Small-Signal Stability Analysis of A DFIG-Based Wind Power System Under Different Modes of Operation
Small-Signal Stability Analysis of A DFIG-Based Wind Power System Under Different Modes of Operation
Small-Signal Stability Analysis of A DFIG-Based Wind Power System Under Different Modes of Operation
4, DECEMBER 2009
Abstract—This paper focuses on the super/subsynchronous op- The doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) has been popu-
eration of the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) system. The lar among various other techniques of wind power generation,
impact of a damping controller on the different modes of opera- because of its higher energy transfer capability, low investment,
tion for the DFIG-based wind generation system is investigated.
The coordinated tuning of the damping controller to enhance the and flexible control [2]. DFIG is different from the conventional
damping of the oscillatory modes using bacteria foraging technique induction generator in a way that it employs a series voltage-
is presented. The results from eigenvalue analysis are presented to source converter to feed the wound rotor. The feedback con-
elucidate the effectiveness of the tuned damping controller in the verters consist of a rotor-side converter (RSC) and a grid-side
DFIG system. The robustness issue of the damping controller is converter (GSC). The control capability of these converters give
also investigated.
DFIG an additional advantage of flexible control and stability
Index Terms—Bacteria foraging (BF), control, coordinated over other induction generators.
tuning, damping controller, Doubly fed induction generator The decoupled control of DFIG has the following controllers,
(DFIG), small-signal stability, subsynchronous operation, super-
synchronous, wind turbine (WT). namely Pref , Vsref , Vdcref , and qcref . These controllers are re-
quired to maintain maximum power tracking, stator terminal
I. INTRODUCTION voltage, dc voltage level, and GSC reactive power level respec-
tively. The coordinated tuning of these controllers by hit-and-
IND energy is one of the fastest growing industries
W worldwide. Increasing power generation from renew-
able sources, such as wind, would help in reducing carbon
trial method is a cumbersome job. The coordinated tuning using
particle swarm optimization (PSO) has been proposed [3], [4].
However, the damping of low-frequency oscillatory modes were
emissions, and hence, minimize the effect on global warming. not given due importance.
Increasing steps have been taken by the various utilities/states The impact of wind generation on the oscillatory modes is
across the world to achieve the aforementioned goal. Most of presented in [5]–[8]. The auxiliary control loop for oscillation
the states in the U.S. have Renewable Portfolios Standard (a damping that adjusts the active power command to damp the in-
state policy aiming at obtaining certain percentage of the their terarea oscillation is proposed in [5] and [6]. Moreover, a power
power form renewable energy sources by certain date) ranging system stabilizer (PSS) using a speed deviation is proposed
from 10% to 20% of total capacity by 2020 [1]. This increasing in [8]. It is reported that the presence of the PSS in the DFIG
penetration of renewable sources of energy, in particular, wind system improves the damping of the oscillations in the network.
energy conversion systems (WECS), in the conventional power Nevertheless, it is very important to optimize the controller pa-
system has put tremendous challenge to the power system oper- rameters of the PSS to achieve the best performance. However,
ators/planners, who have to ensure the reliable and secure grid the coordinated tuning of these controllers is not presented.
operation. As power generation from WECS is significantly in- Moreover, it is necessary to study the impact of these damping
creasing, it is of paramount importance to study the effect of controllers under super/subsynchronous mode of operation.
wind integrated power systems on overall system stability. In this paper, the auxiliary signal derived from ωr is added
to the rotor phase angle control to enhance the low-frequency
Manuscript received December 29, 2008; revised June 16, 2009. First damping of the system. This simple proportional–integral (PI)
published November 3, 2009; current version published November 20, 2009.
Paper no. TEC-00519-2008. controller is called damping controller. Moreover, all the DFIG
Y. Mishra is with the Midwest ISO, Carmel, IN 46082-4202 USA (e-mail: controllers, namely Pref , Vsref , Vdcref , and qcref are implemented in this paper. Hence, the coordinated effect of these controllers
S. Mishra is with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016,
India (e-mail: on the system damping is examined. The effectiveness of damp-
F. Li is with the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA ing controller under super/subsynchronous modes of operation
(e-mail: is also investigated. The issue of robustness in the performance
Z. Y. Dong is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Hong Kong Poly-
technic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong (e-mail: of the damping control is discussed.
