CH-1 Machining

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 What is Machining and how it works?

 Machining is the removal of material (Subtractive method) and modification of the surfaces of a work
piece. Machining involves secondary and finishing operations.
 Machining is a manufacturing process in which a sharp cutting tool is used to cut away material to
leave the work piece to create desired shape.
 The predominant cutting action in machining involves shear deformation of the work material to form
a chip as the chip is removed, a new surface is exposed.
 Machining aims to generate the shape of the work piece from a solid body, or to improve the tolerances
and surface finish of a previously formed work piece, by removing excess material in the form of chips.
Classification of material removal processes:-

 Machining is capable of creating geometric configurations, tolerances, and surface finishes often
unobtainable by any other technique.
 Productivity and costs of raw materials often aim at reducing or eliminating machining in mass
production. However, if one considers the cost of the tools, labour and capital it may nowadays
represent up to 10% of Gross Domestic Product.
 The industrial revolution and the growth of the manufacturing-based economies of the world can be
traced largely to the development of the various machining operations

a) A cross-sectional view of the machining process. (b) Tool with negative rake angle; compare with
positive rake angle in (a).

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Advantages of Machining
 Variety of work materials. Machining can be applied to a wide variety of work materials. Virtually all
solid metals can be machined.
 Plastics and composites can also be cut by machining. Ceramics pose difficulties because of their high
hardness and brittleness; however, most ceramics can be successfully cut by the abrasive machining
 Variety of part shapes and geometric features. Machining can be used to create any regular
geometry, such as flat planes, round holes, and cylinders.
 By introducing variations in tool shapes and tool paths, irregular geometries can be created, such as
screw threads and T-slots. By combining several machining operations in sequence, shapes of almost
unlimited complexity and variety can be produced.
 Dimensional accuracy. Machining can produce dimensions to very close tolerances. Some machining
processes can achieve tolerances of 0.025 mm (0.001 in), much more accurate than most other
 Good surface finishes. Machining is capable of creating very smooth surface finishes. Roughness
values less than 0.4 microns can be achieved in conventional machining operations. Some abrasive
processes can achieve even better finishes
Disadvantages of Machining process
 Wasteful of material. Machining is inherently wasteful of material. The chips generated in a
machining operation are wasted material. Although these chips can usually be recycled, they represent
waste in terms of the unit operation.
 Time consuming. A machining operation generally takes more time to shape a given part than
alternative shaping processes such as casting or forging.
 Environmental pollution. Generation due to chips and coolants used.
 Some types of Traditional Machining Operations
 In turning, a cutting tool with a single cutting edge is used to remove material from rotating work piece
to generate a cylindrical shape. The speed motion in turning is provided by the rotating work part, and
the feed motion is achieved by the cutting tool moving slowly in a direction parallel to the axis of
rotation of the work piece.
 Drilling is used to create a round hole. It is accomplished by a rotating tool that typically has two cutting
edges. The tool is fed in a direction parallel to its axis of rotation into the work part to form the round
 In milling, a rotating tool with multiple cutting edges is fed slowly across the work material to generate
a plane or straight surface. The direction of the feed motion is perpendicular to the tool’ s axis of rotation
 The speed motion is provided by the rotating milling cutter. The two basic forms of milling are
peripheral milling and face milling. Other conventional machining operations include shaping,
planning, broaching, and Sawing.
 Grinding and similar abrasive operations are often included within the category of machining.
 These processes commonly follow the conventional machining operations and are used to achieve a
superior surface finish on the work part.

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The three most common types of machining processes: (a) turning, (b) drilling, and two forms of milling: (c)
peripheral milling, and (d) face milling.

Generating shape in machining: (a) straight turning, (b) taper turning, (c) contour turning, (d) plain milling,
and (e) profile milling

Forming to create shape in machining: (a) form turning, (b) drilling, and (c) broaching

Forming to create shape in machining: (a) form turning, (b) drilling, and (c) broaching

Combination of forming and generating to create shape: (a) thread cutting on a lathe, and (b) slot milling.

