanwhile...marketing warfare has turned on
______________. __________________________
This is a blood sport competition for your __________________________
______________. __________________________
You are under siege, continuously. __________________________
And ______________ are winning. __________________________
Most important skill of the 21st Century?
Learning to control your ______________
And stay focused on what’s really important to YOU.
Here’s the problem... you __________________________
______________ ______________! __________________________
You are addicted! __________________________
“Compulsive use of mobile phones, computers and PDAs __________________________
is an ______________ similar to sex, drugs and alcohol.” __________________________
– John Ratey, Clinical Psychologist Harvard University
Tech contact stimulations pump out a
dopamine squirt that gives us a buzz.


© Darren Hardy, All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. www.DarrenHardy.com
PRODUCTIVITY www.getwsodo.com
______________ have Nomophobia, the fear of being out
of mobile phone contact.
– NBC News
What would you give up to keep your smartphone? __________________________
 1/3: SEX __________________________
 1/2: Caffeine __________________________
 2/3: Chocolate __________________________
 1/2: Exercise __________________________
 70%: Alcohol __________________________
 43%: Shoes __________________________
– All Things D report
68% of CEOs aren’t on any social networks whatsoever.
– DOMO/CEO.com __________________________
Social media/constant digital connection is the stuff of __________________________
mindless entertainment for the masses. A means of feeling __________________________
important for the chronically unimportant. Distraction from __________________________
an unsatisfactory real life. __________________________


© Darren Hardy, All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. www.DarrenHardy.com
PRODUCTIVITY www.getwsodo.com

Digital ADDICTION Assessment

Check each box below if the answer is “yes” (even “mostly yes”). Be honest (lying to yourself is an addiction too!).
No one will see this but you. The first step to change is acknowledgement.

 Do you sometimes bring your  Have your friends commented, on  Do you spend more time on Facebook
smartphone, tablet or laptop with you Facebook, that you spend too much than you do in the presence of actual
while you sit on the toilet? time on Facebook? people?

 If you have to wait in line for more  Do you check your personal Facebook  Have you ever asked, “are we friends”
than 2 minutes do you often pull out account/notifications while at work? (on Facebook)?
your smartphone?
 When you post an update on  Do you check your email, Twitter feed
 If are waiting at a stoplight that looks Facebook, are you disappointed if no and/or Facebook account, one last
like it will be red for more than 30 one comments on it (be honest!) time, after you brush your teeth at
seconds, do you often pull out your night?
smartphone?  Since starting to use Facebook you
spend less time doing other activities  Do you text or check email while
 Do you bring your smartphone with you used to enjoy (e.g., sports, driving even though you know it’s
you to church? exercise, socializing with others, worse than if you were driving drunk?
hobbies, etc.)?
 Has your significant other ever  When something happens in your life,
banned you from your smartphone?  Do you often login to Facebook when is your first thought usually “How can
you are out socially with others? I fit this into 140 characters?”
 Does your spouse or kids text you
within your house to get your  Have you ever described what you are  Do you need multiple wall outlets to
attention? eating on Facebook or Twitter? charge all your stuff at night?

 Do you freak out if you’re in a car  Do you ever tell a friend in person to  When you sit down in a coffee shop,
and your smartphone is in your bag, check your Facebook page to learn do you tend to position yourself close
inaccessible? what’s new with you? to a power outlet “just in case”?

 Do you check your RSS feeds more  Have you ever gotten mad at a friend  Do you have more than five tabs open
than 1x per hour? who didn’t know what was new with in your browser at a time?
you because they didn’t check your
 Do you sometimes make a nervous Facebook page?  Are there more than three screens of
habit out of refreshing your inbox some kind in your office when you are
over and over, just in case someone  Do you check email, Twitter or your in it?
emailed you in the last 45 seconds? Facebook account before you brush
your teeth in the morning?  Do you tweet, email, text or read
 Does the verb “tweet” come blogs while watching movies or TV at
up regularly in your real-life  Do you have your Facebook account home?
conversations? set so you get automatic notifications
to keep up with what your friends are  Do you put your phone on vibrate at
 Have you ever changed vacation plans doing/saying? the movie theater rather than turn it
based on Wi-Fi availability? off, even though you’re not expecting
 Do you often confuse what someone anything important?
 Are there more than two portable has said to you “in real life” and what
electronic devices within reach of was said on Facebook?  Can you type text messages faster
your bed? than you can handwrite the same


© Darren Hardy, All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. www.DarrenHardy.com
PRODUCTIVITY www.getwsodo.com

 When out to eat do you put your  Do you check your email more than 1X  Are you answering email on your
smartphone on the table versus in your per hour? smartphone when you walk between
pocket or purse? meetings, or on your way to the
 When on a teleconference or phone call parking lot?
 Does it disturb you if someone else’s do often you scan email at the same
smartphone dings and they don’t time?  Do you keep answering while you’re
check the text? sitting in your car in your driveway or
 During meetings do you keep your garage when you get home?
 If you are without your smartphone smartphone on vibrate versus off?
or the battery has died when you  Do you deny you have an addiction to
see someone else on his or her  Is your smartphone on vibrate right your smartphone? (First stage for any
smartphone, do you get a twinge of now? type of addiction)
 During meetings do you often respond
 Would you classify yourself as an to texts or emails? (Don’t even think
effective multitasker? about doing that during this one!)

0-5: Clean as a Whistle - You are either 95 years old, live under a bridge or you often lie compulsively to make yourself feel better
about your distraction addictions. Sorry to call you out like that, somebody had to.

6-10: Social Drinker - You probably have real friends, play sports and actually have a significant other. Either that or you’ve recently
been released from smartphone rehab and haven’t slipped back to the old ways yet.

10-19: Coffee Fiend - Your addiction is medically certain, but it’s not killing you or your productivity. It’s certainly taxing your
adrenals and suppressing your greater, more organic potential, but hey, who is perfect.

20-29: Chain smoker - You recognize that you’re addicted and you’re trying to quit (but not that hard). Be aware that your
addictions are starting to ruin your social interactions, between signing out of the real world every 10 seconds and stinking up the
room when you enter. People do talk behind your back about it too. Just know that.

30-39: Pothead - You’re addicted, but you have no desire to quit. The technology has drained every bit of ambition to get sober out
of you. Yes, lunch will be soon. We don’t want to see you sneaking around the back with your smartphone either. It’s probably time
for counseling.

40-49: Crack head - You get all shaky when you even think about your smartphone, always searching for your next fix. Family
members are planning to stage an intervention and check you into a clinic. Shock therapy actually sounds exciting to you though.

50: Perma-fried - There’s no higher brain activity going on anymore. Doctors should prescribe you video games and/or marijuana
for medicinal purposes. Just to keep you from flat lining.

The first step to change is acknowledgement:

My name is ____________________________________ and I am an addict.

I hereby commit to listening intently on how to break these terrible productivity-crushing addictions that are crippling my
performance and wrecking my potential.

Signed: ______________________________________________________________


© Darren Hardy, All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. www.DarrenHardy.com

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