R. C. Bansal is with the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld. 4072, The contribution of this paper are to: 1) study the impact of
Australia (e-mail: tuned damping controller on the electromechanical modes; 2)
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at study its impact under super/subsynchronous mode of operation;
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2009.2031498 and 3) propose the optimally tuned damping controller which
A. RSC Controllers
The phasor diagram in Fig. 2 describes the control scheme = Pref − P (12)
[based on flux magnitude angle control (FMAC)], for the RSC
controller. u2 = Kp1 (Pref − P ) + KI 1 u1 (13)
The magnitude of the eig , internally generated voltage vector du3
= (δe i g ref + u2 − δe i g ) (14)
in the stator, depends on the magnitude of the rotor flux vector dt
ψr . This flux can be controlled by Vr , the rotor voltage. The u4 = Kp3 (Vsref − Vs ) + KI 3 u5 (15)
angle δig , between the voltage vectors eig and Vs (stator terminal
voltage and hence q-axis of the reference frame), is determined du5
= Vsref − Vs (16)
by the power output of the DFIG. Since vector eig is orthogonal dt
to ψr , the angle between d-axis and ψr is also given by δig . The du6
adjustment of the magnitude of the rotor voltage vector, |Vr | = (|eig |ref + u4 − |eig |) (17)
and its phase angle, δr , is employed for the control of terminal ∆ |Vr | = Kp4 (|eig |ref + u4 − |eig |) + KI 4 u6 (18)
voltage and electrical power, respectively [8].
The configuration of the feedback controllers for the DFIG du12
= ωr ref − ωr (19)
system is shown in Fig. 3. The RSC controller is shown in dt
Fig. 3(a). One part aims at controlling the active power so as to u13 = Kp7 (ωr ref − ωr ) + KI 7 u12 (20)
track the Pref , while the second part is to maintain the terminal
voltage. ∆δr = (Kp2 (δe i g ref + u2 − δe i g ) + KI 2 u3 ) − u13 (21)
Pref is determined by the WT power speed characteristic
(Cp − λ curve) for maximum power extraction [10]. Under nor- where Kpi and KI i are the proportional and integral gain con-
mal operating condition, the active power set point Pref for the stant respectively for ith PI controller.The internal generated
RSC is defined by the maximum power tracking point, which is a
function of optimal generation speed. Mathematically, the afore- voltage vector, eig is given by, |eig | = e2 2
ds + eq s , and the an-
mentioned concept can be expressed by the set of differential gle is defined as δe i g = tan−1 eds /eq s .
(1 − pr 1 /ps1 ) Vw 1
⇒ = (29) = −dattract exp −ωattract (θm −θm
i 2
(1 − pr 2 /ps2 ) Vw 2
i=1 m =1
where s denotes the slip, pr and ps are rotor and stator power
before losses. However, as the losses are very small, the values + hrep ellant exp −ωrep ellant (θm −θm
i 2
) (31)
of pr and ps can be approximately equal to Pr and Ps . This is i=1 m =1
where Jcc (θ, P (j, k, l)) is the cost function value to be added to
the actual cost function to be minimized to present a time varying
cost function. Then, Jsw = J + Jcc is calculated, where “J” is
the actual cost function to be minimized, “S” is the total number
of bacteria, “p” is the number of parameters to be optimized that
are present in each bacterium, “θm ” is the global best parameter
available during that iteration, “P (j, k, l))” is the last value
of θ stored for the next iteration, dattract , ωattract , hrep ellant ,
and ωrep ellant are different coefficients that are to be chosen
judiciously, dattract is the depth of the attractant released by the
cell and sets the magnitude of secretion of attractant by a cell,
and ωattract is the width of the attractant signal and determines
the chemical cohesion signal diffusion (smaller value makes it
diffuse more). Here, hrep ellant is the height of the repellant effect
and ωrep ellant is the measure of the width of the repellant that
controls the tendency to repel other cells.
The magnitude of dattract and hrep ellant should be same [13].
It is so that there is no penalty added to the cost function when
the bacterial population converges, i.e., Jcc of (27) will be 0.
Fig. 4. Flowchart summarizing the BF algorithm for the optimization of con-
Their numerical value should be decided based on the required troller parameters.
variation in the magnitude of the actual cost function “J” to
obtain a satisfactory result. The value of ωattract and ωrep ellant
should be such that if the euclidian distance between bacteria is V. SIMULATION AND RESULTS
large, the penalty Jcc is large. The aforementioned optimization technique is applied to a
SMIB DFIG system. The DFIG system with controllers can be
represented by the set of differential and algebraic equations
C. Reproduction (DAEs) as
The least healthy bacteria die and the all other healthier .
x = f (x, y, u)
bacteria split into two bacteria, which are placed in the same
location. This makes the population of bacteria constant. In- 0 = g(x, y, u) (32)
stead of taking the average value of all the chemotactic cost where x, y, and u are the vectors of DFIG state, algebraic and
functions, the minimum value is selected for deciding the control variables respectively. The state vector is defined by
health of the bacteria [14]. Mathematically, for particular kth
and lth, the health of the ith bacteria would be given by, x = [iq s , ids , eq s , eds , ωr , θw t , . . .
