Eea 63 3 2015 023 EN LP 000 PDF
Eea 63 3 2015 023 EN LP 000 PDF
Eea 63 3 2015 023 EN LP 000 PDF
Wind turbine based on Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) is gaining in the growing wind market. By means
of a bidirectional converter in the rotor circuit the DFIG is able to work as a generator in both sub-synchronous
and super-synchronous modes. The topology of a DFIG, stator is connected direct to the grid while the rotor is
connected to grid with back to back converters. The nonlinear sliding mode controller is applied to the rotor
side converter (RSC) for the independently control of active and reactive power by using a stator flux oriented
strategy. The grid side converter (GSC) is controlled by using the oriented voltage control strategy. Also the dc
link control ensures the operation of unity power factor by making the reactive power drawn by the system to
zero. Simulation results are evaluated in terms of power followed tracking and sensitivity to disturbance during
the operation of sub-synchronous to super-synchronous generating modes using MATLAB/SIMULINK-PSB (Power
System Blockset) toolbox.
Keywords: doubly fed induction generator, wind turbine, power control, rotor side converter, grid side
team. This approach was first developed for power coefficient of wind power machine,
linear second order system and has now been which is function of tip speed ratio (TSR) λ
extended to linear, non-linear, discrete and and blade pitch angle β. The coefficient is
multi-variable systems [7]. treated in [9]; the expression generally used
First, the modelling of the wind turbine is given by following:
and the maximization power point tracking
(MPPT) are presented. Second, the DFIG is 1
− 5
C p (λ , β ) = c1 (c 2 − c3 .β − c 4 )e λi + c 6 .λ
modelled in d-q Park reference frame. Third, λi
the sliding mode controller is proposed for =
1 1 0.035 (3)
control independently of active and reactive λ λ + 0.08.β − 1 + β 2
power by using a stator flux oriented
strategy applied to the rotor side converter ci (i=1,6) is given in appendix.
(RSC). Forth, the grid side converter (GSC) is The TSR is defined as the ratio between
controlled by using the oriented voltage the linear blade tip speed and the wind
control strategy, is applied to guarantee a dc speed, expressed as [10]:
link voltage and ensure sinusoidal currents in
Ωturb .R (4)
the grid side. Finally, some numerical λ=
simulation using Matlab/Simulink-PSB are V
obtained and discussed, which provides where Ωturb is the turbine speed.
some comments and conclusion. Figure 2 illustrates the relation between
2. System and Description Cp, λ and β obtained by (3)
In the present paper, the proposed system
studied is constituted of three interacting
main components which will be separately
modelled: wind turbine, gearbox, DFIG with
the topology that stator is connected direct
to the grid while the rotor is connected to
grid with back to back AC-DC-AC PWM
converter as presented in Figure 1.
by: n −1
S (x ) = + λ e (x ) (20)
M sr dt
Ps = −V s . L .i rq
s (17) with: e(x) represents the difference
Q = −V . sr .i + V s
M between the controlled variable and the
s s
reference, e ( x ) = x ref − x ; λ is a positive
Due to the constant stator voltage, the coefficient, n is the relative degree.
stator active and reactive powers are • Convergence condition
controlled by irq and ird respectively. The convergence condition is defined by
The expressions of rotorique voltages as a the Lyapunov condition [17], which makes
function of rotorique currents are given as the surface attractive and invariant.
S ( x ).S& ( x ) p 0 (21)
di rd
V rd = R r .i rd + σ .Lr . dt − σ .Lr .ωr .i rq (18) • Calculation of the control laws
di The control algorithm is defined by the
V = R .i + σ .L . rq + σ .L .ω .i − g . M sr V . s
rq r rq r
r r rd
Ls relation:
where: U = U eq + U n (22)
M sr2 ωs where U is the control vector, U eq is the
σ = 1− ,g =
Ls .L r ωr equivalent control vector, U n is the
These two controls variables Vrd and Vrq switching part of the control.
equations are coupled. The decoupling is U eq can be obtained by considering the
obtained by compensation in order to ensure condition for the sliding regime, S& ( x ) = 0 .