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Manufacturing processes can be broadly divided into two groups:-
a. primary manufacturing processes : Provide basic shape and size
b. secondary manufacturing processes : Provide final shape and size with tighter control on
dimension, surface characteristics
Material removal processes once again can be divided into two groups:-
1. Traditional or Conventional Machining Processes
2. Non-Traditional Manufacturing Processes or Non-Conventional Manufacturing processes
Conventional Machining Processes mostly remove material in the form of chips by applying forces on the
work material with a wedge shaped cutting tool that is harder than the work material under machining
 Non-conventional machining are:-
Material removal may occur with chip formation or even no chip formation may take place. For example in
AJM, chips are of microscopic size and in case of Electrochemical machining material removal occurs due
to electrochemical dissolution at atomic level.
Metal Cutting is the process of removing unwanted material from the work piece in the form of chips

Cutting Geometry
MRR=vfd, V=πDn and n = revolutions per minute

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Need for calculating forces, velocities and angles during machining?
 We need to determine the cutting forces in turning for Estimation of cutting power consumption,
which also enables selection of the power source (e.g. motors) during design of the machine tools.
 Structural design of the machine – fixture – tool system.
 Evaluation of role of the various machining parameters (tool material and geometry) on cutting
forces to make machining process more efficient and economical.
 Condition monitoring of the cutting tools and machine tools.

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 Mechanics of Cutting
Major independent variables in the cutting process:
1. Tool material and coatings
2. Tool shape and sharpness
3. Work piece material and condition
4. Cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut
5. Cutting fluids
6. Characteristics of the machine tool
7. Work holding and fixturing
Dependent variables in cutting (influenced by changes in independent variables):
1. Type of chip produced (studied since early 1940’s)
2. Force and energy dissipated during cutting
3. Temperature rise in the work piece, the tool and the chip
4. Tool wear and failure
5. Surface finish and surface integrity of the work piece
 Merchant model is known as orthogonal cutting (?)
 It is two dimensional and the forces involved are perpendicular to each other Cutting tool has a rake
angle () and a relief or clearance angle. Shearing takes place in a shear zone at shear angle ()
Basic mechanism of chip formation by shearing
Velocity diagram showing angular relationship among 3 speeds in cutting zone:
• V: cutting speed
• Vs: shearing speed
• Vc: chip velocity

Cutting Ratio (or chip-thickness ratio, r):-

 The ratio is related to the two angles
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Shear angle,  and rake angle, 

 Chip thickness tc is always > than the depth of cut, to

 the value of r is always less than unity (i.e. <1)
 Reciprocal of r (i.e. 1/r ) is known as the chip-compression ratio or chip-compression factor
 It’s a measure of how thick the chip has become
 Always > 1
Making use of cutting ratio in evaluating cutting conditions:
 depth of cut, to: machine setting (i.e. indep. variable)
 chip thickness, tc can be measured using micrometer
 cutting ratio, r can then easily be calculated
 rake angle,  is also known for cutting operation
 It is function of tool and work piece geometry
 Cutting ratio and rake angle can be used to find shear angle, 
Shear Strain
The shear strain (i.e. deformation relative to original size) that the material undergoes can be expressed as

Large shear strains (≥5) are associated with low shear angles or with low or negative rake angles. Based on
the assumption that the shear angle adjusts itself to minimize the cutting force,

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 Chip encounters friction as it moves up the rake face
 Large variations in contact pressure and temperature are encountered at the tool-chip interface (rake
 This causes big changes in μ and it is thus called “apparent mean coefficient of friction”thus indicates:
 As rake angle ↓ or friction at rake face ↑ and ⇒ shear angle ↓ and chip becomes thicker
 Thicker chip ⇒ more energy lost because shear strain is higher
 Because work done during cutting is converted into heat ⇒ temperature rise is higher
Velocity in the Cutting Zone

 Since tc > to ⇒ Vc (velocity of chip) < V (cutting speed)

 Since mass continuity is maintained

 From Velocity diagram, obtain equations from trigonometric relationships (Vs velocity at shearing

