Revised Final Final Smme National Policy 11-05-2018 1 1
Revised Final Final Smme National Policy 11-05-2018 1 1
Revised Final Final Smme National Policy 11-05-2018 1 1
Foreword ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
PART A Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Alignment with National Policies ............................................................................................................... 6
Policy Strategic Pillars .................................................................................................................................. 6
Structure of the Document ........................................................................................................................ 7
CHAPTER 2: SMMENATIONAL POLICY FRAMEWORK .............................................................................. 8
BRIEF OVERVIEW OF ECONOMY OF ESWATINI .......................................................................................... 8
1.1. Definition of SMMESector ............................................................................................................. 9
1.2. Profile of the SMMESector........................................................................................................... 10
1.3. Challenges Facing the Sector ................................................................................................... 11
Chapter 3: POLICY FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................................ 13
3.1. Vision ............................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2. Mission Statement........................................................................................................................ 13
3.3. Policy Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.4. Main Policy Principles .................................................................................................................. 14
3.5. Policy Goals .................................................................................................................................. 14
Chapter 4: SMMENational Policy Provisions and Strategies ............................................................... 15
4.0. Policy Provisions ........................................................................................................................... 15
4.1. Increase Access to Financial Products and Services .............................................................. 15
Policy Issues ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Policy Statement.................................................................................................................................... 15
Policy Objectives ................................................................................................................................... 16
Policy Strategy ....................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2. Strengthen SMMEBusiness Support Institutions and Structures ............................................... 18
Policy Issues ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Policy Statement.................................................................................................................................... 18
Policy Objectives ................................................................................................................................... 19
Policy Strategy ....................................................................................................................................... 20
4.3. Strengthen the Legislative and Regulatory Framework for the Development of SMMEs .. 22
Policy Issues ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Policy Statement.................................................................................................................................... 23
Policy Objectives ................................................................................................................................... 23
Policy Strategy ....................................................................................................................................... 24
4.4. Promote and Develop a Culture of Entrepreneurship and Innovation ................................ 28
IP – Implementation Plan
The Government of Eswatini (GOE), through the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade (MCIT) has
made a decision to update the existing SMME Nation Policy which was first issued in 2004 and revised
in 2009. This revised SMME National Policy (“Policy”) aims to create a modern, comprehensive,
targeted and coherent framework that will create a highly profitable and entrepreneurial sector,
characterized by innovative, competitive and sustainable businesses and supported by an enabling
institutional and regulatory environment.
From a strategic perspective, the Policy is an important move by the MCIT to align its operations to
achieving the vision articulated in the National Development Strategy (NDS) of Swaziland. The
proposed strategies outlined in Part B are largely consistent with those articulated in the Citizens
Economic Empowerment Bill (Bill) and the NDS.
The achievement of the Policy goals and objectives require a partnership among key stakeholders
within the public and private sectors, and associations and/or organizations representing SMMEs.
1. Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMMEs) are the principal driving force in
economic development mostly for developing economies. In an economy such as that of
Eswatini, one cannot overlook the role of the sector. They stimulate private ownership and
entrepreneurial skills, they are flexible and can adapt quickly to changing market dynamics
and supply situation, they generate employment, help diversify economic activity and make
a significant contribution to exports and trade. In Eswatini assistance to the SMMEs
development is an integral part of overall economic reform together with enterprise
development and sustainability, investment promotion and financial reform.
2. The Government of Eswatini (GOE), through the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade
(MoCIT) and other related portfolio agencies, and the private sector, has over the years
attempted to address the development of the SMMEs through various development projects
and programs ranging from capacity building to setting up developmental funding
institutions providing financing. However, despite the significant role that SMMEs play in the
economic development of Eswatini and the official recognition of the importance of the
sector, the absence of a coherent and comprehensive policy framework for the sector has
resulted in an un-coordinated and ad hoc approach to providing support to SMMEs. This has
resulted in limited focus on critical areas such as broadening the entrepreneurship base of
the country, increasing productivity and fostering a culture of innovation among the SMMEs.
3. This revised SMME National Policy is intended to update the existing SMME National Policy, first
issued in 2004 and revised in 2009. The Policy aims to create a modern, comprehensive,
targeted and coherent framework that will create a highly competitive, profitable and
entrepreneurial sector, characterized by innovative, competitive and sustainable businesses
and supported by an enabling institutional and regulatory environment.
4. The achievement of the Policy goals and objectives will therefore necessitate a partnership
among key stakeholders within the public and private sectors, and associations and/or
organizations representing SMMEs.
5. The revised SMMEPolicy is based on a situational analysis of the SMME sector in Eswatini, which
was conducted during January 2015 and the subsequent assessment of the Informal Trade
which was conducted by the Coalition of Informal Entrepreneurs Association of Swaziland
(CIEAS) through the support of the Co-ordination Assembly of NGOs (CANGO) in October
2016. This analysis included a series of broad and in-depth consultations with all stakeholders
6. From a strategic perspective, the Policy is an important move by the MoCIT to align its
operations to achieving the vision articulated in the National Development Strategy (NDS) of
Swazilabd. The proposed strategies outlined in Part B are largely consistent with those
articulated in the Citizens Economic Empowerment Bill (Bill) and under the NDS, both of which
provide for the policy framework and sets out the strategic framework for improving the
business environment in Eswatini. The NDS framework is supported by a set of national
strategies that will ensure a well-functioning labour market; improved opportunities for SMMEs;
efficient bureaucracy; adequate financial inclusion; and supportive trade relations.
7. The strategies that will be implemented under the Policy fall within seven (7) main pillars,
i) Increase Access to Financial Products and Services;
ii) Strengthen SMME Business Support Institutions and Structures;
iii) Strengthen the Legislative and Regulatory Framework for the Development of
iv) Promote and Develop a Culture of Entrepreneurship and Innovation;
v) Strengthen the Domestic and International Competitiveness of SMMEs;
vi) Define, recognise and protect the Informal Trade Sector;
vii) Develop and Improve the Position of and Support of SMMEs Owned by Women,
Youth and Disadvantage Group; and,
viii) Enhance Policy Implementation and Integration by improving dialogue between
Key Stakeholders.
8. This Document is divided into three parts. Part A is the SMMENational Policy Framework
(“Policy”), which provides an overview of Eswatini’s economy; definitions of key concepts;
profile and role of the SMMEs; and the Policy framework, which covers the vision, mission,
policy objectives, policy goals; and main policy principles, While Part B outlines the policy
provisions, strategies and the monitoring and evaluation element of the policy.
9. Finally, Part C provides the 5 years’ strategic action plan that builds upon the policy strategies.
This action plan is incorporated in an implementation framework template. The actions will
need to be assigned and agreed with officials in the SME Unit at MoCIT and in consultation
with other relevant government agencies that have the mandate to support SMME
10. Eswatini is an open economy country with a trade to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio of
about 120% and a population of about 1.2 million. Based on the World Bank Report (2013), it
has a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of about $3,500, and is classified as a lower
middle income country. Eswatini’s ranking in the 2014 Doing Business Index by the World Bank
was 123 out of 189 countries, while over the same period, the World Economic Forum’s Global
Competitiveness Report ranked Eswatini at 124 out of 148 countries. Also, despite the
importance of trade to Eswatini’s economy, the country is lowly ranked under the trade
barriers (84), trade tariffs (78) and burden of customs procedures (137) categories in the
Global Competitiveness Report 2013.
