CH-1 Machining
CH-1 Machining
CH-1 Machining
Machining is the removal of material (Subtractive method) and modification of the surfaces of a work
piece. Machining involves secondary and finishing operations.
Machining is a manufacturing process in which a sharp cutting tool is used to cut away material to
leave the work piece to create desired shape.
The predominant cutting action in machining involves shear deformation of the work material to form
a chip as the chip is removed, a new surface is exposed.
Machining aims to generate the shape of the work piece from a solid body, or to improve the tolerances
and surface finish of a previously formed work piece, by removing excess material in the form of chips.
Classification of material removal processes:-
Machining is capable of creating geometric configurations, tolerances, and surface finishes often
unobtainable by any other technique.
Productivity and costs of raw materials often aim at reducing or eliminating machining in mass
production. However, if one considers the cost of the tools, labour and capital it may nowadays
represent up to 10% of Gross Domestic Product.
The industrial revolution and the growth of the manufacturing-based economies of the world can be
traced largely to the development of the various machining operations
a) A cross-sectional view of the machining process. (b) Tool with negative rake angle; compare with
positive rake angle in (a).
Generating shape in machining: (a) straight turning, (b) taper turning, (c) contour turning, (d) plain milling,
and (e) profile milling
Forming to create shape in machining: (a) form turning, (b) drilling, and (c) broaching
Forming to create shape in machining: (a) form turning, (b) drilling, and (c) broaching
Combination of forming and generating to create shape: (a) thread cutting on a lathe, and (b) slot milling.
Cutting Geometry
MRR=vfd, V=πDn and n = revolutions per minute
Large shear strains (≥5) are associated with low shear angles or with low or negative rake angles. Based on
the assumption that the shear angle adjusts itself to minimize the cutting force,
From Velocity diagram, obtain equations from trigonometric relationships (Vs velocity at shearing
Serrated Chips
• Also called segmented or nonhomogeneous chips
• They are semicontinuous chips with
• large zones of low shear strain and
• small zones of high shear strain (shear localization). Example: metals with low thermal conductivity
and strength that decreases sharply with temperature, i.e. thermal softening (e.g. titanium)
• Chips have a sawtooth-like appearance.
Discontinuous Chips
Consist of segments that are attached firmly or loosely to each other. Form under the following conditions:
• Brittle workpiece materials
• Materials with hard inclusions and impurities
• Very low or very high cutting speeds
• Large depths of cut
• Low rake angles
• Lack of an effective cutting fluid
• Low stiffness of the machine tool (⇒ vibration, chatter)
Chip Curl
Chips will develop a curvature (chip curl) as they leave the workpiece surface
• Factors affecting the chip curl conditions are:
Distribution of stresses in the primary and secondary shear zones.
Thermal effects.
