Traffic Surveys
Traffic Surveys
Traffic Surveys
Traffic Surveys
Traffic Surveys- Speed, journey time and delay surveys, Vehicles Volume Survey including
non-motorized transports, Methods and interpretation, Origin Destination Survey, Methods
and presentation, Parking Survey, Accident analysis-Methods, interpretation and
presentation, Statistical applications in traffic studies and traffic forecasting, Level of service-
Concept, applications and significance. 8 hours
Traffic Surveys
The various traffic engineering surveys are:
1) Traffic volume study
2) Origin and Destination (O and D) study
3) Parking study
4) Accident studies or traffic flop
5) Speed studies
a) Spot speed study
b) Speed and delay study
6) Traffic flow characteristics
7) Traffic capacity study
1) Manual counts/methods
2) Mechanical counts/methods
These include:
a) Pneumatic counter
b) Photoelectric cells
c) Radar detector
d) Ultrasonic device
e) Magnetic detector
f) Infrared device, etc
Manual Counts
This method employs a field team to record traffic volume on the prescribed record
sheets. By this method it is possible to obtain data which can not be collected by mechanical
counters, such as vehicle classification, turning movements and counts where the loading
conditions or number of occupants are required.
Mechanical Counters
These may be either fixed (permanent) type or portable type. The mechanical counter
can automatically record the total number of vehicles crossing a section of the road in a
desired period. The working may be by the effect of impulses or stimuli caused by traffic
movements on a pneumatic hose placed across the roadway or by using any other type of
senor. Traffic count is recorded by electrically operated counters and recorders capable of
recording the impulses. The impulses caused by vehicles of light weight may not be enough
in some cases to actuate the counter. Also it is not possible to easily record pedestrian traffic
by this method.
AADT of the total traffic as well as classified traffic are calculated. This helps in deciding
the relative importance of a route and in phasing the road development programme.
Traffic flow maps along the routes, (the thickness of the lines representing the traffic
volume to any desired scale), are drawn. These help to find the traffic volume distribution at a
These charts shows the volume trends over period of years are prepared. These data are
useful for planning future expansion, design and regulation.
4) Variation Charts
These shows hourly, daily and seasonal variations are also prepared. These help in
deciding the facilities and regulation needed during peak traffic periods.
It is found from the plot between hourly volume and the number of hours in an year that
the traffic volume is exceeded. The 30th highest hourly volume is the hourly volume that will
be exceeded only 29 times in a year and all other hourly volumes of the year will be less than
this value. The highest or peak hourly volume of the year will be too high that it will not be
economical to design the facilities according to this volume. The annual average hourly
volume (AAHV) found from AADT will not be sufficient during considerable period of a
year. The high facilities designed with capacity for 30 th highest hourly traffic volume in the
assumed year is found to be satisfactory from both facility and economic considerations. This
is because the cost will be less when compared to the peak hourly volume and hence
reasonable. There will be congestion only during 29hours in the year. Thus the 30 th highest
hourly volume is generally taken as the hourly volume for design. However the actual design
hourly volume may be decided after carrying out traffic volume studies on the desired
location of the road. The design hourly volume thus arrived at need not necessarily be the 30 th
highest hourly volume in all the cases.
Specific Uses
a) To determine the amount of by-passable traffic that enters a town, and thus establish the
need for a by-pass.
b) To develop trip generation and trip distribution models in transport planning process.
c) To determine the extent to which the present highway system is adequate and to plan for
new facilities.
d) To assess the adequacy of parking facilities and to plan for future.
If the survey is needed for urban transportation planning process for a large town. It is
necessary to define the study area and sub-divide it into zones.
In the study of transportation problems of towns (big or small) it is necessary to define the
external cordon lines.
In big towns, it may be necessary to select some internal cordon lines, which may be
concentric rings arranged in a grid pattern.
For checking the accuracy of survey data, it may be necessary to have screen-lines, which
are imaginary lines dividing the area into parts.