11. Although the business environment is slowly improving, a significant number of reforms are still
needed to make it conducive. South Africa accounts for about 85% of imports and about
60% of exports due to its close links with Eswatini - while the European Union (EU) is the second
largest export market for Eswatini. Although the country was able to use trade effectively to
generate growth in the past, exports performance has weakened in recent years.
12. According to the World Bank Report, Eswatini faces considerable vulnerabilities in its existing
export base because a significant portion of current exports is dependent on trade
preferences, including sugar (under the EU Sugar Regime which is scheduled to expire in the
near term) and apparel (under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)) and the
World Bank Country Overview (2014).
13. An overview in the African Economic Outlook indicated that in spite of an expansionary fiscal
stance, economic growth of Eswatini decelerated to just over 2% in 2014 as private sector
investments remained low. This was mainly due:
15. Eswatini’s membership to various regional and international trade arrangements is important
to promoting trade, a critical element of its development and the health of the economy,
given its small size. Eswatini has made some progress in implementing regional commitments.
It has, together with other Common Monetary Area (CMA) countries, fulfilled the conditions
for participation in the cross-border electronic payments system that began in July 2013. As
part of the SACU, Eswatini meets most of the convergence criteria for the Southern African
Development Community (SADC).
16. There is no single global definition for SMMEs, mainly due to divergences in economic
structures and stages of development. Globally, most countries have developed their own
definitions in an effort to craft appropriate and effective policies and programs for SMMEs to
fit its context and economic circumstances. This is based on the number of employees
(salaried), value of assets and the turn-over.
17. This Policy classify the SMMEs as a continuum, from informal micro-enterprises all the way to
formal medium-sized enterprises. The distinctions within the continuum is not important, only
the ease with which enterprises can change within the scale is more critical – i.e. a micro-
enterprise deciding to formalise its operations and a medium-sized enterprise downscaling its
businesses operations. Table 1 below provides the classification.
18. However, this should be considered a working definition, and could be reviewed and
revised regularly to better respond to the economic developments and changing
dynamics of the sector to develop and target specific policies for the SMMEs.
19. Employment Creation: It has been proven that the SMME sector is responsible for
providing employment, helping to create wealth, form the foundation for private sector
growth and expansion and most importantly, contribute to the social development.
Therefore, in order to address the development needs of the sector on a deep and
meaningful level, a comprehensive and enforceable legislation is required.
21. Recognition of the Sector: Official recognition of the importance of the sector in the
economic development of Eswatini, hence the need for a well-co-ordinated approach
to the development and growth of this sector to enable it to achieve the targeted results
of transforming the sector for the better.
22. Lack of Formalization: The provision of appropriate structures and incentives for business
formalization is key. This has to address the following issues:
24. The following are the most common challenges and constraints faced by SMMEs in
25. Missing Middle: From the analysis, it was clear that there is a marked “missing middle” of
enterprises in between the very small informal and the very large SMMEs and this is mainly
due to the lack of well-managed and vibrant businesses, hence the need for proper
support to eventually upscale to larger enterprises. The previous efforts of the
government to address the above constraints for better development of the SMMEsector
have fallen short as they more often confine to the bottom segments (micro and small
businesses) of the sector. Many of the other businesses remain unprofitable, while the
foreign owned business dominates and operate the more profitable businesses.
26. Lack of access to finance – This is due to lack of awareness of available credit facilities,
limited bankable projects and lack of collateral. In addition, other contributing factors
include the lack of entrepreneurial spirit and financial & business management skills,
limited development and transfer of skills to employees and the use of the business funds
to meet personal expenses (no separation between personal and business needs). The
provision of value chain financing is necessary.
29. Other challenges - Lack of access to available markets (local, regional and international)
that will provide scope for increased scale and investment for these businesses to be
competitive. Increased costs of doing business due to lack of affordable premises
coupled with finding premises reduce average cost of production.
30. The above challenges and constraints as well as the key role SMMEs play in the economy
of Eswatini necessitated the revision of the existing policy, policy framework and the
strategies to achieve the policy goals.
31. This Policy Framework consists of the Vision, Mission, Policy Objectives, Policy Goals and
main Policy Principles.
3.1. Vision
and other development partners will perform the following key roles:
▪ Regulator – the government through MCIT develop and implement laws and
regulations relating to the support and development of SMMEs.
34. The needs of the SMME industry are broadly covered in the Bill under the key policy
objectives of facilitating and supporting the creation of an enabling environment for
SMMEs. Therefore, the Policy objectives are aimed at:
▪ Enact into law a legislative framework that will enable the promotion and co-
ordination of the SMME sector;
35. The fundamental principles, which support this Policy, are that SMMEs are:
▪ Employment generating engine and catalyst for human and social economic
36. The Policy goals and outcomes as articulated, aligned and consistent with the key
national policies and the National Development Strategy of Swaziland (NDS) and the
Poverty Reduction Strategy and Action Plan (PRSAP). The following are the policy goals:
▪ Foster economic growth and development;
37. There are eight (8) policy elements that are covered and under each provision key policy
issues are discussed, policy objectives defined and strategies to achieve these objectives
38. Access to finance at all levels of SMMEs remains a formidable obstacle to growth in this
sector. SMMEs and rural households remain unattractive as business propositions. This
stem from lack of documentation to support loan applications (e.g. cash flow
statements, credit & financial history, valuation reports, legal fees); difficulty in providing
evidence of a market for products in loan applications; low financial management skills
among entrepreneurs; and the agricultural nature of many SMMEs are perceived as risky.
Most of the SMMEs have difficulty to meet collateral requirements. High costs of credit
also discourage borrowing by SMMEs.
39. SMMEs need long-term finance and working capital, however most loans issued by credit
providers have short-term loan repayment terms. Banks are known for offering standard
terms and conditions, leaving little chance of refinancing if repayment problems arise,
which most often result in early foreclosures. There is a need for financial support for the
start-up capital to grow and sustain the existing businesses. Access to savings,
investment, credit and financing facilities to support business start-up and working capital
is essential. Limited SMME industry specific financial products and services at competitive
prices remains a big constraint.
40. The Government will facilitate increased access to financial products and services for
SMMEs by establishing an enabling environment for both the public and private sector to
enhance financial outreach and depth for the sector.
41. To introduce alternative financing options that are less dependent on the provision of
traditional collateral, since most SMMEs do not have the capacity to raise collateral.
Facilitate an increase in the supply of financial products and services to SMMEs, as well
as preferential interest rates and charges for the businesses.
42. To support business surveys and appropriate platforms to provide relevant information on
key business ventures to enable financiers to make informed and timely decisions on loan
appraisal. Enhance capacity of the financial institutions staff on the operation and
performance of the SMME sector. The following are the specific objectives of the SMMEs
to enhance access to finance for the sector:
▪ Improve the awareness and demonstrate the profitability and contribution of the
sector to overall economic growth and development.
43. In order to increase access to financial products and services for the SMMEs, this policy
articulates the below strategies.
44. To stimulate credit outreach and depth for the SMMEs, support the development of
mechanisms to enhance the attractiveness of the sector for finance, particularly the
bank finance. Identify and promote investment on high-value enterprises with
opportunities for effective business linkages with the SMMEs to maximise business returns,
business skills transfer and overall impact to economic growth. Emphasize on the value
chain approach and elaborate information to create awareness on the opportunities
and enable informed decision-making.
