Climate Change Essay
Climate Change Essay
Climate Change Essay
Professor Gage
ENGL 1302-224
CLIMATE CHANGE: An Issue Worth Everyone’s Attention
One of the most influential minds of the twentieth century, and maybe the greatest striver for
peace the world has ever seen, Mahatma Gandhi, once eloquently stated, “Earth provides enough
to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” This quote reflects upon the innate
sufficiency of Earth’s provisions, yet due to man’s greed, the issue of climate change remains
more critical than ever. Simply put, climate change is the human-caused phenomenon where the
emission of carbon dioxide severely impacts our atmosphere, causing our weather to rapidly
change. It is truly shocking that an issue with such a wide impact on society has been politicized
the way it has unfolded as of late. For years, this issue has been surrounded with controversy, as
people who desired to fight against it were considered “out of their mind,” while people who
ignored it and described it as a hoax were called “ignorant.” Acting against climate change is
something everyone should agree on, as it is occurring right now, it has been ignored for far too
long, its cause is obvious and can be halted, and it will impact every part of our lives in the
Firstly, it is important to recognize that a main reason for everyone to now engage in the fight
against climate change is that it is already occurring as this is written. One factor that proves that
this is currently the situation is the increasing numbers of El Nino and La Nina events happening
in recent years (Tisdale 11). These events are phenomena of large amounts of warm or cold air in
the Pacific Ocean that affect all climates on earth, and while, usually, there is an even amount of
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warm and cold air each year, but recently that has not been the case (Tisdale 12). Climate
scientist, Bob Tisdale, states in his book, “Who Turned on the Heat,” that there has been a
change in what events take place each year, how many, and when. Tisdale claims, “In the last
thirty years, there has been a significant rise in stronger, longer lasting, and more frequent El
Nino events in comparison to La Nina’s than ever before,” and there is evidence to back this up.
Between 1980 and 2020, the average water temperature in the Pacific increased from being -0.1
degrees celsius below average to being 0.5 degrees celsius above average (Tisdale 22). This may
not appear to be a significant difference in temperature at first glance, but the truth is that since
this is affecting the Pacific, which leads to unfortunate consequences (Tisdale 23). Tisdale
proves this by pointing out, “The sea surface temperature anomalies for the entire globe, or about
360 million square kilometers warmed 0.6 degrees in a forty-year period.” This is incredibly
important to mention because it proves that this has been a problem that has been disguising
itself for decades. Those who disagree with these facts argue that the change in temperatures is
natural and has always occurred. Further, they claim that something as complicated as climate
change, cannot be proven. In reality, this is not a complicated issue to understand, and more
importantly, there is abundant evidence, which speaks for itself, that our climate is changing in
ways it has not in recent human history. Even though the signs of a changing climate have been
For years, the issue of climate change has been characterized as too lengthy and vague of an
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issue, which has led to little policy change. Back in 2015, the United States entered an agreement
known as the Paris Climate Accord, which was an agreement with 195 countries to tackle
climate change (UN Report). The goal of the accord being to prevent the average global
temperature exceeding 1.5 or 2 degrees higher than it is right now (UN Report). However, there
has been barely any progress in the U.S. in efforts to fulfill their part of the accord. According to
the Emissions Gap Report in 2019 conducted by the United Nations, the United States emitted
the second largest number of total carbon dioxide of any nation in the world, only behind China.