Methods of O-D Survey
Following are some of the methods available for conducting an O-D survey:
1) Home Interview Survey
a) Full Interview Technique
b) Home Questionnaire Technique
2) Road Side Interview Survey
3) Post Card Questionnaire Survey
4) Registration Number Plate Survey
5) Tags on Vehicles
In case of medium sized cities (population range 5000-75,000). Two cordon lines are
necessary, the external cordon at the edge of the urban development and the internal cordon
at the limits of the central business district. Road side interviews at the intersection of roads
For dual carriageways or roads with very little traffic, traffic in both directions is dealt
simultaneously. In other cases the traffic in two directions will be interviewed at different
times.If the survey covers most of the day it may be sufficient to interview traffic in one
direction only and to assume that the journeys in the opposite direction are the same as in the
direction interviewed.
It is impractical to stop and interview all the vehicles. Hence sampling is necessary
which depends on the number of interviewers and traffic using the road.
3) Post Card Questionnaire Survey
In this method, reply paid questionnaires are handed over to each of the drivers at the
survey points and requesting them to complete the information and return by post. The
method avoids delay caused to the drivers by the direct roadside interview method but suffer
from the disadvantage that the response may not be good. It is possible to get a good amount
of information from this method. The method is simpler and cheaper than other methods.
5) Tags on Vehicles
In this method, at each point where the roads cross the cordon line, vehicles are stopped
and a tag is affixed, usually under a windscreen wiper.
The tags for different survey stations have different shapes and/or colour to identify the
survey station. The vehicles are stopped again at the exit points where the tags are removed.
The times of entering and leaving the area may be marked on the tags in order to enable the
journey times to be determined.
The data obtained from the home-interview survey is usually cross checked with the
data obtained from screen-line and cordon counts.
Presentation of Results
O-D survey yields a vast amount of data. To understand them, it is necessary to
present them is convenient tabular or pictorial form.
a) Tabular Form:
O-D matrix is one of the tabular forms of representing the O-D survey data (in which the
origin zones and destination zones are represented. The horizontal axis of the matrix
represents the origin zones and the vertical axis of the matrix represents the destination zones.
The zones may be further classified into internal and external zones, if the survey covers both
the internal and external zones.
1 2 3 72 73 74
O-D Matrix
In the above matrix, t2-3 represents the number of trips originating in zone-2 and
terminating in zone-3.
b) Pictorial Representation:
Desire line chart is one of the most popular pictorial representations.
In this chart, the trip between any pair of zones are represented by a straight line
connecting the centroids of the two zones and having a band width drawn to a suitable scale
to represent the actual volume of trips.
a) Total length of kerb and lengths governed by no waiting and limited waiting
b) Number of parking spaces provided on street.
c) Street width.
d) Location of bus stops, bus bays, pedestrian crossings, taxi stands, and other features
that are likely to affect the use of the street for parking.
e) Traffic management measures such as prohibited turns, one-way streets, exclusive bus
lanes, etc.
f) Number and type of traffic signs for regulation of parking.
g) Vacant or unused land suitable for temporary or permanent parking space.
5) Photographic Method
Photographic methods are findings useful application in parking surveys. Its analysis can
be done conveniently in the office by replaying the cassette on a TV monitor.
1) On-Street Parking
Parking which is made on the road along with a kerb is known as “On-street parking”.
Common methods of on-street parking are:
a) Parallel parking
b) 30° angle parking
c) 45° angle parking
d) 60° angle parking
e) 90° angle parking or Right angle parking
Since the centre of the town is the worst hit by the parking problem, it is natural to
think in terms of providing parking facilities at the periphery of the town and induce the
motorists to park there and travel to the busy town centre by some other mode. There are a
number of schemes which have been devised to secure the desired objectives. They are:
a) Park and Walk
b) Park and Ride
c) Kiss and Ride
a) Park and Walk
Under this scheme the motorists are induced to park at the outskirts of the town and
walk down the town centre. The inducement is in the form of lower parking charges at the
periphery than at the town centre or no parking charges at all.