45. Support and promote viable methodologies for the on-lending of funds to SMMEs,
particularly without the need for traditional collateral. Collaborate with the relevant
agencies to develop and implement the enabling policy environment such as the
establishment of the credit infrastructure, secured lending & movable property registry,
competitive SME Scoring and the national SMMEloan register to minimize the risk
perception on the sector and reduce the cost of lending.
46. Promote equity financing for the sector, particularly the participation in the Eswatini Stock
Exchange through the introduction of less stringent registration rules for SMMEs willing to
list on the Exchange. This should be coupled with relevant support for these businesses
to cost-effectively maintain accurate and quality financial statements on their
47. Encourage and incentivise angel investors that would partner with these businesses with
the intention to grow and nurture them. Collaborate with the Bankers Association of
Eswatini to explore the possibility of introducing innovative financing options. These
include “Factoring” where the accounts receivable of the SMME is used as collateral, or
“Floor Planning” where the inventory of the SMME is used as collateral until the sale is
48. Through moral persuasion and appropriate incentive measures promote the
establishment and operation of mechanisms to encourage financial institutions,
including banks, to increase lending to the businesses in the rural and peri-urban areas.
Provide the State of the SMME sector report, on an annual basis, indicating the
performance of the businesses, contribution to macro-economic indicators and the
credit outreach and depth compared to the specific target lending established.
49. Support the development of an effective, efficient and competitive local microfinance
sector to cater for the financial needs of the micro businesses and facilitate graduation
to the mainstream finance, as well as sustainable well-targeted government funding
facilities that will ensure complementarities and good inter-face with all the key players
in the financial system. Collaborate with the private sector to explore the feasibility of
establishing a public-private-partnership to provide Venture Capital for SMMEs and/or
establishing a SMME Development Fund. Encourage credit providers to introduce
innovative financial products and services such as Mobile Banking and E-money.
50. Provide financing for the business clusters using the Credit Guarantee Scheme, which
eliminates the need for individual collateral. Expand the scheme to include all credit
providers who provide credit and financing facilities to SMMEs. In addition, implement a
property evaluation system to increase the range of personal properties and land that
can be used as security for loans; expand guarantees for export oriented, innovating
businesses and entrepreneurs operating in the creative industries; and also adjust Credit
Guarantee Scheme and require less collateral in case of special loans for SMMEs.
51. Encourage the building societies and mortgage finance providers to provide loans to
SMMEs desirous of purchasing land or property for business use, at a concessionary rate.
Develop monitoring mechanisms that will ensure the entity operating at the specified
location is executing the activity that it is registered to undertake.
52. Rationalise and harmonize the contribution to SMME business support from the various key
agencies that are working in the sector. The intention is to enhance complementarity and
the capability to monitor and account for the contribution. This will entail clearly
articulating and mapping of the support being provided and the corresponding support
53. The Government will create an enabling institutional and legislative environment to
strengthen the business development support for SMMEs through clearly articulating the
54. The following are the specific objectives of key policy issues:
▪ To define the key roles and responsibilities of all the business service providers,
employer associations and other key relevant agencies that promote the
development of the sector through providing guidelines on the key policy priority
areas, expected outputs and effective mechanisms for co-ordination and
▪ To support the development and adoption of appropriate tools and systems that
will enhance and harmonize an all-inclusive provision of appropriate, quality and
affordable business management & technical training, business mentoring &
coaching, financial & market advisory services, access to financing, business
consulting services provision of marketing, exposure and access to local and
regional trade markets as well as other relevant support services that will improve
the profitability and sustainability of the entrepreneurs within this sector;
55. This Policy has the following strategies to enhance business development support for
56. Provide the resourcing of the SME Unit to increase the effectiveness of the Unit to manage
the implementation of the SMME National Policy and SMME Road Map, including the co-
ordination of all the SMME activities, harmonization of service provision, conduct research
and disseminate information on the performance of the sector;
57. Collaborate with the Central Statistical Office (CSO) and other relevant agencies,
facilitate the conduct of relevant surveys that will provide pertinent data and information
to establish the performance of the various enterprises within the sector. Manage research
and disseminate information on pertinent issues such as market research, product
competitiveness, product development, market segmentation and export penetration to
better inform service delivery and access to finance. In order to determine the impact of
the support programs and services provided to SMMEs, a uniformed monitoring and
evaluation policy or procedures needs to be developed by government and should fall
under the SME Unit.
59. Develop and implement plan for a structured mentorship programme through private-
public-partnerships. This programme should encourage entrepreneurs, senior executives
and business professionals with proven track record, in particular volunteers as mentors.
Recognize business mentors for their contributions through annual awards ceremonies.
Provide resources to facilitate networking opportunities and organize educational
activities to enhance the mentorship experience through seminars, workshops, visits, etc.
Facilitate and promote online business counselling. Establish Quality-Based Competitions
in the SMME sector, the reward for which will be mentorship from successful businesses.
Conduct technical workshops to showcase new and emerging method of business
60. Strengthen agencies that play a key role in the identification, facilitation and development
of products with a high export potential as well as those in the areas of standards-setting,
package design and marketing. Develop and strengthen the capacity of local
intermediaries (e.g. business support organizations to provide services to SMMEs in the
implementation and maintenance of regional and international standards.
61. Implement a structured and sustainable programme to provide training to SMMEs through
public-private-partnerships in key areas such as business planning, cash flow projections,
management, book-keeping, inventory management, protection of intellectual property,
market penetration, marketing and communications, etc. with greater “hand-holding”
given to businesses that are at the infancy stage. Establish more business incubators (I-
hubs) for creative entrepreneurs. The incubation program shall be more biased towards
benefiting indigenous informal traders, youth and other target entrepreneurs that have a
potential to significantly contribute to improved livelihoods and economic development.
62. Facilitate the use of ICT as an avenue for SMME operators to access information necessary
to facilitate “self-paced” empowerment and knowledge and encourage the use online
social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, to promote their products. Develop and
implement communication mechanisms to increase the awareness of SMMEs about the
benefits of standards and certification (product and management systems). In addition,
to providing a platform to encourage SMMEs to seek certification (product and
management system) for their goods and services.
4.3. Strengthen the Legislative and Regulatory Framework for the
Development of SMMEs
63. Enact into law a legislative framework that will enable the promotion of the SMMEsector
through the development of an enabling policy environment, determination &
enforcement of performance targets, co-ordination, reporting processes & procedures
and access to appropriate business support services, markets and finance, as well as the
provision of the requisite resources to manage the sector.
▪ There seems to be a high number of informal SMMEs, which are operating without
formal registration. The lack of proper registration and data on these businesses
impede the ability to appropriately plan and provide requisite resources to meet their
needs, as well as measure the contribution of the performance;
▪ The non-formal SMMEs prevent genuine competition and promote the culture of non-
compliance within the sector. This contributes to the lack of information on these
businesses which might impact negatively when applying for formal credit.
▪ The lack of clearly defined, specific and comprehensive targets to monitor the
performance of the sector makes it difficult to determine and measure the
contribution and performance of the sector. This limits the capacity to establish
appropriate plans to support the development of the sector;
▪ To create and enable a structure that will provide meaningful impact towards the
development of the sector through providing effective strategic leadership, co-
ordination and the harmonization of all the SMME activities, as well as the monitoring
65. Support for the ease of doing business for the SMMEs through improved business start-up
and growth. Development of the SMME SMME Road Map to guide the promotion of the
sector and review of the plan every 5 years. Creation of an SMME Council that would
provide oversight and monitoring on the contribution of the sector to overall macro-
economic indicators. Implementation of clear criteria for the accreditation of BDS
providers and an accrediting body designated through the relevant structures. Support
for the integration and effective participation of the SMME sector in domestic, regional
and international economic blocks to enhance markets and finance.
