Experiential Episodes: Technology-Enhanced Learning Plan (TELP)
Experiential Episodes: Technology-Enhanced Learning Plan (TELP)
Experiential Episodes: Technology-Enhanced Learning Plan (TELP)
Experiential Episodes
Accomplish the Technology-Enhanced Learning Plan (TELP) Component 2: The Learning Plan
Learning Resources Learning Tasks/ Activities Support Mechanism from the Teacher
Plan out what resources are available and/or produced Describe what the learners are required to do or produce Indicate the support strategies the teacher will use to assist
during the activity. to achieve the learning outcome/s. (problems, the learners in their learning. (schedules,
(books, papers, articles, notes, documents, manuals, investigations, projects, role plays, creative media, instructions, procedures,
references, web links, case studies, discussions, experiments, announcements)
lectures, and others) brainstorming, simulation, workshop, etc.)
See: http://www.learningdesigns.uow.edu.au/project/learn_design.htm