b) Park and Ride
This scheme provides for peripheral parking facilities and public transport side to the
destinations in the town centre. For success the total travel time including parking time,
waiting time at the bus stop and travel time by bus should not be excessively high to make
with disfavour and decide to bring the car to the town centre inspite of the high parking
charges there. Also, the cost of peripheral parking plus the charges for to and fro journey by
bus should be less than the cost of travel by his car plus the charges for parking at the town
c) Kiss and Ride
This scheme derives its name from the good-bye kiss of a wife dropping her husband
in the car in the morning near a bus stop from where the husband goes to work in a bus. The
reverse operation takes place in the evening. Adequate space for parking of cars near the bus
b) Accidents
The manoeuvres associated with parking and unparking are known to cause road
accidents. Careless opening of the doors of parked vehicle, moving out of a parked position
and bringing a car to the parking location from the main stream of traffic are some of the
common causes of parking accidents.
d) Environment
Parked vehicles degrade the environment of the town centre. Stopping and starting of
vehicles result in nose and fumes. Cars parked into every little available space debase the
visual aesthetics.
1) To study the causes of accidents and to suggest corrective treatment at potential location.
2) To evaluate existing designs
3) To support proposed designs
4) To carry out before-and-after studies and to demonstrate the improvement in the problem.
5) To make computations of financial loss.
6) To give economic justification for the improvements suggested by the traffic engineer.
There are four basic elements in a traffic accident:
1) Road users
2) Vehicles
3) Road and its condition
4) Environmental factors- traffic, weather, etc.
1) Road Users
a) Drivers of one or more vehicles involved
b) Pedestrians
c) Passenger
a) Driver
Excessive speed and rash driving
Other Causes
Incorrect signs or signals
Gate of level crossing not closed when required
Ribbon development
Badly located advertisement boards, etc.
a) Location Maps or Files: these are useful to keep a check on the location of accident and
to identify points of high accident incidence. Location fields should be maintained by
each police station for the respective jurisdiction.
b) Spot Maps: These show accident by spots, pins or symbols on the map. A map of
suitable scale (say 1 cm= 40-60m) may be used for spotting the urban accidents. Different
shapes and size of spots are used to indicate different types and severity of accident. The
common legend used for spot maps, are given below:
c) Condition Diagram
Condition diagram is a drawing to scale showing all important physical conditions of
an accident location to be studied.
The important features shown in this diagram are roadway limits, curves, kerb lines,
bridges, culverts, trees and all details of roadway conditions, obstruction to vision, property
lines, signs, signals, etc.
6) Cost Analysis
Injuries and fatalities of persons involved
Spot Speed
It is the instantaneous speed of a vehicle at a specified location.
Uses of Spot Speed:
Spot speed measurement is needed for a number of purposes given below:
1) For Geometric Design of Roads
Based on the speed studies, the design speed can be selected and other geometric elements
of design such as horizontal curvature, vertical profile, sight distance and super-elevation
can be determined.
2) For Regulation and Control of Traffic Operations, spot speed studies are needed. They
enable the safe speed limits to be established and speed zoning to be determined.
3) Spot speed is used in the design of traffic signal and location and size of traffic signs.
4) Spot speed is used for analysing the causes of accidents and identifying relation between
speed and accidents.
5) For Before-and-After studies of Road Improvement Schemes, it is necessary to have
spot speed data enabling a meaningful analysis to be carried out of the affect of
6) For determining the problems of congestion on roads and relating capacity with speeds.
1) The location at which measurements are taken is governed by the specific purpose for
which the data is required. For example, if the data is likely to be used to analyse the
accident pattern, the survey will be needed at high accident frequency locations.
2) Site selected should reduce the influence of study team and equipment to a minimum upon
the vehicle speed. For this purpose, the study team and the equipment should be located as
inconspicuously (far) as possible.
From the known distance and by the measured time intervals speed can be calculated.
A simple variation of this method is to station two observers, one at each reference
point. The observer standing at the reference point which the vehicle passes first, signals that
a vehicle to be timed is passing the point and the second observer then starts watch. The
second observer stops the stop watch when he observers the same vehicle passing the
reference point. The disadvantage with this method is that it involves the reaction time of two
individual observers.
It is also known as the mirror-box. It is an L-shaped box, open at both ends, with a
mirror set at a 45-degree angle to the arms of the instrument as shown in figure 1.
Fig 1: Enoscope
Enoscope eliminates the parallex effect that creeps in when the direct readings are
taken by one observer.