▪ Ensure alignment and harmonization with all relevant policy and legislative
framework that would promote the development of the SMME sector. These include
the National Budget, Smart Partnership, Investor Roadmap for ease of doing
business, Poverty Reduction Strategy, Economic Recovery Strategy, as well as well
as effective linkages with the donor support.
▪ Improve the capacity of the SME Unit to implement the business-friendly policy
outlined in the Bill and included in the strategy
▪ MoCIT, SME Unit and other relevant agencies to initiate and strengthen existing
efforts to transform the operation and the contribution of the SMME sector to
economic growth and development.
▪ Advocate for the creation of a conducive, simpler, transparent and fair tax system
to encourage the contribution of the SMME sector.
▪ The SME Unit to provide mechanisms and resources for the regular monitoring of the
performance of the Policy and provide bi-monthly reports to the National SMME Co-
ordination Council.
67. Establish a legislation, SMME Act, to improve inter-ministerial, private sector and SMME
development agencies support and co-ordination of the SMME Policy and Strategy:
68. Improve the efficiency, cost-effectiveness and harmonization of the legal, regulatory and
administrative environment for businesses, as well as appropriate incentive packages.
Promote greater simplicity, cost effectiveness and efficiency in business licensing and
registration and tax compliance procedures through greater use of Information and
Communications Technologies (ICTs). Introduce “one-stop-shop‟ to facilitate business
registration and application to reduce time and cost for setting up new businesses.
69. The Council chaired by the Prime Minister, will meet semi-annually to provide an oversight
and mechanism to co-ordinate and report on the performance of the SMME sector based
on set targets in the SMMESMME Road Map. The SME Unit shall prepare comprehensive
report articulating the progress achieved by the SMME sector based on the SMME Road
70. Develop and implement a 5-year SMME SMME Road Map that would provide
comprehensive and clear target performance indicators to monitor the progress achieved
by the sector. The purpose of the SMME Road Map is to indicate targets on the key areas
of the sector including the segmentation to key enterprise clusters. The SMME Surveys will
determine the baseline and periodic progress achieved on the set indicators. Prepare and
submit semi-annual reports to the SMME Council detailing progress achieved on the
targets including the contribution of the sector to key macro-economic indicators such as
71. Develop clear criteria for the accreditation of BDS providers and an accrediting body
designated by government. This should also aim at improving the operations of the BDS
providers in order to be uniformed and accountable. This will entail defining what the
accreditation means and understanding who should be accredited, how and by whom.
72. Promote greater synergies and best practices amongst SMMEs to enhance productivity
and competitiveness. Support backward and forward business integration to improve the
economies of size for these businesses. To mitigate risk for the financial sector, develop and
implement mechanisms for the segmentation and rating of the entrepreneurs to provide
appropriate information for credit appraisal, as well as to monitor the performance of the
sector. This will entail the development and support for tools and systems that will support
the systematic collection and collation of data in collaboration with the key public and
non-public sector agencies that work with SMME sector.
73. Without perpetuating the dependence syndrome, promote the design or implementation
of market-related supportive incentive packages for competitive and disadvantaged
businesses within the SMME sector with a view to enable the transition towards access to
mainstream services, (such as SME Parks, markets, finance, government & parastatal
procurement and tax relief), and achieve sustainability. Develop, document and replicate
appropriate incentives models and mobilize support for resource allocation.
75. Establish a special team dedicated to reducing bureaucracy and increasing efficiency
among public entities that directly interface with businesses and institute a rigid monitoring
and evaluation system to measure progress in reducing the bureaucracy and cost of
doing business. Improving the ability of SMMEs to take full advantage of a favourable and
76. Government and parastatals set aside a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of their
procurement budgets for eligible, competent and credible SMMEs. The “Set Aside” will be
mandatory and procuring entities will be required to review and report on the volume and
value of contracts issued, with justification when the minimum “Set-Aside” is not achieved.
The maximum values for any single contract awarded under the Set-Aside programme
must be defined. However, in order to widen access to government procurement
opportunities in general, a SMME that is awarded a contract based on the above criteria
will not be eligible for another Set-Aside contract until the job is completed. A procurement
framework must be developed that outlines key requirements to be complied with by the
procuring entities. This framework must at minimum include:
• Use of local competent and credible SMMEs and resources for large contracts
that foreign companies tender for (inclusion of SMMEs at a certain
77. Policy consideration must provide for tax breaks to prescribed SMME segments. Explore the
feasibility of an annual flat tax rate for particular vulnerable self-employed individuals and
target business sectors. Lobby for businesses to truthfully self-declare and comply with the
taxation order.
78. The survival of local SMMEs depends in part on the trade policy being pursued by the
government both regionally and internationally. It is imperative that the MCIT, in
partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and other key stakeholders, work
harmoniously to capitalize on these opportunities. Encourage and support the
participation of the SMMEs in relevant regional and global value chains by facilitating
greater linkages with regional and international production networks and the effective
sharing of the information.
▪ There is a lack of coordination and support of value chains in the SMME sector due
mainly to limited the understanding and appreciation of holistic thinking about market
systems and how they can be used to benefit the sector. A value chain inclusive
market development approach is demand-driven and focuses on specific market
sectors identified as having substantial potential for impact, growth and profitability,
while also benefiting the informal micro enterprises.
▪ Developing linkages between large and very small enterprises in Eswatini is paramount
to future growth and poverty alleviation. To provide better market access for small
producers and SMMEs, these linkages must be sustainable and beneficial to all. This
then requires an integrated and harmonised approach to holistically address market
constraints. This means addressing shortcomings in both the public and private
▪ To create an enabling environment that will help to foster innovation among SMMEs
through greater supply of and demand for ICT products and services thereby
increasing productivity in the sector.
82. The strategies to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation in the SMME sector
are outlined below.
83. Precondition for SMME development is to strengthen the entrepreneurial culture for all the
population strata. Introduce entrepreneurship in the curricula of all primary, secondary
and tertiary institutions. Provide and support a practical component where students are
encouraged to form businesses and gain useful skills from doing what they have been
taught. Partner with the various development organizations, key private sector entities and
academia, to promote entrepreneurship throughout the country, not just as a means of
survival, but highlighting its possibilities for generating wealth and transforming the
84. Educate business owners and managers on how to choose and execute strategies for
sustainable turnaround. Support relevant structures that would provide advice to viable
small businesses that are experiencing problems or insolvency liaising with the judicial
and financial services to resuscitate and restructure the businesses.
85. Institute and implement a national export strategy for Eswatini, with a particular focus on
improving the value addition and integration of SMMEs that have high potential for
engaging in agricultural export and import substitution crops.