the control of Ps and Qs independently. The equivalent control keeps the state
4. Sliding Mode Control variable on sliding surface, once reached.
Un is needed to guarantee the
The sliding mode control has been very
convergence of the system states to sliding
successful in recent years. This is due to the
surfaces in finite time.
simplicity of implementation and robustness
In order to reduce the undesirable
against system uncertainties and external
chattering phenomenon, J. J. Slotine
disturbances affecting the process [15].
proposed an approach by introducing a
4.1 Basic Idea of Sliding Mode Control boundary layer of width δ on either side of
The basic idea of sliding mode control is the switching surface [18].
first to draw the states of the system in an Then, U n is defined by:
area properly selected, then design a control
law command that will always keep the U n = K .sat (S i / δ ) (23)
system in this region [16]. The sliding mode
where sat (S (x ) / δ ) is the proposed saturation
control goes through three stages:
function (Figure 4), δ is the boundary layer
• Choice of switching surface width, K is the controller gain designed from
For a nonlinear system presented in the the Lyapunov stability.
following form:
x& = f (x , t ) + G (x , t )U (x , t ) (19) S at (S ) = 1 if S >δ
S at (S ) = S at (S ) = − 1 if S <δ
where x ∈ R n is the state vector, U ∈ R m S at (S ) = if S <δ
is the control vector, f ( x , t ) ∈ R n , ( x , t ) ∈ R n .m
In reference [18], the proposed equation
to determine the sliding surface is defined as
M sr di rq
e&1 = P&s − P&s = P&s +V s .
ref ref
Ls dt
e& = Q& ref − Q& = Q& ref +V . M sr . di rd
2 s s s s
Ls dt
M .
rq rq )
V n +V eq − R .i + σ .L .ω .i
r rq r r rd
& ref
e&1 = P s + sr s
. s
σ .L r .L s + g . M sr V
& ref M sr V . s
(( n eq
e&2 = Q s + σ .L .L V rd +V rd − R r .i rd + σ .L r .ω r .i rq
r s
During the sliding mode and in permanent where the equivalent control is:
regime, we have: e1,2 = 0 , e&1,2 = 0 , V rdn , V rqn = 0 .
eq M sr V . s . s
M sr V
V rq = σ .L .L .P&sref + R r .i rq − σ .L r .ωr .i rd − g .
r s Ls
V eq = σ .L r .L s
.Q&sref + R r .i rd + − L r .ωr .i rq
M sr V . s
Pg = v dg i dg + v qg i qg
Q g = v qg i dg −v dg i qg
By using the oriented voltage control
strategy, one can align the d-axis with the
stator voltage, so: Figure 6. Block diagram of the grid side converter
v qg = 0
(34) 5.1 DC Bus Voltage Control Loop
v dg = v d
The DC bus voltage control is assigned to
Hence, the active and reactive powers an IP controller, which is frequently used
expressions are easily simplified as follow: because of his several advantages such as
passage the sub-synchronous to super- the proposed control scheme against the
synchronous mode from 152rad/s to reference active and reactive powers under
172rad/s at time t = 2s. The corresponding speed variation are not affected indicating a
results, given by Figure 9, show the good disturbance rejection without
satisfactory performances respectively of overshoot. Adjusting the DC bus with an IP
the power tracking. Although the speed controller gives a good track without
reference suddenly increased, the overshoot.
simulation results confirm the regulation of
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8. Biography and development of intelligent applications
(Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks),
Mourad LOUCIF was born in with particular interest for sensorless-control
Tlemcen (Algeria), on March 11, algorithms to electrical drive systems.
1988. Correspondance adresse: Departement of
In 2011, he received the M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty
University of Abou bekr Belkaid of Technology, University Abou Bekr Belkaid,
Tlemcen, Faculty of Technology. Chetouane B.P 30 Tlemcen-Algeria. Email :
Currently, he is a PHD student at the same
university. He is an member of Automatique
Laboratory of Tlemcen (LAT).