Working Principle/Procedure
The instrument bends the Line of Sight (LoS) of the observer so that it is
perpendicular to the path of the vehicle. The method can be used with one enoscope or with
two enoscopes.
If one enoscope is used, the instrument is placed directly opposite directly opposite to
the first reference point and the observer stations himself at the other reference point as
shown in figure 2.
Fig 2
Recording can be manual i.e., the instantaneous speeds being noted by the observer or
can be automatic with an electronic system.
2) Radar Speedmeter
These meters work on the Doppler principle that the speed of a moving body is
proportional to the change in the frequency between the radio wave transmitted to the moving
body and the radio wave received back.
The instrument directly measures the speed at an accuracy of atleast ±1.5 to 3 kmph.
The instrument is battery operated and is portable.
The speed meter is so kept that the angle between the direction of travel of the vehicle
and the axis of transmission of the radio wave is as low as possible, within 20º. The
instrument is set up near the edge of the carriage way at a height of about 1m, above the
ground level. The speeds of vehicles in both directions can be observed by this method.
From the spot speed data of the selected samples, frequency distribution tables are
prepared by arranging the data in groups covering various speed ranges and the number of
vehicles in such range. The arithmetic mean calculated is taken as the average speed. The
table gives the general information of the speeds maintained on the section (road) and also
regarding the speed distribution pattern.
A graph is plotted with the average values of each speed group on the X-axis and the
cumulative percent of vehicles travelled at or below the different speeds on the Y-axis.
From this graph, the 85th percentile speed is found out which gives that speed at or
below 85th percent of the vehicles are passing the point on the highway or only 15 th percent of
the vehicles exceed the speed at that spot.
The drivers exceeding 85th percentile speed are usually considered to drive faster than
the safe speed under existing conditions and hence this speed is adopted for the safe speed
limit at this zone. For the purpose of highway geometric design, the 98 th percentile speed is
The 15th percentile speed represents the lower speed limit if it is desired to prohibit
slow moving vehicles to decrease delay and congestion, as 85 th percent of the vehicles to the
stream travel at speeds higher than this value and therefore need overtaking opportunities.
The frequency distribution curve of spot speeds is plotted with speed of vehicles or
average values of each speed group of vehicles on the X-axis and the percentage of vehicles
in that group on the Y-axis.
This graph is called the speed distribution curve. This curve will have a definite peak
value of travel speed across the section and this speed is denoted as model speed. The speed
distribution curve is helpful in determining the speed at which the greatest proportions of
vehicles move, given by the model speed.
All vehicles do not travel at the same speed at a location along a road. The amount of
speed dispersion or the spread from the average speed affects both capacity and safety.
For free flow of vehicles, the speed distribution follows a normal distribution curve.
The quality of flow of vehicles in a stream therefore depends on the speed dispersion. This
may be judged by several methods such as (85 th minus 15th percentile speeds); standard
deviation of speeds, or the coefficient of variation in speed.
Running speed is the average speed maintained by a vehicle over a given course
while the vehicle is in motion. Running speed excludes that part of the journey time when the
vehicle suffers delay.
Journey speed (overall travel speed) is the effective speed of a vehicle between two
points and is the distance between two points divided by the total time taken by the vehicle to
complete the journey, including all delays incurred en-route.
1) The cost of a journey depends upon the speed at which it is made. In all highway
economic studies, journey speeds and delay are highly important.
2) Journey-time studies on a road network in a town are useful to evaluate congestion,
capacity, level of service and the need for improvements.
3) In transportation planning studies, the determination of the travel time is necessary for
carrying out the trip assignment. Also travel time and delays are some of the factors
affecting modal choice.
4) Before-and-after studies pertaining to journey time are useful for assessing the
effectiveness of improvement measures.
5) Delay studies at intersections provide data for the design and installation of the
appropriate traffic control device.
The methods commonly used for measuring running speed and journey speed are:
1) Moving Observer Method/Floating Car/Riding Check Method
2) Registration Number Method/ Vehicle Number Method/License Plate
3) Elevated Observer Method/ Elevated Observations
4) Interview Technique
5) Photographic Technique
(na ny)
q ta tw
q = flow of vehicles, in one direction of the stream.
na = average number of vehicles counted in the direction of the stream when the test
vehicle travels in the opposite direction.
ny = average number of vehicles overtaking the test vehicle minus the number of
vehicles overtaken when the test is in the direction of „q‟
tw = Average journey time,(in minute) when the test vehicle is travelling with the stream
ta = Average journey time,(in minute) when the test vehicle is running against the
stream q.