86. Promote creativity and innovation among SMMEs in order to gain and sustain competitive
advantages locally and internationally. Introduce as part of SMME development training
a module introducing creativity and innovation to SMME owners, managers and potential
new entrepreneurs. Utilize entrepreneurship as a catalyst for transforming SMMEs into high-
87. Introduce new ICT-enabled services to the sector, including Mobile Money and other
innovative products and services that will boost the productivity of SMMEs as well as
enhance the delivery of business service providers in the sector. Facilitate the provision of
private equity financing and other types of financing options for high-tech SMMEs (those
involved in innovation and creation of ICT products and services) that need to acquire
ICTs for business development purposes. Collaborate with the relevant agencies to
encourage more SMMEs to take advantage of e-commerce opportunities and expand
ICT infrastructure by collaborating with providers of low cost broadband services that can
be accessible to all businesses.
88. Develop and promote a framework/structure that offer incentives to the private sector to
engage in SMME and inclusive business practices through innovation, to address market
failures in the SMME sector. This will help mitigate risk by backing innovation models that
combine potential commercial success with proven high social impacts. Instruments like
these would promote business-to-business linkages, enhance entrepreneurial skill and
challenge businesses to provide cost effective support and mentoring services.
89. Establish a dedicated, well-resourced professional research office to collect and facilitate
research into the value chains operating within Eswatini and identify key gaps, challenges
and recommendations for support initiatives to expand these. Promote the use of an
objective approach for offering assistance to innovating SMMEs. This approach should
ensure that businesses that are innovative are given certain incentives to help them to
develop. In addition, an innovation award scheme to promote business-to-business
linkages, improve the competitiveness of local enterprises and transfer of skills and
technology to SMMEs.
90. Assist youth and students develop into independent citizens who know how to take
initiatives and cooperate with business support structures in developing business ideas.
Create a basis for choosing entrepreneurship as a career option by fostering a change in
attitudes and education skills of youth and students through general and vocational
education. Introduce a formal graduate enterprise framework and structure this to the
▪ SMMEs are unable to compete both in the domestic, regional and international
markets mainly due to the lack of a framework (legal and business support), which
creates an environment in which SMMEs and family own businesses can thrive where
entrepreneurship is rewarded and which assist SMMEs to benefit from the growth of
markets. For example, a typical supermarket in Eswatini is stocked with large number
of imported products, most of which could be produced locally.
▪ There is limited usage of computers, email and internet, despite growing mobile phone
penetration. Although there is increasing availability of new production and
technologies in Eswatini, SMMEs still tend to engage in traditional manufacturing
▪ Corporate governance practices are poor: there are often no advisory boards for the
small businesses, owners show little accountability, external audits are not conducted,
and few institutional means exist to enforce better governance.
▪ Quality standards of product and services are low, and customers have poor quality
consciousness, making products and services uncompetitive and undermining export
opportunities. The product certification by the Eswatini Standards Authority (SWASA) is
not currently operating at its optimum and businesses have to go to considerable
expense to have products certified. The SWASA is not educating SMMEs in matters of
quality, a vital element for export purposes, and currently lacks capacity to do so.
92. The Government will facilitate the skills enhancement of SMMEs and the increase utilization
of ICT based platforms products and services to strengthen the domestic and international
competitiveness of MSME.
▪ Promote usage of ICT products, services and ICT-based business platforms among
94. Eswatini needs to enhance its cross-border cooperation and regional business
partnerships by developing regional business clusters and eliminating trade barriers. This
will contribute to the increase competitiveness of the SMMEs. Special focus should be
given to ensuring the market access into the neighbouring countries by instituting
effective trade fairs at national and regional level.
95. Establish a web-based national database and knowledge portal to provide information
to SMMEs in Eswatini including national statistics, latest policy documents and proposals,
and export opportunities and market information. Develop a coherent and practical
policy for technology transfer to SMMEs to help build awareness of technologies that can
improve production efficiency, as well as educate them on how to acquire technologies
and commensurate training.
96. It is well known that new jobs are created by start-up businesses – however, the majority
jobs originate from the growth of existing SMMEs in sectors that have a better potential
of growth. It is therefore important to support both growing and start-up SMMEs in sectors
and sub-sectors with high potential of growth. Conduct a sector needs Assessment to
identify high to medium growth sectors and sub-sectors in order to support and develop
these by creating cluster networks both in the domestic and cross-border markets to
better promote these sector clusters.
97. Encourage among SMMEs the use of new technologies, fully utilizing electronic
communications and applications. Conduct a training needs assessment among SMMEs
and develop a customised training program to upgrade the managerial, technical and
innovative skills of SMME owners and managers with particular attention to be paid to
problems associated with managing family-owned businesses.
98. Publicity efforts need to be made to build an enterprise culture in Eswatini and raise the
profile of entrepreneurship and self-development. Institute an annual entrepreneur
awards programme in various categories to raise the profile of SMMEs, celebrate success,
provide incentives for excellence and create role models.
99. Develop an import substitution plan to assist SMMEs to compete adequately in the
domestic market. This structure will provide support to SMMEs to enable them to
compete with imported products and services. Review the national standards, quality
assurance and accreditation system to become more acceptable for export purposes
in targeted markets but to better cater for SMMEs certification of products and services.
Review and strengthen the operations of the SWASA to considerably improve its
operations, management and outreach to SMMEs. Institute national training
programmes on quality standards improvement.
101. Many recent analyses reveal that women remain disadvantaged in virtually every
economic dimension, and government has not been equipped to deal with their specific
needs. They note that the government lacks sufficient staff trained in gender issues to
provide guidance on women’s issues in relation to SMME business management, and for
youth and disadvantage groups. The following are the key specific issues:
▪ Women mainly carry out small trading in Eswatini. However, the greater the level
of formality businesses show, women are not formalising their businesses, and
moving up the value chain.
▪ Some of the factors affecting women-owned SMMEs has been found to include
high cost to operate formal businesses; high rent-charging; lack of information on
business issues, access to government tenders, grievance procedures; poor
networking and business linkages among women; and low education levels.
102. The Government will create policies and frameworks that will enhance the support and
development of SMMEs owned by women, youth and disadvantaged groups and the
informal sector.
▪ MoCIT and SME Unit develop a comprehensive training program for gender issues
amongst SMMEs.
▪ To provide full inclusion, opportunities and support for persons with disabilities within
the business community.
▪ Provide an enabling environment for a structured informal trading with provision for
rapid graduation to mainstream formal SMME sector.
105. Create an enabling business environment for these SMMEs through the development
adequate collection of data, provision of specific tailor-made technical training, and
access to appropriate financial products and services;
106. Promote the youth/women market as a viable financing option for SMMEs. Remove
barriers to equal access to eliminate the various obstacles to fostering gender equality in
industry, trade and enterprise, and strive for gender parity in administration and board
representation. Continuously identify factors that constrain the participation of women in
business, through partnership with the women advocacy organizations and other
women’s associations and develop appropriate strategies to address the constraints.
108. Partner with institutions that are involved in youth development to attract and engage
youth in basic literacy and numeracy skills development to help with assimilation of
information on entrepreneurship and create community clusters for youth-led enterprises
and strengthen youth advocacy organizations to help encourage interest in
109. Design appropriate loan products for women and disadvantaged groups, including
defined informal trading, by encouraging credit providers to develop innovative
financial instruments that target and benefit them. Explore and find alternatives to
prevailing collateral requirements. Longer repayment periods should be considered.
111. Implement structured internship programmes involving tertiary level students in order to
increase business development support in the area of marketing and communication.
Promote greater use of technology especially in schools. Require credit providers and
government departments to offer information relevant to SMMEs in other national
languages, as many female small traders are illiterate and struggle with information and
forms only available in English. Capacitate the SME Unit to be able to address gender
issues relating to SMMEs by providing customise trading.