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 Types of Chips Produced in Metal Cutting
Types of metal chips commonly observed in practice (orthogonal metal cutting) there are 4 main types:

a. Continuous chip (with narrow, straight, primary shear zone)

b. Continuous chip with secondary shear zone at the tool-chip interface
c. Built-up edge, BUE chip
d. Serrated or segmented or non-homogenous chip
e. Discontinuous chip
All Chips
• Chip has two surfaces:
• Surface in contact with rake face
• Shiny and polished
• Caused by rubbing of the chip on the tool surface
• Outer surface from the original surface of the work piece
• Jagged, rough appearance
• Caused by shearing mechanism
• Note, this surface remains exposed to the environment, and does not come into contact with any
other surface
Continuous Chips
• Formed with ductile materials machined at high cutting speeds and/or high rake angles
• Deformation takes place along a narrow shear zone called the (primary shear zone)
• Continuous chips may develop a secondary shear zone due to high friction at the tool–chip interface
• This zone becomes thicker as friction increases
• Continuous chips may also occur with wide primary shear zone with curved boundaries.
• Note, lower boundary of deformation zone drops below machined surface ⇒ distortion in work
piece, poor finish
Built-up Edge (BUE) Chips
• Consists of layers of material from the work piece that are deposited on the tool tip
• As it grows larger, the BUE becomes unstable and eventually breaks apart
• BUE: partly removed by tool, partly deposited on work piece
• BUE can be reduced by:
 Increase the cutting speeds

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 Decrease the depth of cut
 Increase the rake angle
 Use a sharp tool
 Use an effective cutting fluid
 Use cutting tool with lower chemical affinity for workpiece material
 Hardness distribution with BUE chip Note BUE chip much harder than

Serrated Chips
• Also called segmented or nonhomogeneous chips
• They are semicontinuous chips with
• large zones of low shear strain and
• small zones of high shear strain (shear localization). Example: metals with low thermal conductivity
and strength that decreases sharply with temperature, i.e. thermal softening (e.g. titanium)
• Chips have a sawtooth-like appearance.
Discontinuous Chips
Consist of segments that are attached firmly or loosely to each other. Form under the following conditions:
• Brittle workpiece materials
• Materials with hard inclusions and impurities
• Very low or very high cutting speeds
• Large depths of cut
• Low rake angles
• Lack of an effective cutting fluid
• Low stiffness of the machine tool (⇒ vibration, chatter)
Chip Curl
Chips will develop a curvature (chip curl) as they leave the workpiece surface
• Factors affecting the chip curl conditions are:
 Distribution of stresses in the primary and secondary shear zones.
 Thermal effects.
 Work-hardening characteristics of the workpiece material

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 Geometry of the cutting tool
 Cutting fluids.
Note, as cutting depth ↓, chip radius ↓ (i.e. curlier)
Chip Breakers
• Long, continuous chips are undesirable since:
• become entangled and greatly interfere with machining
• potential safety hazard
• chip-breaker: breaks chips intermittently with cutting tools
• Traditionally are clamped to rake face: bend and break the chip
• Modern tools: built-in chip breakers
• Ideal chip: “C” or “9” shape

Chip Breakers
• Chips can also be broken by changing the tool geometry to control chip flow

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• Majority of machining operations involve tool shapes that are 3-D where the cutting is said to be oblique
• Difference between oblique and orthogonal cutting can be seen in chip movement and shape

• Orthogonal cutting: chip slides directly up face of tool

• Oblique cutting: chip is helical, at an inclination angle
• Chip movement is like snow from snowplow blade: sideways
• i.e. helical chip don’t interfere with cutting zone, unlike orthogonal cutting
• The effective rake angle is

• Note i, n can be measured directly to find e

• As i ↑ ⇒ e ↑ ⇒ chip becomes thinner and longer ⇒ cutting force ↓ (very important finding!)
Oblique Cutting
Shaving and Skiving
• Thin layers of material can be removed from straight or curved surfaces (similar to shaving wood with
a plane)
• Shaving can improve the surface finish and dimensional accuracy
• Parts that are long or combination of shapes are shaved by skiving
• A specially shaped cutting tool is moved tangentially across the length of the workpiece
Cutting Forces and Power
Knowledge of cutting forces and power involves:
1. Data on cutting forces
• important to minimize distortions, maintain required dimensional accuracy, help select appropriate
tool holders
2. Power requirements
• enables appropriate tool selection
Forces acting in the cutting zone during 2-D (orthogonal) cutting
Force circle to determine various forces in cutting zone