In this method, the work can be completed in a short time by interviewing and
collecting details from the road users on the spot. However the data collected may not
provide with all the details correctly.
Presentation of Journey Speed and Running Speed (Travel Time and Journey Speed
1) Graphical representation
2) Time zone map around a CBD
The journey speed and running speed data pertaining to a road network in an area can
be conveniently represented in the graphical form as shown in figure.
The actual time taken for journeys to various points from a common point of origin or
destination can be represented in a time zone map. In this map, the time taken is shown in the
form of contours as shown in figure and it is known as Isochrones.
In addition to stopped delays, there are delays which are caused by the interaction of
various factors such as congestion, inadequacy of carriage widths, mixed traffic conditions,
parked cars and heavy pedestrian flow. This kind of delay is called congestion delay or
operational delay and it is difficult to be measured precisely.
One method of measuring congestion delay is to determine the average running speed
when the traffic conditions are free-moving and vehicles are free to move without any
hindrance. The difference between this speed and the actual speed under congested
conditions gives an idea of the congestion delay.
Design Speed
It is the maximum safe speed selected which can be maintained over a particular
section of highway under favourable conditions of weather, traffic and road geometrics.
Median Speed
It is the speed represented by a middle value when all the speeds are arranged in
ascending order. It is known as 50th percentile speed.
50th Percentile Speed
Out of total observations half the speed values will be above and half will be below
the speed.
85th Percentile Speed
It is the speed below which 85% of the vehicles will travels. It is the speed at which
motorists are tempting the safety conditions of highway and should not be exceeded. It is
often used as criteria in establishing the upper limit of speed for traffic management purpose.
Modal Speed
It is the speed at which more number of vehicles travel. It is the peak of a frequency
distribution curve. It is the speed value which occurs frequently and this speed is having
highest frequency of observations.
Average Speed
It is the average of spot speeds of all the vehicles passing a given point on the
This is of two types:
a) Space-Mean Speed
b) Time-Mean Speed
a) Space-Mean Speed
It is the speed corresponding to average of overall travel time to cover a particular
section of highway.
, Vs= space-mean speed, kmph
D= length of road considered, m
n= number of individual vehicle observations
ti= observed travel time(sec) for ith vehicle to travel distance d(m)
b) Time-Mean Speed
It is also known as arithmetic mean speed. It is obtained by adding all the journey
speeds at different observations and are divided by the number of observations.
Vt= time-mean speed, kmph
Vi= observed instantaneous speed of ith vehicles, kmph
n= number of vehicles observed.
Objectives of Spot Speed Studies
Following are the objectives of spot speed studies:
1) To establish the trends in operating speeds by periodic collection of data.
2) To check the speed at problem locations whether the speeds are too high or not.
3) In accidents analysis, to obtain the relationship of speed to accidents.
4) To evaluate the capacity of a road w.r.t. speed.
5) In before-and-after studies, to evaluate the effect of changes in conditions.
6) In enforcement to find out the effectiveness of traffic control.
Department of Civil Engineering, VCET Puttur. Page 32
7) For geometric design features these are helpful in following ways:
a) To find out the design speed.
b) To design curvature, sight distance, super elevation, etc.
8) Data collected in these studies is helpful in traffic regulation and control in the following
a) To establish speed limits
b) To locate traffic signs
c) To located and designing of traffic signals
d) Establishing speed zones.
e) Safe speeds on curves and at intersections.
1) Regression Methods
The basic principle behind this method is that the expected number of accidents, on a
certain road system during a given time period, is dependent in a linear way on factors which
are supposed to be of significance for the determination of accident frequency. The number
of accidents occurring on a certain day is itself assumed to be normally distributed, with a
mean value being a linear function of regression variables, and a variance being constant an
same for all days of a certain time period studied. The numbers of accidents on different days
are assumed to be stochastically independent. Some of the regression variables (independent
variables) that could be considered are:
a) Two wheeled vehicles involved in personal injury accidents as a proportion of all vehicles
b) Cost of safety improvements.
c) Number of pedestrians
d) Pavement width
e) Number of junctions per km length of road.