112. Collect and monitor gender disaggregated information on participation in the SMME
sector. This disaggregated data is critical to enable systematic review and evaluation of
the impact of policies, strategies and programmes on gender mainstreaming objectives.
Build capacity of organizations/entities to design and deliver programmes that take the
unique challenges of women and physically disabled entrepreneurs into account.
113. Facilitate training with a reasonable proportion of training resources allocated to women
entrepreneurs and partner with women advocacy organizations in the development of
business-related policies/strategies for women. Ensure that a reasonable proportion of
participants in all relevant training programmes offered by the MoCIT, SME Unit and other
agencies comprise persons with disabilities. Collaborate with all key stakeholders such
as the community leaders and municipalities to identify emerging entrepreneurial
opportunities and support the emerging informal trading to gradually formalize their
entrepreneurial activities.
4.7. Define, Nurture and Improve the Growth and Graduation of the
Informal Sector
114. Eswatini has high levels of unemployment and there is empirical evidence that survivalist
enterprises, (of which the informal sector accommodates the majority of) thrives in such
conditions. The formal sector cannot meet the demand for jobs. The SMME Census (2010)
established that 82% of the entrepreneurs were survivalists and 56% were especially
115. Informal sector activities are usually the “smallest, most fragile concerns” and these are
responsive to the needs of the poorest in society (Callaghan, 2014). According to the
review of the state of the informal sector in Eswatini1 (2016), there has been an increase
in rural-urban migration due to the opportunities available to improve one’s livelihood
and as such, the consequent overcrowding in the urban centres is as a result of internal
migration . As alluded to by informal traders interviewed, the population density in the
urban areas seems positive for the following reasons amongst others:
▪ It legitimizes the congregation of traders in the city centres;
▪ It gives traders access to social capital to facilitate the process of opportunity
recognition and implementation;
▪ Presents a unique opportunity to tap into the value chain of their enterprises
and trans-border connections;
▪ Offers competitiveness as traders provide services and products that were
unavailable in less connected areas; and,
▪ Presents an improvement in the quality of the business opportunities,
infrastructure and logistics.
116. As much as this sector plays a significant role in providing a source of livelihood for the
majority of the under-served segments of the population, it faces the following key issues:
1 The Coalition of the Informal Economy Association of Eswatini (CIEAS) was supported by the Coordinating
Assembly of Non-Governmental Organizations (CANGO) in Eswatini to conduct a study establish the situation of
the informal sector in the country and to recommend strategies to address the issues in October 2016.
▪ Attractiveness to finance for these activities and linkages with bigger market
117. The Government of Eswatini will define, recognize, record and protect the operation of
the working poor and the contribution of the informal sector through facilitating
appropriate, affordable and accessible services to enhance the performance and
graduation of the informal trader into mainstream enterprise development in a
sustainable manner.
▪ Define, record and protect the operation of the informal trader in a systematic
and beneficial manner to stimulate growth and sustainability;
▪ Decentralize the support services and monitoring of the informal traders within
the regions and accomplished nodes to sustain their growth;
120. The Policy draws from the National Informal Business Strategy of the South African
Department of Trade and Industry (2013) which differentiated the informal sector and the
informal economy. These are more often used interchangeably, yet they describe
different elements.
121. The informal sector are the legal activities of the working poor who were working very
hard, but who were not recognised, recorded, protected or regulated by the public
authorities. The informal economy constitutes all economic activities by workers and
economic units that are – in law or practice, not covered or insufficiently covered by
formal arrangements. This is different from the so called ‘underground’ economy.
122. Identify, offer guidance and co-ordinate all the relevant institutions that support the
activities of the informal traders with a view to improve service delivery and the mentoring
& coaching services. Advocate and promote the “Adopt an Entrepreneur” program in
which the private sector will orient the informal trader on the wider spectrum of the
business including the essence of the business, product quality & standards, branding,
packaging, pricing managing finances.
123. Develop appropriate business development support tools and orient the service
providers on the usage of these to empower the informal traders. Conduct research on
the performance of the sector, customer preference and value chains to inform the
development and growth of the sector.
124. Maintain a database and disseminate information on the informal traders, gender, types
of businesses, geographic characteristics, infrastructure (roads, telecommunication,
electrification, incubation, etc.) and access to markets and finance. Develop and
implement a credible, simple and appropriate non-mandatory competitive scoring
system that will assist segment and profile the traders to enhance access to finance.
Support the development of appropriate financial products and services for the sector.
125. Develop and legislate a low-tier business registration process that will be simple
affordable and accessible to the informal traders. Build-upon and strengthen the role of
the municipalities, development centres and relevant decentralized Government
centres, such as the Revenue Offices to facilitate the registration of the informal traders.
Develop and support mechanisms that will provide incentives for the registration and
graduation of the informal traders into mainstream business. Advocate and lobby for
simple and preferential tax and other compliance requirements for the SMMEs.
▪ SMMEs are faced with several social challenges that stem from a general
deterioration in the country’s social capital. That is, many challenges facing the
sector emanate from a break-down of the norms, values, obligations and trust
embedded in the country’s social structures, social interactions and overall social
▪ SMMEs lack awareness of the factors which impede (or can enhance) their
development and growth, including available services, programmes and
initiatives. In addition, though business development support is provided by private
and public BDS providers, a significant number of SMMEs are unaware of these
▪ There is lack of data on SMMEs. There is need for continuous and comprehensive
data and studies to adequately inform policy direction, including project and
programme development.
▪ Some of the business practices of some SMMEs pose serious threats to the
environment. Business operations must consider fundamental issues such as
pollution, flooding (as a result of dumping in gullies, drains, etc.) and climate
▪ Several assessment reports on Eswatini and some data confirmed by the analysis,
shows that deliberate efforts are needed to enhance communication,
cooperation and coordination among and between all stakeholders to enhance
the support and development of SMMEs.
127. The Government will ensure proper implementation and integration of all national
policies, legislation and programs through improve dialogue between key stakeholders.
▪ Promote social capital to foster greater cohesiveness and promote the benefits of
information and knowledge sharing, unity and cooperation.
▪ To improve the capacity of the public sector in order to better support the SMME
sector, comprehensive data on SMMEs must be continuously collected.
▪ There is a need for the government to prioritize the development and support of
SMMEs by deliberately directing all support efforts towards the development of this
▪ Improve awareness of and the role the SMMEs play in the economic development
of Eswatini by enhancing the advocacy process.
130. Facilitate the creation of a partnership with all key public and private utility providing
institutions such as treasury, tax, customs, agriculture, telecommunications, electricity,
water, public health, environment and etc. to better support the SMME sector
development through quick service. Convert to electronic, on-line or other formats all
relevant key documents for business registration and operation for ease of access (e.g.
tax returns, customs declaration, import/export permits, business registration, trading
licensing, etc.).
132. SME Unit needs better resourcing to ensure that legislative reforms take effect in order to
better support the SMME sector and to disseminate information to create awareness on
changes in policy and legislation related to SMMEs. Partner with donor agencies to help
fund the awareness campaigns. Sensitize SMMEs about the importance of gathering
data for policy formulation and decision-making and impose mandatory reporting
requirements on business activities. In addition, implement national strategy for
collecting and disseminating data and information on SMMEs. Ensure acceptance of the
definition for SMMEs among all stakeholders to help to standardize data collection and
133. Key stakeholders such as business development institutions and advocacy agencies
need to enhance their efforts in raising awareness about SMMEs by coordinating their
advocacy for SMME development policies. Strengthen the management,
communication, and presentation and advocacy skills of these organizations. Any
lobbying by these organizations and/or SMMEs to government institutions must be
recorded and tracked and feed back to the SME Unit to follow-up for action. Promote
conformity among SMMEs, to national environmental policies and/or legislation.