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 Forces considered in orthogonal cutting include
 Cutting, friction (tool face), and shear forces
 Cutting force,Fc acts in the direction of the cutting speed V, and supplies the energy required for
 Ratio of Fc to cross-sectional area being cut (i.e. product of width and depth of cut, t0) is called:
specific cutting force
 Thrust force,Ft acts in a direction normal to the cutting force
 These two forces produces the resultant force, R
 On tool face, resultant force can be resolved into:
 Friction force, F along the tool-chip interface
 Normal force, N to  to friction force
 It can also be shown that ( is friction angle)

 Resultant force, R is balanced by an equal and opposite force along the shear plane
 It is resolved into shear force, Fs and normal force, Fn
 Thus,

 The magnitude of coefficient of friction,  is

Thrust Force
 The tool holder, work-holding devices, and machine tool must be stiff to support thrust force with
minimal deflections
 If Ft is too high ⇒ tool will be pushed away from work piece
 this will reduce depth of cut and dimensional accuracy
 The effect of rake angle and friction angle on the direction of thrust force is

 Magnitude of the cutting force, Fc is always positive as the force that supplies the work is required in
 However, Ft can be +ve or –ve; i.e. Ft can be upward with a) high rake angle, b) low tool-chip
friction, or c) both

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 The power input in cutting is

 Power is dissipated in
 shear plane/zone (due to energy required to shear material)
 Rake face (due to tool-chip interface friction)
 Power dissipated in shearing is

 Denoting the width of cut as w, (i.e. area of cut: wt0), the specific energy for shearing, is

 The power dissipated in friction is

 The specific energy for friction, uf is

 Total specific energy, ut is

 Prediction of forces is based largely on experimental data (right)

 Wide ranges of values is due to differences in material strengths
 Sharpness of the tool tip also influences forces and power
 Duller tools require higher forces and power

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Cutting Forces and Power
Measuring Cutting Forces and Power
 Cutting forces can be measured using a force transducer, a dynamometer or a load cell mounted
on the cutting-tool holder
 It is also possible to calculate the cutting force from the power consumption during cutting
(provided mechanical efficiency of the tool can be determined)
 The specific energy in cutting can be used to calculate cutting forces
Cutting Forces and Power
Relative Energies in Cutting
In an orthogonal cutting operation, to=0.13 mm, V=120 m/min, α=10° and the width of cut 6 mm. It is
observed that tc=0.23 mm, Fc=500 N and Ft=200 N. Calculate the percentage of the total energy that goes
into overcoming friction at the tool–chip interface.
Relative Energies in Cutting
The percentage of the energy can be expressed as

We have

Relative Energies in Cutting


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Temperatures in Cutting
Temperature rise (due to heat lost in cutting ⇒ raising temp. in cutting zone) - its major adverse effects:
1. Lowers the strength, hardness, stiffness and wear resistance of the cutting tool (i.e. alters tool shape)
2. Causes uneven dimensional changes (machined parts)
3. Induce thermal damage and metallurgical changes in the machined surface (⇒ properties adversely
 Sources of heat in machining:
a. Work done in shearing (primary shear zone)
b. Energy lost due to friction (tool-chip interface)
c. Heat generated due to tool rubbing on machined surface (especially dull or worn tools)

 Expression: mean temperature in orthogonal cutting:

 T: (aka Tmean) mean temperature in [K]
 Yf: flow stress in [MPa]
 ρc: volumetric specific heat in [kJ/m3·K]
 K: thermal diffusivity (ratio of thermal conductivity to volumetric specific heat) in [m2/s]
 Equation shows that T:
 increases with material strength, cutting speed (V), depth of cut (t0);
 decreases with ρc and K
 Mean temperature in turning on a lathe is given by

 V : cutting speed
 f : feed of the tool
 Approximate values of the exponents a,b:

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 Carbide tools: a = 0.2, b = 0.125
 High-speed steel tools: a = 0.5, b = 0.375
Also note how this relation shows the increase in temperature with increased cutting speed and feed
Temperature Distribution
 Sources of heat generation are concentrated in
 primary shear zone, and
 At tool–chip interface
 ⇒ v. large temp. gradients in the cutting zone (right)
 Note max. Temp is about halfway up tool-chip interface (why?)