3) Normal Distribution
The most important distribution of a continous variable is the normal distribution. The
normal distribution has a number of useful applications in traffic engineering. One of the
examples of a normal distribution is the speed of vehicles. Normal distribution is very useful
in dealing with sampling, since it is found that irrespective of the distribution of the
population, means of random samples taken from the population tend to assume a normal
distribution. Normal distribution can also be used for approximating other types of
In this study, the analyst has to carefully study the past data and look for any indicators
that are likely to influence the future pattern.
In another method, data on certain known contributors to traffic are analysed and then
traffic is forecast based on any relation between traffic and these contributors. Population,
gross domestic product, vehicle ownership, agricultural and industrial, fuel consumption etc,
are some of these contributors.
Population data are available in all the countries for the past number of years. Future
population is predicted by the elaborate methods available with the demographers and the
transport planner should consult the experts in the field for help. Forecast of this parameter
may not be very reliable but a reasonable accuracy should be acceptable for the purposes of
traffic forecasting.
Vehicle ownership is an important determinant of traffic. If the vehicle population is
known, total number of travel per year expressed in vehicle- km, can be found by multiplying
the vehicle population with the average run of a vehicle in a year.
To determine car ownership rates, econometric models have been developed.
Data on fuel consumption in the past can be a good indicator of the amount of travel;
difficulties arise because of the use of petrol and diesel for purposes other than motor vehicle.
Data on agricultural, industrial and mining output and consumption, including exports
and imports, can be useful in discerning the past trends and arriving at a future forecast.
In the sequential models, the trip-making behavior is built-up in a sequential order and
each travel decision is made independently of others.
In the simultaneous models, all attributes of travel choice are considered together.
Types of Traffic
Following are the types of traffic, necessary while dealing with traffic forecasting:
2) Traffic Increase
a) Normal growth of traffic, representing the increase in traffic on the existing facility if no
improvement is made. This is due to general increase in the number and usage motor
b) Diverted traffic, representing the traffic diverted on to, or away from, the route or mode
being studied.
c) Induced Traffic, representing the new traffic because of new travelers making use of the
improved or new facility.
d) Items (b) and (c) above are also sometimes known as generated traffic.
e) Development Traffic, representing the increase in traffic due to improvements on adjacent
land over and above the development which would have taken place had not the new or
improved highway been constructed.
Basic Capacity
It is the maximum number of passenger cars that can pass a given point on a lane or a
roadway during an hour under the most ideal roadway and traffic conditions, which can be
attained. Basic capacity is the theoretical capacity.
Possible Capacity
It is the maximum number of vehicles that can pass a given point on a lane or
roadway during one hour under the prevailing roadway and traffic conditions. The possible
capacity of a road is generally much lower than the basic capacity as the prevailing roadway
and traffic conditions are ideal.
In worst case when the prevailing traffic condition is so bad that due to traffic
congestion. The traffic may come to a standstill, the possible capacity of the road may
approach zero.
Traffic Density
It is the number of vehicles occupying a unit length of lane or roadway at a given
instant (time) per certain length. It is expressed as vehicles per kilometre (vehicle/km)
Highest traffic density occurs under traffic congestion or when traffic volume is zero.
f) Driving comfort
g) Safety
The HCM (Highway Capacity Manual) has suggested six levels A, B, C, D, E and F as
shown in figure below:
LOS ‘A’ is considered to exist when the volume to capacity is so low that most of the
individual vehicles have opportunities to travel at their free speeds and to overtake the slower
vehicles at their will, this is possible at the highest speed range. With increase in the volume
of the v/c ratio, the operating speeds of faster vehicles and their opportunities to overtake
decreases and the LOS fall to decreasing values of B, C, D and E. Further, increase in
vehicle arrivals causes further decrease in stream speed as well as in maximum flow,
resulting in undue congestion and the lowest LOS ‘F’ when forced flow conditions exist.