134. Collaborate with SMME umbrella organizations and trade associations to foster greater
social capital among SMMEs through programmes. Strengthening social cohesion, unity,
cooperation, trust and solidarity. Improve knowledge sharing and information symmetry.
Build and strengthen existing networks including improving experience sharing and best
practices. Encourage SMME umbrella organizations to take a united and harmonized
approach to seeking government’s intervention as and when deemed necessary.
135. To effectively implement the various strategies mentioned in this policy, there needs to
be specific strategic action plan put in place and implemented by various stakeholders.
This strategic action plan is to be implemented within 5 years. The MCIT (SME Unit) is the
focal institution responsible for the coordination of the various strategic actions. All
stakeholders will be relied upon to furnish the Ministry with the relevant information. This
information will then be processed so as to compare the various benchmarks with actual
implementation of strategic actions. The processed information will be published in a
document which will be discussed at a forum of SMME stakeholders. As such this
monitoring and evaluation mechanism will be a major policy instrument.
136. The implementation strategic actions are detailed in terms of activities n Annexure A. The
activities will be benchmarked so as to form the basis for assessment of the
implementation of the SMME National Policy.
6. Introduction
137. The strategic actions are detailed in terms of activities with specific time frame as shown
in Annexure B. The activities will be regularly monitored and evaluated, and where
required adjusted, so as to form the basis for assessment of the implementation of the
SMME National Policy.
138. In Part A of this document, the Vision, Mission and Policy Goals are summarized. These
Policy Goals are set to achieve the Vision and the Mission over the next five years. Part
B outlines the Policy Provisions and with specific Objectives to be implemented to
achieve the set Policy Goals. Finally, Annexure A provide the Strategic Action Plan with,
measurable actions, timelines and key drivers of those action to achieve the Policy
Objectives and Goals.
139. The SMME National Policy and Strategy has been formulated in two phases. In Phase,
the draft Policy and Strategy from 2015-2019 has been completed after consultation with
key stakeholders to be approved by the government during later 2015. Once approved,
during Phase 2, a detailed Implementation Plan (“IP”) - attached as Annexure B needs
to be completed and approved by the government for implementation by MCIT and
SME Unit.
140. The approved Strategic Action Plan is divided into Policy Goals, Policy Provisions and
Strategic Goals. For each Strategic Goal, there will be an actions that demonstrate how
the strategic goals will be achieved and a corresponding objectively verifiable indicator.
The government agencies with other business support organizations will under the
direction of SME Unit participate in the IP formulation plan. The SME Unit will review the IP
annually and update where necessary.
141. The IP will group activities for the years from 2017 to 2022 under each strategic goal. Each
activity will be developed with corresponding timeline, deadline, responsible
government institution accepting responsibility for the implementation of the activity and
resources required.
142. The formulation of the activities under the IP will have to be supervised by the SME Unit.
The MoCIT through the SME Unit will supervise the implementation of the Strategic Action
Plan. Each government institution accepting responsibility for the implementation for an
activity need to confirm such acceptance in writing.
143. The SME Unit will conduct annual review of the SMME sector based on the IP and report
all outcomes in a different report and also as part of its annual report.
Create a vibrant entrepreneurial SMME sector that contributes to the economic development of Eswatini through innovative and creative business
practices supported by an enabling environment, which fuels transformation of rural families and other communities in productive economic structures.
To promote and stimulate a deep-seated entrepreneurial culture in the SMME sector, build capacity, improve opportunities and supportive trade
relations for SMMEs, reduce bureaucracy, provide for adequate financial and other support by building strategic partnerships, so as to achieve
competitiveness of the sector.
▪ Increase levels of ownership in the economy for Swazi and historically under-privileged populations.
Overall Objectives: Create a vibrant entrepreneurial SMME sector that contributes to the economic development of Eswatini through innovative and creative business
practices supported by an enabling environment, which fuels transformation of rural families and other communities in productive economic structures.
Policy Goal: To promote and stimulate a deep-seated entrepreneurial culture in the SMME sector, build capacity, improve opportunities and supportive trade relations
for SMMEs, reduce bureaucracy, provide for adequate financial and other support by building strategic partnerships, so as to achieve competitiveness of the sector.
Expected Outcomes: Forster economic growth & development, increase employment opportunities, alleviate poverty by creating sustainable livelihoods, and increase
the level of ownership particularly for the under-privileged citizens.
▪ To SMME loans
1.1.9. Percentage of SMMEs with MFU/FSRA/ CCD Supply-side Framework is in place to collect
informal loans survey the data
1.1.11. Start-up SMMEs obtaining a loan MFU/SEDCO/ SME Framework is in place to collect
as a percentage of total number Unit Semi-annual the data
of start-up SMEs
1.3. Attract, direct and 1.3.1. Number of micro finance Supply-side Semi-annual Framework in place to collect
facilitate development institutions providing financial MFU/FSRA survey the data
and micro-finance funds services to the SMMEs
towards development of Supply-side
1.3.2. Number of entrepreneurs Semi-annual Framework in place to collect
receiving financial services and the data
1.3.4. Size of loan portfolio to SMMEs MFU/FSRA Supply-side Framework in place to collect
from the micro finance institutions survey the data
1.4. Foster an enabling 1.4.1. Percentage of SMME loans Framework in place to collect
MFU/FSRA Credit Register Semi-annual
environment that assessed with information from a the data
2.1. Strengthen the 2.1.1. A SME Unit Corporate Strategy Strategy Resource availability.
capacities and increase articulating the organizational Document
SME Unit
the effectiveness of SME structure is developed and
Unit in coordinating the operationalized
implementation of the 2.1.2. The organizational structure is SME Unit Strategy Resource availability.
adequately resourced Document
SMME National Policy
2.1.3. The SMME Co-ordination Council SME Unit Cabinet Paper Cabinet Approval and
and Strategy
is established and operational & Gazette Endorsement of the legislation.
2.1.4. The SMMESMME Road Map is SME Unit SMME Road Cabinet Approval and
implemented Map Endorsement of the legislation.
2.1.5. The performance of the SMME SME Unit Semi-annual Cabinet Approval and
sector is monitored and reports progress Endorsement of the legislation.
made reports
2.2. Develop the capacities 2.2.1. Framework and structure for the SME Unit Accreditation Cabinet Approval and
of the Business accreditation of the Business Framework Endorsement of the legislation.
Development Institutions Development Institutions is in and Structure
and Structures place
2.2.2. Number of Business SME Unit Register Quarterly Cabinet Approval and
Development Institutions that are Endorsement of the legislation.
2.2.3. Percentage of the entrepreneurs SME Unit/ Supply-side Quarterly Financial institutions keep the
successful with loans after SEDCO/MFU/ CBS survey data on all the loan
receiving Business Development applications.
2.2.4. Percentage on the level of SME Unit Supply-side Semi-annual Records on attendance is
satisfaction from the Business survey maintained.