Jhealth = min {Jsw (i, j, k, l)}.
j ε{1,2,...,N c } . . . , ωt , vdc , u1 , u3 , u5 , u6 , u8 , u10 , u12 ]T . (33)
Linearizing the previous DAE about an operating point
D. Elimination and Dispersal (x0 , y0 , u0 ) (which is obtained by the load flow at a particu-
lar wind speed), the system matrix Asys can be calculated as
It is possible that in the local environment the life of a popula- follows:
tion of bacteria changes either gradually (e.g., via consumption .
of nutrients) or suddenly due to some other influence. Events ∆ x = Asys ∆x. (34)
can occur such that all the bacteria in a region are killed or a The parameters of the DFIG system is given in Appendix.
group is dispersed into a new part of the environment. They
have the effect of possibly destroying the chemotactic progress, A. Objective Function
but they also have the effect of assisting in chemotaxis, since
dispersal may place bacteria near good food sources. From a The parameters of DFIG controllers are selected so as to
broad perspective, elimination and dispersal are parts of the minimize the following objective function:
population-level long-distance motile behavior. It helps in re- 1
ducing the behavior of stagnation (i.e. being trapped in a prema- J= (35)
(min ζi )
ture solution point or local optima) often seen in such parallel ∀i
search algorithms. This section is based on the work in [15]. The where ζi is the damping ratio of the ith eigenvalue of the system.
detailed mathematical derivations as well as theoretical aspect This objective function makes sure that the minimum damped
of this new concept are presented in [12]–[17]. eigenvalue is heavily damped and the system small-signal sta-
In this paper, optimization using BF scheme is carried out to bility is ensured. The controller parameters are optimized with
find the optimal controller parameters of the DFIG system. The the previous objective function and the performance of the al-
algorithm is presented in the flowchart, as shown in Fig. 4. gorithm is shown in Fig. 7 in the Appendix.
controllers are optimized at near synchronous (normal) wind operating wind speeds. To further verify this, the controllers are
speed. optimized at Vw = 7.5 m/s and Vw = 6.5 m/s. Table VI summa-
In the next step, the controller are optimized at wind speed rizes the variation of mode# 2 when controllers are optimized
(Vw ) of 8.5 m/s. Again the system is unstable at subsynchronous at different wind speeds. It is observed that all the modes are
mode of operation. This can be illustrated from Table IV. As stable if controllers are optimized at any subsynchronous speed.
shown in Table IV, the optimization at supersynchronous speed Again, the speed depends on the rating of the DFIG WT. For
would help in eliminating the electromechanical mode (mode# example, if the installed WT has near synchronous operation at
3). But on the downside, the system has an additional mode, Vw = 8 m/s, then the controllers can be designed at any sub-
mode# 4, associated with state Vdc , voltage across the dc-link ca- synchronous speed (Vw < 8 m/s). This would ensure the stable
pacitor. This can have detrimental effect on the system stability performance of DFIG system across the wide range of wind
if not properly damped. Moreover, it affects the convertor rating speed from subsynchronous (Vw < 8 m/s) to supersynchronous
and therefore the oscillations of this kind should be damped (Vw > 8 m/s) mode of operation.
if the controllers are optimized for this operating condition.
Mode# 2 is still unstable at lower wind speeds (subsynchronous
operation). E. Super/Subsynchronous Mode of Operation
Lastly, the controllers are optimized at lower wind speeds, i.e., It is interesting to observe the change in the frequency of os-
Vw = 7 m/s, and the eigenvalues of the system with the different cillations of different eigenmodes under super/subsynchronous
controllers are shown in Table V. The system is stable for all the operation of DFIG. The eigenvalues of the DFIG-based WT
Fig. 5. Dynamic response of the DFIG system when the wind speed is 10 m/s (supersynchronous) and the controllers are optimized at 7 m/s.
Fig. 6. Dynamic response of the DFIG system when the wind speed is 6 m/s (subsynchronous) and the controllers are optimized at 7 m/s.
A. Parameters of the SMIB DFIG System (p.u.)
Ht = 4; Hg = 0.4; Xm = 4; Lm = 4; xtg = 0.55; C = 0.01;
xe = 0.06; Lss = 4.04; Lr r = 4.0602; Rs = (Xm /800); Rr =
1.1*Rs .