 Highest temp.:1100ºC
 High temp.appear as dark-color on chips(by oxidation at high V )
 Reason: as V ↑⇒ time for heatdissipation ↓⇒ temp
Temperatures developed in turning 52100 steel
a) flank temperature distribution
b) Tool-chip interface temp. distribution (note, abscissa: 0: tool tip; 1: end of tool-chip contact)

Temperature Distribution
 The temperature increases with cutting speed
 Chips can become red hot and create a safety hazard for the operator
 The chip carries away most (90%) of the heat generated during machining (see right)
 Rest carried by tool and work piece
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 Thus high machining speed (V ) ⇒
 More energy lost in chips
 Machining time decreases
(i.e. favorable machining economics)

Techniques for Measuring Temperature

 Temperatures and their distribution can be determined using
 thermocouples (placed on tool or work piece)
 Electromotive force (thermal emf) at the tool-chip interface
 Measuring infrared radiation (using a radiation pyrometer) from the cutting zone (only
measures surface temperatures)
Tool Life: Wear and Failure
Tool wear is gradual process; created due to:
1. High localized stresses at the tip of the tool
2. High temperatures (especially along rake face)
3. Sliding of the chip along the rake face
4. Sliding of the tool along the newly cut work piece surface
 The rate of tool wear depends on
 tool and work piece materials  cutting fluids
 tool geometry  characteristics of the machine
 process parameters
Tool wear and the changes in tool geometry are classified as:
a) Flank wear d) Notching
b) Crater wear e) Plastic deformation of the tool tip
c) Nose wear f) Chipping and Gross fracture

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Tool Life: Wear and Failure: Flank Wear
 Flank wear occurs on the relief (flank) face of the tool
 It is due to
 rubbing of the tool along machined surface (⇒ adhesive/abrasive wear)
 high temperatures (adversely affecting tool-material properties)

Taylor tool life equation:

V = cutting speed [m/minute]

T = time [minutes] taken to develop a certain flank wear land (VB, n = an
exponent that generally depends on tool material (see above)
C = constant; depends on cutting conditions
Note, magnitude of C = cutting speed at T = 1 min (can you show how?)
Also note: n, c: determined experimentally
 To appreciate the importance of the exponent, n, Taylor tool life equation, rearranged:

Thus, for constant C : smaller n ⇒ smaller tool life

 For turning, equation can be modified to

d = depth of cut (same as t0)

f : feed of the tool [mm/rev ]
x, y: must be determined experimentally for each cutting condition
 typical values in machining conditions
 n = 0.15; x = 0.15; y = 0.6
 i.e. decreasing importance order: V , then f , then d
 Equation can be rearranged as

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Substituting typical values ⇒

To obtain a constant tool life:

1. Decrease V if f or d are increased (and vice versa)
2. Depending on the exponents, if V ↓ ⇒ you can increase volume of material removed by ↑ f or d
Tool-life Curves
 Tool-life curves are plots of experimental data from performing cutting tests on various materials
under different cutting conditions (e.g. V, f, t0, tool material,…)
 Note (figure below)
 As V increases ⇒ tool life decreases v. fast
 Condition of work piece material has large impact on tool life
 There’s large difference in tool life among different compositions
Effect of work piece hardness and microstructure on tool life in turning ductile cast iron. Note the rapid
decrease in tool life (approaching zero as V increases).

Tool-life Curves
 The exponent n can be determined from tool-life curves (see right)
 Smaller n value ⇒ as V increases ⇒ tool life decreases faster
 n can be negative at low cutting speeds
 Temperature also influences wear:
 as temperature increases, flank wear rapidly increases
 Tool-life curves for a variety of cutting-tool materials. The negative reciprocal of the slope of these
curves is the exponent n in the Taylor tool-life Equation, and C is the cutting speed at
T = 1 min, ranging from about 60 to 3,000 m/min in this figure.

