Optimization of Elastomer-Metal Components With TOSCA and Abaqus
Optimization of Elastomer-Metal Components With TOSCA and Abaqus
Optimization of Elastomer-Metal Components With TOSCA and Abaqus
Dr.-Ing. Ralf Meske, Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Sauter
FE-Design GmbH, Karlsruhe
Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Friedrich
Freudenberg Forschungsdienste KG, Weinheim
ABSTRACT: To reduce time and costs in the development of elastomer-metal components while maintaining
a high product quality it is essential to use efficient optimization tools besides the already established nonlin-
ear FE analysis. FE-Design offers with the optimization system TOSCA an integrated solution for topology
and shape optimization with interfaces to major industry standard FE solvers. In combination with ABAQUS
it is now also possible to perform topology and shape optimization with moderate non-linearities. To apply
the optimization algorithms of TOSCA successfully for stronger non-linearities, an enhancement of the algo-
rithms is necessary. This task is approached in the German research project ELAnO (Entwicklung und Kon-
struktion von innovativen Leichtbauprodukten unter konsequenter Verwendung adaptierter Analyse- und Op-
timierungsmethoden) in cooperation with Freudenberg and several other companies. The life time and
durability of elastomeric bearing components will be increased by the systematic application of topology and
shape optimization with TOSCA and ABAQUS under full consideration of geometric, material and boundary
non-linearities. First results will be shown in the presentation and an outlook towards further developments
will be given.
-0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 2
Strain [100 %]
Figure 2: Comparison of different material models Figure 4: Comparison between measured and computed load
deflection curve
should not be changed too much, a constant volume
The use of a correct material model results in a cor- constraint was defined. The optimization yields a
rect stress distribution and stress level. Accurate re- significantly improved design after 10 optimization
sults for the stress calculation are necessary for cycles. The modified geometry is shown together
shape optimization because the in shape optimiza- with the maximum equivalent stress of both load
tion local responses of the structure are considered. cases in on the right side. The deformation of the ini-
tial and the optimized component is shown for both
load cases in Figure 6. The maximum equivalent
4 SHAPE OPTIMIZATION OF A 2D stress was reduced in both load cases for 26% each.
HYPERELASTIC SUPPORT The folding of the component in the compression
load case was prevented by the geometry change.
A substantial amount of the developed parts at the The capability to use own material laws which
Freudenberg Group are rubber-metal components. provide a high accuracy for even very high strains
The computation of rubber components inhibit in which often occur in rubber parts is seen as a high
general several non-linearities. Because of the large extension for the optimization of rubber-metal com-
deformation geometric non-linearity has to be taken ponents.
into account. Due to the incompressibility of the ma-
terial hybrid elements have to be used. The hypere-
lastic material law itself is non-linear. Sometimes
contact problems occur, which lead to non-linear
boundary conditions. These complexities imply that
accurate calculations for these components can only
be performed with a solver like ABAQUS which is
specialized for non-linear problems.
The Freudenberg Group has been using
MSC.Construct together with MSC.Nastran for
structural optimization for several years. Extensive
investigations of a semi-automatic linearized optimi-
zation with MSC.Nastran using a linear-elastic mate-
rial as substitute have been made, but did not lead to
an acceptable result in accuracy. The overhead for
the linearization of the problem and the nonlinear
control calculation of the optimization result was
very time expensive [2]. Therefore, there was a
strong interest to perform the optimization with
TOSCA in combination with ABAQUS.
Due to the integration of ABAQUS in the optimi-
zation with TOSCA the user now can take advantage
of the analysis capabilities of ABAQUS in the opti-
mization process with TOSCA. The shape optimiza-
tion of the following example of an hyperelastic
support was performed without difficulties in the
same way as with a linear-elastic material. The hy-
perelastic material behavior was modeled in this
case with the Freudenberg material law. The initial
configuration of the component is shown in Figure 5
on the left side. Due to the symmetry of the compo-
nent only the right half was modeled. The compo-
nent is fixed on the lower right side. In the radius
there is a steel ring which is not shown in the fig-
ures. A tension and compression load in y-direction
was applied on the steel ring. The compression load
led to a folding of the component in the initial de-
sign, which had a negative influence on the life span.
The nodes on the lower left contour of the com- Figure 5: Equivalent stress and geometry of initial and opti-
ponent were chosen as design nodes of the optimiza- mized design
tion. The optimization target was the minimization
of the von Mises equivalent stress along the design
nodes. Because the total stiffness of the component
Figure 6: Deformation and equivalent stress of initial and optimized design.
100% 65%
Initial Design
Optimized Design