Work-hardening characteristics of the workpiece material
Chip Breakers
• Chips can also be broken by changing the tool geometry to control chip flow
Resultant force, R is balanced by an equal and opposite force along the shear plane
It is resolved into shear force, Fs and normal force, Fn
Thrust Force
The tool holder, work-holding devices, and machine tool must be stiff to support thrust force with
minimal deflections
If Ft is too high ⇒ tool will be pushed away from work piece
this will reduce depth of cut and dimensional accuracy
The effect of rake angle and friction angle on the direction of thrust force is
Magnitude of the cutting force, Fc is always positive as the force that supplies the work is required in
However, Ft can be +ve or –ve; i.e. Ft can be upward with a) high rake angle, b) low tool-chip
friction, or c) both
Power is dissipated in
shear plane/zone (due to energy required to shear material)
Rake face (due to tool-chip interface friction)
Power dissipated in shearing is
Denoting the width of cut as w, (i.e. area of cut: wt0), the specific energy for shearing, is
We have
Relative Energies in Cutting
T: (aka Tmean) mean temperature in [K]
Yf: flow stress in [MPa]
ρc: volumetric specific heat in [kJ/m3·K]
K: thermal diffusivity (ratio of thermal conductivity to volumetric specific heat) in [m2/s]
Equation shows that T:
increases with material strength, cutting speed (V), depth of cut (t0);
decreases with ρc and K
Mean temperature in turning on a lathe is given by
V : cutting speed
f : feed of the tool
Approximate values of the exponents a,b:
Highest temp.:1100ºC
High temp.appear as dark-color on chips(by oxidation at high V )
Reason: as V ↑⇒ time for heatdissipation ↓⇒ temp
Temperatures developed in turning 52100 steel
a) flank temperature distribution
b) Tool-chip interface temp. distribution (note, abscissa: 0: tool tip; 1: end of tool-chip contact)
Temperature Distribution
The temperature increases with cutting speed
Chips can become red hot and create a safety hazard for the operator
The chip carries away most (90%) of the heat generated during machining (see right)
Rest carried by tool and work piece
Advanced Machining Technology and Engineering Page 17
Thus high machining speed (V ) ⇒
More energy lost in chips
Machining time decreases
(i.e. favorable machining economics)
Tool-life Curves
The exponent n can be determined from tool-life curves (see right)
Smaller n value ⇒ as V increases ⇒ tool life decreases faster
n can be negative at low cutting speeds
Temperature also influences wear:
as temperature increases, flank wear rapidly increases
Tool-life curves for a variety of cutting-tool materials. The negative reciprocal of the slope of these
curves is the exponent n in the Taylor tool-life Equation, and C is the cutting speed at
T = 1 min, ranging from about 60 to 3,000 m/min in this figure.
Location of the max depth of crater wear, KT, coincides with the location of the max temperature at
the tool–chip interface (see right)
Note, how the crater-wear pattern coincides with the discoloration pattern
Discoloration is an indication of high temperatures
Interface of a cutting tool (right) and chip (left) in machining plain carbon-steel. Compare this with
A dull tool has a large R along its edges (like dull pencil) ↓
o although tool in orthogonal cutting has +ve rake angle (),
o for small depths of cut: can become –ve
o ⇒ tool overrides work piece (i.e. no cutting) and burnishes surface (i.e. rubs on it), and no chips
are produced
o ⇒ work piece temp. ↑ and this causes residual stresses
o ⇒ surface damage: tearing, cracking
o this occurs when tip radius of tool is large in relation to depth of cut
o solution is to choose: depth of cut > tip radius
In a turning operation, the tool leaves a spiral profile (feed marks) on the machined surface as it moves
across the work piece as feed (f ) ↑ + tool nose (R) ↓⇒ marks become more distinct
typical surface roughness is expressed as
Where, Rt: roughness height.
Feed marks are important to consider in finish machining (not rough machining)
requires machining in a controlled environment
this is due to toxicity of fine particles produced in machining
Cobalt-based alloys
abrasive and work hardening
require sharp, abrasion-resistant tool materials, and low feeds and speeds
can be difficult to machine because of BUE formation
Machinability: Machinability of Nonferrous Metals
very easy to machine, good surface finish, prolonged tool life
Caution: high rate of oxidation and fire danger
Titanium and its alloys
have very poor thermal conductivity
⇒ high temp. rise and BUE ⇒ difficult to machine
brittle, strong, and very abrasive
⇒ machinability is low
Good machinability
Requires cooling cutting fluid (danger of explosion, fire)
Machinability: Machinability of Miscellaneous Materials
Machining requires sharp tools with positive rake angles, large relief angles, small depths of cut and
feed and high speeds
Cooling also required to keep chips from sticking to tools
Polymer-matrix composites:
Very abrasive ⇒ difficult to machine
Also, requires careful handling; avoid touching, inhaling fibers
Metal-matrix and ceramic-matrix composites
can be difficult to machine depending on the properties of the matrix material and the reinforcing