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Allowable Wear Land
 Cutting tools need to be replaced/resharpened when:
1. Surface finish of the machined work piece begins to deteriorate
2. Cutting forces increase significantly
3. Temperature rises significantly
 VB values
 Note, VB should be smaller than these values for higher dimensional accuracy, tolerances, surface

 Recommended cutting speed is one producing tool life:

 60-120 min: high-speed steel tools
 30-60 min: carbide tools
 Note, with pc-controlled machine tools, values can vary significantly from above
Optimum Cutting Speed
 Optimum cutting speed is a tradeoff between:
1. Cutting speed(V ), since as V ↑, tool life quickly ↓
2. Material removal rate, since as V ↓, tool life ↑, but material removal rate also ↓
 Crater wear occurs on the rake face of the tool

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Tool Life: Wear and Failure: Crater Wear
 Factors influencing crater wear are
1. Temperature at the tool–chip interface
2. Chemical affinity between tool and workpiece materials
 Crater wear occurs due to “diffusion mechanism”
 This is the movement of atoms across tool-chip interface
 Since diffusion rate increases with increasing temperature, ⇒ crater wear increases as temperature
increases Note how quickly crater wear-rate increases in a small temperature range
 Coatings to tools is an effective way to slow down diffusion process (e.g. titanium nitride, alum.

 Location of the max depth of crater wear, KT, coincides with the location of the max temperature at
the tool–chip interface (see right)
 Note, how the crater-wear pattern coincides with the discoloration pattern
 Discoloration is an indication of high temperatures
 Interface of a cutting tool (right) and chip (left) in machining plain carbon-steel. Compare this with

 Tool Life: Wear and Failure:

Other Types of Wear, Chipping, and Fracture
 Nose wear is the rounding of a sharp tool due to mechanical and thermal effects
o It dulls the tool, affects chip formation, and causes rubbing of the tool over the work piece
o This raises tool temperature, which causes residual stresses on machined surface
 Tools also may undergo plastic deformation because of temperature rises in the cutting zone
o Temp. may reach 1000 ºC (or higher in stronger materials)
 Notches or grooves occur at boundary where chip no longer touches tool
o Boundary is called depth- of-cut (DOC) line with depth VN
o Can lead to gross chipping in tool (due to small area)
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Tools may undergo chipping, where small fragment from the cutting edge of the tool breaks away
 Mostly occurs with brittle tool materials (e.g. ceramics)
 Small fragments: “micro chipping” or “macro chipping”
 Large fragments: “gross fracture” or “catastrophic failure”
Chipping may occur in a region of the tool where a small crack already exists
This causes sudden loss of tool material, change in tool shape
⇒ Drastic effects on surface finish, dimensional accuracy
Two main causes of chipping
 Mechanical shock (impact due to interrupted cutting)
 Thermal fatigue (variations in temp. due to interrupted cutting)
Note, thermal cracks are  to rake face
 It is v. important to continuously monitor the condition of the cutting tool to observe wear, chipping,
gross failure
 Tool-condition monitoring systems are integrated into computer numerical control (CNC) and
programmable logic controllers (PLC)
Classified into 2 categories:
1. Direct method
2. Indirect methods
Direct method for observing the condition of a cutting tool involves optical measurements of wear
E.g. periodic observation of changes in tool using microscope
E.g. programming tool to touch a sensor after every machining cycle (to detect broken tools)
Indirect methods of observing tool conditions involve the correlation of the tool condition with certain
Parameters include forces, power, temp. rise, work piece surface finish, vibration, chatter
e.g. transducers which correlate acoustic emissions (from stress waves in cutting) to tool wear and chipping
e.g. transducers which continually monitor torque and forces during cutting, plus measure and compensate
for tool wear
e.g. sensors which measure temperature during machining
Surface Finish and Integrity
Surface finish:
This influences the dimensional accuracy of machined parts, as well as properties and performance in
service this refers to geometric features of a surface
Surface integrity:-this refers to material properties
e.g. fatigue life, corrosion resistance this is greatly affected by the nature of the surface produced
The following discussion pertains to showing the different factors that affect surface finish and surface