Fig. 7. Performance of BF algorithm for V w =7.5 m/s. B. Parameters Used for the Optimization (BF Algorithm)
S = 4; Cl = 0.07; dattract = 1.9; ωattract = 0.1; hrep ellant =
TABLE VII dattract ; ωrep ellant = 10.
The earlier values of BF algorithm parameters are used for
optimizing the controller parameters. First, all the six controller
parameters (i.e., six pairs of KP m and KI m ) are optimized and
then the damping controller (KP 7 and KI 7 ) is optimized for a
given wind speed. This process is repeated for different wind
speeds. Fig 7 shows the performance of the algorithm for a
particular wind speed. Table VII shows the optimized controller
parameters using BF algorithm for different wind speeds.
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[15] S. Mishra, “A hybrid least square-fuzzy bacteria foraging strategy for sity of Tennessee (UT), Knoxville, and an Adjunct
harmonic estimation,” IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 61– Researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, since
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[17] S. Mishra, M. Tripathy, and J. Nanda, “Multimachine power system sta- resources.
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[18] Y. Mishra, S. Mishra, M. Tripathy, N. Senroy, and Z. Y. Dong, “Improving
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Z. Y. Dong (M’99–SM’06) received the Ph.D. de-
gree from the University of Sydney, Sydney, N.S.W.,
Australia, in 1999.
He was with the University of Queensland, Aus-
tralia, and the National University of Singapore. He
was also with Powerlink Queensland, and Transend
Networks, Tasmania, Australia, both in power sys-
tem planning area. He is currently with Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong. His
Yateendra Mishra (M’09) received the Ph.D. degree current research interests include power system plan-
from the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld., ning, power system security, stability, and control,
Australia, in 2009, the B.E. degree from BIT Mesra, load modeling, electricity market, and computational intelligence and its appli-
Mesra, Ranchi, in 2003, and the M.Tech. degree from cation in power engineering.
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, In-
dia, in 2005.
For six months, he was a Visiting Scholar in the
University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He is currently a
Transmission Planning Engineer with Midwest ISO,
Carmel, IN. His current research interests include Ramesh C. Bansal (S’99–SM’03) received the M.E.
distributed generation, doubly fed induction gener- degree from Delhi College of Engineering, New
ator (DFIG) based wind generation systems, and power system stability and Delhi, India, in 1996, the M.B.A. degree from In-
control. dira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, in
1997, and the Ph.D. degree from the Indian Institute
of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, in 2003.
During June 1999–December 2005, he was an
Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering, Birla Institute of Tech-
nology and Science, Pilani, India. During February
2006–June 2008, he was with the School of Electri-
S. Mishra (M’97–SM’04) received the B.E. degree cal and Electronics Engineering Division, School of Engineering and Physics,
from the University College of Engineering, Burla, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. He was with the Civil Construction
India, in 1990, and the M.E. and Ph.D. degrees Wing, All India Radio, for nine years during August 1989– August 1998. He is
from the Regional Engineering College, Rourkela, currently a Faculty member in the School of Information Technology and Elec-
India, in 1992 and 2000, respectively. trical Engineering, the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld., Australia. He
In 1992, he joined the Department of Electrical has authored or coauthored more than 110 papers in national/international jour-
Engineering, University College of Engineering, as a nals and conference proceedings. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the
Lecturer, and subsequently became a Reader in 2001. Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Renewable Power Generation,
He is currently an Associate Professor in the Depart- Electric Power Components and Systems Energy Sources, Part B: Economics,
ment of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Planning and Policy. His current research interests include reactive power con-
Technology, New Delhi, India. His current research trol in renewable energy systems and conventional power systems, power system
interests include fuzzy logic and artificial neural network applications to power optimization, analysis of induction generators, and artificial intelligence tech-
system control and power quality. niques applications in power systems. Dr. Bansal is an Editor of the IEEE
Dr. Mishra is a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering TRANSACTIONS OF ENERGY CONVERSION AND POWER ENGINEERING LETTERS,
(INAE). He has been honored with many prestigious awards such as the Indian an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS OF INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS.
National Science Academy (INSA) Young Scientist Medal-2002, the INAE He is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Energy Foundation
Young Engineer’s Award-2002, the recognition as DST Young Scientist 2001– (IEF), AB, Canada. He is also a member of the Institution of Engineers (India)
2002, etc. and a Life Member of the Indian Society of Technical Education.