Development Institutions services
2.2.5. Business Mentoring & Coaching SME Unit Framework March 2018 Cabinet Approval and
Framework is in place and Endorsement of the legislation.
2.3.2. Appropriate Business Mentoring SME Unit Mentoring/Co December 2017 Cabinet Approval and
& Coaching Tools are in place aching Tools Endorsement of the legislation.
and adopted by the service
2.3.3. Percentage of the entrepreneurs SME Unit/ Supply-side Quarterly Records on attendance is
successful with loans after SEDCO/MFU/ CBS survey maintained.
receiving the mentoring &
2.3.4. Percentage of the entrepreneurs Supply-side Quarterly Value-chain approach is
linked to markets after receiving SME Unit/ SEDCO survey adopted and implemented.
the mentoring & coaching
3. Strengthen the Legislative and Regulatory Framework for the Development of SMMEs
3.1. Improve inter-ministerial SME Unit/ SMME Register Proper definition is in place e.g.
and SMME development 3.1.1. Developed criteria and profile the MoCIT/MoA/ farmer.
agencies support for the SMMEs and farmers. MTAD/SEDCO/SIP
implementation of the A/ NAMBOARD
SMME Policy and 3.1.2. Promoted and supported SME Unit /SEDCO/ Entrepreneur On-going Private sector participation
Strategy entrepreneur competitions. SIPA Awards
3.2. Significantly increase the 3.2.1. Number of formally registered
SME Unit/MCIT Register -
number of SMMEs to micro entrepreneurs
enter the formal sector 3.2.3. The SMME Co-ordination Council SME Unit Cabinet Paper Cabinet Approval and
is established and operational & Gazette Endorsement of the legislation.
3.3. 3.2.4. Online business registration MCIT Online Platform
3.4. Simplify existing 3.3.1. Number of decentralized business SME Unit/MCIT Registration Cabinet Approval and
legislation and the registration points e.g. Points Endorsement of the legislation.
regulatory framework Municipalities, Regional Towns,
and introduce new Development Centres, etc.
enabling policy and 3.3.2. Number of businesses that are SME Unit/MCIT Register Quarterly Cabinet Approval and
regulatory framework registered through the Endorsement of the legislation.
decentralized points
3.3.3. Categories of the business that are SME Unit/MCIT Register Quarterly Cabinet Approval and
registered through the Endorsement of the legislation.
decentralized points
3.5. Improve the ease of 3.4.1. Number of developed and SME Unit Incentive Semi-annual Cabinet Approval and
doing business supported appropriate incentive Packages Endorsement of the legislation.
packages for the SMMEs
3.4.2. Percentage of SMMEs benefitting SME Unit/ SEDCO Supply-side Semi-annual Cabinet Approval and
from the incentive packages survey Endorsement of the legislation.
3.6. Enact the Citizens Cabinet Approval and
3.5.1. Bill is enacted as law. MCIT Legislation
Empowerment Bill (“Bill”) Endorsement of the legislation.
4. Promote and Develop a Culture of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
4.1. Strengthen the 4.1.1. Entrepreneurial curricula is
Cabinet Approval and
entrepreneurial culture institutionalized in schools and SME Unit/MoET Curricula
Endorsement of the legislation.
tertiary institutions
4.1.2. Number of schools and tertiary
institutions that provide SME Unit/MoET Register -
entrepreneurial education.
4.1.3. Percentage of school & out-of-
SME Unit/MoET/
school students that start and Register Annual -
operate their own businesses
4.2. Stimulate creativity and 4.2.1. Percentage of micro businesses SME Unit / SEDCO
innovation utilizing any form of ICT for
Business survey Semi-annual -
business operation or information
4.2.2. Number of businesses that SME Unit/ SEDCO
register through the online Register -
4.3. Develop and promote 4.3.1. Number of commodities/ MFU/SEDCO/ MoA
value chains through enterprises with established /SIPA Databases -
support and business value-chain information
linkages 4.3.2. Value chain or gross margin SEDCO/ Information -
information platforms established NAMBoard/ SIPA Platforms
4.3.3. Number of SMMEs accessing the SEDCO/ SME Unit/ Register -
information platforms SIPA/ NAMBoard
4.3.4. Number of commodities/ SEDCO/ MoA/SIPA
enterprises with established gross /NAMBoard Databases -
margin information
4.3.5. Number of promotional materials MFU/ SEDCO/ SME Brochures/ -
developed on the value chains Unit Leaflets
and disseminated
4.4. Promote and increase 4.4.1. Number of business policy SEDCO/SME Unit/ Attendance -
cooperation between dialogue fora conducted SIPA
academia and businesses 4.4.2. Number of businesses SEDCO/SME Unit/ Attendance -
participating in the policy SIPA
dialogue fora
6.1. Facilitate the access of 6.1.1. Number of regional and foreign MoCIT/SIPA/SEDC Reports -
SMMEs to regional and market trade fairs, expos, etc. O/SME Unit
foreign markets that are held
6.1.2. Number and types of businesses MoCIT/SIPA/SEDC Reports -
that participated in the fairs and O/SME Unit
6.1.3. Percentage increased sales from MoCIT/SIPA/SEDC Business survey -
the participating businesses O/SME Unit
6.2. Facilitate appropriate 6.2.1. Number and types of financial MFU/CBS/FSRA/C Register -
financial products for products that have been DD/SME Unit
women, youth and established.
disadvantaged groups 6.2.2. Number and types of businesses MFU/CBS/FSRA/C Business surveys -
that access the financial services DD/SME Unit
6.3. Support gender 6.3.1. SMME gender issues SME Unit Gender -
mainstreaming within the mainstreaming framework is Document
SMME sector developed
7. Define, recognize, protect and ensure the graduation of the informal traders
7.1. Define, record and 7.1.1. Definition of the informal trader MoCIT/ SME Unit SMME Policy & -
protect the operation of is in place Legislation
the informal traders 7.1.2. Database on the informal traders June 2018 -
and incentives to register are in
7.1.3. Number of informal traders that Register Quarterly
/ Development
are operating
7.1.4. Key types of businesses operated Quarterly
by the informal traders
8. Enhance Policy Implementation and Integration by Improving Dialogue between Key Stakeholders
8.1. Improve responsiveness of 8.1.1. E-based systems to enable MoCIT/ SME Unit Reports -
government & easier access to information and
organizations towards documents for businesses
SMMEs established
8.1.2. Number and types of key SME Unit Business survey -
documents available on-line
8.2. Raise awareness of the 7.2.1. Number of awareness campaigns SME Unit Reports -
role of SMMEs in Eswatini’s conducted
economic development 7.2.2. Reporting framework on key SME Unit Reports -
business activities to monitor the
sector is in place
7.2.3. Number of SMMEs that provide SME Unit Reports Quarterly -
reports on the key business
7.4. Improve dialogue 7.4.1. Number of partnerships and SME Unit Reports Quarterly -
between key stakeholders networks to support the SMMEs
through an advocacy established
process 7.4.2. Number and types of SMMEs SME Unit Reports Quarterly -
that are benefiting from the
7.5. Foster greater social 7.4.1. Cohesion amongst the SMME SME Unit Reports Quarterly -
capital among SMMEs umbrella bodies and knowledge
through comprehensive sharing
business support
How do Economies Define Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs), Kushnir, Khrystyna
Making Access Possible, Qualitative Demand-Side Report, Ministry of Finance, Swaziland, 2013