Meanwhile, America ranks number one on consumption of carbon dioxide in the world, a
terrifying statistic as the nation has been in the agreement for nearly four years (UN Report). The
report also states, “If no new climate policies are put into place in the near future, we can start
experiencing the effects of the temperature rise as soon as 2030.” This precisely proves the
incompetence and negligence that our leadership has had for an issue that affects the world,
which in recent years, has been the result of much partisanship. Republicans and Conservatives
have believed that by tackling climate change, they are benefiting Liberals and Democrats
politically and, therefore, should not be pursuing the issue (National Affairs). National Affairs, a
typically conservative media source, stated on the matter, “Many more Republicans are
uncomfortable making accusations of corruption and conspiracy against so much of the scientific
community, but they too have struggled to sustain an untenable position.” It is clear that this
perception is an epidemic in our leadership, and it must be eradicated. Unfortunately, the people
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behind these ideas truly believe there are more important issues to solve rather than the issue of
the environment. What issues are more important? The impact of this problem is more
widespread than any other and solving it must be a priority for every politician in every nation in
the world. It is truly a shame that this issue has been given a backseat for years, as its cause is
The true cause of climate change has always been clear, but for some, it is hard to admit. The
cause, of course, is the constant emission of carbon dioxide or CO2 gases into the air and the
pollution of our atmosphere. To put it plainly, when carbon dioxide gases are released into the air
at an abundant rate, the gas absorbs heat from the earth that would normally release into space
(Tisdale 52). What happens instead, Bob Tisdale explains, “the gas re-emits that heat back to the
earth, leading to the warming of the planet.” Everyone must be aware of this because it is a
problem that impacts everyone, but there is hope that it can be solved. There are strategies that
can prevent these chemicals from entering our atmosphere in the foreseeable future, which other
nations have adhered to and acted on. As the Earth Island Journal states, “the nation of New
Zealand has already committed to removing all fossil fuels by 2050.” New Zealand’s example of
progress showcases the kind of action that must be done in every nation around the world in
order to combat this challenge. A contrary belief to this may be the idea that while its cause is
simple, it will take years to solve and therefore should not be made a priority. This is an opinion
void of facts, as in actuality it can be accomplished, and while it may be a long process, when
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solved it will result in the preservation of our Earth for the next generation.
If there is one thing that should convince anyone living to fight against climate change, it is
the possible future it holds for us if no action continues to take place. One fact that has been
proven is that without action, temperatures will continue to rise in abnormal ways, and severe
storms, costing billions of dollars, will become more frequent (Rowe 23). Environmental
journalist, Mark Rowe, reported recently, “More than 50 million homes in the United States are
now in an area at risk of wildfires, a number that increases by one million every three years.” He
continued by saying that the damage caused by these fires could exceed one trillion in the near
future if no immediate action takes place (Rowe 23). Rowe also warned about the significant
changes coming in the number of hurricanes that will form if nothing is done (Rowe 23). He
recounts that in 2020, “We had 30 hurricanes, 12 inland storms; we ran out of alphabetical letters
to name them all and had to move to the Greek alphabet. This is not some distant, abstract,
projected future – this is the here and now, and it will get much worse.” While unusual weather
patterns are the primary effect of climate change, it presents massive consequences for
agriculture and how their practices could be impacted. Agriculture professor, Zaid Chalabi,
accurately points out, “Climate change’s effects will determine how poorly nourished the
quantity and quality of food can be when accessed, as well as whether they are affected by
infectious diseases that could compromise nutrient absorption.” This impact will radically
change the way crops are grown and replenished if our climate continues to worsen. This may be
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viewed by the opposing side as a falsehood for many reasons. One opinion might state that it will
not impact our future, but rather, it will be the problem of future generations to solve. It is this
type of arrogance that has led scientists and activists to where they are in the fight against
climate change. It is previous generations and now our own who believe that passing the buck is
the best thing to do. Our future and the future set forth for generations to come will be impacted
Acting for efforts to mitigate climate change are critical given that the effects are occurring
right now, that it has been ignored for far too long, its cause is obvious and can be halted, and it
will impact every part of our lives in the future. For too long, this issue of the safety of our planet
has been disregarded as a partisan issue that only benefits one side or belief system. It should be
made clear that this situation affects everyone, not just Americans, regardless of who they are or
where they’re from. Anyone living today should have the desire to preserve this planet for the
future of humankind. Climate change is a problem with many possible solutions, one of which
being, the removal of nearly all carbon dioxide emissions, as well as fully shifting to natural gas.
As a part of this, all nations should look to move from gas powered cars to EV or electronic
Manzi, Jim, and Peter Whener. “Conservatives and Climate Change.” National Affairs , Summer
“The Beacons Are Lit .” Earth Island Journal, vol. 361, no. 1, Spring 2021, p. 5. San Jacinto
College Database.
Rowe, Mark. “Set Back.” Geographical Magazine, vol. 93, no. 3, Mar. 2021, pp. 21–28.
J. Lloyd, Simon, and Zaid Chalabi. “Climate Change, Hunger and Rural Health through the Lens
of Farming Styles: An Agent-Based Model to Assess the Potential Role of Peasant Farming.”
PLoS, vol. 16, no. 2, Feb. 2021. Gale Academic Onefile,