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 The built-up edge has the greatest influence on surface finish (due to large effect on tool-tip surface); see
o Damage shown below is due to BUE
o It appears as “scuffing” (i.e. scratching) marks
o In normal machining: marks would appear as straight grooves
o Note: diamond, ceramic tools have best surface finish (no BUE)
 Machined surfaces produced on steel (highly magnified)
a) turned surface
b) surface produced by shaping

 A dull tool has a large R along its edges (like dull pencil) ↓
o although tool in orthogonal cutting has +ve rake angle (),
o for small depths of cut:  can become –ve
o ⇒ tool overrides work piece (i.e. no cutting) and burnishes surface (i.e. rubs on it), and no chips
are produced
o ⇒ work piece temp. ↑ and this causes residual stresses
o ⇒ surface damage: tearing, cracking
o this occurs when tip radius of tool is large in relation to depth of cut
o solution is to choose: depth of cut > tip radius

 In a turning operation, the tool leaves a spiral profile (feed marks) on the machined surface as it moves
across the work piece as feed (f ) ↑ + tool nose (R) ↓⇒ marks become more distinct
 typical surface roughness is expressed as
Where, Rt: roughness height.
Feed marks are important to consider in finish machining (not rough machining)

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 Vibration and chatter
o adversely affects workpiece surface finish
o tool vibration ⇒ variations in cutting dimensions
o chatter ⇒ chipping, premature failure in brittle tools (e.g. ceramics, diamond)
 Factors influencing surface integrity (adversely) are:
1. Temperatures generated during processing
2. Surface residual stresses
3. Severe plastic deformation and strain hardening of the machined surfaces, tearing and cracking
Note, each of these factors can be controlled by carefully choosing and maintaining cutting tools
Rough machining vs. Finish machining
 Rough machining
 focus: removing a large amount of material at a high rate
 surface finish is not emphasized since it will be improved during finish machining
 Finish machining
 focus is on the surface finish to be produced
 note, it is important that work piece has developed no subsurface-damage due to rough
 Machinability is defined in terms of:
1. Surface finish and surface integrity of machined part
2. Tool life
3. Force and power required
4. The level of difficulty in chip control
 Good machinability indicates
 good surface finish and surface integrity
 a long tool life
 and low force and power requirements

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Note, continuous chips should be avoided for good machinability

Machinability ratings (indexes)

 these have been used also to determine machinability
 available for each type of material and its condition
 not used much anymore due to misleading nature
 e.g.: AISI 1112 steel with a rating of 100:
o for a tool life of 60 min,
o choose 30 m/min cutting speed (for machining this material)
 these are mostly qualitative aspects ⇒ not sufficient to guide operator to machining parts
 Other guides for various materials should include:
cutting speed, feed, depth of cut, cutting tools and shape, cutting fluids
Machinability here discussed for the following:
 Ferrous Metals (e.g. steels, stainless steels, cast iron, etc.)
 Nonferrous Metals (e.g. aluminum, copper, magnesium)
 Miscellaneous Materials (e.g. thermoplastics, ceramics)
 Thermally assisted machining
 Machinability of Ferrous Metals: Steels
Carbon steels have a wide range of machinability
 If a carbon steel is too ductile, chip formation can produce built-up edge, leading to poor surface
 If too hard, it can cause abrasive wear of the tool because of the presence of carbides in the steel
 Cold-worked carbon steels: preferred machinability
Free-machining steels: contain sulfur + phosphorus
Sulfur forms: manganese sulfide inclusions
 Important to choose size, shape, distribution of inclusions
 These act as stress raisers in primary shear zone
 ⇒ chips are small, break easily (i.e. machinability ↑)
Phosphorus has two major –desirable– effects
1. Strengthens ferrite ⇒ better chip formation, surface finish ↑
2. Increases hardness ⇒ short (non-continuous chips)
3. Note, soft steels have low machinability since have tendency to form BUE ⇒ poor surface finish
Leaded steels (e.g. 10L45 steel)
 high percentage of lead solidifies at the tips of manganese sulfide inclusions

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 Lead acts as a solid lubricant (due to low shear strength) at tool-chip interface during cutting
 It also acts: liquid lubricant when temp. is high in front of tool
 It also ↓ shear stress at primary shear zone ⇒ ↓ forces and ↓ power consumption
 Lead is, however, dangerous environmental toxin ⇒ there’s trend to eliminate use of lead in
steel: “lead-free steels”
 Good substitutes: bismuth, tin (but performance is lower)
Calcium-deoxidized steels
 they contain oxide flakes of calcium silicates (CaSO)
 these reduce the strength of the secondary shear zone
 they also decrease tool–chip interface friction and wear
 ⇒ temp. increases are lower ⇒ less crater wear (why?)
Alloy steels
 They have a large variety of compositions and hardnesses
 ⇒ machinability can’t be generalized
 but they have higher hardness and other properties
 Can be used to produce good surface finish, integrity, dimensional accuracy
Effects of Various Elements in Steels
 Presence of aluminum and silicon is harmful in steels
o Reason: combine with oxygen to form aluminum oxide and silicates, which are hard
and abrasive
o ⇒ tool wear increases and machinability is reduced
 Note that as machinability↑, other properties may ↓
o e.g. lead causes embrittlement of steel at high temp. (although has no effect at room
o e.g. sulfur can reduce hot workability of steel
Stainless Steels
 Austenitic (300 series) steels are difficult to machine (needs machine tool with high stiffness to avoid
 Ferritic stainless steels (also 300 series) have good machinability
 Martensitic (400 series) steels are abrasive, tend to form BUE
 Precipitation-hardening stainless steels: strong and abrasive, ⇒ require hard, abrasion-resistant tool
Cast Irons
 Gray irons: machinable, but abrasive (esp. pearlite)
 Nodular, malleable irons: machinable with hard materials
 very easy to machine
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 but softer grades: form BUE ⇒ poor surface finish
 ⇒ recommend high cutting speeds, high rake and relief angles

 requires machining in a controlled environment
 this is due to toxicity of fine particles produced in machining
Cobalt-based alloys
 abrasive and work hardening
 require sharp, abrasion-resistant tool materials, and low feeds and speeds
 can be difficult to machine because of BUE formation
Machinability: Machinability of Nonferrous Metals
 very easy to machine, good surface finish, prolonged tool life
 Caution: high rate of oxidation and fire danger
Titanium and its alloys
 have very poor thermal conductivity
 ⇒ high temp. rise and BUE ⇒ difficult to machine
 brittle, strong, and very abrasive
 ⇒ machinability is low
 Good machinability
 Requires cooling cutting fluid (danger of explosion, fire)
 Machinability: Machinability of Miscellaneous Materials
 Machining requires sharp tools with positive rake angles, large relief angles, small depths of cut and
feed and high speeds
 Cooling also required to keep chips from sticking to tools
Polymer-matrix composites:
 Very abrasive ⇒ difficult to machine
 Also, requires careful handling; avoid touching, inhaling fibers
Metal-matrix and ceramic-matrix composites
 can be difficult to machine depending on the properties of the matrix material and the reinforcing

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 Abrasive
 Requires sharp, hard, abrasion-resistant tools
 Have steadily improving machinability (e.g. nanoceramics)
 Require appropriate processing parameters
 Properties vary with grain direction
 ⇒ type of chips and surfaces vary significantly depending on the type of wood and its
 Basic requirements: sharp tools, high cutting speeds
Machinability: Thermally Assisted Machining
Metals and alloys that are hard to machine at room temp. Can be machined at higher temp.
Thermally assisted machining (hot machining)
 a source of heat is focused onto an area just ahead of the cutting tool (e.g. steels hot machined
at 650º-750º)
 e.g. of heat source: torch, electric current, laser-beam
 Generally difficult and complicated to perform in plants
Advantages of hot machining are:
1. Reduced cutting forces
2. Increased tool life
3. Higher material-removal rates
4. Reduced tendency for vibration and chatter

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